This walkthrough for Chapter 1: Cargo in The Callisto Protocol will guide you through all objectives. This also includes Collectibles, Resource Caches and other important items.
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
- Number of Collectibles: 1
- Obtainable Trophies: 2 (The Outer Way, Mugshot – Press Options and go to Photo Mode, press
to take a picture)
News report
The Game begins with a cutscene of a woman roaming the streets in a place called Europa. The streets are full of corpses and the woman seems to be the only person still alive there. Next to a corpse there’s a purple cube. The game cuts to the main Protagonist Jacob and his co-pilot Max who were watching a news report about the before-mentioned Europa, which fell victim to a bio-terrorist attack by the woman.
First steps
Chapter 1 is a pretty short introduction to the game which takes place on your ship and is basically just a short tutorial for Jacob’s movement. As soon as you gain control of Jacob follow the path and you will see two doors on your left with green signw saying “unlocked”. Head through the one on the left and open the locker there to find the first and only collectible in this chapter Data-Bios #1 – Jacob Lee: Jacob’s Job. Other than that there isn’t anything of interest in this section of the game.
Just keep following the only path available and learn how to vault and climb. After securing the Cargo, Jacob wants to take a look at the rest of the ship and there he notices the ship has been boarded by an organization called “The Outer Way”. Here you will unlock the unmissable story trophy The Outer Way.
Tutorial continues
During the attack the game will teach you other movement options like crouching, shimmying and sprinting. Just keep following the only path forward until Jacob sprints into a room and closes it to lock out the intruders. The woman on your ship is the one from the news report and she shoots the window to your cockpit, causing it to lose pressure. After a climbing section in which you only have to climb up, a cutscene will trigger leading to the spaceship crash-landing.
During the crash-landing Max dies and Jacob is discovered by an officer and security robots. However, after a talk with Captain Ferris who finds you, Jacob as well as the woman who attacked your ship, are both taken prisoner by the security robots. With that the first chapter ends.
This concludes Chapter 1: Cargo in The Callisto Protocol.
Next Up: Chapter 2 Walkthrough
For other Chapters see The Callisto Protocol Walkthrough.
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