Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains 7 Jedi Chamber Locations. Finding and completing all 7 Jedi Chambers unlocks the Star Tours trophy & achievement and the ability to unlock the Map Upgrade which reveals all Essences on the map (Perks, Perk Slots and Skill Points). Jedi Chambers are puzzle rooms testing different skills, each of which is the name of the Jedi Chamber itself. Below is a list of all Jedi Chambers and where to find them:
Jedi Chambers
- Chamber of Duality (Koboh > Rambler’s Reach > Rambler’s Reach Outpost): Unmissable, story-related. You will visit this Jedi Chamber shortly after entering the Smuggler’s Tunnel below the Cantina during Chapter 2.
- Chamber of Detachment (Koboh > Prospector’s Folly > Mountain Ascent): Accessed from the same platform where you find Skoova and the Mee fish. Check Star Wars Jedi: Survivor All Fish Locations.
- Chamber of Connection (Koboh > Viscid Bog): Ride the zipline across the swamp and then drop to another zipline running perpendicular to find this temple.
- Chamber of Fortitude (Koboh > Rambler’s Reach > Southern Ridge): Firstly, gain access to the Corroded Silo by lifting the hatch on the roof, then work your way down and into the Chamber.
- Chamber of Clarity (Koboh > Rambler’s Reach > Untamed Downs): At the very top of the hill, the northernmost point in the territory.
- Chamber of Reason (Koboh > Forest Array > Basalt Rift): To get here, fast travel to the Rift Passage meditation point. Get back to the Basalt Rift and go downhill. Swing across to get to it.
- Chamber of Ambidexterity (Koboh > Stone Spire > Devastated Settlement): Make your way to the Grand Courtyard Meditation Point. From one of the cliff sides here you can see a giant golden cube on a lower platform. Below this platform is a small hidden ledge with a Relter perched on it. Take mental note of this perch. Now, in this area are three big violet lasers. From the way you originally came from as part of the story, head to the second one, the one all the way to the left of the three main updrafts if facing them. Redirect the laser towards the above-mentioned ledge, making sure it hits the rock. Now get there by means of the Relter and use BD-1’s goo laser to carry the fire inside the room and burn the vines.
These are all the Jedi Chamber Locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Once you have them all, you can access the BD-1 Slice Terminal next to the Meditation Point found at Alignment Control Center territory on underground Koboh.
For all other collectibles refer to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Wiki.
LeavingGoodbye says
The last picture, for Chamber of Ambidexterity, is a small thumbnail version. We can’t click on it to make it better.
PowerPyx says
Thanks for flagging this, it’s fixed now
John says
I cant get the monitor to the far right to get green? I have completed all the chambers, i even went back to all of them but cant get it right.
Help please