Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has 6 FNSM Request locations. These collectibles are needed for 100% District completion and unlock the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trophy. They unlock gradually from story progress. The first one is available after “Main Quest 03: Show Me New York” and the last one after “Main Quest 18: Wings of My Own”. These are marked on the map in defogged areas, or when the entire district is defogged at the second district level.
They are little side quests where you must do something for quest givers. None of them are missable, they can still be found after the story in free-roam.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
FNSM Request #1: Find Grandpa
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 03: Show Me New York
Talk to the woman under the arch to start the quest. Then go to the Zoo, scan for the plants near the Zoo entrance sign to discover a book. Go to the next marked location and scan for another book on a small stone pillar next to the wooden benches. This triggers a Corruptions puzzle, you must destroy all red corruptions without harming any green ones (can skip the puzzle in pause menu). Now follow the blue trail through the park to find the grandpa on a bench.
FNSM Request #2: Rooftop Fireworks
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 04: Roll Like We Used To
There’s a rooftop where fireworks are being shot from, land there and talk to the boys. One will get injured from the fireworks exploding, carry him to the hospital. Then go to the quest marker, defeat all enemies. Then yank the fireworks (near the water) with +
and webshoot them with
to blow them up in midair. After blowing them all up the quest finishes.
FNSM Request #3: Photo Help
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt
Simply complete the bike ride. Then defeat the enemies and pick up the photos from the ground, near the red bike. Continue on foot and hand them to Jameson sitting at the café.
FNSM Request #4: Howard
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 13: Hunt to Live, Live to Hunt
Talk to Howard sitting on the stairs by the water. During the conversation he will ask you to look at certain objects in the distance, you must do this to advance the dialogue (otherwise nothing happens). So just look around at the objects he points out across the water. Then he wants you to guide his pigeons to a new home. Fly through the air from waypoint to waypoint until you arrive at the destination. Then you are automatically transferred back to Howard. Completing this quest unlocks A New Adventure.
FNSM Request #5: Graffiti Trouble
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 14: Funky
After talking to the girl, you must talk to the guy by the flower stand. Then use the spraypaint on the wall. To reach the 2nd graffiti climb over the wall on the right, and across the next wall on the left. Afterward balance over the wooden plank in the construction site and follow the cat to the roof where someone is spraying a graffiti on the wall. The path here is very linear, can only go one way. To activate the last elevator you must throw a stone at the button with .
FNSM Request #6: Monster of Queens
Unlock Requirement: finished Main Quest 18: Wings of My Own
Scan the fluid in the back left of the garden (at garden exit on ground). Then follow the trail. The trail stops at a small river. Here scan the bloody fingerprints and the fluid on the ground behind the car. Then follow the rest of the trail, it leads to a yard with a robot. Distract the robot by shoot the highlighted objects. Then defeat the enemies and return to the quest giver.
After completing the last request you unlock the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man trophy.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
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