Mission 3: Spy Academy in Sniper Elite 5 contains 19 Collectible Locations. This walkthrough will guide you to all the Collectibles. Nothing is missable, everything can be collected via Mission Select. You can still grab missing Collectibles after completing all Main Objectives, before exfiltrating.
To check which Collectibles you still need, press Options-Button > Service Record > Collectibles > Select Mission. This guide uses the same order as the in-game collectible menu order. The best approach is to clear all enemies from the map first, grab what you find along the way, then collect your missing items after. Sometimes Collectibles bug out and don’t spawn, but restarting the mission fixes this. Collectibles are saved instantly upon picking them up. You can return to the title screen without having to reach the next checkpoint. If you die you don’t have to pick it up again. For other missions see Sniper Elite 5 Collectible Guide.
- Personal Letters: 5
- Classified Documents: 5
- Hidden Items: 3
- Stone Eagles: 3
- Workbenches: 3
#1 – Personal Letter 1/5: Parking Problems
In the south-west part of town, to the left of a white car, on a trash bin.
#2 – Personal Letter 2/5: Fragile, Do Not Break.
At the southern end of a long road leading to the town.
#3 – Personal Letter 3/5: Do Not Be Late!
Looted from an enemy with a unique-looking hat, his hat looks like a triangle (other enemies have helmets or no hats or are officers). After entering the square in the south of the town follow the road left (west) until you find a white-colored parked car with two swastika flags on its front. Left of the white car is a path leading up to a tower, this enemy is always next to this tower. Pick up his body with or loot him with
to obtain the collectible. There are also other enemies wearing the same hat but it’s always this specific enemy in this specific location holding the item. Killing him is also an optional objective! The best option is to sneak to this enemy early in the mission or just run past all enemies. Otherwise, if you cause an alarm he might move around – or you can just kill everyone and let him come to you (watch out for enemy wearing the triangle-shaped hat!).
#4 – Personal Letter 4/5: It’s Easy Money
Inside a tower along the outer wall of the town, in the north-east of the town.
#5 – Personal Letter 5/5: Just Attend One!
Looted from an officer. He is at the very top of the church that’s in the east of town. Go up the staircase in the belltower of the church, if you didn’t cause an alarm there will be just two enemies which are a sniper and this officer holding the letter. Loot him or carry his body if he can’t be looted. In the same place you can pick up another collectible “#9 – Classified Document 4/5: Resource Request”.
#6 – Classified Document 1/5: Priority Package!
Inside a building next to a checkpoint at the road (red/white barrier that says “HALT”).
#7 – Classified Document 2/5: Won’t Be Attending
At the top floor of a building, in the south-east section of town. There’s another collectible in the same room, on the couch to the left you find “#10 – Classified Document 5/5: Armoury Exposed.”.
#8 – Classified Document 3/5: Training Scenarios
In the “Spy Master’s Office”, found upstairs.
#9 – Classified Document 4/5: Resource Request
Found inside a church, on the top floor. In the same place you can loot an officer holding another collectible “#5 – Personal Letter 5/5: Just Attend One!”.
#10 – Classified Document 5/5: Armoury Exposed.
At the top floor of a building, in the south-east section of town. There’s another collectible in the same room, on the table to the right you find “#7 – Classified Document 2/5: Won’t Be Attending”.
#11 – Hidden Item 1/3: Kriegsmarine Playing Cards
Found inside the bar on a table, in the west of town.
#12 – Hidden Item 2/3: Ornate Compass
In the “Spy Master’s Office”, found upstairs in the safe. You can blow it open using a satchel charge or loot officers to get the code.
#13 – Hidden Item 3/3: Covert Ops Field Manual
Found in a bigger building in the north of the town, on the ground floor, on a table.
#14 – Stone Eagle 1/3
Can be shot from the start of the map in the south when looking at the castle in the distance.
#15 – Stone Eagle 2/3
Sitting on the side of a smaller tower, can be shot from one of the main roads in the middle of the town.
#16 – Stone Eagle 3/3
Sitting on top of sunken tower ruins in the water, in the very north of the map.
#17 – Workbench 1/3: Rifle Workbench
On the castle walls in the very north of the town. There are two ways to get there. 1) Climb up the vines to the north on the castle walls, from outside the castle. 2) Shoot open the padlocked door on the castle wall east of the workbench using armor-piercing ammo (select the rifle in weapon wheel and press
to switch ammo type).
#18 – Workbench 2/3: SMG Workbench
Found inside a building, on the ground floor. You can enter the building in two ways: 1) climb up the walls on the roadside east of the workbench (main road) – or – 2) shoot open the padlocked door south of the workbench using armor-piercing ammo (select the rifle in weapon wheel and press
to switch ammo type).
#19 – Workbench 3/3: Workbench 3/3: Pistol Workbench
Inside the “Waffenkammer” (weapon chamber) building. You can blow open the door using a satchel charge or you can loot the key from one of the nearby officers.
That’s all of the Collectibles in Mission 3: Spy Academy. For all other missions refer to Sniper Elite 5 Collectible Guide.
John Nelson says
The best, most informative guide I have seen. I wouldn’t have found more than one collectable
without your help.