Silent Hill 2 Remake contains 120 Collectible Locations (68 Memos, 26 Strange Photos, 26 Glimpses of the Past). This 100% walkthrough guide is updated for the 2024 PS5/PC Remake and also includes all Key Items and Puzzle Solutions to make it easier to follow. All Trophies & Achievements are included here too.
Finding all Collectibles unlocks the following Trophies & Achievements:
- Archivist
– Collect all memos in a single playthrough.
- Pieces Unarranged
– Collect all the Strange Photos in a single playthrough.
- Echoes
– Witness all glimpses of the past in a single playthrough.
The game consists of 14 areas, these function as different chapters. Once you leave an area you can’t go back. All Collectibles must be obtained in a single playthrough to unlock the trophies/achievements! Everything is missable, there is no Chapter Select and no Free-Roam after the story. Collectible progress does not transfer to New Game Plus. The game features 10 manual save slots, it’s recommended to save in a different slot whenever you reach a save point. If you missed something you can reload the nearest save and replay from there.
Compared to the original SILENT HILL 2 game, the Collectibles are much different in the Remake. Strange Photos & Glimpses from the Past are entirely new additions. Memos are found at different locations. The areas have changed a bit too.
Memos are text notes that can be picked up and will get placed in the inventory (there are many other notes which can be read but don’t go in the inventory, those don’t count as Memos). Strange Photos are very small photographs that must be picked up. Glimpses from the Past are interactable walls and other objects.
Both New Game and New Game+ will have an exclusive Memo not found on the other mode, but as long as you get them all for that playthrough you will get the “Archivist” trophy/achievement. On New Game, you can find the Lost & Found Note in Lakeview Hotel. On New Game+, you can find the Cryptic Letter, found in the safe in Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama in South Vale (West). Both are these are marked in blue in their respective chapter guides for clarity.
You can view already collected Memos & Strange Photos from the inventory menu. These also get highlighted in High Contrast Mode which can be activated from the Graphics Settings Menu. It makes them much easier to see, especially in dark areas. Since accessibility settings don’t disable any trophies feel free to make use of this for an easier time.
Glimpses from the Past can’t be tracked anywhere and don’t get marked in High Contrast Mode, hence they are the hardest to locate.
This guide is intended for the “Light” or “Standard” Puzzle Difficulty, the solutions for both difficulties will be mentioned. Combat difficulty does not matter, all Trophies can be done on “Light” difficulty. So for the easiest experience set both Combat and Puzzle difficulty to “Light” (Easy).
All Areas (Chapters)
- South Vale (East)
- Wood Side Apartments
- Blue Creek Apartments
- South Vale (West)
- Brookhaven Hospital
- Brookhaven Hospital (Otherworld)
- South Vale (Otherworld)
- South Vale (West Revisited)
- Silent Hill Historical Society
- Toluca Prison
- Labyrinth
- Toluca Lake
- Lakeview Hotel
- Lakeview Hotel (Otherworld)
- New Game Plus
By Type
More Guides:
- Silent Hill 2 Remake Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- Silent Hill 2 Remake Endings Guide
- Silent Hill 2 Remake All Puzzle Solutions Guide
- Silent Hill 2 Remake All Door Codes & Safe Locks
MdMaynard says
*SAVE YOUR HEALTH ITEMS* I just found you can regain all your health by loading a save. So if you’re low on health run to a save point & make a new save then just load it and voi la, full health again!!
Working on current PS5 patch 1.003.00
A helpful thing I found in case you want to add it in your guide somewhere especially for the ‘No Ranged Kills’ playthrough.
Dragon says
Idrin says
This does not work on the PC version.
Fábio says
DarthMandolorianLothbrok says
Doesn’t work on PC or PS5. Dude is either lying, or has a bug or glitch that nobody else has.
Archavia says
It does work, but I found it only worked if you backed out to main menu and then loaded your save, rather than directly loading it. This isn’t hugely relevant though unless you’re playing on Hard combat difficulty, as the game is really abundant on healing items.
DarthMandalorianLothbrok says
Doesn’t work when I back out either and I’m playing in PS5 with patch 1.003.000 very strange. Not that I need to use it currently as I’m playing on hard and have 16 health bottles and 5 syringes. Just got to the Hospital.
DarthMandalorianLothbrok says
Completed the game on hard and it doesn’t work. Went back and tested in standard, still doesn’t work. Tested it on the easiest difficulty and then it worked, but it doesn’t fully heal you, just back to almost full health, so it gets rid of the red border around the screen.
Selfconfidenced says
Platinum level ?
How many hours?
Archavia says
3/10 20-30 hours, guide will be up shortly.
Michael tiron says
I can collect everything collectibles in NEW GAME + OR ITS ONLY FOR NEW GAME
Archavia says
Memos have to be collected on New Game as one memo doesn’t appear on New Game+. Strange Photos and Glimpses of the Past however can be earned on either New Game or New Game+.
Steve says
Whats the platinum difficulty ?
Archavia says
3/10 20-30 hours, guide will be up shortly.
Roberto says
will there be a step-by-step guide or just collectibles guide?
Archavia says
The trophy guide and endings guide are live now.
cleathl2abbit says
Do I need to inspect it ? Or just collect was enough
Archavia says
The Memos and Strange Pictures only need to be picked up, as you’ll automatically inspect them upon picking them up.
Kasha says
Hi, just wanted to offer some information on the memo trophy/achievement.
Tested on Steam, the memo achievement can pop in NG+. I cannot confirm if the lost and found note needs to be found in the first playthrough, but I did pop the memo achievement in ng+ after collecting all memos (including the NG+ exclusive memo).
Further testing is obviously required but figured I’d add this info.
Archavia says
Thanks for confirming, this has been updated.
Jord-O says
So what are the mode exlusive memo’s bc I want to experience this game on my own the first time + if I can collect only the exclusive memo I can avoid a third playthrough.
Archavia says
On New Game, it is the Lost & Found Note, found in Lost & Found of Lakeview Hotel. On New Game+, it is the Cryptic Letter, found in the safe in Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama in South Vale (West).
Blasian says
i’ve confirmed you can get the memo trophy in new game+ i just got it so yea that one memo Lost & Found Note in lakeview hotel counts no matter what
MrMask says
Hello, me and my friend having trouble on the memo achievement, Can I know what you mean by “that one memo Lost & Found Note in lakeview hotel counts no matter what” ? Because it’s not physically there on NG+ right?
Archavia says
On NG, you need to get the Lost & Found Note because it exists. But on NG+ you don’t need it, as instead you can get the Cryptic Note. Basically follow the collectible guide normally and then get the respective memo depending on whether you’re NG/NG+ and it should count. You’ll know you’ve gotten everything as on the Stats Screen at the end of the game it will say Notes Found: 68.
HPR says
do not save your health items guys. I have played on normal difficulty without any glitches and finished the game with ~ 19 syringes and 21 bottles. Why would you want to cheese it?!
Dustin says
Man, i followed this to a T, and I could only get leave ending. Loaded that final sace and did different things like inspecting the knife, listening to all of the dialogue in the hallways, choosing either door at the end. Sucks. Ill have to make sure to do whatever for other new game plus ending
Nitay says
I followed this guide step by step on NG+ and couldn’t get it. If ur on NG+, and ur missing 1 memo, u need to open the safe in the manager room, before the two pin head fight. U NEED the key of sorrow for that. U pick the key of sorrow very early on. If u missed the key, u miss the trophy.
Victor says
Finally got in water ending:
1- most of game in low health (health symbol bottom right)
2- overkill downed enemies
3-inspect knife a bucnh of times
4-old man coin in puzzle at the end
5-ignore mary
6-mirror puzzle use rotten egg
7-kill all enemies leading towards double pyramid head fight
8-enter rotten egg door
9-inspect knife during hall mary dialogue and listen to full convo
10- last boss is you did everything u can die and heal yourself and doesn’t or at least didn’t affect me
P.S. just wrote the things I did, not the things you need to avoid