This guide outlines the fastest way to level up in Tales of Arise and how to reach Level 100 after finishing the story. With this XP farming method you can get 2-5 level ups and up to 150,000 XP every 3-8 minutes (depending on your current level). You can reach Level 100 within 1-2 hours. You need to reach level 100 for the Peak Strength trophy and achievement.
It basically comes down to farming a Level 95 boss “Chronos” repeatedly, but in order to get to him a few steps are required. This is specifically an endgame leveling method. If you’re looking to level up quickly during the early game or story, your best bet is to just do all Sub-Quests you come across and farm big groups of weak enemies repeatedly, save the game, reload the save, and the enemies will respawn instantly.
Step 1: Complete Sub-Quests “The Spirit Temple” > “Another Hillside Anomaly” > “Otherworldly Visitors”
In order to gain access to the boss we need to farm, you must complete a questline first.
The Spirit Temple
It starts with quest “The Spirit Temple” in Realm 3: Menancia > Traslida Highway.
This is only available much later in the story, after having beaten the 5th Lord (finished Ganath Haros realm, near end of story). Then you must backtrack to this quest location. Talk to the man in front of the white merchant cart to get this quest. He’ll send you to the neighboring region Tietal Plains and then you can enter the glowing portal there. This leads to a dungeon where you must run from one portal to the next. At the end you face the Grand Gnome boss, after defeating it return to the quest giver.
This quest also unlocks the Artifact “Golden Suit of Armor” which gives you a permanent 80% EXP Boost. Make sure this boost is enabled in the Artifacts settings (Menu > Field Guide > Artifacts > /
Artifact Effects).
Another Hillside Anomaly
Now to get quest “Another Hillside Anomaly” talk to the woman near the entrance of Viscint (on bridge when coming from Traslida Highway). If she isn’t available, you must beat the main story first and check back again after that. For this quest you simply need to return to the underground dungeon in Tietal Plains and talk to the guy there.
Otherworldly Visitors
This quest is automatically started upon completing “Another Hillside Anomaly”. This quest requires you to step through the rift portals and beat all 6 dungeons. Each one has a boss at the end that gives the key to the next one. This is the longest quest in the game with a level 95 boss at the end. Also open the red chests throughout the dungeons for the best gear in the game. At the end of this questline, on the last level of the dungeon, you’ll meet Chronus, the Level 95 boss we want to farm.
Step 2: Farming Chronos Boss Repeatedly
Now comes the actual XP Farming. By this point you might already be Level 70 or so just from having done the story and the dungeon. The trick is to talk to Chronos again after defeating him and you can fight him as often as you like!
He’s in the “Vesper Rift” of the Earth Spirit Temple, the last area of the dungeon.
Depending on your level and equipment it may take around 8 minutes at lower levels and can be as quick as 3 minutes at higher levels. At lower levels you get more XP, which can be up to 150,000+ XP per fight and gives you a few level ups at once. Later at Level 95+ you may only get 30,000 XP and only get 1 level up per fight but it’s still very quick. You should be able to reach Level 100 within 1-2 hours using this method.
If this boss is too difficult for you to farm, make sure you switch to the easiest difficulty in the settings.
Additional Tips:
- Bring a lot of Pineapple Gels (restores 60% of CP) & Life Bottles (revive yourself), which you can buy from merchants. This way you don’t need to fast travel back to a campfire to restore CP after each fight. Makes this go twice as fast!
- Put Shionne and Dohalim on your active team (not passive team). Both of them are able to revive you if you go down (can also use Life Bottle item to self-revive). This boss frequently uses long combos that will instantly kill you no matter what level you are, so having 2 healers on the team is crucial.
- Cook the “Sushi” Recipe with Dohalim which gives you a Large XP Boost! Alternatively, the Recipe “Wiener” with Law which greatly increases attack power and makes the fight go quicker. See Tales of Arise – All Recipe Locations.
- Make sure the “Super EXP Boost” is enabled in the Artifacts section (Menu > Field Guide > Artifacts >
Artifact Effects). It gives you +80% XP Boost, you got this automatically from finishing the “Spirit Temple” quest, which was the first in this questline.
After reaching level 100 you will earn the Peak Strength trophy or achievement.
For more guides, check out the complete Tales of Arise Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Blackstaar says
Should i use the lvl up boosters dlc (also the artifacts which gives more exp…)? Will using them make the game too easy and not as intended to play?
Prison Mike says
If you are really bad at the game you should use the exp boosters to maybe stand a chance lolz
Rico says
Boosters are for people who don’t have the patience to farm so by all means use them not for people who are bad at the game
Hunter says
I am lvl 88 and just turned auto fight on and flew through it while on very easy just to speed it up. You can also watch videos or something to pass time but depending on your kevel it shouldnt take long