Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has 4 The Flame Mission locations. These collectibles are needed for 100% District completion and unlock Trophy: Crimson Hour and Suit: Saving Lives. The first one is unlocked after Main Quest 06: Amends. Doing one mission unlocks the next. They are marked on the map in defogged areas, or when the entire district is defogged at the second district level.
They are short side quests for Peter. None of them are missable, they can still be found after the story in free-roam.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
#1 – Where Have You Been?
Unlock Requirement: Automatically unlocked after Main Quest 6: Amends.
In this you must use a Spider-Bot to mark trapped people in a building, after advancing in the building you can shoot with and fly with
(after the motors have warmed up). At the end you must defeat some enemies.
#2 – Everything Burns
Unlock Requirement: Unlocks 1-2 minutes after finishing “Where Have You Been?”, after getting a call from Wraith (may need more story progress too – I did it after the main story).
Enter through the rooftop. Then inside the building defeat the enemies, look at the photo, climb through the vent into the next room. Defeat the enemies, then scan all walls for clues, and lastly scan the floor for one of the defeated enemies. Pick up his body and carry him to the door, you can hold his hand at the door scanner to open it. Then defeat all remaining enemies in the rest of the building.
#3 – I Knew You Had It in You
Unlock Requirement: Unlocks 1-2 minutes after finishing “Everything Burns” (may need more story progress too – I did it after the main story).
At the start go where the enemies are on the roof of the building (red dots on minimap in bottom right). They stand in the bottom right corner of the roof, there you find an opening in the wall to enter the building. Then jump to the ceiling and crawl through the crack on top of the wall. Scan the map, then follow the linear path and defeat all enemies.
#4 – It Was Meant For Me
Unlock Requirement: Unlocks 1-2 minutes after finishing “I Knew You Had It in You” (may need more story progress too – I did it after the main story)..
At the start there will be 4 bombs you must disarm, they are marked by red “!” exclamation marks. Yank them with +
and press
when the QTE sequence shows up to disarm them (must press the button when its inside the blue circle). Do this for all bombs and then defeat all enemies. Then you will need to do a train ride sequence, catch the bombs with
After this you unlock Suit: Saving Lives & Trophy: Crimson Hour.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
BPScott says
Are you sure the second mission unlocks right after the first?
I completed the first and it’s been a good while since and I’ve not had any phone call or the rest appear? I wondered if it was tied to story progression instead? I did the first mission as soon as it appeared.
PowerPyx says
I did them all after the story. It’s possible more story progress is needed as well.
Matt says
To fix this go to missions flame and then select should be available
Akane says
I’m almost done with the game and I still haven’t received the call from the Wraith, it probably broke my platinum =(
PowerPyx says
That one was quite delayed for me too, she called after 2 minutes. I had also finished the story already.
Alexander says
This side quest won’t unlock for me.. i did the first one but afterwards nothing happenend. I have been to the place in the map but also nothing happend. Is this bugged too?
Gavorkna says
I had 3 missions beat for quite a while. For me, in order to unlock the 4th and final mission, I had to beat the “Trouble with Harry” main mission, which is late into the game. I got a call from Ganke a bit after finishing the mission.