The Great Desert is the second open region. This region does feature a world map unlike some other regions. There are a total of 199 collectibles in this area, all of which become missable after the second point of no return, which happens when you finish the area “Spire 4“, then talking to Lily to progress to the last area, so make sure you collect everything before then. Your first visit here will be when heading to Matrix 11, which will limit you to a very small section of the map with only a few collectibles. You’ll be able to explore all of the Great Desert after finishing Matrix 11.
In order to activate camps in this area, you’ll need to complete the mission “Reboot!!!“, which you’ll get once you interact with your first camp. Any camp you interact with before completing the mission will automatically activate once you finish the mission.
- Naytiba Data: 4
- Camp: 20
- Box: 67
- Memory Stick: 52 (*missing Memory Stick 40)
- Document: 19
- Passcode: 5
- Can: 16
- Body Core: 3
- Beta Core: 3
- Tumbler Expansion Module: 1
- Drone Upgrade Module: 3
- Weapon Core/Damaged Weapon Core: 3 (Damaged)
- Nano Suit: 4
- Exospine: 2
Collectible Overview:
Matrix 11 Visit
Camp #1 / Great Desert Crossing Exploration Team Advertisement Document
As soon as you land when going to Matrix 11. The document will be on the ground by the telephone.
The Last Theorem of an Unknown Memory Stick
To the right of the entrance to Matrix 11, inside one of the bathroom stalls.
Regular Great Desert Visit
Camp #2
As soon as you land when heading to Abyss Levoire.
Camp #3
In front of the broken building by the Tetrapod.
Citizen 246’s Recollection Memory Stick
At the top of the broken building behind the previous camp.
Box #1 / Can #1 – Nectar Cranberry / Box #2 / Galaxy Alan’s Lament Memory Stick / Box #53 Passcode – λλλλαθ
Along the wall there will be a ledge you can grab onto that will raise you up to the maintenance robots. Jump across them and the can is inside the crate.
You can then jump across to the next maintenance robot to get to a ledge with a gate. Open the gate and the next crate and memory stick will be inside.
Lesser Lurker / Lurker / Box #3
Down the hill from the previous area. The crate is being guarded by 2 Lesser Lurkers and a regular Lurker will appear after opening the crate.
Camp #4
By the entrance to Xion.
The Xion #4 Document
Dropped by the robot enemy behind the rocks.
Sentinel 82’s Memory Memory Stick / Citizen 109’s Resolution Memory Stick / Box #4
Beside the rock alcove, there will be a corpse with a memory stick. Inside the alcove will be the crate and another memory stick.
Box #5
Behind the rocks by the fast travel point. When you try to open it, a bunch of Creeper enemies will spawn.
Box #6 / Citizen 206’s Memory Memory Stick
The crate is inside the rock alcove blocked by wooden boards. You can push the nearby explosive barrel to the boards and blow it up to get inside. The memory stick is on a corpse behind the alcove.
Box #7
Being guarded by some Lurkers and Mutated Creepers in the middle of the desert.
Can #2 – Newfoundland Dry Zero
There will be a mostly buried crate in the ground by the Lesser Lurker. Shoot the crate and the can will pop out.
Emil’s Lament Memory Stick
On a corpse along the southern rock wall.
Camp #5
On top of the broken building. You’ll need to move the orange box over to get on top of the building with the camp.
Body Core Upgrade Material #1 / Box #8
From the camp, jump across the yellow ledges and follow them to a corpse with the Body Core. Drop down and then there will be a crate below.
Box #9
On the broken building behind the camp, you can jump up onto it by jumping from the slightly higher spot in the desert and timing your jumps correctly. It’s another arrow direction puzzle.
Sentinel 15’s Plea Memory Stick
Underneath the broken bridge leaned against the pillar.
Box #10
Underneath the broken bridge on a metal platform. You’ll need to move the orange box over to the pillar to climb up the yellow ledges to get up to it.
Box #11
Against the rock being guarded by a few enemies.
Box #12
Behind the Petlos Plaza billboard.
Box #16 Passcode – μηζεεγ / Lament of the Isolated Memory Stick
Inside the broken building, behind the fence. The passcode is dropped by the robot and the memory stick is on the corpse.
Failed Sentinel’s Lament Memory Stick / Box #13
In the same building as the previous collectibles, climb up the yellow ledges and both will be at the very top of the building.
Citizen 218’s Memory Memory Stick
In front of the bus by the broken bridge.
Camp #6 / Notes on EVE Protocol 4 Document / Sentinel 58’s Advice Memory Stick / Box #14 / Recovery-Type Exospine
The camp will be on top of the broken bridge. The document and memory stick will be by the nearby rubble. There will also be a crate at the end of the bridge with the exospine inside.
Damaged Weapon Core Upgrade Material #1
Dropped by the Stalker once you walk into the area with the Solar Tower.
Teddy’s Memory Memory Stick / Xion Gate Passcode – ηαεδγγ
By the pole at the back of the Solar Tower area. With this passcode, you can open the locked gate in Xion near the stairs that leads to Sisters’ Junk.
Box #15 / Box #16
Both boxes are on top of the Solar Tower, with one of them being on the opposite walkway, so you’ll need to jump around to it. This crate will also require a passcode which we collected earlier.
Camp #7
By the 2 broken bridges.
Box #17
From the camp, go across the broken bridge and the box is inside the tunnel at the end. You’ll need the drone hacking upgrade to open it.
Words Spoken: Embracing Death with a Smile Memory Stick / Words Spoken: Finding Peace Before Death Memory Stick
From the previous crate, go through the hole that leads to the next tunnel and go across the swing bars to the first corpse. Then drop down and pick up the next memory stick off the corpse in front of the door.
Jerome’s Faith Memory Stick
From the previous collectible go up the bridge and it’ll be directly ahead against the car.
Box #18
Keep progressing across the second broken bridge and it’s to the left of the bus just after the sliding swing bar part.
Box #19 / Beta Core Upgrade Material #1
Keep progressing across the second broken bridge and there will be a crate just past the 2 old droids near the orange movable block. Afterwards, move the orange movable block by the previous collectible and jump over the blue barricades to find the corpse with the Beta Core.
Box #20
By the fallen tower near the Way to the Solar Tower camp.
Lesser Behemoth / Box #21
On top of the cliff by the Lesser Behemoth.
Box #22
Along the cliffside from the previous crate. After interacting with the crate, you’ll then need to shoot the 5 targets that appear in the distance.
S2RV1C2-875687’s Data Document / Camp #8 / THE TRUTH, Article 4 Document
The first document is on the corpse of the broken down yellow robot inside the broken building. Directly beside the robot will be a destroyable wall that you can destroy by shooting the red barrel. There will be another document inside the newspaper stand and the camp will be directly beside it.
Box #23
From the camp, enter the broken building to the right of the pathway with the gate and then climb up to the next level. This crate will be another arrow direction puzzle.
Box #24 / Chapter of the Trial 3 Document
Go through the gate and enter the first broken building on the left. The document is inside the tiny box at the alter.
Box #25
Down the alleyway by all the stone Naytibas.
Sentinel 41’s Memory Memory Stick
From the previous box, jump onto the bus and go across the swing bars to get on the roof.
Camp #9
In the middle of the road between the 2 parking lots.
Box #26
On top of the broken bridge. You have to shoot the explosive barrels by the bus to knock it down to get up.
Box #27 / Scavenger 404’s Advice Memory Stick
Both collectibles are by the Daily Grind sign.
Body Core Upgrade Material #2
On a corpse inside the broken building.
Box #28
Inside the broken building.
Box #29
At the back of the area with the broken buildings, move the orange box and climb up the yellow ledges, then go across the swing bars to get onto the roof.
Tumbler Expansion Module Upgrade Material #1
From the previous box, go across the ramp and use the swing bars to get to the building with the robot that drops the Tumbler Expansion Module.
Box #30 / Black Wave Nano Suit
From the previous collectible, keep following the swing bars and then jump to the roof on the left side.
Box #31 / Can #3 – Johnson’s Highball Lemon
Enter the cave and you’ll be ambushed by 2 Lurkers. Afterwards, move the orange box to the yellow ledges and climb up to the top to find the crate with the can inside.
Box #32
By the quicksand pit, being guarded by a Lurker and some Creepers.
Box #33 / Blue Monsoon Nano Suit
You’ll first need to accept the request “Precious Treasure” from the Bulletin Board in Xion, then you’ll open this crate as part of the mission.
Scavenger 388’s Plea Memory Stick / Drone Upgrade Module #1
Leaned up against the car being guarded by several enemies. There will also be a robot behind the crate wall that will drop the Drone Upgrade Module.
S2RV1C2-99991’s Data Document / Citizen 360’s Complaint Memory Stick
The document is on the broken maintenance robot and the memory stick is on a corpse nearby.
Box #34
Inside the broken building near the previous collectible.
Camp #10
Outside the fenced area by the broken buildings.
Box #35
Inside the fenced area by the camp.
July’s Memory Memory Stick / May’s Memory Memory Stick / August’s Memory Memory Stick
You’ll first need to accept the mission “A Treasure with a Name” in Xion. You’ll then pick up these 3 memory sticks as part of the mission.
Laughter of the Isolated Memory Stick
Inside the broken building being guarded by 2 Guard Turrets and a Tentacle.
Box #36 / Can #4 – Starwell
To the west of Buried Ruins camp, you’ll see some road lights and a sign that says “Road Closed”. There will also be a flashing light similar to a can in the ground with a Lurker trail going back and forth on it. Place a Smart Mine on the spot that keeps flashing and once the Lurker passes over it, the crate with the can will pop out, as well as a few enemies.
Box #37
Inside of one of the broken buildings, being blocked by explosive crates.
Sentinel 46’s Memory Memory Stick
On a corpse propped against some rubble.
Box #38 / Box #39
Jump up the school bus and climb up the ladder to the roof, then jump to the next roof where the crate is.
Then jump over to the next roof and the crate is by the blue boxes.
Box #40 / Can #5 – Potential Frost
From the previous crates, move the orange box under the right side of the seesaw and use it to jump across to the next building using the swing bar. Drop down to a lower level and carefully jump through the lasers to the crate with the can.
So’s Resolution Memory Stick / Raan’s Testament Memory Stick / Mel’s Faith Memory Stick / Lune’s Last Words Memory Stick / Ryu’s Rage Memory Stick / Yo’s Mutterings Memory Stick / Damaged Weapon Core Upgrade Material #2
You’ll first need to accept the mission “An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth“. The Abaddon you’ll then need to defeat on the rooftop at the ruining buildings will drop all the collectibles.
Camp #11 / Box #41
The camp is on the building across from where you fought the Abaddon. You can then drop to the next building to find the crate.
Can #6 – Johnson’s Highball Ginger / Scavenger 438’s Plea Memory Stick
From the previous camp, drop down and interact with the vending machine to get the can. There will also be a corpse with the memory stick in the broken building behind the vending machine.
Camp #12
At the top left corner of the ruined building area, near the gate.
Beta Core Upgrade Material #2
On a corpse inside the broken building, by the green generator.
Box #42
Behind a wall of lasers. The middle laser will disappear every few seconds, letting you jump through.
Box #43 / Box #44 / Can #7 – Liquid Nuclear / Sentinel 39’s Resolution Memory Stick
There will be some scaffolding you can jump up to get inside a broken building. There will be a crate as soon as you jump inside that you’ll need the drone hacking upgrade to open.
Once inside move the orange box all the way over to the yellow ledge and jump out of the building into the back alley where the crate with the can is. There will also be a corpse nearby with the memory stick.
Camp #13
From the previous collectibles, go through the gate and go down the right pathway.
Box #45 / Can #8 – Mountain Sparkle Everest
From the previous camp, keep following the alleyway and then push the orange box all the way to the lasers to block them and open the crate with the can after the lasers are blocked.
Sentinel 477’s Plea Memory Stick
On a corpse propped against the bus.
Box #46 / THE TRUTH, Article 6 Document
Both are directly next to the giant dome, with the document being inside a newspaper stand.
Box#47 Passcode – ηηαμμδ
At the bottom of the giant dome, dropped by a robot.
Box #47
Inside the broken building. You can use the passcode you just got to open it.
Can #9 – Behemoth Black
Inside the parking lot you’ll need to move all 3 orange boxes onto the correct parking spots. The correct spots being 12, 2, and 13.
Box #48 / Box #49 / Can #10 – The Haven Milk Tea
In the area to the left of the previous collectible you’ll need to move around trash carts onto platforms until each podium is green, which will let you open the gate that leads to both of the crates, with one of them giving you a can.
Body Core Upgrade Material #3
On a corpse at the end of the pathway past the parking lot.
Box #50
At the end of the pathway that leads out of the ruined building area.
Luther’s Revelation Memory Stick / Box #51 / Can #11 – Cryo the Malt
You’ll need to shoot down the target to lower the rope in order to get onto the rooftop.
Interact with the fuse box which will start a timer where you’ll need to interact with the other 2 before the time runs out. Go across the swing bars and the yellow ledges until you reach the second building and interact with the second fuse box. Make a long jump over to the yellow ledges and interact with the last fuse box. There will also be a corpse with a memory stick by the last fuse box.
With that done, drop down the ladder and you’ll now be able to open the gate below that has the crate with the can inside.
Box #52 / Can #12 – Nectar Grape
Both will be by one of the big rocks near the Oasis, with the can being inside a vending machine.
Harry’s Recollection Memory Stick
Against a rock to the west of the Oasis.
Sentinel 55’s Decision Memory Stick
In the middle of the desert near the Oasis.
Camp #14
At the northern edge of the Oasis.
Box #53 / Cybernetic Bondage Nano Suit
Locked crate in the water near the previous camp. You can use the passcode you got earlier to open it.
I Heard It Document
You’ll first need to accept the mission “Let There be Light Again” from Xion. You’ll then pick this up as part of the objective.
Box #54
Being guarded by 2 Old Droids by the ship wreckage.
Box #55 / Can #13 – Milky Pop Zero / Beta Core Upgrade Material #3
Jump up the yellow ledges on the cliff and look over towards the swing bars. Shoot the target to drop a rope and then go across to get to the very top of the cliff where the crate is with the can. You can then drop off the south-eastern edge to find a corpse with a Beta Core.
Scavenger 390’s Memory Memory Stick
On the top floor of the broken building by the giant rock.
Camp #15
To the north of the Buried Ruins.
Box #56 Passcode – λβιιδα
Dropped by the robot to the north of the previous camp.
Box #56
Directly from the previous collectible, shoot the target near the ropes and then swing across to get inside the gated area. You can open the crate with the passcode you just got.
Camp #16
Outside of the Smiths building.
Box #57 / Can #14 – Liquid Fire
On the rooftop of the building there will be a crate. Once you interact with it a bunch of drones with explosive barrels will start flying at you and you’ll need to destroy them all for the crate to open.
Naomi’s Testament Memory Stick
The corpse is propped up against the broken building.
Sentinel 71’s Resignation Memory Stick
On a corpse inside the broken building.
Box #58 / Chapter of the Trial 2 Document
On the second floor of the broken building. You can jump up the rubble to get up there.
Sentinel 95’s Regret Memory Stick
On a corpse by the boxes near the Abyss Levoire entrance.
Camp #17
Next to the Abyss Levoire entrance.
Ark-tech pioneers developing the green land! Document / Box #59
On a corpse on the second floor of the broken building. You can use the cliff to jump into the second floor. Afterwards, you can climb up the other yellow ledges to the top floor to find a crate.
Camp #18
In front of the rocks.
Scavenger 173’s Lament Memory Stick / Box #60 / Daily Sailor Nano Suit
Inside the broken building, there will be a corpse beside the orange block with the memory stick.
Then shoot the explosive barrel near the previous collectible to free the orange box and move it over to the rubble to climb up. Follow the yellow ledges and go across the swing bars to get to the crate.
Drone Upgrade Module #2
Dropped by the robot roaming around the statue.
Box #61 / Can #15 – Cryo Café Mocha
In a crate in the middle of the desert. When you interact with it, 3 targets will appear. You’ll need to shoot them in the order they appear to open the crate.
Camp #19 / Citizen 779’s Consolation Memory Stick
The camp is by the big rock that has the camp sign in front of it. There will also be a corpse with the memory stick nearby.
Scavenger 103’s Memory Memory Stick
On a corpse underneath the rock near the trees. Once you get close to it, you’ll slow from entering a sandstorm. This is fine, just keep going.
Behemoth / Damaged Weapon Core Upgrade Material #3
You’ll first need to accept the mission “Encounter” from Xion. Afterwards you’ll need to go to the eye shaped area in the top left of the map to encounter the Behemoth.
I Saw It Document
You’ll first need to accept the mission “Let There be Light Again“, then you can find the document on the drop pod in the middle of the desert.
Exile’s Resolution Memory Stick / Third Road Document
Both are on a cargo crate near the hypertube.
Plastic Hearts, Vol 4 Document
Dropped by the robot near the giant statue.
Box #62
On the scaffolding by the giant statue.
Echo’s Lament Memory Stick / Box #63 / Truth of the Cradle Document / The Truth Under The City Of Xion Document
You’ll first need to accept the mission “A United People Cannot be Defeated“. You’ll then need to pick it up the collectibles during the objective. You can also open the crate behind the statue using the passcode λλλλλλ from the Third Road document.
Believer’s Screams Memory Stick / We Must Find Them Memory Stick
Both corpse with the memory sticks are propped against the statue.
Box #64 / Suppression-Type Exospine
On the metal platform guarded by a bunch of enemies.
Camp #20
Directly beside the hypertube.
Box #65 / Orca Aerospace Company Hypertube System Document
Go through the hypertube and once you reach the water, there will be a crate underneath you. There will also be a corpse in the water with the document.
Box #66 / Chapter of Trial 4 Document
In the same area as the previous collectibles, go out of the water and the box with the document is on the altar at the dead-end path.
Rambling of the Ascended Memory Stick / Lament of the Fearful Memory Stick
In the same area as the previous document, both will be on the path to the exit of the cave.
Drone Upgrade Module #3
On top of the hypertube near Abyss Levoire.
I Felt It Memory Stick / Damaged Legacy Document
You’ll first need to accept the mission “Let There be Light Again“, then you can find the memory stick on a body on top of the hypertube near Abyss Levoire. You’ll also find the document there.
Box #67 / Can #16 – The Haven Earl Grey
From the previous collectibles, the crate with the can will be all the way at the end of the hypertube.
Next Up: Abyss Levoire
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to Stellar Blade Collectibles.
SHDW says
has anyone found memory 17?
Darkeyser66 says
Not yet, only 40, I’m looking in places close to 16 and 18
Fats44 says
The missing memory #40 is near abandoned overpass camp by a little red car at end of road the camp is on….
Darkeyser66 says
I found memory 17, in building close to destroy two segments tunnel, from the ship go ahead to northwest
SHDW says
is there a close camp nearby?
Stellar says
Where is 40?
Irwynn says
Uh, what with 40th? I’m confused a little. Its near 16 and 18th?
Majury says
Cheers. Can confirm memory 17 is just northwest of your ship. If others are having trouble. You see the 2 large broken tunnel segments? Well go to the left segment, you’ll see a small broken segment of tunnel below it. In between both of those tunnel segments is a ruined building. Climb up and jump across to reach memory stick 17!
Jackal says
Thanks for the Memory Stick #17 info.
In case anyone ask for the memory stick name, it called “Scavenger 390’s Memory”.
U reached the collapse building will notice the left or right right have a tiny yellow mark to notice you double jump > dash to reach there.
boomber8585 says
40 is whiiir whiiir / After Camp #6, at the end of the bridge.
Katashi says
Can u collect it? Its kinda buged for me. When i scan he is getting marked but when i arrive there is nothing to loot on him :/
Yeong says
For some reason, Box #40 does not spawn for me.
ObsiEez says
I have no idea what could cause this honestly as it appeared in that location in my first visit.
Irwynn says
ObsiEez may be it was removed from release version? It seems you had pre-release version, I guess this like there a few boxes in the guide have a bit different locations (moved to 1-2 meters for proper access I presume)
ObsiEez says
It is very well possible as this happened with my Alone in the Dark guide as well. Once I get some more free time, I can scan the area & see if it was moved elsewhere or removed entirely
Pussmich says
As anyone found memory stick 39 & 40?
Dark Schendeir says
can any one help i cant find Notes on EVE Protocol 4 Document dose it have a requirement to show ?!
Dark Schendeir says
okay found it it require all three “Notes on EVE Protocol” for number 4 to show
MAxxe says
None of them appear for me. The 2 in Lyle’s shop are blacked out items (just the black squares appear as if there is space for 3 more items but no listing. The other in Xion is not sitting on the bridge pylon as you move away from the Tetrapod. I think it is bugged for me.
Irwynn says
No idea where to find Box #40. Either location is wrong or screen in wrong, there is no chests except the #41
Irwynn says
I found the spot matching the screen but there is no chests. Is it tied to any quest?
ObsiEez says
I don’t believe it’s tied to a quest as it doesn’t give you anything quest related.
ObsiEez says
I just double checked, the screenshot & location is correct. I have no idea what could cause this honestly as it appeared in that location in my first visit.
Majury says
For Box #9, there’s a dartboard in the sky you can shoot, that drops a swinging rope. Makes it a breeze to get over.
DiO93 says
I’ve done multiple playthroughs and I’ve only noticed it now. ‘Cuz I happened to hear it! I’m dumbfounded, I guessed there was an actual way to get to the box, without using the buildings broken walls, but this is ridiculous! Thing is so damn high! There’s no way in hell this wasn’t patched, hence why I’ve only heard the drone now! And I play with an headset! No way you’ll manage to hear it otherwise. Alternatively, maybe if you decide to “Hey! I feel like looking up towards the sky!” (It never occurred to me) LOL Anyways! “THIS”
Roach says
You have written Lament of the Isolated twice, the Memory Stick after that is Failed Sentinel’s Lament.
ObsiEez says
Thank you for the correction, this has been fixed
Irwynn says
Rambling of the Ascended Document / Lament of the Fearful Document are actually not a documents but a memory sticks #33, 34
ObsiEez says
Thank you for the correction, this has been fixed
Irwynn says
Also memory stick 39 Failed Sentinel’s Lament is not mentioned in the guide.
ObsiEez says
The memory stick is located in the same spot as Box #13. It was just incorrectly labeled
Irwynn says
And I missing memory stick #41 even I was foloowing this guide step by step.
ObsiEez says
#41 is Luther’s Revelation, in front of the last fuse box to open the area leading to Box #49
Faisal says
Box 40 not there in the desert section
ObsiEez says
I have no idea what causes this honestly as other players have experienced the same issue with that box not appearing
Faisal says
Found out box 40 probably replaced-different postion-there is a extra box on path to box 42(inside the building
Darkeyser66 says
This aren’t documents >Rambling of the Ascended Document / Lament of the Fearful Document] are memory sticks
ObsiEez says
Thank you for the correction, this has been fixed
Irwynn says
If you follow the camp #6 bridge to the end there will be a memory stick Whiir whiir (don’t remember its number) and a chest with Recovery-type spine. That means there +1 spine for the region counter. And +1 for chest if you gonna keep #40 that is not there 🙂
ObsiEez says
Thank you for the information! Once I get some more free time I’ll be adding this to the guides
Mr_Giraffa says
I`m missing Memory Stick #24, what`s is it name?
Missed it too. Scavenger 438s Plea. Right below the Crumbling Rooftop Camp. Just go down and on the left in the building behind the can machine.
Darkeyser66 says
Someone have log data #10 and message #2? I miss it and can’t found with this guide, I need the names
Velablue says
Have you found it? Thanks
Soyel says
Log data #10 is called “Quarantine Failure?” And it’s in Abyss Levoire, just before the boss room (the hallway before the last camp).
I’m still searching for Messages #2.
DanQdd says
message #2 is in wasteland check comments on the wasteland collectable page. It will spawn after digger storyline
Roach says
I have found Scavenger 390’s Memory and and Scavenger 438’s Plea Sticks. The first one is in a building between the opera house and a camp on a corpse and the second one is north of the tetrapod in a building between cliffs and the westmost point of the hypertube, on the top floor, you can just climb on it.
That’s #17 and #24 btw.
siro says
Cybernetic Bondage Nano Suit password not found
Mega says
For memory stick #41 you have to complete the side quest called taboo
Mega says
This is for luther revelation
Ranger says
Memory 24: Scavenger 438’s Plea is right behind Can 6: Johnson’s Highball Ginger
Tyler says
I am so confused where the cave is for can #3
ObsiEez says
It’s in the side of the cliff from the screenshot, in the south-west area of the cliff. If you’re having trouble finding it, you can hug the wall of the cliff as you run around it and you’ll eventually find it
Gimanuu says
would be helpful if you added more than just “inside the broken building” some of those buildings are mazes, and it would be helpful if you provided more details like you do with most the others. Great guide overall.
ObsiEez says
For the open maps like the Wasteland & the Great Desert, there really isn’t any good markers to use other than the broken building since they all look the same sadly, so it mostly relies on the map screenshot to figure out where. Where the areas without the map have more details and are very linear, so explaining more in detail is a lot easier
Kensei says
For Box 9 (accros the camp up the broken building) there is a shooting target in the air that drops a rope when shot.
Way easier then the side jump from desert.
MugiiiQAQ says
Thanks for the guide!
Camp #6 / Notes on EVE Protocol 4 Document / Sentinel 58’s Advice Memory Stick / Box #14 / Recovery-Type Exospine
The camp will be on top of the broken bridge. The document and memory stick will be by the nearby rubble. There will also be a crate at the end of the bridge with the exospine inside.
a little far from the rubble, there is a memory stick at the end of the brige behind a red car, perhaps is the Memory Stick 40…
Jimmy says
There’s another little box past box 29 on the bridge that wouldn’t open for me.
EVE says
I think there’s a single, unaccounted for Drone Module Upgrade in the same building as “Ark-tech pioneers developing the green land! Document / Box #59” It’s near the breakable box on the ledge near the entrance of the building.
R says
NOTES ON EVE 4 is not there :-( can this be bugged? Anyone else having this issue?
Is this going to affect the 100% Lily bar? This would be frustrating, since I’ve been collecting everything..
ObsiEez says
According to some other users, they needed to pick up all the Other Project EVE notes first before it appeared. I haven’t been able to test this personally but if you don’t manage to collect it, you’ll be fine. There is way more than enough stuff to get you to 100% Lily Progress
Cloudeyz says
Just a suggestion for Box#9 on great desert. If you look up in the sky, quite on the opposite direction form which you said to jump, there’s a flying target you can shoot, which releases a rope to let you directly jump from the camp near there
Miles says
Confirmed that Memory Stick #40 is near Camp #6 as MugiiiQAQ mentioned. Go to the end of the broken bridge (near a robot to be rebooted for the side task) and it is behind the red car.
StellarBladeforGOTY says
This is very helpful especially for the cans and Beta/Body Cores. My most missed were of course in that area, haha. Thanks a lot
Aichi says
There’s a missed box down the path to the left of the hyper tube you go on at the end of the guide.
Quarter Pounder says
There’s two boxes that are not listed here, the one that Aichi mentioned and another one I found at a rooftop where you fight Abaddon, just look where the big sign is and walk to the edge of the building next to the sign, look down and you will see another rooftop with a golden box on it, you should be able to drop down and survive the fall.
DiO93 says
There’s a Beta Core right after “Rambling of the Ascended Memory Stick / Lament of the Fearful Memory Stick”, just go up the rope. ^_^ You’ll know this if you followed the guide from the get-go. Open the locked gate (ta-daa!) and there’s “Camp #16” on your right. ^_^
DiO93 says
There’s an unmentioned blue box just North of the Tetrapod, opening your map you’ll notice there’s two rocky/cliffy areas, somewhat close to the Tetrapod, it’s the Northernmost one. ^-^