Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has 5 Brooklyn Vision locations. These collectibles are needed for 100% District completion and unlock Trophy: Brooklyn Pride & Suit: Boricua. The first one is unlocked after Main Quest 06: Amends. Do the first Brooklyn Vision to unlock the next 3. The final one unlocks after having done the rest. They are marked on the map in defogged areas, or when the entire district is defogged at the second district level.
They are little side quests played as Miles. Some of them include solving puzzles. None of them are missable, they can still be found after the story in free-roam.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
Brooklyn Vision #1 – BV Club Fair
Unlock Requirement: unlocks after Main Quest 6: Amends.
After the quest starts, you will be in the Academy area. Talk to your friends straight ahead. Then you will be facing a blue gate with a guard behind it. Turn left. Between the two blue tents you can squeeze through the gap, then go through the opening in the back of the tent. Crouch under the hole in the fence. Get close to the two people talking, stay behind the wooden boxes near them. Just stay there and listen until a cutscene triggers and Miles changes back into his costume. Go to the quest marker, defeat all enemies. Then go onto the roof above the marked enemy inside the building. Wait until a prompt appears to press +
(while standing on the roof). Press the buttons when they appear onscreen (takes a while, after some dialogues finish), this will make you smash through the glass roof onto the enemy. Now defeat the newly spawned enemies and carry back the woman to the Academy.
Brooklyn Vision #2 – Homecoming
Unlock Requirement: finish “BV Club Fair”.
Go to the first quest marker and defeat all enemies. Then return to the quest giver. Next to the quest giver you must go up the roof to find a generator. Power the generator by pressing +
near it. Then shoot webs at the yellow power poles. There are 7 of these yellow power poles total.
Power Poles 1-3: Shoot the one on the generator to connect it to one sticking out the wall. Then shoot another web at the one on the back right of the roof. This will transfer power to the area below (a yellow outline shows the power line is now active). It’s not possible to connect power pole #3 to #4, they are too far apart. Pole #4 automatically gets powered on via the electrical grid if you connected the previous 3.
Power Poles 4-5: Go to the area below the roof, where the yellow power line ends (you can see it when scanning with ). There are two yellow poles sticking out the blue walls, connect these two (they aren’t connected to Poles 1-3, you just connect the two poles 4-5).
Power Poles 6-7: Just like before, turning on the previous power poles extends the electrical grid to power on pole #6. The final two poles are at the bottom of the area near the quest giver (guy in black suit). When standing next to the quest giver you can see them and connect them with another web shoot. Only these two poles are connected, they aren’t connected to the previous poles because they are too far apart.
After connecting all power poles, you must climb onto the street lamp (will be marked). Watch the people walking around, then you get another quest marker. You must sit on the roof behind the marked sign and pull it up with +
. Another cutscene will play. Press
to power on the screens when the prompt appears on-screen.
Brooklyn Vision #3 – Senior Prank
Unlock Requirement: finish “BV Club Fair”.
When the quest begins, read the note in front of you, next to the two boys. Then go to the marked skyscraper, there is another marked note there. For the rest of the quest you must solve a series of light/mirror puzzles. You must webpull the mirrors to move them to redirect the beam of light.
Puzzle #1: Follow the purple beam of light across the roof, then webpull the green cart with the mirror on it. The purple light must hit the mirror on the cart, which will redirect the light. Rotate the 2nd mirror to redirect the beam to the wooden box, then destroy the wooden box blocking the path. Yank the green cart on the other side of the roof to direct the beam one more time, it will shine on the wall to reveal a clue leading to the next puzzle (will be marked on map).
Puzzle #2: The second puzzle functions similarly to the first. Again you must redirect a purple beam of light from one mirror to the next. Do this until the light hits the wall at the end (the wall on the far left from where the purple light starts). This will mark the third puzzle on the map.
Puzzle #3: The third puzzle requires redirecting the same light source into two different directions: the blue line and the red line. Point the light source so it hits all blue mirrors (there are blue arrows/markers on them showing in which direction to point them). Do the same for the red line (they also have red arrows/markers on the floor). The blue line will make the light shine at the top of the wall revealing one clue, the red light will shine the light at the bottom of wall revealing another clue. You can only have one active at a time. Once you finished one path Miles will remember the clue from it, when you finish the second line you get the clue to the final location. See the video guide at 19:10 for this particular section if you have trouble.
After all puzzles are solved, follow the quest marker to find the mascot on a roof, carry him back to the quest givers.
Brooklyn Vision #4 – Lights, Camera, Action
Unlock Requirement: finish “BV Club Fair”.
After this quest starts follow the quest marker to the roof of a skyscraper. Here you must find a drone, it’s in the corner of the roof. Next you must take an image of the Brooklyn Visions Campus, the image must be taken from the same roof where you found the drone. Swipe the Touchpad up to open the camera, to zoom and
to take the photo when the outline turns green:
Next you must take two more pictures from the other skyscrapers (3 skyscrapers will be marked but only 2 of them let you take a picture from the right perspective):
For the next objective you must take images of the Drone Club, Esports Team, Greenhouse.
Drone Club Location: on the college football field, take photo of the flying drones.
Esports Team Location: in the main academy building, upstairs. You must take a picture from outside, aiming at the upstair windows.
Greenhouse Location: on the roof next to the main academy building where some green plants are.
Lastly, go to the questmarker on the roof where a flying drone is. Follow the flying drone and stay in the air without falling down. Land where the drone lands and the quest will finish.
Brooklyn Vision #5 – A Gift
Unlock Requirement: finish the previous 4 Brooklyn Visions
For this all you need to do is go to the quest start and interact with the table. It will give you the Boricua suit as a reward and the Brooklyn Pride trophy.
For more Collectible Categories see » Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Collectible Guide.
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