This walkthrough for Chapter 4: Habitat in The Callisto Protocol will guide you through all objectives. This also includes Collectibles, Resource Caches and other important items.
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
- Number of Collectibles: 7
- Obtainable Trophies: 1 (Without a Paddle)
Sludge and Stalkers
Follow the linear path down the ladder and grab the Health Injector from the wall if you need it. There is also a Reforge here so pay it a visit before heading downstairs. Push the chest away to reveal a vent you have to go through. Before you do that make sure to push the chest towards the middle of the room where you can grab a Pristine Energy Converter by climbing up the big block. You can also push it to the side to find a Loot Box. If you want to sell the items right away you can go back upstairs to the Reforge before continuing through the open vent.
Follow the path through the vent where the chest was, and in a circular area filled with sludge take care of the enemy that attacks you and turn the first valve. Climb the now open vent and follow the linear path. After seeing a body by dragged away by a monster, climb up the last vent at the end to exit the area with the green sludge. In this new area (without slude) you can go either left or right. On the right side you will find a regular enemy which you can easily throw into the spikes behind him. Up the ladder destroy the loot shelves.
Now take the path on the left side, climb up the crate here. On top of the crate is a loot box as well as the collectible Data-Bios #13 – Dr. Caitlyn Mahler: Corruptors. Once you grabbed it climb back down and enter the vent next to the gate of “Purification B H207”.
After crawling through the vent, in the next room you will have to pick up 2 fuses and place them in the fuse boxes, but watch out for the first Stalker enemy who will creep up on you. If you don’t manage to kill it, it will just enter a vent and run away. After placing the first fuse, a Spitter will also come out of a vent. Next to the exit of the room make sure to pick up the collectible Data-Bios #14 (Harvest #7) – Ofc. Bruno Vorenus: Crosswired from the corpse next to the door.
Towards Water Processing
Go through the crawlspace and before going down the ladder go left to reach an optional area. Tear down the vent cover with your GRP and at the other end of the vent you will find some a loot crate. Now head down the ladder. The small stairs on the left side of this sludge area have some ammo but also some little worms that will attack you (actually better to ignore this on Maximum Security difficulty to avoid taking damage from the worms). On the right side of the room turn the second valve and head through the vent into a room with a Reforge. There you also find the third valve.
Turning the third valve will trigger worm enemies to attack you, shoot them and head back through the now open door into the vent that opened in the sludge area. Past the first shimmy you will run straight into a Health Injector on the wall. Follow the path into an open area. You will be attacked by 2 regular enemies and a spitter. Here you will have to find a fuse which is located up a ladder at the end of the middle path in the room. After picking it up and going down the ladder 2 more enemies will attack you. The long walkway with the loot crate at the end will have another set of 3 enemies once you loot the crate but you can use the explosive canister to kill some of them quickly (or ignore this optional path entirely to avoid the enemies spawning). Heading towards the fuse box will spawn another spitter and a guard enemy. Place the fuse to leave the area.
Water Control
Before entering the water control room, run past it and shiv the door at the end. Follow the path and switch the Fuses to open a new area with some loot, a loot crate and the collectible Data-Bios #15 – Dr. Jae Moon-Bell: Cocoons past the decontamination room. Go back and switch the fuses again to leave the area but watch out for the 2 enemies that spawn when you open the door.
Now head back into the big room in the middle. You can’t interact with the computer yet since you need an access code. At the end of the room you can find a Health Injector. Both doors lead into the same area so it doesn’t matter which one you take. There enter office F244 to find another Health Injector and some loot. Afterward head into the lounge. Sell all the stuff you don’t need at the Reforge, loot the room. Past the lockers you can squeeze through a gap. Here an enemy will attack you which introduces you to mutations. Whenever an enemy exposes tentacles, shoot them to prevent them from mutating.
Grab the collectible Data-Bios #16 (Harvest #8) – Ofc. James Reese: Suicide Guard from the dead guard which is also the Access Code you need to progress. Head back to the computer in the big hall you passed earlier, kill the 2 enemies by sneaking up to them and knifing them from behind in stealth. Afterward you will have to survive an onslaught of stalkers so get your gun ready. When they come at you, shoot them, dodge when they try to melee you, and counter-strike them with melee after dodging. When the onslaught is over, activate the bridge, go up the ladder and follow the path down another ladder.
Sliding down and head towards the tram station
Grab some loot from the short end of the tunnel and head towards the longer path next. After a short walk, the floodgates will open and you will end up in a sliding section. Nothing particularly difficult about it, the game gives you more than enough time and space to react to the obstacles. Towards the end of the section you will have to fight off a stalker with a QTE pressing all the time. Climb up the chain at the end and you will unlock the Without a Paddle trophy.
After the slide, loot the area and move on towards Access Hall F813. In the foggy corridor you will have to fight off another group of 4 enemies who will spawn tentacles, kill them all and move on. On Maximum Security this section can be quite tricky. Try to kill the first enemy very quickly and try to take out the second enemy before the third and fourth have time to reach you. Whenever these enemies expose the tentacles on their chest, make sure you shoot the tentacles. Do not refocus your attention on other enemies when one of them has their tentacles out. The tentacles make them mutate after a few seconds, so the trick is to kill them before they have a chance to mutate. Always do 3 melee strikes, followed by a gun shot to the chest where the tentacles are, repeat this. If you get hit by the other enemies once or twice it’s fine, just don’t let the enemies mutate and kill them quickly, or else you will get overrun.
After the encounter you can either go downstairs to the right, or straight ahead through a door you can shiv. The area straight ahead is an optional loot area so go in there if you need something (can ignore if if your inventory is already full). The end of the loot area also has an unavoidable snakehead enemy who will grab you after climbing up a ladder.
After the loot area backtrack to the corridor and now head downstairs to open the big door. Take the elevator down and head to the left side of the area towards Oxygen Processing while avoiding the security robot (if you have free inventory space you can kill it with headshots, it drops a Decoder you can sell for 500 credits). Inside Oxygen Processing you will a Reforge. First go left and follow the path there to find the collectible Data-Bios #18 – Ofc. James Reese: Security after a shimmy. Shimmy back and grab the loot crate in front of you, then head back to the main room after dealing with the newly spawned enemies.
On the right side now follow the path, kill the 3 enemies on your way (conveniently placed spikes in this area to toss enemies at them) and kill the stalker in the next hallway. On the right you can find some loot but you have to climb the crate and go through the vent where the stalker spawned. There you will find the collectible Data-Bios #17 (Harvest #9) – Sgt. Bill Pekelo on a corpse which you need in order to access the computer. Make sure the collectible registered in the Data-Bios Menu ( >
) since it is known to bug out, if it doesn’t register (stays blacked out), reload the checkpoint and pick it up again! Now access the computer and head back outside.
Outside you will be attacked by a total of 5 stalkers, take care of them and head into the facility. Shiv the door on your left and kill the 3 enemies there to find the collectible Data-Bios #19 – Ofc. Kyle Serra: Evacuation at the end of the hallway.
Now head to the right path and climb down through the hatch. In the next room you will have to kill a group of enemies but there are also a bunch of environmental kill opportunities here for easy disposal. After the fight crouch under the boxes in the right back corner and follow the path. Climb up the broken bridge to reunite with Elias. After a cutscene the chapter will end.
This concludes Chapter 4: Habitat.
Next Up: Chapter 5 Walkthrough
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
Drusk33t says
There is also a loot box at the part towards the beginning of the chapter where you have to move the box to follow the red pipe.
You mentioned moving the box to the middle to get the energy converter, but you can also move the box over to a section to the right of the vent that has a loot box on it.
PowerPyx says
Thanks, added! 🙂