Da’at – Taito contains 91 Collectible Locations in SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Da’at – Minato Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Everything must be collected before the final boss, which is the point of no return and afterward it puts you into New Game+. Be sure to keep a manual save before the final boss, this can be reloaded to still free-roam and pick up all collectibles from there.
- Mimans: 50
- Talismans: 5
- Periapts: 4
- Demon Statues: 6
- Abscesses: 6
- Amalgams: 16
- Aogami Husks: 4
Collectibles Overview:
There is Cironnup around the end of each area that will put the location of every Miman on your map but he will charge 20,000 Macca for it.
This one is located Southwest of the Asakusa Leyline Fount.
Almost all of the Talismans and Periapts in this area are quest rewards, please refer to the Subquests Guide if you need help with the respective subquests. The ones from quest rewards are listed below:
Heavenly Kings’ Periapt – Defeat Bishamonten in Da’at: Taito, Uguisudani
Children of Echidna Periapt – Talk to Orthrus in Da’at: Taito, Ueno Park.
Asgardian Kin Periapt – Complete Subquest Rascal of the Norse (From Idun in Demon Haunt)
Deity Talisman – Defeat Baal during Subquest The Bull God’s Lineage
Tyrant Talisman – Complete Subquest The Winged Sun
Dragon Talisman – Complete Subquest The Golden Dragon’s Arrival
Kishin Talisman – I have no idea where I got this one from
UM Talisman – Complete Subquest Brawny Ambitions II
Cardinal Deity Periapt – Story Progression
Miman – 1
On the roof, you land on when first arriving in the area behind the doorway.
Miman – 2
North of the Ueno Leyline Fount in frot the Hecatoncheires at the end of the broken road.
Miman – 3
In the corner of a building south of the Ueno Lyeline Fount on the other side of the Treasure Chests.
Miman – 4
located on a collapsed building Southwest of the Ueno Leyline Fount you can get there by going along the highway and climbing onto the broken buildings.
Miman – 5
Located underneath the Highway to the northwest of the previous Miman next to a rail.
Miman – 6
Underneath the Railroad tracks there is an opening to the South end of the railroad tracks follow it all the way along to reach the Miman.
Miman – 7
Located above the Previous Miman on the Railroad tracks above looking over you can get there by going to the Southwest end and following the tracks all the way along.
Miman – 8
Southwest of the previous Miman on top of a rock.
Miman – 9
Keep following the path west from the previous Miman which is located on the second floor of the destroyed building at the end.
Demon Statue Berith – 1
Located at the north end of the railway tracks in between the highway and the railway tracks.
Miman – 10
It is located down the end of the path under the railway line behind the Demon Statue.
Amalgam – 1
Located on a building Southwest of the Demon statue on a building you can reach here by going up a broken wall on the South side of the building.
Miman – 11
Northeast on the Ueno Leyline Fount down the very back path.
Amalgam – 2
Keep following the path to the east dead-end.
Ueno Park
Abscess – 1
Located up 2 platforms on the east side of Ueno Park.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison IX
Fire Mastery V
Ice Mastery V
Electric Mastery V
Force Mastery V
Majestic Aura
Miman – 12
Located Southwest of the previous Abscess.
Miman – 13
Located to the South of The Ueno Park Leyline Fount on top of the building below the Hare of Inaba.
Amalgam – 3
On the same building as the previous Miman drop down a level.
Amalgam – 4
Located West of the Leyline Fount, south of the Abbadon in the corner.
Miman – 14
Located next to the vending machine near the railway tracks to the Southeast of the Ueno Park Leyline Fount.
Miman – 15
Located to the North of the Ueno Park Leyline Fount on a grassy area past where you fight Chi-You.
Miman – 16
West from the Shinobazu Pond Leyline Fount jump down the ledge.
Skip to Shinobazu Pond
Amalgam – 5
Go south from the Shinobazu Pond Leyline Fount off the cliff and go west underneath the railway tracks till you reach a hole in the building follow it around onto the railway tracks, and follow the patch onto the back of the building.
Miman – 17
Directly behind the Amalgam on the snow.
Amalgam – 6
Jump off the railroad tracks to the south and land on the rock where it is located.
Miman – 18
From the previous Miman go further south, then east and it is located just before the highway at the side of a building.
Return to Kurame
Miman – 19
Located on the building directly North after entering Monoasakusa.
Return to Motoasakusa
Shinobazu Pond
Miman – 20
On top of a building west of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 21
In the Pond Northwest of the Leyline Fount.
Demon Statue Forneus – 2
North of the Leyline Fount in the pond.
Abscess – 2
Located west of the Leyline Fount.
Miracles Unlocked:
Prayer of Agility
Prayer of Luck
Light Mastery V
Dark Mastery V
Ailment Mastery V
Miman – 22
Located behind the abscess down a platform.
Miman – 23
Located looking out over the river to the North of the Leyline Fount.
Aogami Husk – 1
Located in the pond directly North of the previous Miman.
Miman – 24
Located North of the Leyline Fount to the East of the previous Aogmai Husk.
Amalgam – 7
It is located in the pond to the east of the previous Miman.
Miman – 25
Located to the Northeast of the previous amalgam down a narrow pathway.
Miman – 26
Climb the platform next to the previous Miman and go all the way south It is located next to the Magatsu Rail.
Return to Okachimachi
Miman – 27
Located west of the demon statue in the building next to Nahoheeho.
Demon Statue Jack Frost – 3
Keep following the path around the back of the mountain and it is located at the top.
Amalgam – 8
West of the bottom Magatsu Rail you will have to jump off the mountain onto the area below.
Miman – 28
Underneath a broken building next to the Vending Machine.
Miman – 29
Down the West alleyway just before the Abscess.
Abscess – 3
Located a bit further down from the previous Miman at the end of the path.
Miracles Unlocked:
Deathly Aura IV
Healer’s Hospitality II
Almighty Mastery IV
Physical Mastery IV
Art of Essences III
Amalgam – 9
Climb up the 5 platforms down the same alleyway next to the building at the start.
Miman – 30
Located on the building next to the previous Amalgam.
Miman – 31
Located in the middle of the area between the buildings you can get here from the south side.
Miman – 32
South from the previous Miman looking over the edge.
Aogami Husk – 2
Located behind the blocks at the very bottom to the west of the area that you enter to climb to the top.
Miman – 33
Around halfway up the path to where the key is after going up the second staircase you can jump across a gap to reach it.
Miman – 34
Once you reach the area with Fafnir flying around you will be able to jump off the edge of the block and land on the area below where it is located.
Amalgam – 10
Once you reach the area with the Magatsu Rail on the edge jump down to the block below.
Miman – 35
Once you reach the second area with Fafnir going around in a circle you should be able to look out over the edge to the south towards the Magatsu Rail you can then drop down to a platform below and is located at the end.
Demon Statue Ose – 4
It is located against the Mountain at the top, Once you reach the top with the blocks going around in a cylinder jump off onto the area below.
Miman – 36
After dropping down from the previous Miman you should be able to see the Miman to the North of you you can reach it by dropping down from the blocks that go in a cylinder near the top.
Amalgam – 11
You can see this looking out from the very top to the west jump off onto the platforms below to reach it.
Miman – 37
On the Ground to the North of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 38
Located to the west of the Leyline Fount in the area directly next to it.
Return to Miman – 20
Demon Statue Decarabia – 5
Located down the south alleyway to the west after entering the area.
Abscess – 4
Located to the east after entering the area.
Miracles Unlocked:
Skillful Conservation
Summoner’s Hospitality III
Prayer of Vitality
Amalgam – 12
At the very top of the hill next to Fionn mac Cumhaill.
Amalgam – 13
Located on the building north of the cliff you can jump here from the edge.
Miman – 39
from the same ledge as the last Amalgam jump to the building connected to the Mountain to the south of the Amalgam make your way around to the hold in the building and drop down to it.
Amalgam – 14
Located south of the Miman on top of the next building.
Miman – 40
On top of a broken building south of the Ueno Leyline Fount, the path to get here is next to the building with the Amalgam to the east of the Miman.
Asakusa Main Street
Abscess – 5
Located all the way south at the end of the street.
Miracles Unlocked:
Demon Proficiency V
Divine Proficiency IV
Almighty Mastery V
Physical Mastery V
Miman – 41
Located West of the Asakusa Leyline Fount behind a rock.
Miman – 42
Located further west from the previous Miman sitting on one of the blocks near the bottom.
Miman – 43
Located in the very middle at the bottom north of the previous Miman.
Miman – 44
On a block west of the Leyline Fount under a Magatsu Rail.
Abscess – 6
Further back up North from the previous Miman.
Miracles Unlocked:
Merchant’s Hospitality II
Recover Mastery III
Support Mastery III
Prayer of Strength
Prayer of Magic
Miman – 45
Located East from the Abscess down a Platform at the very edge of the map.
Aogami Husk – 3
Located up a hill to the Southwest of the Previous Abscess.
Miman – 46
Located South of the previous Aogami Husk.
Amalgam – 15
Located Southeast of the previous Miman on a block.
Miman – 47
Located up the 3 platforms to the Southwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 48
Located further up past the Railway tracks behind a block at the back.
Miman – 49
Located Northeast of the previous Miman down a slope.
Miman – 50
Keep progressing further south from the previous Miman It is located in front of the Demon Statue.
Demon Statue Flauros – 6
Located in front of the previous Miman.
Amalgam – 16
Northeast from the Demon Statue there is a way out underneath the Bridge progress North all the way to the edge of the mountain.
Aogami Husk – 4
Located against a rock after crossing the bridge.
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance Collectibles.
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