There are 52 Cards divided into 4 Suits of Cards in The Division 2. Unlike traditional collectibles these are not simply located at fixed positions or picked up. Instead, they are all dropped by unique named enemies with yellow health bars in the game. This guide will show you the best farming method to get all cards reliably. Finding one set of cards unlocks the “Suits You, Sir!” trophy and achievement.
You can keep track of your progress towards this by pressing /
> Progression >
“DC” tab > Database > scroll down to the 4 packs of “Snitch Cards”.
- Snitch Cards: Clubs (13 pieces)
- Snitch Cards: Diamonds (13 pieces)
- Snitch Cards: Hearts (13 pieces)
- Snitch Cards: Spades (13 pieces)
How to Get Cards in The Division 2
These cards are exclusively dropped by named enemies with yellow health bars that can only spawn in the open world (not in missions or dark zone). Each named enemy drops 1 card guaranteed but it’s random for which set. There is no way to find these as collectible pickups, they are all dropped by the named enemies with yellow health.
What makes this a bit annoying is that only 1 named enemy can spawn every 30 minutes (real time). Furthermore, if you die during an encounter with such an enemy they disappear and it takes another 30 minutes for a new named enemy to spawn.
Now the good news is that they can all be farmed at the same spot. Every 30 minutes a new named enemy will spawn in the same place. In total you have 52 potential cards. 30 minutes per card spawn x 52 cards = 1560 minutes (26 hours) to get them all. If you’re really lucky you might be done in about 10 hours playtime with the trophy / achievement “Suits You, Sir!” if you keep getting cards for the same set.
During the endgame (after the story) they will always spawn in the same spot every 30 minutes. During the story they have a low spawn chance. They can appear but might not be there, this is because the Black Tusk enemy faction doesn’t spawn until the endgame. That’s why you might not find them there during the story.
Suit of Cards Farming Location
Here are guaranteed spawn points where a named enemy always spawns every 30 minutes (after finishing the story). Please note that you cannot farm both at the same time. If you killed a named enemy no more can spawn on the entire map for 30 minutes. So if you kill someone in one spot, they won’t appear in the 2nd spot any sooner. Just stick to one spot to keep it simple.
Farming Spot #1 – South of White House: This is the best spot early on! It’s available right after the game’s prologue and it’s the lowest level area on the map. You can go here after every story mission, or whenever you go away for more than 30 minutes. This should be your go-to spot until you unlock fast travel to the District Union Arena Stronghold. In the early game the enemies have a lower spawn chance, after the story they will always be there.
Farming Spot #2 – Courtyard south of District Union Arena Stronghold: This one is just a few steps away from the Union Arena Stronghold, which you can fast travel to after having beaten it. You go to the Stronghold at the end of the story so this is better reserved for the endgame. Once you have the stronghold done you can fast travel to it (after the story it gets retaken by enemies and you must capture it again). This takes less walking than going from the White House to our first spot.
To reduce the grind, it is recommended that after every main mission you head to the farming spot near the white house, kill the yellow health bar enemy there with a name above their head. Then quickly run over their dropped loot the collect the card. When you pick it up it will show in the bottom left corner “New Collectible Acquired: Card Name”. With this strategy you will get lots of cards between missions. You can also set an alarm clock for every 30 minutes. Simply fast travel back to the White House after 30 minutes have passed and run back to the farming spot. Rinse and repeat. It’s a long process but you don’t have to actively play during those 30 minutes, you can just keep the game running.
In order to get all trophies and achievements you’ll have to do about 45 missions anyway (16 in the story, again 16 on hard, and in the endgame you have to replay a majority of missions once again). Missions tend to last 15-30 minutes. Realistically, if you start this early on, always keep a timer / stopwatch running, and get one card after each main mission, you should have one set of cards completed at some point in the endgame. If that takes you out of the experience too much you can just leave the game running and grab a card every 30 minutes.
That’s everything there is to know about The Division 2 Cards, may the luck be on your side with those random drops! Special thanks to PSN-Users “Infamous__Dan” for the first spot and “SlySinatra” for the second spot.
Alex says
That first area is not working for me at all. I’ve gone there at least 10 times now and never had a unique enemy spawn there
Carlos G. says
I’ve been trying on both areas since a few days ago and have never encountered a single card enemy. It must have been changed so they spawn after endgame now =(
Cypher says
they did Repeatedly say that its a VERY low chance of spawn till at least endgame
Eisenkhan says
I can confirm that the first area only started spawning once I achieved Tier 1. I checked multiple times before and they never spawned, once I hit WT1 I fast traveled to the White House and found them exactly as described.
The funny thing is though, when I went to check my collectibles immediately after…I had 2 snitch cards. I have no idea when or how I received the first one…
Eisenkhan says
I should correct my message…I mention world tier here, but I actually meant commendation tier.
TroubleBound says
Thanks agent, they started showing up for me right after reaching commendation tier 1 as you suggested.
Arkonite says
“In theory, if you had a 2nd console or a friend who’s playing, you could join their game every 30 minutes to get another card in their world, then return to your world.”
Unfortunetaly no… whatever the instance, once you killed a named elite ennemy, all the rest of them disappear and repop only after 30 minutes, even if you change of instance. I tried many times in friend’s instances and when i return in my world there are only basic ennemies 🙁
Plus, I think the card loot is balanced, sometimes I get two or three cards of the same suit, but the following ones are necessarily different suits. Currently, I am at about 10 cards of each suit 🙁
PowerPyx says
The trick to join other sessions has worked for some people. Maybe they fixed this already. The most reliable method is to just put an alarm every 30 minutes and check manually.
Ned Kelly 3K says
Thanks really helped every time I go to first location new named boss almost completed all cards and comms etc.
Dan says
Note: if there are any events in the area like a convoy, patrol, territory control etc, the enemy will not spawn. Just kill whatever is there, fast travel to the white house or stronghold and go back. The enemy should spawn as normal.
Patch says
Does anyone know of a list of cards? I’m trying to find the 4 of diamonds and want to know their name to be on the lookout.
Chris says
I have found two more spawn points one is in foggy bottom intersection of 23rd st NW and E st expressway.
The second is in Constitution hall 18th and Virginia Avenue.
Mad Dog says
I created a Python simulation of 50,000,000 shuffled decks. There are 8.06 x 10^67 possible deck combinations, but 50,000,000 seemed like a reasonable sample. Plus it took more than an hour to run, and the results were not noticeably different from when I ran 1,000,000 decks. The average time to a full set was 45.3 cards (so, 46 kills). The median was 46. Fully 92.4% of simulations required 41 or more cards, and 10.6% required the maximum 49 cards.
In other words, boys and girls, settle in for the long haul.
I’m on the last card and can’t seem to get the 10 of diamonds. I’ve gone to the spawn locations killed the named boss 5 times and still no drop! Is there a bug I need to be worried about?