Silent Hill 2 Remake contains 8 Endings. 6 of these Endings are from the original game, and 2 are new Endings for the Remake. You will need all 6 original Endings for various trophies & achievements, but do not need the 2 new Endings.
Achieving the 6 original Endings unlocks the following Trophies & Achievements:
- Making Peace
– Reach the “Leave” ending.
- Vicious Circle
– Reach the “Maria” ending.
- Only Way Out
– Reach the “In Water” ending.
- Defy Even Death
– Reach the “Rebirth” ending.
- The Goodest Boi
– Reach the “Dog” ending.
- Tinfoil Hat
– Reach the “UFO” ending.
- Party Like It’s 2001
– See all classic endings (Leave, Maria, In Water, Rebirth, Dog).
Leave, Maria and In Water are regular endings that can be achieved on both New Game and New Game+. The ending you get is influenced by certain actions you do or don’t do as you play. Unfortunately, the endings aren’t exactly consistent so even if you follow the steps for a particular ending you might not get it.
Rebirth, Dog and UFO are New Game+ endings that can only be achieved on New Game+. These require finding new items only available on New Game+ and using them in specific places to get the endings.
The 2 new Remake endings – Bliss and Stillness – work similarly to the other New Game+ endings and require getting keys/codes for safes. One major difference is that Stillness Ending requires the In Water Ending before you can get it. These can only be gotten on New Game+ (they are not needed for any trophies/achievements).
In order to minimize playthroughs, you can use manual saves to manipulate the ending you receive. The ending you get can be influenced right up until you reach the final boss room. As your completed endings are saved on an overall ‘profile save’ file and not to any specific ‘manual save’ file, you can complete an ending, reload a save and get another ending and have them both count towards your ending total for Party Like It’s 2001. Because of this it is possible to get all endings in only 2 playthroughs.
Ending #1: Leave Ending
Leave Ending is one of the three regular endings you can get on New Game, and is the one you are likely to get naturally if playing normally. Below are the actions you can take to influence this ending:
- Keep your health high (don’t let your health sit in a red caution/danger state for extended periods of time).
- Inspect the Photo of Mary and Mary’s Letter in your inventory multiple times.
- Do not inspect Angela’s Knife in your inventory.
- Listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
Ending #2: Maria Ending
Maria Ending is one of the three regular endings you can get on New Game, and is the hardest of the three to get. As the name implies, most of the actions that influence this are tied to Maria, and unlike the others can’t really be influenced right at the end of the game if you are trying to manipulate multiple endings. For this reason, it’s best to actively try for this ending. Below are the actions you can take to influence this ending:
- When Maria first joins you in South Vale (West), have as many optional conversations with her as possible – such as by trying to enter the Silent Hill Historical Society, talking to her when she’s holding the dress upstairs in Jack’s Inn and when she’s standing in front of Baldwin Mansion.
- When in Brookhaven Hospital and the Labyrinth, check in on Maria regularly as you progress (you can get two cutscenes with Maria in the Hospital, one after collecting your first bracelet and another after collecting the Rooftop Key).
- When doing the Mirror Puzzle in Lakeview Hotel, place the Ripe Apple on the plate instead of the Rotten Apple.
- When you get the Scarlet Egg and Rust-Colored Egg at the end of the game, go through the door that you place the Scarlet Egg into.
- Do not let Maria take too much damage when she is with you.
- Do not inspect Photo of Mary, Mary’s Letter or Angela’s Knife in your inventory.
- Do not listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
Ending #3: In Water Ending
In Water is one of the three regular endings you can get on New Game. This Ending is required for the new Stillness Ending. Below are the actions you can take to influence this ending:
- When doing the Mirror Puzzle in Lakeview Hotel, place the Rotten Apple on the plate instead of the Ripe Apple.
- When you get the Scarlet Egg and Rust-Colored Egg at the end of the game, go through the door that you place the Rust-Colored Egg into.
- Keep your health low (try to keep it in the red as much as possible).
- Inspect Angela’s Knife in your inventory multiple times.
- Do not inspect Photo of Mary or Mary’s Letter.
- Listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
Ending #4: Rebirth Ending
Rebirth Ending is the true New Game+ ending that can only be gotten on New Game+. In order to get this ending, you must collect four items that only spawn on New Game+, then simply finish the game normally. As long as you have the four Rebirth items in your inventory, this ending will override any of the regular endings. The four items and their locations are:
- “Crimson Ceremony” – At the beginning of the game, in the graveyard where you meet Angela, there is a lone grave on the shore by a tree. In front of the grave will be this book.
- White Chrism – In South Vale (West). After going through Jack’s Inn, head into Baldwin Mansion entrance to find it on a table.
- Obsidian Goblet – Found inside the Silent Hill Historical Society. In the main room with the Pyramid Head painting, turn around and it will be in a wall crevice on the right.
- “Lost Memories” – Inside Lost & Found of Lakeside Hotel, replacing the Lost & Found Note that is here on New Game.
With all four items in your inventory, finish the game normally and you will get the Rebirth Ending over any regular ending. If you want to get multiple endings off one save, prior to picking this up it is recommended that you play through Lakeview Hotel up until you get the 3F Corridor Key and make a separate manual save. That way you can then pick it up for the Rebirth Ending, or leave it to get regular endings.
Ending #5: Dog Ending
Dog Ending is one of two joke endings that can only be gotten on New Game+. Unlike the original game, you do not need the 3 regular endings or Rebirth Ending in order to get this. For this ending, you will need to collect two key parts to create the Dog Key, then use it on the Observation Room door in Lakeview Hotel. This is right next to Room 312 where you normally go to play the video tape. This will immediately trigger the ending, so you don’t need to go through to the last boss. The two key part locations are:
- Broken Key Part (1) – In South Vale (East). Next to Big Jay’s Diner on Neely St. is The Pet Center. Head inside to find this in the back room.
- Broken Key Part (2) / Dog Key – In South Vale (West). Just after the Baldwin Mansion you’ll be on Katz Street. Next to the first house on the northern side is a gate with a bone on it. Go through the gate to find a second broken key part in the dog house. Combine both parts to get the Dog Key.
With the Dog Key, use it on the Observation Room door in Lakeview Hotel to get the ending immediately.
Ending #6: UFO Ending
UFO Ending is one of two joke endings that can only be gotten on New Game+. In order to get this, you must collect the Blue Gem in South Vale (East), then use it at four different locations (interact with it in your inventory). Doing so will make the Blue Gem glow brighter each time, and after the fourth location it will immediately trigger the ending. The locations are:
- Blue Gem – In South Vale (East). Directly next to The Pet Center (where you get the key part for Dog Ending) is the Jewellers. Smash the left window and grab the gem from an open jewelry box.
- Location 1 – In South Vale (East). On the roof of the Saul Street Apartments, there is graffiti of an eye on the back of a vent. While in front of it, interact with the Blue Gem and it will glow.
- Location 2 – In Rosewater Park, on the pier where you meet Maria. While here, interact with the Blue Gem and it will glow.
- Location 3 – As soon as you cross Toluca Lake with the boat, use the Blue Gem after getting off it.
- Location 4 – In Room 312 where you can play the video tape, use the Blue Gem one final time to get the ending.
Ending #7: Bliss Ending (Remake Ending 1)
There are two new endings exclusive to the Remake that can only be gotten on New Game+. This is not required for any trophies. In order to get this, you will need to get a bottle of White Claudia and use it in Room 312 at Lakeview Hotel at the end of the game. In order to get the White Claudia, you must do the following:
- Safe/Rusted Key – There is a safe you can interact with in Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama in South Vale (East), open it with the code 1887. This will give you a key.
- Small Chest/White Claudia – In the gazebo of the garden of Brookhaven Hospital, you’ll find a Small Chest. Open it with the key to get the White Claudia.
With the White Claudia, go to Room 312 in Lakeview Hotel and use it to drink it. Then play the tape and you will get the ending immediately.
Ending #8: Stillness Ending (Remake Ending 2)
There are two new endings exclusive to the Remake that can only be gotten on New Game+. This is not required for any trophies. Before you are able to do this ending you will need to complete the In Water Ending, as otherwise the key won’t spawn. For this ending you will need the Key of Sorrow and a 3-digit code to unlock a safe in Lakeview Hotel (Otherworld). The code is split across 3 readable notes around the game, but reading them is not necessary for the code. The steps/items for unlocking this ending are as follows:
- Key of Sorrow – Found in a green car on Wiltse Rd. just after going through a metal gate at the beginning of the game. You need the chainsaw to break the windows as otherwise you don’t have a weapon at this point. This will only spawn if you have completed the In Water Ending.
- Toluca Postcard – There is a safe that requires both a key and a code in the Manager’s Office of Lakeview Hotel (Otherworld). Use the Key of Sorrow for the key lock, and input the code 314 for the combination lock. Inside you’ll find the Toluca Postcard.
With the Toluca Postcard, examine it in your inventory and finish the game to get this ending.
How to get all Endings in 2 Playthroughs
As completed Endings are tracked on an overall ‘profile save’ file, you don’t need to do full playthroughs for each Ending to count as completed. This means you can make manual saves towards the end of the game to allow you to get multiple endings in one playthrough by manipulating the ending.
On your first playthrough, you can only get the Maria, Leave, and In Water Endings. You will want to make a manual save at the final save point before the second last boss. You will know it is the final save point as it will have nine of the red squares instead of just one like all over save points. It is best to work towards the Maria Ending while playing, as this can’t easily be manipulated at the end of the game while the other two can. The important steps for working towards the Maria Ending are:
- When Maria first joins you in South Vale (West), have as many optional conversations with her as possible – such as by trying to enter the Silent Hill Historical Society, talking to her when she’s holding the dress upstairs in Jack’s Inn and when she’s standing in front of Baldwin Mansion.
- When in Brookhaven Hospital and the Labyrinth, check in on Maria regularly as you progress (you can get two cutscenes with Maria in the Hospital, one after collecting your first bracelet and another after collecting the Rooftop Key).
- When doing the Mirror Puzzle in Lakeview Hotel, place the Ripe Apple on the plate instead of the Rotten Apple.
- When you get the Scarlet Egg and Rust-Colored Egg at the end of the game, go through the door that you place the Scarlet Egg into.
- Do not let Maria take too much damage when she is with you.
- Do not inspect Photo of Mary, Mary’s Letter or Angela’s Knife in your inventory.
- Do not listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
Following these steps, you should get Maria Ending upon completing the game. Afterwards you can reload your manual save before the second last boss for Leave and In Water.
For Leave Ending, you should:
- Inspect the Photo of Mary and Mary’s Letter in your inventory multiple times.
- Listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
For In Water Ending, you should:
- Inspect Angela’s Knife in your inventory multiple times.
- During the second last boss fight, stay on low health and keep this until the final boss.
- Go through the door that you place the Rust-Colored Egg into.
- Listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
If you don’t get any of these endings doing this, don’t worry too much as you can try for them again during your New Game+ playthrough. Do note however you will need the In Water Ending before starting New Game+ if you want the new Stillness Ending (though this new ending isn’t required for any trophies/achievements).
For the second playthrough on New Game+, collect all the relevant items for Rebirth, Dog and UFO Endings (and Bliss and Stillness Endings if you want the new ones) up until the final Rebirth Ending item in Lakeview Hotel (see Silent Hill 2 Remake New Game Plus Collectible Locations for all New Game+ items listed in order). Then progress through the hotel until you’re able to access Room 312, and make a manual save. At this point you can get the Dog, UFO and Bliss Endings immediately, then grab “Lost Memories” for the Rebirth Ending. After the Rebirth Ending, you can reload and get the Toluca Postcard for the Stillness Ending (if you already got the In Water Ending on your first playthrough). If you didn’t get any of three regular endings on your first playthrough, you can reload the save so you no longer have the last Rebirth item, then complete the game following the actions for the relevant ending again.
Aaron says
How do I go about getting the first 3 endings in the first playthrough?
Archavia says
It is explained at the bottom of the guide in the “How to get all Endings in 2 Playthroughs” section.
Jackal says
For new ending related, Pete’s Bowl-O-Rama safe’s passcode is 1887. Will obtained a key to open small locked jewerly box in Brookhaven Hospital, Garden area.
The next hint after obtaining the White Claudia in the jewerly box is “for a special time, a special place”. Sound like related to The Lakeview Hotel.
Archavia says
Thanks for confirming.
Bob says
Somehow I failed Maria ending? She never got hurt, I never bumped her, checked on her in hospital like 20 times, got cutscene where she grabs my hand there, checked on her in labyrinth every part of cube puzzle and I still got leave….What did I do wrong?
Huss0406 says
Hey! I just had the same case, but I realized keeping James at full health somehow messes with the system, triggering leave ending instead. When facing the second last boss, let then hurt you and do not use cures! After this and running through the hallway before the dialogue ends triggered Maria ending.
Kasha says
There are two other influencing factors not listed in the ending guide, but are listed in the collectible guide.
The apple you choose and the door you go through. For the snow white figure you need to use the Ripe Apple found within the hotel, not the Rotten Apple in the garden (rotten influences In Water)
For the door, you need to go through the Scarlet Egg door after the duo RPT fight, not the Rust Coloured Door (again, influences In Water).
I was doing a run for both and chose the rotten apple, but the Scarlet Egg door, did all the other maria influences and didnt do anything else to encourage In Water, and still got it, so I believe the Apple and the Egg doors have a very heavy influence.
AJRatty says
Huss! You are the best! Saved me a whole playthrough!! Taking damage at the second to last boss got me the Maria ending! THANKS!!
Chucro says
Huss0406 is correct. Heal your health after the long corridor just to make sure. As soon as you get to the top of the roof. Maria/Mary is sitting of the bed instead of been standing by the window, that’s how you know before the fight with the last boss.
Cam says
Can you confirm if getting one of the joke endings will unlock trophies such as; finish the game in less than 10 hours, no radio, no gun etc.
Archavia says
Yes they will, meaning if you do this first you can free use guns on the last two bosses.
Andrew says
I keep getting the leave ending – I have gotten it three times. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I didn’t let Maria get hurt, didn’t bump into her excessively, didn’t venture off the beaten path, opened doors for her right away, visited her MULTIPLE times in the hospital and labyrinth, didn’t look at Angela’s knife or Mary’s pic/letter. I didn’t let the hallway conversation finish before the last boss. I tried while at full health and while on the verge of dying… keep getting leave. It is SO frustrating. I also can’t seem to trigger in Water ending either. I looked at Angela’s knife like 15-20 times, let hallway conversation finish out, and entered final boss with dying status. But keep getting LEAVE.
Luizao2505 says
me too. im sooooo pissed off man
Andrew says
I reloaded an earlier save in case it was the doctor’s recording towards the end, but listening to it made no difference. Still keep getting the Leave ending.
Lith says
I was going for in water and same problem. My health was red damn near the whole game and i looked at the knife like 8 times throughout the game, listened to the talk at the end, i dont get it. I reloaded twice and tried to do worse once and not listen, neither worked. No clue how i could do anything dif
zeri says
I’m gonna say it’s a glitch and wait for a fix. I’m having the same issue. Reloaded the save multiple times and looked at the knife throughout the final conversation in the hallway and before that like +20 times. stayed at flashing red health throughout both fights and still got the leave ending.
Ruri says
Here is what did it for me after being stuck like you guys. After you kill the two pyramid heads at the end, you will get a Scarlet key item and a non-scarlet one. Go through the door you placed the SCARLET key item and it’ll give you points towards the Maria ending. I was going to start an extra playthrough, but this gave me the Maria ending, thank god.
I’m just like you. I only got these two after giving up NG+ and starting a new game (NG). Maybe it’s not achievable in NG+, just my personal guess.
Archavia says
I only did Leave Ending on NG, I got Maria and In Water in NG+. They’re definitely obtainable on NG+, the endings are just a bit inconsistent and the exact requirements for getting points towards the endings are still a bit up in the air.
Mana says
If you follow Ruri’s comment, it may trigger the Maria ending.
On NG+, I did the following actions:
– When in Brookhaven Hospital and the Labyrinth, check in on Maria regularly as you progress : I only got the cutscene after collecting thefirst bracelet and not check on her after collecting the Rooftop Key.
– Do not let Maria take too much damage when she is with you
– Do not inspect Photo of Mary, Mary’s Letter or Angela’s Knife in your inventory
– Do not listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight
and got the Leave ending.
However, the scarlet part in Ruri’s comment did trigger the Maria ending for me.
Archavia says
Thanks for confirming this, I’ve added a few more actions to the Maria Ending.
Dan says
Don’t know if this matters but at the end of the game I inspected the knife like 50 times, kept my health in red after the twin pyramid head fight and right after the final boss against Mary stand by her body before finishing her for like 15 mins while your health is on really low keep inspecting the knife there as well. I got the in water ending by doing this.
Kkm says
Same here any new ideas ?
Jimmy says
For my first playtrhough ever i got maria’s ending. What i remember I only went to see her once or twice max when she in the telling she needed more sleep and 2-3 time when she was on the chair singing where the cube is and barelly she took hits but thats about it.
Archavia says
When she first joined in the park, do you remember if you went straight to Jack’s Inn, or explored around South Vale West to other places before going to the Inn? Did you speak to her at all when prompted (like her holding a dress in the Inn)?
Cooper says
Anyone else unable to get the Party Like It’s 2001 achievement? Seen all the classic endings but the achievement says its on 4/5
Archavia says
Haven’t heard any cases of this. Have you tried redoing some of them to see if it triggers?
Cooper says
Yeah I’ve tried them all two more times each but it hasn’t done anything, I think it bugged out on the In Water ending and never counted that one as being seen unfortunately.
Cooper says
Nevermind, brute forced it and kept trying every ending and finally got it lol
Irwynn says
I inspected Maria’s letter & photo multiple times and never inspected Angela’s knife and I got In Water ending.
Irwynn says
So, I was able to get all 3 normal endings from the last manual save. Here’s what I did:
1) General – these choices were made before the last save and affected all the 3 cutscenes
– I kept Maria safe, she only was attacked once at the Inn (I think it’s story moment)
– I watched both Maria extra cutscenes in hospital but never checked her in Labyrinth.
– I wasn’t trying to keep my health on low, most time it was full.
– I placed ripe apple in the hotel
– I always passed through Rust-Colored Egg door in the end.
2) Ending – from the last manual save to the final boss fight
2.1) Maria ending:
— I never checked any of personal items (knife, letter and photo)
— I was on full hp
— I didn’t fully listen Mary monologue in the long hall
2.2) Leave Ending
— I inspected only Angela’s knife
— I was on low hp from the pyramidheads boss fight (I just let them deal me some dmg) until the ending (I was on low hp during the last boss fight too)
— I didn’t fully listen Mary monologue in the long hall
2.3) In Water Ending
— I inspected only Maria’s items (photo and letter)
— I was on full hp (literally I didn’t get a single hit during both fights)
— I fully listened Mary monologue in the long hall
Hope it helps.
Irwynn says
Ah, sorry, quick update, just re-checked. For In Water Ending I passed through the scarlet egg door.
Alex says
This really helped me, thanks.
Sascha says
How you can check the letter from last save point?
My letter is empty?
Bartski says
I can confirm – Archivist unlocks when picking up the note in bowl-o-rama NG+
Renato says
So i just finished the game first time and i got the Leave ending and im trying to get In Water before go to NG+ and get all the endings
Can someone help why i cant get the In Water Ending?
Heres what i did:
1) General – these choices were made before the last save and affected all the 3 cutscenes
– I kept Maria safe, she only was attacked once at the Inn (I think it’s story moment)
– At the hospital i checked her alot of times but only got 1 extra cutscene (the one she start sleeping)
– Checked her alot of times at the Labyrinth.
I wasn’t trying to keep my health on low, most time it was full.
– I placed ripe apple in the hotel
– Tried both eggs at the and but still get the Leave ending
— I inspected only Maria’s items (photo and letter)
– Never checked the Knife (tried checking every item before the boss fight too)
— Tried beating the two pyramid head boss fight with the lowest health
— I fully listened Mary monologue in the long hall
But i keep getting the Leave ending, what should i do?
Sam says
I just wanted to say I got Maria ending without meeting all requirements mentioned I first got water and leave ending then I reloaded the safe and tried for Maria and sure worked
I only visited her once in the hospital and I didnt check on her in labyrinth
I spoke to her at the Inn but not informt the society building
I remember she got hurt maybe once or twice but generally I think I kept her safe
I never checked Mary letter or photo or Angela’s knife
I put the rotten apple at the mirror puzzle in the hotel
Finally I choose the scarlet egg door at the end and I didnt listen to the full dialogue in the hall before the final boss
I think the choice to decide which ending was the eggs doors because in water ending I never inspected angela knife or listened to the dialogue in the hall the only difference was the door
In Maria ending I went through scarlet egg door
In water ending I went through rust egg door
Also in Maria ending I almost didn’t take any dmg in last 2 boss fights and when I did I healed right away
In water ending I took a lot of dmg and didn’t heal right away
Not sure if dmg is relevant in Maria’s ending but I hope this helps someone else cus I didnt do all the requirements and still got Maria ending
NeverwinterMoon says
Oh man, I wanted to get the Maria ending so hard.
– No damage to her
– Visited her at the hospital and saw both cutscenes
– Visited her in the labyrinth multiple times
– Never inspected any of the personal items
– Used scarlet egg
– Haven’t listened to the full conversation at the end
Still got the goddam Leave ending…
cache says
I want to add that the coin puzzle MAY add points to a ending depending on which coin you pick on the last question. You can pick any coin so I feel like that has to mean something?
If this is true, then the serpent coin would most likely contribute to the leave ending (blaming the disease)
The woman coin would most likely contribute to the maria ending (blaming mary)
The man coin would most likely contribute to the in water ending (blaming yourself)
On my first playthrough I chose the serpent coin and got the leave ending, and on my second playthrough I chose the woman coin and was able to get maria and in water ending.
Preacher says
I’ve tried everything to get the Maria ending and I just keep getting Leave no matter what. I know I met most of the requirements (took her all around town, talked about the outfit, protected her, had 1/2 hospital cutscenes, never read the personals, picked the ripe apple, beat PH Duo with low and high health, picked the Scarlett door on the left and right and never let the convo with Mary finish).
I’m feeling like this one’s glitched or Bloober needs to up the value on the door choice. 7/8 endings one trophy from the plat ????.
Thank y’all for the guide as well! it was fantastic and really easy to play alongside!
Nicolai Hansen says
I got the In Water ending after I went through Rust-Egg door. I was dying in the corridor and didn’t let Mary finish. I also did the same with the Scarlet-egg door. Got Leave.
JohnWick says
The following factors affecting the ending are presented in the game’s scripts:
1) AIready Seen Endings
2) Playthrough Bad Health
3) PIaythrough HeaIing Excess
4) Playthrough Killed Enemies
5) PIaythrough Maria Received Damage
6) Playthrough Stomped Dead Enemies
7) Angela’s Knife lnvestigation
8) Mary Items Investigation
9) Woodside Coin Puzzle:
– Man Coin
– Woman Coin
– Snake Coin
10) Pyramid Head Boss Fight Outcome Ending:
– Denied
– Forced
11) City OW, Neely’s Bar Message
12) West City FW, lnteracted All At Heavens Night
13) West City FW, Maria lnteractions
14) West City FW, Maria Redirections Comments
15) HospitaI FW, Lying Maria Interactions
16) Prison Gallow Puzzle Ending:
– Eddie Or Angela Representation
– James Representation
17) Labyrinth Maria Rooms
18) HoteI OW Mirror PuzzIe:
– Fresh Apple
– Rotten Apple
19) Hotel FW, Killed All Defenseless Enemies
20) HoteI FW, Listened Sickbed Conversation
21) Hotel FW Pyramid Head Boss Aftermath:
– Rust Egg
– Scarlet Egg
AlexSobecki says
Interesting. Wonder if the stuff like killing/stomping too many enemies my first playthrough is why I kept getting Leave instead of Maria. I would assume the game considers those quanities of someone who wants to survive no matter what and leave Silent Hill.
Nicolai Hansen says
I have tried five times gettig the Maria ending. Now I have Leave and In Water. Got In Water when I tried to get the Maria ending. Here is what I did:
———— I placed the Ripe Apple in the bowl during the mirror puzzle.
———— I didn’t inspect Angela’s Knife in your inventory multiple times.
During the second last boss fight or any time.
———— I ended second to last boss fight dying, I ran dying through the hallway, healed on the other side, ended last boss dying.
————I went through the door that you place the Rust-Colored Egg into.
————I didn’t listen to the full conversation in the long hallway before the final boss fight.
I don’t know how to get the Maria ending anymore.
Chefiroth says
The ‘base’ endings available in playthrough 1 are so inconsistent, I mean looking here, the psnp forums, reddit. It seems almost everybody has gotten in water doing this guide or the opposite, so it’s like what is the big factor. It’s my last ending besides stillness. And I did Maria on NG+ along with UFO, Dog, and rebirth. Leave was my first blind playthrough. Like idk if it’s glitched for some or exactly what it is, I’ve done the normal requirements, I’ve done the opposite ones like people have said. I’ll rather know the exact things to do before starting a new playthrough as well.
MdMaynard says
Doing all the requirements for the LEAVE ending though going through the door with the rust-Colored-Egg still forced me into the In Water Ending.
So to actually get the Leave ending I went through the door with the Scarlet Egg and in the Long Hall I inspected Mary’s photo several times there. While in the long hall every time I opened items it always would default to Mary’s picture (unlike throughout the entire game where if you open inventory it’ll default once to an item you may need to use then or just found, then switch to a different item if you close & reopen the inventory) For this reason I believe examining Mary’s Photo in the long hall while she’s talking contributes towards the Leave ending.
Ben says
I ain’t doing another playthrough, will prolly come back couple months later, try to get Maria endings 3 times and still got the Leave ending despite all the requirements I follow. So frustrated man!!!
Resident Space Hill says
It seems that the Leave Ending is prioritised on NG. That was the first ending I got even with working towards Maria Ending.
Once the Leave Ending was registered on my profile (final stats screen) I reloaded save, did the Maria steps and got that ending.
Reloaded again with those two endings registered on the final stats screen, did the Water steps and got that ending.
Tr0W says
“Get to critical health during the twins fight and stay that way until the last”
Possibly the most unreasonable thing to ask of anyone playing this game. The arena is tiny and one will always be hitting you in the back, not to mention that they take an insane amount of damage to beat and your reload animation takes an eternity. This is pretty much asking the impossible of the average gamer.
Hawkwind says
Having low health after the dual pyramid head fight doesn’t seem to affect anything. I’ve tried it with high and low health and I keep getting the Leave ending. Did all the requirements for Maria but I’m only getting Leave.
Konrad says
Cheers. First of all thanks for this guide it really helped a lot. My question is actually I’m on my ng+ run for getting all the collectibles. If I still need to do different endings should I first do a finish with all collectibles and then reload my save or can I those different endings before? Thanks
instastoump says
Something doesnt add up. I finished the game yesterday and got leave ending which is kinda odd.
I put the right apple and egg, didnt listen to conversation on hallway, talked with her in the club about the poster, pole and anything else i could interact, talked about the OG uniform, interacted with her outside of that house she was scared off and anything else i could find in the road before proceed with the story, i checked on her two times on the hospital. One time she thanked me and the other one she was missing. The only thing i couldnt do is here not being hit one or two times. I should have been able to get the “Maria” ending but instead i got “leave” two times in a row.
Darth Lord Raven says
Well the info for “in water ending” wasn’t correct for me:
After “Leave ending” reload the save before the 2 pyramid heads. keep on health with drinks and syringes.
Still go through the door with scarlet egg and run through the hallway don’t listen to the conversation fully.
keep on health with the last bossfight and kill Maria final hit with steel pipe. idk why it triggered that.
“didn’t got maria ending yet, that will be a new one i guess*
Baz says
You cannot get the leave ending if you placed Mary’s letter and Photo in the locker in Lakeview Hotel and you did not inspect it earlier than that.
Lynx says
I followed all the steps to get all endings but I still couldn’t get In Water no matter what I would do. What finally did the trick was killing the 3 defenseless enemies before the PH boss, that gives an extra point towards In Water and you can backtrack to those enemies from the last save! In case anyone gets stuck like I did lol hope this helps
wdk says
Little tip to everyone like me who followed the guide and couldn’t get Maria Ending no matter what.
I kept getting Leave ending probably because I explored all dictophones, Lora’s drawings etc.
What helped me: inspect Angela’s Knife 20 times, don’t heal on two PH’s, inspect crimson egg, pick crimson egg for the LEFT door and enter it, don’t listen full coridor monologue.
I think low hp on PH fight and inspecting Angela’s Knife reduced my points towards Lora and I was finally got Maria instead of Leave.
Psykopunkzz says
Allright, this is how i got the endings both maria and in the water ending.
I followed the maria guide as much as i could untill i reached the 9 save points ( i only had the conversation with the dress and i did not reach out to her in the labyrinth)
So for in the water ending i killed the 3 enemy’s just before you get to the 9 save points. i observed angela’s knife 10 times before the ph boss fight, i killed the Ph boss fight with critical health, i went through the corrupted door, i skipped the hallway conversation and finished the final boss with critical health. BEFORE i gave the final shot to the boss i observed the knife 50 times with critical health and that unlocked me the water ending.
For the maria ending: ( if you followed the maria ending as mentioned in the guide) i killed the Ph bosses but everytime i got hit i instantly took a healing item, so i finished the fight with full health. I went through the scarlet egg door, i skipped the hallway conversation. And at that time if Maria is in the bed instead of standing in front of the window you know you unlocked the maria ending. I also healed everytime i got hit in the final boss fight. And that’s how i obtained the endings. after trying a lot of times trying to figure out what could trigger them i finally did it. So hopefully this works for everyone as well. Cheers