This walkthrough for Stray Chapter 4: The Slums will guide you through all objectives. It also includes all Collectibles and Trophies (Memories, Badges, Scratching Points, Nuzzles, Sheet Music, Energy Drinks).
For other Chapters see Stray Walkthrough.
- Memories: 7
- Badges: 1
- Scratching Points: 1
- Nuzzles: 4
- Sheet Music: 8
- Energy Drinks: 4
Chapter 4 – The Slums
Before starting, some information about Chapter 4 and the area it occurs in. This is basically the largest chapter in the game, with the most stuff to find and do. You can to this area 3 times total, in Chapter 4 and 6 where you actually do things within this area, then when finishing Chapter 7 which is the last point you are here. If you are wanting to avoid needing to return using chapter select, then that is the last point where you are able to get all of the collectibles in this area.
This part of the walkthrough will be written in a way where you obtain all the items for progression in Chapter 4 and 6 and all collectibles right at the start of Chapter 4, as this is generally the fastest way to reduce backtracking as areas where you pick up progression items also have collectibles.
At the start of the chapter, follow the path forward until you reach the cutscene showing the robots going into the garage, then interact with the robot in the red cloak. After B-12 starts translating their speech for you’ll earn the trophy Cat Got Your Tongue.
After they’re finished talking the rest of the robots will come back out, as you’re not a Zurk. You can then go inside the garage area to find a Scratch Point for this chapter.
You can then speak with Guardian again, showing them the picture out of your inventory. The point out where you’re going to need to go, but doing this is also required to allow you to Nuzzle their leg, the first of 4 times you are able to do that in this chapter.
Now we’ll go around the whole area and grab all collectibles and progression items before going to meet Momo, which allows you to immediately end the chapter without extra trips.
First, go down to the left from the garage door and interact with the lit-up vending machine. Pick up Energy Drink 1/4 that it spits out. There are 4 Energy Drinks you obtain from machines in this chapter, which are required for a couple of collectibles.
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Head back up towards Guardian and then face away from them, in the direction you came into this area from earlier. Note the building on the left with the red neon sign, which is the Bar, and the building with the lit billboard on the right, the Laundromat. Most other directions in the chapter will be in relation to these two buildings, as they are generally easy to get on top of and stick out the most.
Head to the left of the Bar and up the stairs, where there are two Robots standing beside a burning barrel. You can perform Nuzzle 2 & Nuzzle 3 on these two robots.
Head into the next alley to the right, where you can jump into a window leading into the upper floor of the bar.
Inside, jump onto the second booth to find Music Sheet 5/8 (these are numbered based on how they are named in-game, not the number that you have picked up).
Still upstairs, look at the sets of glasses hanging on the wall at the end of the pool table. Inspect them for Memory 3/7.
Head downstairs into the bar. This is optional if you already know the code, but you can interact with the picture from above the DUFER BAR sign to know it down, revealing the code 1-2-8-3, which is used to open a safe later.
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Exit the bar out the front, then start climbing up to the top using the items out front.
First, look to the left where there is a building with a round sign on top. Jump across to it and go behind the sign, where you can find a shut-down robot and Memory 1/7.
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Go back to the Bar rooftop, then look up at the building farther up the rooftop where there is the write symbol painted on the wall beside a red lantern. Climb up and jump into that window.
Head through the broken windows in the door on the other side of the room, then look immediately right where you can pick up Sheet Music 6/8 on a shelf beside a bed.
Turn around and head farther into the room, where you can jump on the desk at the end where you can find Clementine’s Notebook 4/4, one of the items required to progress the story in this chapter.
Head back out to the window, then jump onto the pipes and then onto the balcony to the left, where you can pick up Sheet Music 2/8 on a table.
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Head back down in front of the bar, then look towards the entrance to the area. On the right, you can spot a fence between two of the buildings which you can jump over. You can then look immediately to the left, then jump on the wooden beams to reach another vending machine, allowing you to pick up Energy Drink 2.
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Jump down and continue following this small alley, then take the next right to reach the area where you entered the slums area from at the start of the chapter. Take another right up the short staircase, where you can find another vending machine where you can obtain Energy Drink 3, along with Memory 5/7 by interacting with the graffiti on the wall.
Turn around from the spot you picked up the memory to see a long alley. Go down until you reach the building with the arrow sign on the side, which is the Laundromat. Use the items along the side of the wall to jump onto this rooftop.
On the rooftop, you can interact with the robot in white throwing paint across. You’ll then need to press to meow when the prompt is lit up, causing them to drop the paint, having a robot come out of the laundromat.
You can go into the Laundromat, and on the table in front of the window pick up Super Spirit Detergent.
Head back up to the Laundromat rooftop, and turn around from where the robots are. Two rooftops down there is a set of string lights. On a lower level just to the left you can find the final vending machine, allowing you to pick up Energy Drink 4.
Jump to the upper area with the string lights, and you can find a couch with a TV in front. Jump on the couch, and interact with the remote 7 times to earn the trophy Télé à chat for viewing all of the TV channels.
You can then turn towards the building with the lanterns and the blue sign, then go into the small opening in the doorway.
Go to the back of this room and turn right, where you can spot a bunch of books blocking another area. Jump over them, then interact with the note on the bed to obtain Keys.
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Back in the prior room, go immediately left then right to enter the middle aisle where there are more stacks of books. Jump across them to knock them over, revealing a safe. Interact with the safe and use the Keys to open it, allowing you to pick up Doc’s Notebook 3/4.
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Continue down the prior hallway to find the last area in the building, a larger open area with a dead robot leaning over the table. You can jump onto the piano on the right to obtain Sheet Music 7/8.
Head back outside and make your way back to the Laundromat rooftop by the robots. This time you want to jump across to where the second robot is, then follow the path up to the taller rooftop where the big blue sign is located.
On that rooftop, you can pull a battery from the left, which stops the AC fan on the top of the unit, allowing you to jump inside.
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Inside this room, jump on the two stacks of white boxes, which reveals Zbaltazar’s Notebook 2/4.
Go to the other side of the room where you can interact with a green curtain, allowing you to exit.
You can then drop down to the lower area, where you can spot some more graffiti on the wall. Interact with it to obtain Memory 6/7.
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You can then continue down to the lowest level again, and you’re back near the first vending machine. You can now find the robot Morusque here. This is the robot that you give all of the sheet music to. You can start doing this now if you wish, but there isn’t a way to know which sheets you’ve already given them, so you can wait a bit longer until you have all 8 if you want.
Continue just past Morusque where you can find a paper bag on the ground you can interact with. Interacting with it sticks it on your head, temporarily reversing your movement controls and awarding the trophy Curiosity Killed The Cat.
Continue just past that once more to reach a dead end with a safe in the corner. You’ll first need to interact with the safe once to remove the note (if you follow the clue string on the note it leads you to the passcode we spotted prior in the bar). You can interact with the safe and enter 1-2-8-3 to open it. You can then pick up Sheet Music 8/8 from inside the safe.
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Turn around and go back up the stairs, going past Guardian to the next staircase going down. At the top of the stairs there is a basketball on a ramp. Here you need to carefully walk into the basketball to push it down the ramp, and if you can make it roll into the trash can you earn the trophy Boom Chat Kalaka. If you miss you can Reload Checkpoint to try again, just be careful how long it’s been since your last checkpoint because you may need to redo things if it’s been a while.
Continue down the stairs, and on the left you can find the robot Azooz. They have three different items you can trade for, using the Energy Drinks and Detergent you picked up prior.
Trading 3 Energy Drinks for the ??? item on the left allows you to pick up Memory 2/7. Trading the Super Spirit Detergent allows you to obtain the Electric Cable, which is a progression item for Chapter 6, but you can grab it now. Trading your final Energy Drink for the item on the right allows you to obtain Music Sheet 4/8.
Now that you’ve obtained all the items from Azooz, head back by the bar. Continue past it down the alley past the two robots sitting on the ground, until you reach the robot at the end, named Grandma.
You can give Grandma the Electric Cable you obtained to have her make the Poncho item. You can then also Nuzzle her leg, the 4th and final time you can do that in this chapter.
Turn around and go to the door beside the two robots with the circuit diagrams on it. Interact with it to scratch and be let into the building, called “Elliot Programming”.
On the first floor, you can pick up Sheet Music 3/8 from the left side of the large painting of a robot.
Go to the left and go up the stairs to the second floor. On this floor you can interact with the robot and give them the Poncho. This isn’t required until Chapter 6, but you can do it now since you’re in here anyway.
Turn around from Elliot and you can find Memory 7/7 by interacting with the plant on the chair. You can then also interact with the curtain to exit the building.
You’ve now picked up every item you can in this chapter that’s not in the final area, so you can head back up to the Laundromat rooftop, then you can jump onto the balcony of the building with the large neon sign, then into the window.
This is Momo’s apartment, and where you will finish off Chapter 4. Before speaking with Momo, you can grab the final two collectibles in here. First, go to the left where you can go through a closed door with bars on the bottom. Jump onto the boxes inside the room to reach the shelf, where you can pick up Sheet Music 1/8, the final piece of Sheet Music. At this point you can return to Morusque and give them all of the pieces of Sheet Music. Once you do you will obtain the Music Badge and the trophy Meowlody. If you don’t want to do this now you can leave it for one of the next two chapters you’re in this area (there will be a reminder in Chapter 7 before you leave).
Go back out into the main room and into the smaller area behind Momo, where you can interact with the picture on the wall to obtain Memory 4/7 , the final one for this Chapter.
Now go back and speak with Momo to continue. You first need to show them the Postcard item to continue. They then give you Momo’s Notebook 1/4, and B-12 suggests you find the rest of the notebooks to show to Momo (good thing you already grabbed them). NOTE that if you want to continue doing anything in this chapter, you need to do it before giving Momo the three notebooks, because once you give him the third you’re locked in this room.
Interact with Momo three more times, giving them each of the Zbaltazar, Doc, and Clementine’s Notebooks. They then fix up the Transceiver they were working on. Follow them to the window where they give you the Transceiver, and you can jump out the window to end the chapter.
This finishes Chapter 4: The Slums in Stray. Next is Chapter 5: Rooftops.
For all other Chapter Walkthroughs, check out our full Stray Walkthrough.
Laucian Cremor says
There is a way to track which sheet music pages you’ve given to Morusque. As your looking at him, he posts the pages you given him on the wall behind him to your left of him in 2 rows of 4. As each sheet music is specifically numbered, they each have a specific spot they to.
So if you’ve given him 1, 3, 4, 6, and 7 you would see one, an empty space, two pages right nest to each other, an empty space under the first page, a page under the empty space in the first row, a page under the next page, and a blank space under the last one.
I’ll try to draw it here but I wanted to explain it in words in case the formatting didn’t work.
It would look something like that.
Laucian Cremor says
yeah i didn’t think the formatting would work, I hope my explanation makes sense