The Callisto Protocol Chapter 6: Below contains 5 Collectible Location. This walkthrough will guide you to all collectibles (Data-Bios & Implant Bios) in chronological order. Finding all Bios unlocks the Grim Reaper trophy. This guide also includes all other trophies & achievements in chronological order to get the Platinum / 1000 Gamerscore in one playthrough.
All of the Collectibles are missable. There is no Chapter Select and no New Game Plus. If you die you must pick up any unsaved ones since the last checkpoint. You can keep track by pressing D-Pad Up > R1/RB > Data-Bios Menu. The game keeps multiple Autosaves, so if you missed something you can reload the nearest autosave and replay from there. You can also make Manual Saves.
Chapter 6: Below Collectibles
Patch 5.02 (June 29, 2023) changed 1 Collectible Location in this Chapter:
- Moved one log pickup to the left of the moving platform exit
Data-Bios #28 – Dr. Sheehan Yune: Field Log 1
Objective: Reach the Transport Hub
After Jacob frees himself from the wires while hanging upside down. Kill the first enemy and follow the path. In the next room with an enemy it will be in this room on a workbench.
Data-Bios #29 – Dr. Sheehan Yune: Field Log 2
Objective: Reach the Transport Hub
You will come to a section with a grabbing snake-head enemy followed by 5 blind ones roaming the area. When entering the next corridor go left and find it on some crates. You can also start working on Trophy: Giving Back here by stabbing the blind enemies from behind (stay crouched /
, sneak up from behind and press
to kill). Just keep doing this throughout the chapter until you killed 6 blind enemies total for the trophy.
Data-Bios #30 (Harvest #14) – Dr. Sheehan Yune: Field Log 3
Objective: Locate the Power Reactor
After using the keycard to enter the power tunnels. At the first road split don’t go downhill yet, but instead enter the corridor to find it at the end there.
Data-Bios #31 – Yannick Sage: Secret Room 2
Objective: Locate the Power Reactor
After an encounter with a spitter and crawling enemies on the ground who have their legs cut off, you must squeeze through a gap and climb a ladder. After the ladder, straight ahead you can squeeze between the rocks and to the right is the Power Reactor. Squeeze between the rocks straight ahead (don’t enter Power Reactor room yet). Finish the path and you can find this data as well as Secret Room 2 here. The Commonality Trophy also pops here when entering the secret room (you may also need “Data-Bios #7 – Duncan Cole: Secret Room 1” from Chapter 2 to unlock the unlock here).
Data-Bios #32 (Harvest #15) – Arden Jeddha: Arcas Evacuation
Objective: Locate Arcas Station
After defeating two-head, step off the platform and follow the path to find this on a corpse, before entering the next door.
That’s everything in Chapter 6.
Next Up: Chapter 7 Collectibles
For all other Chapters, refer to The Callisto Protocol Collectibles Guide.
Jocke says
When I found Data-Bios #29 my objective was “Find another way down”, not “Reach the transport hub”.
Abdullah Dar says
Data bios 32 Arden jeddah is not on there after defeating two-head. What can i do to Get it?
AFK_Stream says
They moved him next to the lift now. After two head he is immediately to your left.