This walkthrough for Chapter 8: Tower in The Callisto Protocol will guide you through all objectives. This also includes Collectibles, Resource Caches and other important items.
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
- Data-Bios: 4
- Obtainable Trophies:
Full Circle,
Grim Reaper,
I Do Belong Here,
The Protocol is About Life
During the intro cutscene to this chapter, you will get Full Circle.
Search For The Lab
After the cutscene, get out of the cell, turn to the right, and go through the Door “Security P341” and follow the given path.
You will reach a server room, with an upgrade station right in front of you.
Past the upgrade station go into the actual server room and fight against a 2-headed mutant. Just like in encounters before you should dodge once, shoot once, repeat. When it goes down you must melee attack to destroy one head, then repeat the same procedure for the second head.
After defeating the 2-headed mutant, pick up the Gate Fuse in the corner of the server room.
Head back to the room with the upgrade station and insert the fuse into the terminal to open the door.
Data-Bios #40 – Dr. Tala Ismene: Observation
Right after you passed the door, you can go to the left or right. Go left here and at the end of the hallway, you will find the collectible on the right side. Be careful, 2 enemies spawn when you approach the collectible (one in front, one behind you). Take out the two enemies quickly before they have a chance to mutate.
Turn around and go through the door.
Get Through Asylum
At the end of the hallway go down the stairs and follow the given path.
After you passed the Morgue you will reach this hallway.
Go through the door called “Biohazard Storage A230” and climb down the ladder. Be careful of the enemy that climbs up the ladder when you approach it.
Find Fuse
Soon after you climbed down the ladder you will reach a hallway. To the right is a closed door that needs a fuse. To find the Fuse go to the left of the hallway and open up the Vent at the end with GRP ( +
) and crawl through it.
Data-Bios #41 – Dr. Tala Ismene: Taken
Right after you get out of the vent, turn to the right and go up the blocked stairs to find this collectible.
Get down the stairs and find the Fuse opposite the stairs on the ground.
Unlock Door M150 With Fuse
You can crawl back through the vent now, after that go to the end of the hallway and open the door with the fuse.
Search For The Lab
Right after opening the M150 door, you will be in a hallway. To the right is an upgrade station.
Follow the given path through the lab.
Kill The Two-Head
After you passed the Lab you will be in a big hallway where you fight against another two-headed mutant. It’s the same strategy as previous fights. As soon as the two-head spawns you can also shoot the explosive canister when it walks past it, this deals a lot of damage, a few more headshots and it will go down so you can melee-attack it to destroy one head. Some crawling explosive enemies will spawn too, shoot those first. Then some normal enemies also spawn, throw them in the fan blades with GRP or quickly kill them with firearms while the two-head is still stunned from losing one head.
Get Through The Medical Facility
After Killing the two-headed mutant, go through the only door here and follow the given path.
Talk To Dr. Mahler
Data-Bios #42 – Edward Bates: Experimentation
Soon after you passed the previous door, Dr. Mahler will open up this door for you, pass it and you will find the collectible on the right side.
This should unlock Grim Reaper for finding all Data-Bios, if you picked up every other collectible until now.
Follow the given path until you reach the Lab. Open the door at the end to find Dr. Mahler. A cutscene will start.
Head For The Wardens Tower
Right after the cutscene, follow the given path to reach an elevator, then use it.
Data-Bios #43 – Duncan Cole: Cole’s Triumph
After taking the elevator up to the tower with Dani, this Data-Bio will be sitting on a white desk in the gallery-looking room after exiting the elevator. The trophy should already have popped from the previous Collectible but this one is the final entry in the Data-Bios menu.
Get out of this room and follow the path. After interacting with another door you will be in a dream sequence. Follow the given path until a cutscene starts.
Look For The Warden
After the cutscene, get through the door in front of you. Follow the given path. You will find the final upgrade station of the game. Prepare yourself for the boss fight. It is recommended to use the Assault Riffle here, so take as much ammo with you as you can. If you have some batteries left keep those too. Having 1 health injector is enough, it can be useful for the final boss phase. On Maximum Security difficulty try to have 500 Assault Rifle ammo or more (ideally, entire inventory full if you can afford it). Also buy the assault rifle upgrade that increases damage but if you don’t have enough credits it’s better to invest everything into assault rifle ammo instead.
Once you are prepared for the fight, approach the hallway. At the start of the hallway on the right interact with the terminal to start a cutscene. Don’t go to the end of the hallway, it’s a dead-end with a wall blocking your path. The terminal you must use is at the very start of the hallway on the right wall.
Defeat Cpt. Ferris & Final Boss Fight
After the cutscene, you will fight against Cpt. Ferris. In the first phase, just dodge his attacks and attack him with melee attacks once he finished his combo. Compared to the Chapter 7 fight he will use more melee attacks this time. So really watch out until he is completely done attacking, don’t attack him before that.
Once you damaged him enough, another cutscene will start and he will transform into his final phase.
This phase is where the assault rifle comes in handy. Keep walking in circles around the center of the room, keeping the boss across from you. Shoot the cocoon around his face area. Once the cocoon is destroyed, shoot the face. Beware, the boss will now start running towards you, trying to melee you. But as usual you can dodge with the left stick if he gets close. Just stay moving in circles around the middle of the room. After dealing enough damage to his face he will grow back the protective cocoon and it spawns 2 pairs of 2 explosive crawling enemies each. Keep walking in circles, ignore the boss for now, instead destroy the 4 explosive enemies first. They are a much bigger threat to you when they get close and explode. If you have enough GRP charge left you can also lift the explosive enemies and toss them at the boss for some damage. But shooting them with the assault rifle is easiest. After all 4 crawlers are dead you rinse and repeat the same cycle. Each time you destroyed the protective cocoon and shot the face, it will spawn 4 of these explosive enemies. Always take them out quickly. If they get too close you can run into another corner of the room, but also don’t let the main boss attack you from behind. The boss will occasionally fire projectiles at you – these can be escaped by running sideways but it’s tricky to do, so you will likely suffer some damage. If your health gets very low, you can try to rush to the corner of the area while the boss is in his cocoon phase (he’s slower in this phase) and quickly use a health injector. Just don’t attempt this while the boss has his face revealed because he’ll be charging at you quickly, and don’t attempt it when the crawling enemies are around because they will explode on you. After repeating the whole process a few times the boss will die.
After the fight, there’s a cutscene, then Jacob and Dani will run to the escape pods. It’s a linear path, just follow Dani. At the end there’s one final cutscene and the story ends. Congrats on beating The Callisto Protocol!
This concludes Chapter 8: Tower.
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
Bodhisatta46 says
Your guide is alright (take that as a compliment, I haven’t looked at others) but there’s one thing I’d change. The one two-head you mention using the exploding canister, this led to multiple deaths. It’s hectic to fight this enemy along with the others in tight halls.
If instead after the checkpoint (either via entry or reloading from death), you kill the acid spitter (best done by tossing on the wall spikes), leave the circular room through the right exit and going into the second hall until the two-head spawns then you can run back into the circular room.
The advantages are big in that the enemies you mention won’t spawn in there and don’t even come in there (don’t spawn at all yet), the bed in the center acts as an extra barrier so you don’t have to block/evade as perfectly and it autosaves once again after killing the two-head making it so you can take it out, then the hallway enemies in two segments in a much less nightmarish fashion, with way less deaths.
Anyway, not to criticize your site. I’m actually not using much of the guides for this game as it’s fairly linear. I don’t recall how I stumbled across this page actually but regardless your site’s been real helpful in other games in the past which I appreciate. Keep up the great work!
Have fun with the mini-game we call the Callisto Protocol folks!
Bodhisatta46 says
I typed this before continuing. It appears the hallway enemies’ spawns are tied to the two-head. There were none when I left the circular room. For an easy fight, this is the way to go.
Nothing wrong with what’s in the guide but the above method will save resources and quite possibly frustration.
Miles says
Great strategy! It’s way easier to deal with two-head one-on-one and it still works now with version 1.027.
Michael says
For the two-head fight right before the final stretch, use the explosive with the GRP, and then unload on it to down it. Then pull back to the operation table in the main room so you can deal with the crawling exploding enemy, and the regular enemy that pops out of the grate. Then you should be able to easily 1v1 the two-head. After you finish half of it, just sprint away so you have plenty of room and time to unload with the Assault Rifle.
Coop says
Final collectible “Cole’s Triumph” was not in the white desk to the left. It was over to the right after exiting the elevator. On a round brown table, near purple shrub that is in a glass case.
Tuncay says
I second this, its indeed on the round brown table