Tales of Arise has 70 Sub-Quest Locations (Side Quests). Completing all Sub Quests unlocks the Problem Solver trophy and achievement. This Tales of Arise Sub-Quest Walkthrough shows all the quest locations and solutions.
None of the Sub-Quests are missable. You can still get all of them after the story and go back anywhere.
Sub-Quests usually get marked by letter icons on the map list ( >
to view map list). They are also marked by that same letter icon on the map and HUD. Some quests won’t be there on the first visit because they require more game progress. In fact, some only spawn during the endgame after the story.
There are only a few Sub-Quests that aren’t marked, so if you’re missing any quests after the story, check the following first: Sub-Quest #16 (Into the Grotto), Sub-Quest #40 (The Phantom Flower of Nevira), Sub-Quest #62 (Beyond the Grave), Sub-Quest #70 (Record Collection).
If a quest is not there, advance the main story and do other sub-quests marked on the map list. Most of them require more main story or sub-quest progress to appear. Just get what you can during the story and then backtrack for the rest after the story. In some cases, more sub-quests appear in early regions after you’ve done everything in later regions.
Tip: Also note that you can easily jump to your desired quest here by using your browser’s text search function (CTRL+F on Desktop, or ‘Find on Page’ in browser settings on Mobile).
Overview (click link to jump to section):
Automatic Sub-Quests from Main Story Progress (Unmissable)
Sub-Quest #1: Supply Procurement
This is the first sub-quest given to you automatically during the Prologue. You have to finish it to advance the story, no way around it, can’t avoid doing it (unmissable).
Sub-Quest #2: Forging from Scratch
Automatically added to your quest log at the start of Main Quest “Taking Down Balseph” (unmissable).
Sub-Quest #3: The Owl Forest
Automatically added to your quest log during the main story at the start of Region: Nevia Snowplains (unmissable). Requires you to find all 38 Owls – see Tales of Arise All Owl Locations.
Sub-Quest #4: A Healer and Her Patients
Automatically added to your quest log during Main Quest “Through the Greenery”, at the start of Region: Overseer Hill (unmissable).
Sub-Quest #5: Refreshing Roughhousing
Automatically completed during Main Quest “Through the Greenery”, at the start of Region: Traslida Highway (unmissable).
Sub-Quest #6: Training Grounds for All
Automatically added to your quest log during Main Quest “The City of Coexistence”, in Region: Viscint (unmissable). You’ll have to cross the market square as part of the main quest and the tour guide there will automatically give you this sub-quest when you pass by, no way around it.
Sub-Quest #7: An Invitation to Fish
Automatically completed during Main Quest “Valley of the Four Winds”, in Region: Talka Pond Road (unmissable).
Sub-Quest #8: Renans and their Lods
Automatically added to your quest log during Main Quest “Lenegis”, in Region: Lenegis – Residential Zone 16.
Sub-Quest #9: Shionne the Fashion Critic
Location: Ulzebek
Talk to the man near the center of the area. He will then go looking for clothes. Talk to him again after finishing the main story, then he should have found the clothes, Shionne will rate them and the quest will finish.
Sub-Quest #10: Hunger Averted
Location: Ulzebek
Talk to the woman next to the fast travel icon. Bring her some Potatoes (e.g. found in Iglia Wastes next to Ulzebek). Unlocks Steamed Potatoes Recipe.
Sub-Quest #11: The Hunt for New Arms
Location: Ulzebek
Talk to the man in front of the inn. You need to get 3x Stone Fragment from defeating Golems. These are the big enemies found in Iglia Wastes and Sandinus Ravine. They don’t always drop it, so just fast travel back and forth and keep farming them until you get enough.
Sub-Quest #12: Taking Root
Location: Ulzebek
Talk to the man halfway up the stairs. Then you must go to Iglia Wastes where the quest marker to defeat some Zeugles and return to the quest giver.
Sub-Quest #13: Mixed Feelings
Location: Ulzebek
Only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Taking Root” from same quest giver. Then return to the same guy to get a new quest. This one requires you to beat a Gigant in Igla Wastes.
Sub-Quest #14: Giant Zeugle Hunt
Location: Ulzebek
Talk to the man at the top of the stairs to get this quest. He wants you to defeat a big Zeugle but if you already did this the quest will complete instantly.
Sub-Quest #15: Doc’s Secret Ingredient
Location: Mosgul
Talk to the doctor in Mosgul to get this quest. He wants you to collect some Pepper, you can find it in Kyrd Garrison. If you already have enough the quest will complete instantly. Unlocks the Kebab Recipe.
Sub-Quest #16: Into the Grotto
Location: Trench of Flames – East Side
Return to the closed gate in Realm: Calaglia > Map: Trench of Flames – East Side. This quest is only possible after defeating the story boss called “Efreet Malum” near the end of the story (in Berg Volcano). It’s an unmissable boss and drops the item “Secret Key” which is used to open the locked gate in Trench of Flames. The quest will automatically trigger when you reach the gate, once you have obtained the key.
Sub-Quest #17: Global Connection
Location: Mosgul
Talk to the doctor to start this quest. Only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Gourmet Saga: Soft and Fluffy” which is started in Garath Haros > Pelegion > Level 2 (see further below for those quest instructions). This required quest is near the end of the game, meaning you have to backtrack to Mosgul much later and can’t do it on the first visit. This will be one of your last quests overall. This time he wants Wheat and Eggs (bought from merchant in Ganath Haros > Pelegion > Inn).
Sub-Quest #18: Fire Beneath the Ice
Location: Messia 224
Talk to the man in the south of Messia 224. Then you must defeat 7 Ice Wolves in the previous region White Silver Plains and return to him.
Sub-Quest #19: Thawing Relations
Location: Messia 224
Talk to the man on the path at the bottom of the village. He wants Lettuce and Apples, both are found in the neighboring region White Silver Plains.
Sub-Quest #20: Hard Liquor
Location: Messia 224
Talk to the man at the top of the village. He wants 4x Earth Seeds which you can get from Ropers (Ulvhan Grotto, Rudhir Forest), Forest Ropers (Gilanne Woodland). The easiest way is to backtrack to Ulvhan Grotto, the cave you went through before reaching Cyslodia (just before entering the snowy realm). The enemies don’t always drop these, but you can just re-enter the area to make them respawn and keep killing them until you have 4 Earth Seeds. Unlocks the Lohikeitto Recipe.
Sub-Quest #21: Gathering of Zeugles
Location: Cysloden > Alley
Next to the fast travel point is a man with a quest. He wants you to defeat 3 groups of monsters in Nevira Snowplains that get marked on the map. Do this and return to the man to finish the quest.
Sub-Quest #22: Culling the Snowplain Herds
Location: Cysloden > Bregon’s Hideout
Talk to Bregon in his hideout. He will mark 3 enemy groups in Nevira Snowplains that you must defeat and then report back to him.
Sub-Quest #23: Survey Says…
Location: Cysloden > Bregon’s Hideout
Only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Culling the Snowplain Herds” from same quest giver. Return to him, he will want you to talk to 3 people around the town, then he gives you the key to open the cell to a Gigant Zeugle in Riville Prison Tower. Defeat the Gigant Zeugle and return to the quest giver.
Sub-Quest #24: Opening Up Trade
Location: Cysloden > Bregon’s Hideout
Only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Survey Says…” from same quest giver. This time he will want you to defeat the gigant in Ulvhan Grotto, the cave connected to White Silver Plains. If you already defeated this gigant beforehand the quest will finish instantly.
Sub-Quest #25: In Sync
Location: Cysloden > Fountain Plaza Avenue
Talk to the boy next to Central Plaza Avenue entrance. He wants you to hunt down a Gigant.
Sub-Quest #26: Gourmet Saga: Berry Scavenging
Location: Frozen Valley
Talk to the collapsed man in front of the bridge. You need to give him Apples and Wheat to complete the quest. Apples and Wheat grow in White Silver Plains. This also unlocks the Apple Pie Recipe.
Sub-Quest #27: Brave New World
Location: Cysloden > Fountain Plaza Avenue
This quest is just a short cutscene where you bathe in a hot spring. It won’t be there on 1st visit. It will actually be one of your very last quests. For me it only showed up after having defeated all lights that emerged from The Wedge – which are the 4 side bosses: Meneiys (Sub-Quest “The Phantom Flower of Nevira”), Grand Gnome (Sub-Quest “The Spirit Temple”), Procella Sylph (Sub-Quest “Farewell, Mage”, Luo Undine (Sub-Quest “Untamable Rage”).
Sub-Quest #28: A Humbling Lesson
Location: Cysloden > Fountain Plaza Avenue
Only available after having finished the above Sub-Quest “Brave New World” by the same quest giver in the same location. Talk to him again, this time you get a cutscene with the girls bathing in the hot springs. Note: at the end of the quest it will always say “Law failed to unlock the title Dirty-Minded Devil”. This is normal and there’s actually no way to earn this title at all, there is no different outcome here. So don’t worry if it says that, the game is just messing with you there and trying to throw you off. See Tales of Arise All Skills.
Sub-Quest #29: Getting Rusty
Location: Traslida Highway
Talk to the man in front of the farm house. He wants you to defeat 8x Earthern Mass (flying enemies) in the same area. You can also make them respawn by fast-travelling to another map and coming back.
Sub-Quest #30: Dohalim, Big Game Hunter
Location: Traslida Highway
Talk to the woman at the farm. She wants you to defeat a Gigant Zeugle in the same area. This is only available after Dohalim joins your party (which happens at the end of Menancia storyline). This means you can’t do the quest on your first visit and must backtrack here later!
Sub-Quest #31: Pharia Ranch
Location: Traslida Highway
On the path to Viscint you find a passed out man lying on the floor. Talk to him and he’ll go with you to his ranch, then the quest completes and he gives you another quest.
Sub-Quest #32: The Stud from the Plains
Location: Pharia Farm
Talk to the farmer at Pharia Ranch after doing his first Sub-Quest “Pharia Ranch”. He will send you to Viscint to pick up clothes and then you must find his bull in Traslida Highway (all marked on the map when tracking the quest).
Sub-Quest #33: Taste-Testing Tusks
Location: Viscint
Talk to the man down the first stairs to the right after entering Viscint from Traslida Highway. He wants 4x Grantine Fangs which you can get from defeating boars in Traslida Highway.
Sub-Quest #34: A Boorish Boar
Location: Viscint
Talk to the woman down the second path to the right in Viscint. She wants you to defeat the Gigant Relentless Charger in Traslida Highway.
Sub-Quest #35: Walking Crag
Location: Viscint
Talk to the man at the bridge leading to Razum Quarry. He wants you to defeat the gigant Flamewrecker inside Razum Quarry – Mining Site 1.
Sub-Quest #36: Claiming a Bounty
Location: Viscint
Talk to the man on the third path down the right in Viscint. He wants you to defeat the Great Dragon gigant in Traslida Highway.
Sub-Quest #37: Gourmet Saga: Palace Delicacy
Location: Viscint
Talk to the sleeping man at the exit to Talka Pond Road in the south of Viscint. He’s the same man you met before in Cyslodia who gave you a sub-quest and a recipe. It’s only available if you completed his 1st quest “Gourmet Saga: Berry Scavenging” in Cyslodia. This time he wants beef, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes. You can find beef, potatoes, tomatoes in Traslida Highway (marked by blue sparkles on map). Mushrooms are found in Viscint near the entrance to Gilanne Woodland. He gives you the Beef Stew Recipe as a reward.
Sub-Quest #38: An Eternal Rivalry
Location: Training Grounds
Talk to the knight in the Training Grounds and beat him in one on one duel with Kisara.
Sub-Quest #39: Bibliophile
Location: Auteliana Palace (1F) > Library
Enter the library through the 1st floor of the Autelina Palace. Talk to the girl by the bookshelves (if she’s not there, return after finishing the story in Menancia when Lord Dohalim has joined your party). She wants you to show her a few different books. The “books” in this case are Rinwell’s craftable weapons. Because she’s a mage she uses a book as her weapon to cast spells. You can craft books at any merchant, found at any campfire. These are the books she wants: Secrets of the Stars (Starting Weapon), Nature’s Beauty (craftable weapon), Taming Water (craftable weapon), Radiant Light (craftable weapon), Rarest Book (Heavenly Gaze craftable weapon). As a reward you get the Pancake Recipe. The Heavenly Gaze book unlocks very late into the story, so you won’t be able to complete this quest for a while.
Sub-Quest #40: The Phantom Flower of Nevira
Location: Menancia > Autelina Palace (1F) > Library
This is only available much later in the story, after having beaten the 5th Lord (finished Ganath Haros realm, near end of story and returned to Menancia). Then you can backtrack to this quest location – it’s not available on the 1st visit. Go to the library of Autelina Palace. Upon approaching the bookshelves, a dialogue will trigger with Rinwell that triggers this sub-quest. After this you must travel to Realm: Cyslodia / Region: Nevira Snowplains and go to the quest marker at the big lake. There, a Level 54 monster “Meneiys” will spawn. Defeat it to complete the quest and get this Astral Flower as a reward.
Sub-Quest #41: Dahna’s Tastiest Pancake
Location: Viscint > Inn
Talk to the woman with red shirt and black pants inside the inn. Only available after completing Sub-Quest “Kisara’s Initiation” in Mahag Saar > Niez > Inn. Next you must go to Pharia Ranch and consult with the farmer there. Then you automatically cook 3 types of Pancakes and the quest finishes, no ingredient collection needed. Also unlocks 3 Recipes.
Sub-Quest #42: Spirit Temple
Location: Traslida Highway
This is only available much later in the story, after having beaten the 5th Lord (finished Ganath Haros realm, near end of story). Then you must backtrack to this quest location. Talk to the man in front of the white merchant cart to get this quest. He’ll send you to the neighboring region Tietal Plains and then you can enter the glowing portal there. This leads to a dungeon where you must run from one portal to the next. At the end you face the Grand Gnome boss, after defeating it return to the quest giver.
Sub-Quest #43: Another Hillside Anomaly
Location: Viscint
This is only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Spirit Temple”, which was started in Traslida Highway (see above). If she isn’t available, you must beat the main story first and check back again after that. Talk to the woman near the entrance of Viscint (on bridge when coming from Traslida Highway). For this quest you simply need to return to the underground dungeon in Tietal Plains and talk to the guy there.
Sub-Quest #44: Otherworldly Visitors
Location: The Otherworld (Earth Spirit Temple)
automatically given upon completing “Another Hillside Anomaly”. When you finish that quest it instantly gives you the Otherworldly Visitors quest. This quest requires you to step through the rift portals and beat all 6 dungeons. Each one has a boss at the end that gives the key to the next one. This is the hardest quest in the game with a level 95 boss at the end. It’s a good way to level up though and you also find the best armor in the game from red chests in the dungeons.
Mahag Saar
Sub-Quest #45: The Mysterious Pair
Location: Niez
Talk to the bard dressed in a colorful costume at the entrance of Niez (when you come from Mount Dhiara). For him to show up you must have finished Sub-Quest “A Healer and Her Patients” which you received automatically from story progress in Menancia > Overseer Hill. He’s one of the people you healed during that quest. This is a puzzle quest without waypoints, for the step by step instructions see The Mysterious Pair Walkthrough.
Sub-Quest #46: City Renewal
Location: Niez
Talk to the man standing near the exit to Aqfotle Hills. He requests 3x Demihuman Muscles, which you can get from defeating Rioter Claws (found in Mount Dhiara & Este Luvah Forest). They are the big muscular enemies with claws, walking on 2 legs (not the 4-legged wolves). As a reward you get the Roasted Chicken Recipe.
Sub-Quest #47: Echoes
Location: Niez
Talk to the old man in Niez at the exit to Aqfotle Hills. He wants you to defeat the gigant “Ruthless”. Go to Este Luvah Forest, use the elevator to B1, drop down the ledge from B1 to B2 to find this gigant.
Sub-Quest #48: Owl Sanctuary
Location: Niez
Talk to the woman in the north-east of Niez (only available after clearing the other quests in Mahag Saar – I had also found all 38 owls when I did this quest but not sure if it matters). Next talk to woman’s owl and then head to the Owl Forest. Here you must pick between 3 owls. The correct one is the black one in the middle (but this doesn’t affect anything). In the next dialogue, pick dialogue “Big Basket” to get the “Sandwich Recipe”! If you pick the Little Basket you won’t get it right away, but in this case the quest giver lady will give it to you upon completion of the quest.
Sub-Quest #49: Farewell, Mage
Location: Niez
Talk to the old man at the exit to Aqfotle Hills, same one who gave Sub-Quest “Echoes”. Do the other quests in Niez first for this one to become available. If it doesn’t show up you must return later after having beaten the 5th Lord (finished Ganath Haros realm, near end of story). This quest leads you through Mount Dhiara to the Ridge and into a tall tower. Go to the top of the tower to fight a secret boss called Procella Sylph. Then return to the quest giver, he gives you the artifact Drum of the Legend.
Sub-Quest #50: Gourmet Saga: Prairie Scent
Location: Aqfotle Hills
Talk to the collapsed man the start of Aqfotle Hills (coming from Niez). He’s the same guy who offered you two Gourmet Saga Sub-Quests before. For him to show up you must have done his previous 2 Gourmet Saga sub-quests in Cyslodia & Menancia. This time he wants Lettuce, Apples, Lemons. All 3 ingredients are found in Mahag Saar > Adan Lake, the region south of Aqfotle Hills where you meet the quest giver. So they’re nearby in the neighboring area.
Sub-Quest #51: Skybound Swarm
Location: Hidden Wharf > Wharf
Talk to the woman in the Wharf area. She wants you to defeat the gigant Mother Boomy in Aqfotle Hills (marked on map).
Sub-Quest #52: Kisara’s Initiation
Location: Niez > Inn
Talk to the woman with red hair inside the inn. She requests 4x Pepper, 2x Beef, 4x Potato, 2x Salmon. Pepper and Potato are found in Aqfotle Hills (next area after Niez), Salmon in Adan Lake (region south of Aqfotle Hills), Beef from growing animals at Pharia Farm. This also unlocks the Curry Recipe.
Ganath Haros
Sub-Quest #53: Seaside Tornadoes
Location: Thistlym
Talk to the man at the entrance of Thistlym when coming from Tuah Seashore. He wants you to defeat the gigant Stormbringer in the previous area Tuah Seashore (marked on map).
Sub-Quest #54: Untamable Rage
Location: Thistlym
Talk to the old man standing at the cliffs at the top of the village. Then you need to go to the neighboring area Shinefall Woods and head to the very south of it where you’ll find some water. You must swim through the water to enter a cave (Fogwharl Limestone Caverns). At the end of the cave you must defeat a boss (Luo Undine), then visit the secret fishing spot after the boss and return to the quest giver.
Sub-Quest #55: Fishing Fiends
Location: Thistlym
Talk to the man standing in Thistlym at the exit to Shinefall Woods. He wants you to go to Shinefalls Woods and defeat 4x Terrapin Fists. Those are the big blue gorilla-like enemies. You can find 2 of them at the bridge before Aureum Falls entrance, defeat those, travel away and come back to defeat them again for 4 kills total.
Sub-Quest #56: Her Place
Location: Shinefall Woods
Talk to the man at the water in the south of Shinefall Woods. He wants you to defeat the gigant “Regent Bee”, which is found in the same area and marked on the map.
Sub-Quest #57: Peligon’s Zeugle Mascot
Location: Pelegion > Level 1
Talk to the girl near the elevator of Peligon 1st level. She wants you to defeat 5x Wild Boomy in Aureum Falls > Waterfalls area (marked on the map by green star & search area as usual). There is no fast travel point to it directly, so you need to enter Autumn Falls from Lavtu Marshlands or Shinefall Woods and walk to the Waterfalls area. There are only 3 Wild Boomy there at a time. But you can simply save after defeating them and reload your save to make them respawn, or fast travel away and return to the area for them to respawn. You get the Fish Steak Recipe as a reward.
Sub-Quest #58: Catching Up
Location: Pelegion > Level 1
Talk to the man the 1st level of Peleigon. He wants 3x Infused Statue Fragments from you, which you can get from defeating Killer Effigy (Del Fharis Castle, Forland Mountains), Chaotic Figure (The Wedge). These are the types of enemies that look like flying gargoyles.
Sub-Quest #59: Master of Nature
Location: Pelegion > Level 2
Talk to the little boy on 2nd level of Pelegion. He wants you to defeat a Zeugle, but if you already defeated it earlier the quest will complete instantly.
Sub-Quest #60: A Talk with Tilsa
Location: Pelegion > Level 2
Talk to Tilsa on the 2nd level of Pelegion. This is a super quick quest, you just need to finish the dialogue with her. It doesn’t matter what dialogues you pick. It’s just a little personality test and you can talk to her again afterward to repeat it as many times you want.
Sub-Quest #61: Gourmet Saga: Soft and Fluffy
Location: Pelegion > Level 2
Talk to the collapsed man on 2nd level of Pelegion. He’s the same guy who gave you Gourmet quests before. For him to show up you must have completed his previous quest “Gourmet Saga: Prairie Scent”, started in Mahag Saar > Aqfotle Hills. For all ingredients see Gourmet Saga: Soft and Fluffy Walkthrough.
Sub-Quest #62: Beyond the Grave
Location: Tuah Seashore
This quest only becomes available after reaching the final story region “Rena”, meaning you must backtrack to it after making more story progress (can go back there through its neighboring region Thislym). Upon entering the area, a dialogue will play automatically where you pick up a bottle with a map inside that’s been washed ashore. Take this map to Mahag Saar > Hidden Warf and talk to Mahavar there (marked by green dot on map, the guy in front of the big ship with exclamation point above his head). Then he offers a dialogue to go to “Uninhabited Island”. Go there, run uphill to the quest marker, defeat the boss monster to finish the quest.
Sub-Quest #63: Missing Lover
Location: Thistlym
Talk to the woman in Thistlym next to the fast travel icon. This quest is only available after healing the Renan Soldier (knight in armor) in Menancia > Talka Pond Road (he’s marked on the map). If it’s not yet available, keep advancing the story and healing other NPCs. Then during the quest you will need to talk to a guy in Pelegion > Level 3 & the Renan Soldier in Menancia > Talka Pond Road.
Sub-Quest #64: Their Future
Location: Pelegion > Level 3
Only available after finishing Sub-Quest “Missing Lover”. Talk to the knight on the 3rd level of Pelegion. Then you must go to Saxleoh Temple for his wedding which finishes the quest.
Sub-Quest #65: Tissue Sample
Location: Daeq Faezol > Lower Level
Talk to the researcher in the space station. He sends you to Rena > Gegham Helgarahi > Upper Level 3F to defeat the gigant Calamity Arms.
Sub-Quest #66: An Ambition Fulfilled
Location: Daeq Faezol > Lower Level
Only available after finishing previous Sub-Quest “Tissue Sample” from same quest giver in same place. Talk to the researchers again to get this new quest, which instantly triggers a fight against a prototype monster, simply defeat it.
Sub-Quest #67: The Super Zeugle
Location: Daeq Faezol > Lower Level
Only available after finishing previous Sub-Quests “Tissue Sample” > “An Ambition Fulfilled” from same quest giver in same place. Talk to the researchers again to get this new quest, this time he wants you to defeat 2 gigants “Masher Bull” & “Masher Mare” in Mahag Saar > Adan Lake.
Sub-Quest #68: The Ultimate Zeugle
Location: Daeq Faezol > Lower Level
Only available after finishing previous Sub-Quests “Tissue Sample” > “An Ambition Fulfilled” > “The Super Zeugle” from same quest giver in same place. Talk to the researchers again to get this new quest, this time he wants you to defeat the gigant “Ezamamuk” in Menancia > Mount Dhiara > Mountain Base.
Sub-Quest #69: The Reminiscence Device
Location: Daeq Faezol > Lower Level
This quest is only available after the story (must have created a finished story save. Your save should have a star icon on it to indicate it’s after the story). Talk to the guy in black clothes in the south of Daeq Faezol Lower Level. He will start a simulation in which you fight all 5 lords from the main story again, but this time they’re level 95+. Then you fight all 5 at the same time. Then you fight a Level 99 Zephyr. It’s the toughest battle challenge in the game. I was level 86 when I did it and didn’t have too much trouble, but if you’re below level 80 it could be quite tough. You can farm XP in the Earth Spirit Temple where the Sub-Quest “Otherworldly Visitors” took place. Also buy 15x Pineapple Gel, 15x Orange Gel, 15x Life Bottle from a merchant. These let you recharge your CP and revive which is very important for this long series of fights. The bosses behave the same as they did during the story, so you should already know their attack patterns, they are just higher level.
Endgame / Special Requirements
Sub-Quest #70: Record Collection
Location: Menancia > Viscint
This quest is only available after having completed all other 69 Sub-Quests and having found all 23 Artifacts. See Tales of Arise All Artifact Locations. Having cleared Intermediate Training Grounds also seems to be required (at least Group Battle Intermediate and Dohalim Intermediate, but if the quest doesn’t appear just do all available Training Grounds). It’s also believed that having maxed out Friendship with all characters may be needed as well (especially Dohalim), and potentially having crafted the Realm Unifier weapon for Alphen (it’s not completely clear if these are also needed but some users reported issues triggering the quest so if you don’t get it this is worth a try). After finding the last Artifact, you’ll get a skit/cutscene with Dohalim saying that he wants to open a museum for all the artifacts you’ve found. You must then talk to the Wonder Bard in Viscint. He sends you to talk to various sub-quest characters again across all 5 realms. They all get marked on the map by green star icons and are easy to find, nothing hidden. After talking to all in one region, the ones in the next region get marked. After you talked to everyone, return to the Wonder Bard and this will be your last and 70th Sub-Quest. At this point you may also earn the Platinum trophy, or should be very close to unlocking it.
That’s all of the Sub-Quests in Tales of Arise. After finishing them all, you’ll earn the Problem Solver trophy or achievement.
For more guides, check out the complete Tales of Arise Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Seth says
I was able to pick up Record Collection without having completed all sub quests (I finished 66) and only collected 19 artifacts.
PowerPyx says
Which artifacts and quests are you missing? Did you get the artifact at end of Otherworldly Visitors quest, after Chronos boss? That was my last one and the quest triggered after that.
I checked on an older save picking it up while missing other artifacts and in that instance it didn’t trigger the last quest. But it might be that only very specific artifacts are required and the last one I picked up happened to be one of them.
Seth says
I had not completed Otherworldly Visitors, The Reminiscence Device, or the Ultimate Zeugel (I had killed the monster but hadn’t turned it in). I was missing the Hellmask, the Devil Sculpture, Drums of the Master, and Mechanical Doll Accessory. I don’t know if it matters, but I had max friendship with Dohalim.
Seraph says
Same. I didn’t even beat the final boss yet, but can already do the subquest #70. So I strongly believe it does not need to be done in postgame.
TurinTerrier says
This also popped for me on 66 sub quests complete and missing some artifacts. Also to note it only popped at this point after clearing Intermediate in the training ground. He wasn’t outside when I walked in, then was there when I walked out.
PowerPyx says
The Training Grounds might be it. I think you’re on to something there. I had done most (but not all) Training Grounds. I had done the Ultimate Group Battle and all of Dohalim’s solo Training Grounds. Hadn’t done all the Training Grounds for everyone else. So this may well be a hidden requirement as well, albeit a weird one as it doesn’t seem to tie into the quest.
Uri says
last artifact i needed was the one by chronos and the sub quest wont start no matter what i do, i have all the other sub quests done and 23/23 artifacts.
PowerPyx says
Have you maxed out friendship with Dohalim yet?
Another user “Seth” suggested it in comments here. I too had my friendship with Dohalim maxed out by the time I got the quest, worth a try.
I had also maxed out friendship with all other characters too by that point. Added a note to that quest that this *may* be a requirement as well.
Slobbu says
Same here.
I think there is a different requirement like establishing a friendship with whole/certain party members.
Lord Hanzo Vi says
cant trigger quest 70 i have all that tkinks done
Lord Hanzo Vi says
Solved i miss a other quest and have quest 70 already done
Insomniacs says
Side quest 66 either I’m doing something wrong or this quest is silly doing 1 damage lol the entire time fighting this guy.
Tom says
I got it at 67/70, 21 artifacts & dohalim wasn’t maxed friendship
Tom says
But I did have all 69 side missions started
Lord Hanzo Vi says
the quest i missed wars in the gate of fire
jason89 says
same here not sure what im missing
jamesbond says
to unlock Sub-Quest #41 (tastiest pancake) you need to clear Sub-Quest #39 (bibliophile) btw
Malekith says
“Into The Grotto” is also not marked on the map but just triggered when you get close enough to the building in trench of flames east side after ???
It was the last quest I was missing.
PowerPyx says
True, I added this one in the intro section as well for the ones that aren’t marked.
Ondrej says
Thank you for your comment !!! I couldn’t find the last subquest anywhere.
Von says
so for sub-quest #70 i think you need to complete all the quests for the characters you talk to in the actual quest – it appeared for me after I turned in Bibliophile but before I completed otherworldy visitors or reminiscence device, but since the Bibliophile NPC is actually in Record Collection I think that may be the trigger
Asturgis says
Yeah, I also did the Records Collection quest without having Dohalim maxed, I still had 2 quests to finish, and hadn’t bought Alphen’s last sword either, so those conditions aren’t true.
speederly says
i already completed requared sub quests for Dahna’s Tastiest Pancake but still not available Dahna’s Tastiest Pancake quest inn at vincint.
BlazeReaver says
I haven’t completed the game, maxed friendship with anyone, finished all subquests, or collected all artifacts. I have completed the first 2 training grounds for everyone and the group battles. The cutscene still triggered and I completed the quest. I’ve only just made it to Rena. You just need to complete all relative NPC quests as far as I can tell. Including quests that involve those NPCs, such as the pancake contest one.