Stellar Blade has a total of 1003 collectibles spread across its 9 regions. There are no collectibles in the introduction section of the game, except for 3 Naytiba’s that you’re forced into fighting. The collectible types are as follows:
- Naytiba Data: 67 –
Naytiba Researcher
- Camps: 89 –
Meticulous Explorer
- Boxes: 299 –
Box Hunter
- Memory Sticks: 186 –
Records Collector
- Documents: 112 –
Records Collector
- Passcodes: 23 –
Records Collector
- Cans: 49 –
Can Collecter
- Body Cores: 20 –
Perfect Physical Enhancement
- Beta Cores: 20 –
Perfect Beta Energy Enhancement
- Tumbler Expansion Modules: 15 –
Perfect Rechargeable Tumbler
- Drone Upgrade Modules: 25
- Weapon Cores: 15 –
Perfect Blood Edge
- Damaged Weapon Cores: 6 –
Perfect Blood Edge
- Nano Suits: 40 (5 as rewards, not collected) –
Nano Suit Collector
- Exospines: 12 –
Perfect Exospine
- Fish: 25 –
Lonely Fisherman
All collectibles are missable because of two points of no return that gradually lock you out of areas:
- The first point of no return happens after you finished the area Abyss Levoire. This locks you out of the area called Xion, so you need to make sure you’ve collected everything in Xion before attempting to head to Spire 4.
- The second point happens after you finish Spire 4 and head to the last area of the game. This locks you out of all areas and every single collectible, so you need to make sure you’ve collected everything before this point.
Thankfully after beating the game, you can start New Game+ and you’ll retain all records so you can collect anything you missed, as well as some new stuff that gets added in NG+, such as MK2 variants of Exospines and new Nano Suit colors.
Collectibles by Location
Collectibles by Type
Also see Side Quests and Bulletin Board Requests for all side content.
Irwynn says
Great Desert is still locked for me after finishing Matrix 11. Only visiting Abyss Levoire is available. Will it unlock later after finishing Abyss Levoire?
ObsiEez says
This is weird as the moment you head to the Great Desert itself, you should be able to fully explore as I finished all collectibles and side quest in every area before entering Abyss Levoire
Nyaaa says
For the 200 boxes, do opening the same boxes in NG+ not count? Because some boxes aren’t counting for me so I assume they must be boxes I opened on a previous playthrough. So I need 200 “unique” boxes?
ObsiEez says
Opening ones you’ve already collected doesn’t count, this also goes for picking up Memory Sticks/Documents you’ve already picked up before as well
SKH says
Quick question:
BOX HUNTER trophy requires to open 200 boxes but you listed 295.
Do i need to open all the 295 for the platinum trophy or 200 is the minimum required?
Thx a lot for all your work
ObsiEez says
You only need to open 200, there is just a lot of extra boxes
SKH says
Thx a lot
Finch says
Hi quick question: the Hive enemy is not registering for me during Altess Levoire. I’ve killed two of them and i am jot getting a data bank info. Is it bugged?
ObsiEez says
It wasn’t bugged for any of the writers while playing, but it is possible the newest patch did mess with something or you’re having a unique issue of your own. Either way, you’ll encounter more Hive enemies in Matrix 11 so if it’s just that one that is bugged out, you should be fine
migix959595 says
Hi I have a doubt, for the trophy it is necessary 200 document(memory stick, passcode etc), i have earned the trophy , now i can ignore other document or it is necessary for other trophy? (Nano suite for example?) Thanks
ObsiEez says
They can sometimes be linked to other collectibles or just give you more SP for picking them up, so it’s still recommended to pick them up, but for the most part no, you don’t need to keep picking them up
Yeong says
Thanks for the guide.
I have a question. What’s the 10th Log Data and the 2nd Message in Document section?
Darkeyser66 says
I missed both and I question in different groups but no one answered
Scott says
10th Log Data is in Abyss Levoire.
2nd message no clue
Zeronknight says
Message #2 can be found at the scrap yard to the left by the ladder where you had to move the orange box to climb up. You will see a monitor with a face one it. You get it after you finish D1G-g2r’s story questline and he moves to Xion.
Moos says
How do I get the last 3 Naytiba entries? I finished the game with the „Cost of lost memories“ ending. According to the guide, the last 3 are unlocked in the final area or are they tied to a specific ending?
ObsiEez says
The last 3 are locked behind the Colony ending, so as long as you’re missing 3 before that ending, you’re all good
Mega says
For memory stick #41 you have to complete the side quest taboo or else luther doesn’t die
Moonlight says
Anyone know where documents message 2 and promotions 14 is?
Gackt says
I guess promotion 14 is “Eidos Company Promotion Document” in Altess Levoire.
Scott says
Does anyone know where Message #5 is? Only document im missing for 100%.
ObsiEez says
Message #5 is Humanity Liberation Front. It’s located in Altess Levoire
helvetesmakt says
For perfect physical enhancement and perfect beta enhancement.. can I get these trophies in ng+ by just picking up some of the early body cores at the start of the game? I’m at the end of the game and I don’t feel like hunting down the last few..
ObsiEez says
I haven’t tested it personally, but I believe you can do that, yes
Momen says
I just finished the game and i just missed 1 camp and I started NG+ do i need to unlock all camps again ? Or just the 1 im missing + I already do the 100% lily ending and the other 1 .
ObsiEez says
I’m not 100% sure as I haven’t tested that myself of if only getting the one you’re missing will net you the trophy, but another comment mentioned that he was at 88/89 & activating 1 camp in NG+ that he activated before got him the trophy, so you can see if that works for you or not.
Momen says
I just got it from the 1 I missed it was near abyss levoire mission I opened the camps in the other area and didn’t count so yeh im just saying so the players know that
WadetheBadger says
Okay, So I am a bit confused. The guide as it stands says there are 67 collectable Naytiba. That is all well and good, if correct. The issue I am having is the number of Naytiba collectively in each area according to these same guides only equals 60. where the heck are the missing seven? I am utterly paranoid I am going to miss one, as it stands. Are any Missable, or by which I mean are any uncollectable if you get to one of the points of no return? I am at Abyss, but have not completed it. I want to collect everything possible for my trophy list beforehand, lest I lose my fragile mind.
ObsiEez says
This may be an error in the tallying, but every Naytiba is listed throughout the guides. Once I have some time to double check, I’ll see why that is the case
Dony says
You should probably elaborate that technically camps are missable. I’ve just messed up my new game plus avoiding Lily for the other ending having just realised near the end I’ve missed 2 camps from Eidos 9 I now can’t go back and get with doing a third run and having to do a full run basically.
ObsiEez says
Everything is already clearly regarded as missable due to the points of no returns locking you out of things
Angel says
I just finished the game , and well I got all the enemies recorded , like I have no single slot Empty but for some reason it didn’t give me the trophy , you guys know why ?
Carlos Pepitao says
You should do the ending where you don’t hold Adam’s hand.
Exploiter says
I’ve got 100% according to the guide in Xion and did not have any open side quests. I then also got to go to Eidos 9.
Do I understand that correctly that I have Lilly’s progress bar at 100% because I went to Eidos 9 prior to Spire 4 even though I have not yet collected everything in the Great Desert, Wasteland etc?
And is it correct I do NOT need to collect all crates, documents, memory sticks etc but only enough for the collectible trophies? Or do I need everything for being able to achieve the good ending or for another trophy?
ObsiEez says
You’re all good for the other ending if you went to Edios 9 before Spire 4. & From that point, you only need to collect enough crates, documents, & memory sticks to unlocked their trophies. After that you don’t have to collect anything else