This walkthrough for Chapter 3: Aftermath in The Callisto Protocol will guide you through all objectives. This also includes Collectibles, Resource Caches and other important items.
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
- Number of Collectibles: 8
- Obtainable Trophies: 8 (Paper Jams, Reforged, Workplace Hazard, Chew ‘Em Up, If the SHU Fits…, Get a Grip, In Striking Distance, Terminated)
Your first gun and a new enemy time
As soon as the chapter starts follow the path downstairs and open the door. Be careful, you will be attacked by an enemy as soon as you open the door. In the next room shimmy through the security gate and during a cutscene you will reunite with Elias. Loot the lockers after the cutscene and once again shimmy to the next room.
In this room you will find the first Reforge which acts as a shop and crafting station in the game. You can sell your stuff here as well as print ammo, weapons (if you have the schematics for them) and healing, as well as upgrade all your equipment. Grab the stuff from the crate next to the Reforge and print the Hand Cannon, which will grant you the Paper Jams trophy Make sure to sell all the loot you picked up on the way as well for some extra credits. If you have some credits left you can also upgrade either the Hand Cannon or the Stun Batton for the first time which will grant you the Reforged trophy. Your gun also unlocks a new combat function: after a melee combo you will be able to perform an additional shot to a weakpoint of an enemy, which actually deals more damage than shooting multiple bullets from a distance. You probably want to stick to melee + the additional shot during the combo as long as you only have the Hand Cannon. This saves ammo and lets you lock enemies into long combos. Hit 3 times with a melee attack, follow up with a hand cannon shot, repeat to keep the enemy locked into an endless loop.
Leave the room and follow the path until you run into a scene of an enemy infecting a guard. Take it out and take the elevator down afterward. Soon after this you will encounter a new enemy who is spitting green stuff at you (“Spitter”). Defeat it. Then in this hallway you can either go left and jump over a barricade with a broken window, or go straight. Go left first since it leads into an optional area having a loot crate. As always some enemies will spawn there as well, this time it will be 2 of the regular enemies. Loot the area down there and return back through the vents, climb up the ladder and go back to the fork in the road, going straight this time towards the recreation area.
You can break the glass window on the right to find some loot. Afterward head left and follow the only path. In the little “guard room” at the end, climb up the wall to the vents. After crawling through, you will end up in a room with a broken security robot and 2 regular enemies. Take them out. Once you try to get through the door you will be told it’s blocked and you need an implant from a Guard. Return to the broken security bot at the start of the area, there’s a corpse at its feet, interact with it to harvest the implant bio from the corpse. This counts as collectible Data-Bios #5 (Harvest #1) – Sgt. Eric Jane: Locked Door.
Through the laundry
Now head through the door leading to laundry B202. In the laundry room one enemy will wake up when you try to pass by it. At the end of the hallway you can either go left or right through a doors. Go right first and at the end of this path you can find the collectible Data-Bios #6 (Harvest #2) – Ofc. Pruitt Matos: Laundry in the room labeled as “Office B112” from a corpse. There’s another loot crate in that room. To the left of the office entrance you can crouch into a room with some glass cabinets that can be destroyed for some more loot.
Now return to the laundry room and take the left door. The intended way to go is taking the first door on the left but we need to go straight instead. Shiv the pannel on the wall leading to Workshop B415 and crawl through the floor vent on the right. After leaving the vent continue dropping down some holes and you will find a secret room, which one of two rooms needed for The Commonality trophy. In this room you will also find the collectible Data-Bios #7 – Duncan Cole: Secret Room 1 on a table. This secret room also has a loot crate. Once done, shimmy back into the hallway and take the ladder back to return to the workshop where you came from. Outside the workshop 2 regular enemies will now roam the area.
Now head through the door on the side leading towards Maintenance B414. Kill the enemy that ambushes you here and head towards Medical Ward C101. Immediately after opening this door grab the collectible Data-Bios #8 (Harvest #3) – Dr. Ewan Hayes: MedLab Outbreak from the corpse. Same hallway also has another loot crate. At the end of the hallway shimmy into the next room.
A new useful toy
During a cutscene Jacob will pick up a GRP which is a glove that allows you to use telekinesis. It is VERY helpful since it allows you to grab enemies and throw them at environmental hazards for free kills. So from now on you can easily work towards Workplace Hazard and Chew ‘Em Up Trophies by throwing enemies into environmental hazards like spiked walls or spinning fan blades. In order to progress you have to grab the Fuse from the door you came in through and place it on the door on the opposite side of the room. But first you should leave the fuse behind and approach the exit door. Reason: when you approach the door 2 enemies will attack you, having the fuse spawns an additional 2 enemies. So it’s better to first take care of those 2 enemies and come back for the Fuse afterward.
Go through the next door and head straight. Loot everything in the first room, the second room has a Reforge where you can once again upgrade and sell your stuff. There are also 4 lockers here, the 2nd locker from the left has a small worm enemy attacking you so it’s best to not open that one. Head back to the previous room and take the other exit now towards Med Observation C108. Open the gate and in the room with corpses hanging from the ceiling grab the collectible Data-Bios #9 (Harvest #4) – Ofc. Dachs Symmons: Hanged Guard from the corpse on the ground. Follow the path into the elevator shaft, the elevator will crash and you will find yourself in the Basement.
Right in front of you will be a cocoon that resides a new enemy type (“Snakehead”). It’s a snake-like enemy with a head that grabs you from afar forcing you to mash to get rid of it. They are pretty hard to see most of the time and will catch you by surprise a lot. You can just shoot the cocoon in advance to kill it, though. If you take too much damage you can reload the checkpoint, then you will already know where these Snakeheads are and shoot them before they grab you.
You will need a fuse for the door on the right which you can get by climbing on the left side and following the path there. After climbing there will be another Snakehead cocoon so shoot it immediately. Another regular enemy will attack you and directly after that there is another Snakehead cocoon in front of a big fan. You can also start going for environmental kills here since you can find a fan and spikes all over the place in this area. At the back of the big fan you can find another enemy who you can easily throw into the fan. Next to the fan pick up collectible Data-Bios #10 (Harvest #5) – Ofc. Kerry Brown from the corpse there.
Climb up again and you can grab a Health Injector from the wall if you need it. The next area has a few Spitters and regular enemies who you can kill with environmental kills if you want to. There’s an explosive canister you can shoot when enemies are near it, and you can throw the others into the spiked walls using the GRP Glove ( +
). Grab the Fuse from the ground and head back the way you came from. Use the Fuse on the door there and get through the vent to find the schematics for the Skunk Gun, which you can redeem at the next Reforge to craft it. On your way out grab the Fuse again and go to the area you originally got it from to open the door leading towards the SHU. Follow the corridor and take the elevator up to the SHU.
Go out of the elevator and up the stairs to your right. In the next room you will reunite with Elias and unlock the If the SHU fits… Trophy. Head downstairs and sell your stuff at the Reforge, upgrade whatever you like (upgrading the melee weapon “Stun Baton” is the most useful throughout the game, particularly on Maximum Security difficulty). Then move on towards the Gondola. While on the Gondola the door on the opposite end will open and spitters will attack you, you can just grab them with the GRP and throw them into the abyss for easy kills. Get out on the other side and prepare for a survival section.
Grab the 2 fuses and the Health Injector from the wall and climb up the boxes on the side where you entered the room. Up there you can find the collectible Data-Bios #11 (Harvest #6) – Tadhg Song and another Health Injector. Once you insert the fuses, environmental hazards in the room will activate and you will have to survive an enemy onslaught. Make use of the spinning grinders by throwing enemies into them with GRP for quick kills. The spinning rolls in the middle are particularly useful, you can GRP-pull enemies towards you while standing behind those spinning rolls, which will instantly kill the enemies, without throwing them. This consumes less battery charge than throwing them. After surviving the waves of enemies, head through the newly opened door and kill the enemy crawling at you (it’s best to shoot it in the head). Upstairs you can find an Energy Converter which you can conveniently sell at the Reforge in the same room. Interact with the computer to move the cells and head back downstairs.
Take the elevator down, kill the enemy by throwing off the stage and interact with the cell on the right. If you used your GRP a lot you probably end up unlocking the Get a Grip trophy in this chapter as well for grabbing 25 enemies. After the cutscene grab the final collectible in this chapter Data-Bios #12 – Dani Nakamura from the cell. Shiv the panel to open the cell door and climb out of the cell. Go through the vent and kill the enemy in front of you. Shimmy between 3 sets of pipes and before jumping over the small pipe next, shoot the Snakehead cocoons behind it first. Follow the path, take care of the small worm enemies and before going downstairs shoot the next Snakehead cocoon down there.
There’s another shimmy section, then go down the ladder. Another enemy will come at you. A very easy spot to obtain the In striking Distance Trophy should you not have it yet. Hit it with melee attack until it loses a limb, throw it against a wall with GRP and finish it off with another melee attack (the first hit after using GRP has to kill it to pop the trophy). You can get the trophy anywhere else as well but since you are in a very small room, this spot makes it very convenient. But do not worry, you can get the trophy wherever you can find an enemy and a wall to throw it against. Use GRP to remove the vent cover on the left and go through it. On the other side kill the enemy and continue until you reach the room with the Security Robot. Shoot its head with your pistol until it dies, but be careful since it can instant kill you. So take a few shots and hide behind a crate. Killing the Robot will unlock the Terminated trophy. Depending your pistol’s upgrade level and the difficulty it takes 3-6 bullets to defeat the robot.
Go through the vent at the end of the room after killing the infected guard. After the next shimmy section you will reach a trap corridor with an instant-kill saw moving at you. You can hide on either left or right side of the corridor and let it move past you while it also kills the 3 enemies that will spawn after reaching each segment of it. At the beginning of the section you can remove a vent cover to get 2 small loot boxes. Climb the vent at the end and approach the window for a cutscene. After the cutscene loot the lockers and open the hatch to a ladder. Climbing down the ladder ends the chapter.
This concludes Chapter 3: Aftermath.
Next Up: Chapter 4 Walkthrough
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
Michael says
After I collected the GRP, i didnt collect the fuse, killed the 2 enemies, then went back to grab the fuse like you mentioned – then I had 4 enemies pop out that I had to deal with. I died, but the next time I only had 2 instead of 4 enemies pop out. So my experience was a little different to what this guide mentioned. (Playing on Maximum BTW)