Star Wars Jedi: Survivor contains 11 Cantina Recruit Locations. Finding all 11 Cantina Recruits unlocks the Max Capacity trophy & achievement. You cannot recruit all available NPCs immediately. Some of these are gated behind story-related abilities, meaning that you’ll have to revisit certain locations after the story to recruit them.
Once you meet a recruit, speak with them and they’ll be directed back to Rambler’s Reach Outpost. You can find the NPCs in the world as you explore, or you can speak to other characters in the cantina to get a Rumour which hints at their exact location. After doing either, they will join the Cantina on Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Below you can find all recruitable NPCs.
Cantina Recruits
- Pit Droid (Koboh > Gorge Crash Site): Located in the Gorge Crash Site area on Koboh. You will go through this area and meet him on your way to the Cantina during the early stages of Chapter 2. However, you won’t be able to recruit just yet because you don’t have the Lift ability. Lift is an unmissable, story-related ability first unlocked during Chapter 4. Once you have it, return here and lift the ship out of the tar pit, then talk to the Pit Droid to recruit him. This will also unlock
There Is No Try.
- Mosey and Turgle (Koboh > Rambler’s Reach Outpost): Unmissable, story-related unlock. You will automatically recruit them during a cutscene taking place in front of the Cantina during Chapter 2.
- Toa (Koboh > Basalt Rift): Located in the Basalt Rift area on Koboh. You will go through this area and meet her on your way to the Forest Array halfway through Chapter 2. She’s a green looking alien girl and hard to miss.
- Caij (Koboh > Devastated Settlement): Unmissable, story-related unlock. You will automatically meet Caij as you enter the Stone Spires region as part of the story halfway through Chapter 3.
- Bhima and Tulli (Koboh > Boiling Bluff): Located across the chasm on a rock found near the Boiling Bluff meditation point on Koboh. You will visit this area towards the end of Chapter 3, after flying a Relter through the updrafts in the Devastated Settlement territory, on your way back to the Mantis, but you can always come back here anytime after. When you get here, kill the Mogu and then speak to the NPCs. In the Cantina they will set up a table for the Holotactics minigame required for
- Pili Walde (Jedha > Blustery Mesa): During Chapter 4 on Jedha, you’ll eventually reach a room with lots of ivy growing on walls. In the same room is Pili Walde. Talking to her will automatically recruit her as your gardener for the Cantina’s rooftop garden. Pili Walde is instrumental in having more plots for your garden, allowing you to grow more plants and fully kitting out the garden for
Growth Spurt.
- Skoova (Koboh > Foothill Falls): During Chapter 5, you’ll reach an area called Foothill Falls. You can find Skoova sitting on his fishing boat opposite a hut. Talk to him to recruit him and he will join the Cantina. Skoova is instrumental in finding all Fish across Jedha and Koboh.
- Jawa (Koboh > Bygone Settlement): This can only be done after unlocking the story-related Air Dash and Upgraded Ascension Cable abilities. After unlocking both abilities, fast-travel to the Bygone Settlement Meditation Point on Koboh and complete the platforming challenge that starts with a wall-run on a sheet right next to the Meditation Point. The platforming challenge’s path is quite linear and at the end you’ll find the Jawa.
- Ashe Javi and DD-EC (Koboh > Harvest Ridge): They’re found right in the middle of the Harvest Ridge territory on Koboh. For reference, they’re both near the red blocked path in this territory, below the red barn, near the big floor grid.
- Zygg Soza and Wini Eres (Koboh > Viscid Bog): Located in a tent near the Viscid Bog Meditation Point. Talk to the pair and they will want you to recover a lost tablet. Exit the tent and look to your left to find a rocky spire with some rusty support on its side. Atop this structure is the tablet. To get to it, raise the platform from the bog and climb it up, then land on the Meditation Point platform and raise it again. Now you should be able to reach the spire with the tablet.
- T-1N8 (Foothill Falls): Located in the downstairs section of the abandoned shack that leads you to Phon’Qi Caverns. To reach it, glide the Relter that you find pointing towards the area with the abandoned shack and use Pull open the trapdoor found on the left side of the shack.
These are all the Cantina Recruit Locations in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. For all other collectibles refer to Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Wiki.
Cabel says
I recruited all of the survivors, but the trophy didnt popped for me. Is it bugged?
I double checked the locations.
Harvey says
I think this trophy maybe missable if you finish all bounties before getting all cantina members, my trophy is not popping and I suspect it is because Caij is no longer there
Harvey says
actually ignore this comment, my game had crashed after I recruited the pit droid and I forgot to go back and do it again xD
FranciRoosters says
Caij is immediately recruited as a Cantina member the moment you find her during the story. At that point, whether you get all Cantina recruits or kill all Bounties first shouldn’t really matter for the trophy. Sounds like you’ve incurred into a bug.
Chaz says
Hey, I don’t think that’s the case, because after the main story I went and did all the bounties then went and got all Cantina memebers afterwards.
FranciRoosters says
My point exactly. Whichever way you decide to do things, it shouldn’t affect trophies.