Tales of Arise has 6 playable characters with 15 skill panels each (+3 DLC skill panels). A skill panel is basically a skill tree or skill set. Each skill panel consists of 6 skills. The tricky part is to first unlock the skill panel itself by doing specific actions in the game, only then can you buy the underlying skills in exchange for SP (Skill Points). You get SP automatically for every battle you fight and also from Sub-Quest rewards.
In total there are 540 skills (6 skills x 15 skill panels per character x 6 characters). For the Myriad Monikers trophy and achievement you need to unlock 400 skills. However, 1 skill per panel is automatically unlocked which doesn’t count towards the trophy. Only the ones you have to purchase yourself for SP count, which is only 450 total available (5 purchasable skills x 15 skill panels per character x 6 characters). This allows you to skip 50 skills for trophy purposes.
There are also 3 DLC skill panels per character at the time of the game’s release. These don’t count towards trophies & achievements at all and are not necessary.
Skills provide a mix of passive stat boosts and usable new attacks and spells. Their price varies a lot. Focus on what suits your playstyle best.
Alphen (Iron Mask)
- Iron Mask: Automatically unlocked during Prologue.
- Rebellious Spark: Automatically unlocked during Prologue.
- Blazing Sword: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Taking Down Balseph”.
- Emissary of Liberation: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest “Taking Down Balseph”.
- Another Day, Another Wall: Unlocked after spending time (bonus dialogue) with a companion at a campfire for the first time. For me this happened at the campfire after leaving Messia 224, after Rinwell joined the party. After cooking at campfires, you will sometimes get an optional dialogue prompt where you can choose to spend extra time with a companion to improve your bond with them. Doing that for the first time unlocks the skill tree. You’ll do this naturally over the course of the game.
- Blazing Blow: 35 Boost Attack downs. You launch boost attacks by pressing the directional button for your character when their icon is charged up in the bottom left. Do this for Alphen 35 times to trigger his “Boost Attack” which downs enemies (knocks them out for a few seconds).
- Comrades in Freedom: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest “Kisara’s Ideals”.
- Arms Collector: 10 Weapon Types forged. You can forge weapons at any merchant standing next to every campfire in the game. You must craft 10 different types (can’t craft the same one 10 times). It also counts weapons crafted for other characters.
- Undefeated Swordsman: Novice solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- Infernal Tongue: Cooked Roasted Chicken Meal. The Roasted Chicken Recipe is a reward for completing Sub-Quest “City Renewal“. It’s located in Mahag Saar > Niez. Talk to the man standing near the exit to Aqfotle Hills. He requests 3x Demihuman Muscles, which you can get from defeating Rioter Claws (found in Mount Dhiara & Este Luvah Forest). They are the big muscular enemies with claws, walking on 2 legs (not the 4-legged wolves). Now just cook this meal once to unlock the skillset. Also see Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations.
- The Power of a Sovereign: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest “The Water Lord” (defeated the 5th Lord).
- Unrelenting Blaze: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Impact Site” (after defeating Efreet Malum in Berg Volcano – Inner Sanctum).
- Arms Sommelier: Forged Atonement Edge. That’s a mid-tier weapon for Alphen, it becomes craftable automatically through story progress, nothing special. Requires Mystical Luminacore and Megafauna Bone. See Tales of Arise Weapon Crafting Material Locations.
- Vanquisher of the Four Lights: Defeated all lights that emerged from the wedge. For this you must defeat Meneiys, Grand Gnome, Procella Sylph, Luo Undine. This requires you to do Sub-Quest #40: The Phantom Flower of Nevira, Sub-Quest #42: Spirit Temple, Sub-Quest #49: Farewell Mage, Sub-Quest #54: Untamable Rage. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Enlightening Bond: Deepened Alphen’s bond with a fellow party member. Over the course of the game you will get selectable dialogues when you rest at campfires. When it has 3 dots (…) in front of a party member’s name you can talk to them to deepen your bond. Always rest at campfires whenever the opportunity arises. When you’ve maxed out the bond with one party member you should get this. In my case, I had already maxed out my relationship with Shionne before this skill panel became available, then the next time I went to a campfire it still counted that I completed the requirement before and completed the skill panel (happened for me during Main Quest “Rena, a World of Death”).
- Veteran Samurai: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Beach Hero: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Strait-Laced Schoolboy: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Escape Artist: Automatically unlocked during Prologue.
- Speedy Chef: Cook 1 Meal. Automatically done during story.
- Bottomless Stomach: Cook 8 Meals. Cook meals repeatedly at a campfire.
- Sniper: 20 Aerial enemies downed by Boost Attacks. Use the directional buttons to activate Shionne’s Boost Attack (Super Attack) when her character icon is fully charged. You must do this on flying enemies (e.g. bees), Shionne’s Boost attack will knock flying enemies to the ground. Do this 20 times. Should happen naturally over time. You don’t need to play as Shionne, you can use her Boost Attack even when the AI plays her.
- Bombshell: 50 Bombs exploded with special ammo. Shionne has 3 bomb-throwing artes “Ignis Celestra”, “Tonitus Celestra”, “Luke Celestra”. After throwing the bombs, she must shoot them to make them explode which deals more blast damage. You don’t need to play with Shionne at all. The AI will do this automatically over the course of the game and you can play with a different character, it still counts.
- Thorny Woman: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Taking Down Balseph”.
- Chic: 4 Accessories Forged. You forge accessories at merchant that stand next to any campfire. Just craft any 4.
- Loose Cannon: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “The City of Coexistence”.
- Goddess of Kindness: 12 NPCs saved. See Tales of Arise All Healable NPC Locations.
- Latest Maiden: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “The Forbidden Zone”.
- Healer: Cleared Sub-Quest “A Healer and her Patients”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Fashionista: Forged Accessory Mystic Crest. First you must unlock the item to be able to craft it. Mystic Crest is obtained from winning Shionne’s Solo Battle Advanced Challenge (Level 40) at the Training Grounds in Menancia > Viscint > Training Grounds. Then you can forge the Accessory called “Mystic Crest” at any merchant.
- Insect Deposer: Cleared Sub-Quest “Her Place”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Love Chef: Uncovered the ultimate ingredient. For this you must unlock the Shionne Pancakes Recipe – see Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations, then go to any campfire and a cutscene will play that unlocks the ultimate ingredient, which is Love.
- Explosive Gunslinger: Cleared Sub-Quest “Skybound Swarm”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Scarlet Battlemaiden: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Seaside Queen: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- New Girl in Class: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Dahnan Mage: Starting skill panel.
- Birdie Bestie: Cleared Sub-Quest “The Owl Forest” (you get this quest automatically during the main story at the start of Region: Nevia Snowplains). See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Silver Sword: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Finding Zephyr”.
- Spell Canceller: 6 Arte Castings Stopped by Boost Attacks (when enemy has purple circle filling up around it, activate Rinwell’s Boost Attack to stop the enemy, do this a total of 6 times across multiple enemies/battles).
- Item Scholar: 15% Items Collected. There are 500 Items in the game, for this you need 15% so 75. Just open all chests you see. Progress can be tracked from menu > Field Guide > Play Records > Items Found.
- Unbeatable Mage: Novice solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- Retired Avenger: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Regrouping”.
- Attuned Mage: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest “The Wedge”.
- Lightning Princess: Cleared Sub-Quest “Master of Nature”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Feathered Friend: 80% Owls Met (31/38 owls found). See Tales of Arise All Owl Locations
- Torrential Mage: Cleared Sub-Quest “Untamable Rage”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Item Professor: 50% Items Collected. There are 500 Items in the game, for this you need 50% so 250. Just open all chests you see. Progress can be tracked from menu > Field Guide > Play Records > Items Found.
- Bibliophile: Cleared Sub-Quest “Bibliophile”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Sugar Connoisseur: Cooked Ice Cream meal. See Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations.
- Gusty Girl: Cleared Sub-Quest “Seaside Tornadoes”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Dark Crow Demon: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Serious Swimmer Girl: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Vivacious Schoolgirl: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Mournful Son: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Snake Eye Turncoat: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Prince of Iron Fists: Perform 3 Boost Attacks
- ???: Break 40 armored enemies with boost attack. Armored enemies are, for example, soldiers that look like knights with a silver knight’s armor. Use the directional buttons to trigger Law’s Boost Attack (Super Attack) when his character icon is fully charged. Armored enemies will get knocked down by Law’s attack, similar to what happens when Alphen uses his Boost Attack. Only “Armored” enemies count, which are generally humans and not monsters.
- Growing Boy: Cooked 7 Meals. You can cook meals at campfires.
- Calves of Steel: Reached 700 Leg Strike Proficiency. This should come naturally over time by use Leg attacks. Let the AI play Law and it will complete over time without any input by you. You can play a different character and it still counts when the AI controls Law.
- Silver Wolf Reawakened: Cleared Sub-Quest “Refreshing Roughhousing”, which is mandatory to complete during Main Quest “Through the Greenery” in Region: Traslida Highway (unmissable part of the story). See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Caretaker: Sub-quest cleared “Pharia Ranch”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Unbreakable Fists: Novice solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- Bounty Hunter: Sub-quest cleared “Claiming a Bounty”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Intervener: Automatically unlocked at start of Main Quest “Setting Sail”.
- Bumbling Fighter Extraordinaire: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Regrouping”.
- Friend to the Animals: Raised every type of animal. First you must finish Sub-Quest “Pharia Ranch“, started in Traslida Highway by talking to the collapsed man on the path to Viscint. This will bring you to Pharia Farm, there you can talk to the farmer to raise animals. Raise every type of animal (cow, pig, sheep, chicken, horse, rappig). It only counts after you’ve harvested the animals when they’ve fully grown, you will get a popup on the right side of the screen when they’re ready and then you must talk to the farmer at Pharia Ranch again to get their meat.
- Torch Bearer: Sub-quest cleared “Mixed Feelings”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Space Champion: Sub-quest cleared “An Ambition Fulfilled”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Noisy Ninja: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Serious Diver Boy: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- High School Heartthrob: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Captain Kisara: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Devout Sister: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Unbreakable Wall: 1 Charging Enemies Stopped by Boost Attacks – done automatically during her Boost Attack tutorial just after she joins your party
- Skilled Angler: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Valley of the Four Winds” which teaches you how to fish and makes you catch your first fish. After catching your first fish during this Main Quest you get the skill set.
- Idealist: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest “The Water Lord” (defeated the 5th Lord).
- Unblemished Fighter: Novice solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- All-Pulverizing Hammer: 600 Power Strike proficiency. Simply put Kisara in your party (open Menu, press
and move her from support members to battle members). You don’t need to play as her, just let the AI control her as your teammate and this will unlock naturally over time, you can play with a different character yourself, she just needs to be in your active party.
- Chief Chef: 5 Favorite Meals cooked. You can cook at campfires. For this you must choose to “cook with Kisara” when preparing meals, and it must be meals where her character icon shows up and adds some modifier to the recipe. Her Recipes are usually the ones that involve fish and seafoods. See Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations.
- Rock Buster Shield: Cleared Sub-Quest “Walking Crag”See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Heartfelt Shield: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “The Unliberated”.
- Indomitable Golden Lion: Advanced solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- Migalpedia: Cleared Sub-Quest “An Eternal Rivalry”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Queen Angler: Caught 1 Boss Fish Species. Boss Fish are the rare fish types that have 2 stamina bars instead of one (harder to catch than normal fish). See Tales of Arise Fishing Guide.
- Stupidly Strong Fisherman: Caught Boss Fish Silver Marlin. It can only be caught in the Mahag Saar > Hidden Wharf fishing spot. You need to talk to Mahavar, the sailor standing in front of the ships in Hidden Wharf (marked by green dot on map). Then select his dialogue “Go to fishing spot” and he’ll take you to the Dahnan Ocean to fish. To attract the Silver Marlin you need to press
. It’s much easier if you use the Silver Fang Lure, which attracts the Silver Marlin and guarantees it spawns every try. You get it from the Fishing Expert in Menancia > Talka Pond Road, as a reward for having caught 40 other types of fish. This will likely be the last fish you catch as it’s one of the rarest and hardest to catch. See Tales of Arise Fishing Guide.
- Catch and Fillet: Cooked Meal “Sashimi”. See Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations.
- Devout Warrioress: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Shoreside Lady: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Passionate Home Ec Teacher: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Architect of Coexistence: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Former Lord: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Dilettante: Starting skill panel, automatically available when this character joins your party.
- Undefeated Lord: Novice solo training grounds cleared. You find the training grounds in Viscint of the 3rd Realm Menancia. When you enter the town for the first time, a tour guide will stop you and triggers an automatic side quest to go to the training grounds.
- Ivy Master: 10 Fleet-footed enemies nullified by Boost Attacks. Fleet-footed enemies are usually big monsters with bare feet. You know it counts when their feet turn green after using Dohalim’s boost attack (press directional button for him when his character icon is fully charged during battle).
- Eternal Protector: Sub-Quest cleared “Dohalim, Big Game Hunter”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Treasure Hunter: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “Valley of the Four Winds” (Region: Mount Dhiara – Mountain Trail), when you get your first story-related Artifact.
- Antique Collector: Acquire 8 Artifacts Types. See Tales of Arise All Artifact Locations.
- Dark Sorcerer: 600 Demon Strike Proficiency. Simply put Dohalim in your party (open Menu, press
and move him from support members to battle members). You don’t need to play as him, just let the AI control him as your teammate and this will unlock naturally over time, you can play with a different character yourself, he just needs to be in your active party.
- Patron Lord: Sub-quest cleared “Owl Sanctuary”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Fateful Matchmaker: Sub-quest cleared “Missing Lover”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Transcendent Matchmaker: Sub-quest cleared: “Their Future”. See Tales of Arise All Sub-Quest Locations Guide.
- Rare Food Connoisseur: Cooked meal “Grilled Rappig”. See Tales of Arise All Recipe Locations.
- Renan Leader: Automatically unlocked during Main Quest “End of the Road”.
- Drinking Buddy: Max out your relationship with Dohalim. When you stop at campfires you’ll sometimes get an additional dialogue option, indicated by 3 dots (…) after you decide to cook or not to cook a meal. Do these repeatedly until the relationship is maxed out. It only counts when a new dialogue indicated by 3 dots appears, then you get a skit with your companion. You need to let some hours of real time pass and/or defeat enemies and level up. Just give it some time and check at campfires regularly every few hours of gameplay.
- Commander of the Wu Xing: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Warring States Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Seagazer: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “Beach Time Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
- Irreproachable Principal: DLC Item – must claim everything in the DLC “School Life Triple Pack”, then go to the Skill Panel Menu and it will instantly unlock.
That’s all of the Skills in Tales of Arise, including all its DLC skill sets at the time of the game’s launch.
For more guides, check out the complete Tales of Arise Wiki & Strategy Guide.
tie says
is there any info on second or more Mystic artes?
Straccamore says
Is it normal that the progress not count for me? For example if i cook for the Shionne title, it remains at 8 and don’t go to 7..
PowerPyx says
You must cook with Shionne. When you select a recipe to cook, it will show character icons on the right side and some modifiers (cooking effect +15%, duration +50% etc.). Cook 8 of these with Shionne’s meal modifier selected (click Shionne character icon on right side of cooking screen). Different characters have different favorite meals for which they can be selected as the cook.
Straccamore says
Nono I’m cooking with Shionne but it not count, the same for the other titles. they do not go on. For example, even the bombs dropped. I’m in the first part of the game, I’m about to go to the second kingdom, the skills mark them with a question mark, maybe I have to advance in the story?
Thanks for the answer..
Straccamore says
Oh nothing, I’m stupid.. I thought he kept the count, instead he just tells you what to do ..
Pica says
Hello, I am lvl 100, i’ve done everything and i obtained all the trophies except 400 abilities and i can’t unlock the 600 power strike and 700 leg proficiency with kisara and law, cause i never used them in the party. The proficiency doesn’t increase anymore, no idea what to do. If i collect the rest of abilities will i still be able to get the trophy? Plus, the proficiency might increase in new game plus?
Z says
I’m confused. When I look at my skill panels, I see five circles/skills in each panel and when a panel unlocks, the top skill is given so there are four per panel to “purchase”. Am I missing something?
Z says
It unlocked for me, but after getting all except 30 skills.