Halloween Rock Bottom in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake contains 21 Collectible Locations. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included in this guide. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected after the story.
- 1o Coins
- 5 Good Noodle Stars
- 1 Spot Location
- 1 Golden Spatula (Secret)
- 3 Fake Flying Dutchmen
- 1 Costume
For other levels refer to SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake – Collectible Guide.
Available during first Playthrough
Coin 1 (Bus Stop checkpoint): shortly after the level, you’ll meet a new type of purple angler fish looking enemy inspecting the area with its lantern. If you look above it, you should notice a karate kick balloon. Use this balloon to reach a small alcove with the coin.
Spot Location (Bus Stop checkpoint): eventually you’ll have to use a jumping pad to proceed forward and reach Kandyville. When you get to this jumping pad, jump backwards to find Spot on a platform.
Coin 2 (Kandyville checkpoint): when you get to Kandyville don’t follow the green goo path. Instead, head right and make it to the rooftops by means of the jumping pads. Then, continue your way through the conveyor belts and karate kick balloons and keep going until you reach a big stack of tiki heads. When you reach this platform, look down to find this coin sitting on a platform below.
Coin 3 (Kandyville checkpoint): as you go trick-or-treating, this is found on a rooftop above one of the doors you have to knock.
Golden Spatula (Scary Streets checkpoint): after defeating the first boxer enemy in the level, you’ll have to climb through a large pipe. Immediately after climbing it up, rotate your camera to the left and you should see the Golden Spatula on a rooftop you can glide to.
Available only in second Playthrough
Good Noodle Star 1 (Bus Stop checkpoint): start of the level, on the highest pillar on the right. Use the pillar’s side ledges to get to it.
Coin 4 (Bus Stop checkpoint): start of the level, left side. Press the purple switch, jump on the lifebuoy and platform your way to the top through the rings of fire using the tiki heads. The coin will wait for you at the top.
Good Noodle Star 2 (Kandyville checkpoint): when you get to Kandyville, go right past the green pirate and use the jumping pad to get to the rooftops. You’ll now be at a fork, with conveyor belts on your right and a house on your left. Get behind the house to collect this Good Noodle Star.
Fake Flying Dutchman 1 (Kandyville checkpoint): behind the same house. If he’s not there, you need to talk to the green pirate at the start of Kandyville to trigger the side quest.
Good Noodle Star 3 (Kandyville checkpoint): now ride the belts and when you reach lots of tiki heads stacked together check the right side to find this Good Noodle Star sitting on a large pipe.
Coin 5 (Kandyville checkpoint): while in Kandyville, you’ll have noticed a giant statue holding a pumpkin and sticking its tongue out. The tongue is pointing to a rooftop (basically the northernmost building from the village entrance). Next to this rooftop is a purple Reef Blower switch. Turn on the switch, grab the Reef Blower and jump on the lifebuoy to reach a higher rooftop with some enemies. Suck the enemies and shoot them at the big pink floating enemy. Repeat the same with the projectiles he throws at you and you’ll unlock this coin when he’s dead.
Coin 6 (Snail Race checkpoint): finish the snail race before the time is up. Spam at all times as the time is very tight.
Coin 7 (Scary Streets checkpoint): after the snail race, get to the very top of the area with the metal igloo homes to find a grid to destroy. Get through the rings of fire and kill the enemies to reveal the coin.
Good Noodle Star 4 (Shadow Theater checkpoint): after jumping back outside from the sewers, you’ll see this atop the theatre temple.
Coin 8 (Shadow Theater checkpoint): get to the top of the theater temple and press the switch. Complete the platforming challenge before the time is up and you’ll fly into it.
Fake Flying Dutchman 2 (Shadow Theater checkpoint): facing the theater temple, follow the rightmost cable until you get to a pipe with a boxer enemy inside. Behind this pipe is the fake clone.
Coin 9 (Museum Slide checkpoint): after the sliding section, you’ll get to an area with a giant grid in the middle. Destroy it, kill the enemies, grab the coin.
Good Noodle Star 5 (Museum Slide checkpoint): continue on and jump on the big lifebuoy to reach a second slide. Here, slide right, karate kid your way through the balloons and you’ll eventually see the Good Noodle Star. Simply slide and fly into it to collect it.
Coin 10 (Rock Bottom Museum checkpoint): when you reach Rock Bottom Museum checkpoint, drop down, turn around and go behind the snail paintings.
Fake Flying Dutchman 3 (Rock Bottom Museum): in the exact same spot as Coin 10.
Dutchmanbob Costume: awarded for finding all 3 Fake Flying Dutchmen in the level. When you have found them all, warp to Kandyville checkpoint to talk to the green pirate and get your costume reward.
That’s 100% of the collectibles you can find in Halloween Rock Bottom in SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake.
Up Next: Prehistoric Kelp Forest
For all other levels refer to SpongeBob SquarePants: The Cosmic Shake – Collectible Locations Guide.
Will says
Hi,i took all the god coins in the the game except 1 in this chapter.I play several times but is the same situation 9/10 coins.Any solution?Thanks.