Shin Megami V: Vengence contains 138 Subquests. This Subquest Guide covers all Subquests that can be undertaken in both Creation route and Vengence route. It’s updated for the “Vengeance” version of Shin Megami 5 that released in 2024 on PS4, PS5, Xbox Series S/X and PC.
Color-Coding Explanation:
- Subquests with a (V) are exclusive to the Vengence route, this can be easily done in New Game+ if you have chosen the Creation route as your first playthrough.
- Subquests that are marked as Dark Blue are timed Subquests and must be completed in the alloted timeframe.
- Subquests that are marked as Purple are choice Subquests whereby you must side with a particluar demon. When siding with one demon and completing their request this will mark both Subquests as complete. Allignment type for each choice Subquest will be displayed in brackets, the choice you make will effect the ending on the Vengeance Route.
- Subquests that are marked as Red are missable and will become unobtainable or fail if you don’t manage to complete it in time.
- Subquests that are marked as Light Blue can only be undertaken if you have chosen the Law choices throughout your playthrough.
- Subquests that are marked as Green can only be undertaken if you have chosen the Neutral choices throughout your playthrough.
- Subquests that are marked as Orange can only be undertaken if you have chosen the Chaos choices throughout your playthrough.
World of Shadows Subquest
Subquest #1: Return of the True Demon
Client: Sophia
Reward: 666666 Macca, Fiend Matador Fusion, Fiend Daisoujou Fusion, Fiend Hell Biker Fusion, Fiend White Rider Fusion, Fiend Red Rider Fusion, Fiend Black Rider Fusion, Fiend Pale Rider Fusion, Fiend Mother Harlot Fusion, Fiend Trumpeter Fusion
Requirements: Sophia handed you an item, you must challenge the avatars of death.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint in Da’at: Minato and engage in a fight with Matador who is weak to Electric. After this fight go to Da’at: Shinagawa and proceed to the waypoint, Daisoujou will be lying in wait. Daisoujou is weak to Fire. The next avatar of death is on the same map, head to the waypoint and Hell Biker will appear and challenge you. Hell Biker is weak to Ice. Once you have defeated Hell Biker go to the World of Shadows to initate a conversation with Sophia, this will unlock the next part of the Subquest.
Now head to Da’at: Chiyoda/Shinjuku (V) and proceed towards the waypoint, when you have arrived The Four Horsemen will ambush you to engage in coversation. Afterwards head to the new waypoint where White Rider will initate combat with you, White Rider is weak to Electric. Next head to the waypoint and engage in combat with Red Rider who is weak to Ice. Head to the next waypoint where Black Rider will be your next opponent, Black Rider is weak to Force. Go to the next waypoint and fight Pale Rider who is weak to Fire. Now go back to the World of Shadows and speak with Sophia, which will open up the third part of the Subquest.
Once you have arrived in Da’at: Taito, head towards the waypoint. Mother Harlot will be your next opponent, Mother Harlot is weak to Ice and Force. The next waypoint is on the same map, where you will need to fight Trumpeter who has no weakness and nullifies Dark and Light. Now heading back to the World of Shadows and having a conversation with Sophia, a new Leyline fountain will be avaliable. This will be displayed as ‘???’ once you have arrived at the Hall of Chaos Leyline fountain you will have to go toe-to-toe with Demi-Fiend. He has no weakness will be a tough fight for most if not prepared. Make sure to defeat one of Demi-Fiend’s demons every 5 turns otherwise Demi-Fiend will insta kill you with Gaea Rage. Once Demi-Fiend is defeated he will join the party as a guest character and will complete the Subquest.
Netherworld/Da’at: Minato Subquests
Subquest #2: No Stone Unturned
Client: Neko Shogun
Reward: Wargod Talisman x1
Requirements: Find 5 Life Stones and bring them to Neko Shogun.
Walkthrough: You can find Life Stones as drops from battles, they can also be found randomly on the field by Demon Navigators. You can try farming Life Stones right away if you want to complete the Subquest early, but it’s recommended to just come back later when you’ve found a few through normal play.
Subquest #3: Brawny Ambitions
Client: Hare of Inaba
Reward: Unwrit Order Periapt x1
Requirements: Have the demon Zhu Tun She in your party and talk to Hare of Inaba.
Walkthrough: Recruit a Zhu Tun She in the Netherworld, or head to the World of Shadows and fuse one. You can easily do this early on by fusing Peallaidh + Gremlin. Once you have Zhu Tun She, head back to the Hare on Inaba to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #4: A Preta Predicament
Client: Preta
Reward: Haunt Talisman x1
Requirements: Find the Preta that went out in search of food.
Walkthrough: The Preta can be found a couple steps to the south of Mita Layline Crossing, Talk to him, and head to the new waypoint that was marked on your map. At the waypoint, another Preta will give you some food, then head back to the Preta that gave you this Subquest and win the battle to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #5: Knocking on Death’s Door
Client: Nyami Nyami
Reward: Treacherous Chaos Periapt x1
Requirements: Defeat the Dormarth by the underpass.
Walkthrough: Once you accept this Subquest, the Dormarth will be marked on your map, go and defeat it, then return to Nyami Nyami to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #6: She Who Rules the Night
Client: Tzitmitl
Reward: Soma Drop x1, Tzitmitl unlocked for fusion
Requirements: Talk to Tzitmitl and let her know you are ready to begin, you must then collect at least 4 Young stars for her.
Walkthrough: The Subquest starts on a New Moon, and you have until the Full moon to collect as many Young Stars as possible. The more Young Stars you collect, the better the reward will be. To pass the Subquest, you will need to collect at least 4 Young Stars.
Subquest #7: Bully Breaker
Client: Agiathion
Reward: Agiathion’s Essence x1
Requirements: Defeat 3 Daemons.
Walkthrough: You can find lots of Daemons in a cave east of the Tzitmitl who gives you the “See Who Rules the Night” subquest. Simply defeat 3 Daemons and return to Agiathion to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #8: The Water Nymph (Chaos)
Client: Leanan Sidhe
Reward: Stamina Incense x2
Requirements: Defeat Apsaras.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “The Spirit of Love” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Apsaras or Leanan Sidhe by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #9: The Spirit of Love (Law)
Client: Apsaras
Reward: Health Incense x2
Requirements: Defeat Leanan Sidhe.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “The Water Nymph” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Apsaras or Leanan Sidhe by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #10: The Cursed Mermaids
Client: Mermaid
Reward: Grimoire x3
Requirements: Defeat Pazuzu.
Walkthrough: Follow the waypoint to defeat Pazuzu, then return to the Mermaid to complete the Subquest. Be sure to note that you can’t reach Pazuzu until you beat the story boss Hydra.
Subquest #11: The Demon of the Spring
Client: Mermaid
Reward: Femme Talisman x1, Anahita unlocked for fusion
Requirements: Head to the spring and defeat Anahita.
Walkthrough: The spring can be a little tricky to navigate to when looking at the map. To reach the spring, Head to the Onarimon Leyline Crossing and take the west path up the mountain, towards where you receive the subquest “The Golden Dragon’s Arrival“. From there, drop down on to the lower mountain to your south, and head towards the waypoint. Talk to Anahita at the Spring and she will challenge you to a battle. Once you defeat Anahita, head back to the Mermaid to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #12: Pollution Panic
Client: Mandrake
Reward: Yoma Talisman x1
Requirements: Defeat 5 Azumis.
Walkthrough: Head to the river, south of the Tokyo Tower Leyline Crossing. Defeat 5 Azumis which can be found here, and return to Mandrake to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #13: The Ultimate Omelet
Client: Aitvaras
Reward: Drake Talisman x1
Requirements: Bring a Jatayu Egg to Aitvaras.
Walkthrough: The Jatayu Egg will be marked on your map, so head over to the waypoint and collect it. Be careful not to encounter the Jatayu, as it is extremely powerful. If you do encounter it, use a Smoke Ball to escape. Once you collect the Jatayu Egg, return to Aitvaras to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #14: To Cure a Curse
Client: Andras
Reward: Fallen Talisman x1
Requirements: Find 5 Bicorn Horns for Andras.
Walkthrough: To get Bicorn horns, you need to defeat a Bicorn, they can be found in numerous locations. Many Bicorns can be found directly south of the Kamiyacho Leyline Crossing. Defeat 5 Bicorns and return to Andras to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #15: The Golden Dragon’s Arrival
Client: Huang Long
Reward: Dragon Talisman x1
Requirements: Defeat the four beast gods.
Walkthrough: All four beast gods are marked as strong enemies on the Da’at: Minato map. Qing Long weak to Electric, Zhuque is weak to Ice, Baihu is weak to Force, Xuanwu is weak to Fire. Once you have defeated all four beast gods return to Huang Long to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #16: Talisman Hunt
Client: Shiki-Ouji
Reward: Brute Talisman x1
Requirements: Find 3 Shikigami Talismans.
Walkthrough: Find the 3 Shikigami Talismans that will be marked on your map once you accept this Subquest, then return all 3 to Shiki-Ouji. After returning all 3 Talismans, Shiki-Ouji will challenge you to a battle, so be prepared. After winning the battle, you will complete this Subquest.
Subquest #17: Movin’ on Up
Client: Oni
Reward: Phys Dampener x1
Requirements: See if any other demons need Oni’s help, then defeat the Oni.
Walkthrough: Talk to the Demons outside of the cave and see if they need any help, then report back to the Oni. The Oni will now begin to stir up trouble, so you’ll need to fight him. Defeat the Oni and talk to him again in the cave to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #18: Beastly Battle of Wits
Client: Nozuichi
Reward: Virtuous Neutral Periapt
Requirements: Answer all of Nozuichi’s riddles correctly.
Walkthrough: Nozuichi will ask you a Riddle, the answer to the question is: “An empty path”. After solving the riddle, the second riddle will require you to obtain Sangaku Beads. Head to the Shiba Leyline Crossing and head east into the area full of Kodamas. Up the hill you will find the Sangaku Beads, so collect them and return to Nozuichi. The third riddle will require you to slash at Nozuichi, which will start a battle with him. Defeat Nozuichi in battle to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #19: Home Sweet Home
Client: Halphas
Reward: Unwrit Chaos Periapt x1
Requirements: Find a place to live for the family of Halphas.
Walkthrough: The place you want to go to is the cave where the Oni was in the subquest “Movin’ on Up“. Talk to the Oni inside the cave and then report back to the Halphas, there will be a scene, and then you will complete this Subquest.
Subquest #20: Keeper of the West
Client: Koumokuten
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x1
Requirements: Prove your might to Koumokuten.
Walkthrough: Challenge Koumokuten when you are ready. Komokuten is weak to Electric. After defeating Komokuten this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #21: The Succession of Ra
Client: Isis
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x2, Deity Khonsu Fusion, Deity Khonsu Ra Fusion
Requirements: Go to the Fairy Village and stop Khonsu.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint in the Fairy village and you will engage in a fight with Khonsu Ra, Thoth and Anubis. Khonsu Ra is weak to Ice, Thoth is weak to Dark and Anubis is weak to Force. Once Khonsu and his cronies are defeated this will unlock the Trophy The Sun Will Rise Again and will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #22: The Benevolent One
Client: Huang Long
Reward: 80,000 Macca, Dragon Huang Long Fusion
Requirements: Prove your might to Huang Long.
Walkthrough: Challenge Huang Long when you are ready. This may be a challenging fight for some as Huang Long is resistant to most elements apart from Dark and Physical. Once you have defeated Huang Long this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #23: Guide to the Lost (V)
Client: Armaiti
Reward: Small Glory Crystal x1
Requirements: Talk to humans given into temptation.
Walkthrough: In the Tokyo overworld go outside of Jozoji and speak to the Man in the Knit Hat, then talk to the Lady in Apron in the South West. Then talk to the Young Girl to the South East, afterwards where you originally spoke to the Lady in Apron, nearby there is a Poised Man that needs to be spoken to. Once the conversation with the Poised Man is over you will be attacked by a Pisaca who is weak to Fire and Light. Return to Armaiti to conclude the subquest.
Subquest #24: Rite of Resurrection (Missable) (V)
Client: Khonsu
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x2
Requirements: Defeat Khonsu Ra.
Walkthrough: Hand Khonsu the Winged Sun Crest and you will fight Khonsu Ra, Thoth and Anubis. Khonsu Ra is weak to Ice, Thoth is weak to Dark and Anubis is weak to Force. Once Khonsu and his cronies are defeated this will complete the Subquest.
Tokyo Subquests
Subquest #25: Essential Research
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Treacherous Neutral Periapt x1
Requirements: Talk to the Bethel Researcher after learning Mahama from essence fusion.
Walkthrough: You can learn Mahama from Makami. Use the demon’s essence from Makami and return to the Bethel Researcher.
Subquest #26: In Pursuit of Knowledge
Client: Male Student
Reward: Treacherous Order Periapt x1
Requirements: Take the Demon trivia quiz.
Walkthrough: Talk to the Student and answer the following questions as such:
1: Human Corpse.
2: Cacodaemon.
3: Light a Candle.
After answering all three questions, this Subquest will be complete.
Subquest #27: Prince of Her Dreams (Missable)
Client: Miyazu Atsuta
Reward: Can of Jelly x3
Requirements: Learn about the Prince that appeared in Miyazu’s dream.
Walkthrough: This quest is picked up automatically on the way to your classroom. Before you can complete this quest, you’ll need to head to class for the day. Once class is over, head east on the 2nd floor hallway, and talk to the Male Student standing there to learn about the Prince. After learning about the prince, return to Miyazu to complete this quest.
Subquest #28: Supersonic Racing
Client: Reporter
Reward: Agility Insense x4, Foul Turbo Granny Fusion
Requirements: Capture evidence of the Supersonic Lady.
Walkthrough: Talk to the Reporter when you are ready to begin, this will then activate a map marker that will zip around the overworld. Chase the marker and press this will activate a cutscene with the Turbo Granny. Continue to chase the demon and be quick with pressing
as the Turbo Granny is remarkably fast. After intercepting the Turbo Granny for the 3rd time you will engage in a fight with the demon. Turbo Granny is weak to Light and has high Agility.
Subquest #29: Miracle Research
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Chakra Elixir x1
Requirements: Show the Researcher a miracle that allows you undo a slip of the tongue.
Walkthrough: Head to the World of Shadows and learn the Miracle Pacification, it will cost you 90 Glory. After learning this Miracle return back to the Bethel Researcher to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #30: Picture-Perfect Debut
Client: Amabie
Reward: Healing Sutra x1
Requirements: Give Amabie’s Bromide Photo to a student in Tokyo.
Walkthrough: Talk to the female student in Jozoji or talk to the male student in Jouin High School Dorm, show either of them the photo. The outcome for both is the same and doesn’t have an effect on the Subquest. Return to Amabie to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #31: To New Horizons
Client: Woman
Reward: Lavish Demon Box x2
Requirements: Obtain Designer Heels once sold in Minato.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint in Minato, speak to the demon and pay the demon 500 Macca. Once in control of the demon, examine all of the waypoints. After examining all of the waypoints you are forced to engage in a fight with three Andras’, they are weak to Electric and Light. Once you have defeated all three Andras’ you will then have the option to have Muu Shuwuu as a navigator. Afterwards go and speak to the Woman to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #32: Classified Courier
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: New Testament Tablet x1
Requirements: Deliver Attaché Case to the researcher in the Tokyo Diet Building.
Walkthrough: Head inside the Tokyo Diet Building and speak to the researcher who is marked on your map. After speaking to the researcher return to the Bethel Researcher to conclude the Subquest.
Tokyo Diet Building Subquests
Subquest #33: Training Minato
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Virtuous Chaos Periaph x1
Requirements: Complete the Minato Battles challenge.
Walkthrough: The Minato Battles include Hydra, Eligor and Nuwa. You fight these battles back-to-back so be prepared. Select Original Mode as this setting will be easier to tackle. Hydra is weak to Ice, Eligor is weak to Electricity and Nuwa is weak to Fire.
The three subquests below will be marked on the map once you speak to the head researcher downstairs.
Subquest #34: A Goddess in Training
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Viatality Balm x3, Artemis Fusion
Requirements: Investigate the magic power reading near Tokyo Tower.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint at Tokyo Tower, and speak to Artemis. Artemis will want you to look for Quetzalcoatl, who can be found at Nagatacho. Quetzalcoatl is marked on your map as a waypoint in which you must engage in a fight with. Quetzalcoatl is weak to Electric. Once you have defeated Quetzalcoatl return to Artemis, you must then challenge Artemis. Artemis is weak to Fire. After defeating Artemis return to the Bethal Researcher to finish the Subquest.
Subquest #35: The Doctor’s Last Wish
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Health Balm x1
Requirements: Locate Doctor Nitta near Kamiyacho.
Walkthrough: Head to waypoint in Da’at: Minato near Kamiyacho. You will then fight Mephisto who is weak to Light. After defeating Mephisto return to the Bethel Researcher, this will finish the Subquest. After completing the subquest, be sure to head downstairs, talk to the Researcher and Request Demonic Allies. Select Mephisto, he will join your party and you’ll unlock him for Fusion.
Subquest #36: The Rage of a Queen
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Stamina Balm x1, Cleopatra Fusion
Requirements: Head to Mita and locate Cleopatra.
Walkthrough: You’ll need to head to Mita in Da’at: Minato, then head towards the waypoint. After speaking to Cleopatra, she will engage in a fight with you. Cleopatra is weak to Dark. After defeating Cleopatra, when given a dialogue choice, choose to Stop Her. Cleopatra will then join your party, and you’ll unlock her for Fusion. Once the conversation has finished, return to the Bethel Researcher to conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #37: Special Training: The Kunitsukami (V)
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Kunitsu Talisman x1
Requirements: Using the virtual trainer complete the Kunitsukami of Kanda-no-yashiro challenge.
Walkthrough: The Kunitsukami of Kanda-no-yashiro challenge can be found in Normal Battles and includes Okuninushi, Take-Minakata and Sukuna-Hikona. Okuninushi is weak to Ice. Oyamatsumi is weak to Fire. Take-Minakata is weak to Fire. Sukuna-Hikona is weak to to Electric. Once you have won the battle, head back to the Bethel Researcher and this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #38: Special Training: Army of Chaos (V)
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Balm of Life x3
Requirements: Train yourself against the Army of Chaos Battles challenge.
Walkthrough: The Army of Chaos Battles challenge includes Surt, Ishtar, Chernobog and Arioch. You fight these battles back-to-back so be prepared. Select Original Mode as this setting will be easier to tackle. Surt is weak to Ice, Ishtar is weak to Force and Dark, Chernobog is weak to Light and Arioch is weak to Electric.
Da’at: Shinagawa Subquests
Subquest #39: Chakra Drop Chomp
Client: Kodama
Reward: Jirae Talisman x1
Requirements: Find two Chakra Drops for Kodama.
Walkthrough: By the time you start this subquest you should already have two Chakra Drops. If you don’t have the required items you’ll most likely find them as battle rewards.
Subquest #40: Infiltrate the Demon Feast (Missable)
Client: Ichiro Dazai
Reward: Segata III Game Console x1
Requirements: Using Amanozako, guide her around in search of the human.
Walkthrough: Proceed forward and interact with the vending machine. After speaking with the Succubus, search nearby and interact with all of the waypoints. Then after encountering the three Lamia, go and speak with the Mermaid in order to get past them. When passing the three Lamia this will activate a boss fight; Yakshini is weak to electricity. Defeating Yakshini will complete this subquest.
Subquest #41: Holding the Line (Law)
Client: Principality
Reward: Light Sutra x1
Requirements: Defeat Lilim.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Those seeking Sanctuary” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Principality or Lilim by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #42: Those seeking Sanctuary (Chaos)
Client: Lilim
Reward: Dark Sutra x1
Requirements: Defeat Principality.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Holding the Line” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Principality or Lilim by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #43: Magic from the East
Client: Baphomet
Reward: Vile Talisman x1
Requirements: Find 5 Inugami heads.
Walkthrough: Defeat five Ingugami on the field and return to Baphomet.
Subquest #44: A Wish for a Fish
Client: Nekomata
Reward: Beast Talisman x1
Requirements: Bring fish from the warehouse back to Nekomata.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint inside one of the warehouses. Defeat King Frost who is weak against Fire and is pretty tanky. After winning the battle against King Frost, you have the option of killing or sparing him. Sparing him will earn you points towards the Law Ending on the Vengeance route, and killing him will earn you points towards the Chaos Ending on the Vengeance route. Once you recieve the Frozen Salmon return to Nekomata to complete the subquest.
Subquest #45: Brawny Ambitions II
Client: Hare of Inaba
Reward: UMA Talisman x1
Requirements: Bring Xeizhai that can use Puncture Punch to the Hare.
Walkthrough: Head to the World of Shadows and fuse a Xeizhai. Fuse both Shiisaa + Feng Huang to get an Xeizhai. Once you have Xeizhai level them up to 31 in order to get the skill Puncture Punch. Once this is done, head back to the Hare of Inaba to complete the subquest.
Subquest #46: Can I Keep Them?
Client: Lilim
Reward: Lilim’s Essence x1
Requirements: Capture 10 Mothmen and deliver them to Lilim.
Walkthrough: This Subquest can be misleading as you have to defeat 10 Mothmen. Mothmen can be found around Konan 3rd Block. Once you have defeated 10 Mothmen, return to Lilim to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #47: Iced Out
Client: Jack Frost
Reward: Muscle Drink x1
Requirements: Find 3 Ice Gems for Jack Frost.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 3 Ice Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Gems you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #48: Tough Love
Client: Onyakopon
Reward: Virtuous Order Periapt x1
Requirements: Defeat two Basilisks between New Moon and Full Moon.
Walkthrough: The Subquest starts on a New Moon, and you have until the Full moon to defeat as many Basilisks as possible. The more Basilisks you defeat, the better the reward will be. To pass the Subquest, you will need to defeat at least 2 Basilisks. Once you’ve defeated the required amount return to Onyakopon to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #49: Kumbhanda’s Bottle
Client: Succubus
Reward: Night Talisman x1
Requirements: Defeat Kumbhanda.
Walkthrough: Head towards the Parking Lot and defeat Kumbhanda, this will drop the Bottle. Deliver Kumbhanda’s Bottle back to Succubus to complete this Subquest.
Birds of a Feather Subquest will only appear after you have spoken to Cait Sith in the Fairy Village.
Subquest #50: Birds of a Feather
Client: Koppa Tengu
Reward: Feng Huang’s Essence x1
Requirements: Obtain a Giant Bird’s Feather and deliver it to Koppa Tengu.
Walkthrough: The Giant Bird can be located near the South end of the Container Yard. Climb onto of the containers and head towards the waypoint. Thunderbird is weak to Force, once you have defeated Thunderbird head back to Koppa Tengu to complete this Subquest.
Subquest #51: Pixie on the Case
Client: Pixie
Reward: Unwrit Neutral Periaph x1
Requirements: Ace detective Pixie needs your help solving a case of the stolen silver fruit.
Walkthrough: As Pixie talk to all of the culprits located nearby. Once you have spoken to all of them, you will be asked to review the case. Going over what each demon has said the actual culprit is Jack-o’-Lantern.
Subquest #52: The One I Love
Client: Incubus
Reward: Grimoire x3
Requirements: Deliver Incubus’s letter to Silky.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint located in the Fairy Village, and speak to Silky. Once that is done head back to Incubus and speak with them, this will conclude the Subquest. Additionally after the completion of this quest an optional choice is given, in which you can hand over 5,000 Macca to Incubus. This will be required to start Subquest #93: The One I (Still) Love. If you choose not to hand over the Macca, you can talk to Incubus at any time to give him it.
Subquest #53: A Goddess Stolen
Client: Jack Frost
Reward: Small Glory Crystal x2, Megami Idun Fusion
Requirements: Rescue Idun from Loki.
Walkthrough: Loki’s hideout is located on the map via waypoint. Loki is weak to Light. After you have defeated Loki you will be presented with a choice of biting the Golden Apple, the outcome of both choices doesn’t have an effect on the Subquests/main quests or stats. Return to Jack Frost to conclude this Subquest.
Subquest #54: The Root of the Problem
Client: Silky
Reward: Fairy Talisman x1
Requirements: Find 8 Mandrake Roots for Silky.
Walkthrough: The Mandrake Roots can be obtained from Mandrakes, these can be found North of the Fairy Village Leyline Crossing. Once you have 8 Mandrake Roots return to Silky to conclude this Subquest.
Subquest #55: The Tyrant of Tennozu
Client: Demeter
Reward: 15,000 Macca, Tyrant Belphegor Fusion
Requirements: Eliminate the Tyrant in Tennozu.
Walkthrough: You can reach the waypoint by following the Highway and jumping over the fence towards the mountains where the waypoint is. Belphegor is weak to Fire and Light. Once you have defeated Belphegor go back to Demeter and this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #56: Song of Nostalgia
Client: Kinmamon
Reward: Enigma Talisman x1
Requirements: Head to Tokyo to gather information about a song.
Walkthrough: On the Tokyo map, head to the east side and talk to the Female Student near the Jouin High School Dorm. After the conversation answer the dialogue options as follows: 1. The gajumara trees…, 2. Is that a big parrotfish…, 3. Everyone enjoy the sanshin’s… After giving the answers this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #57: The Falcon’s Head
Client: Isis
Reward: Lady Talisman
Requirements: Defeat Horus above Sotokanda.
Walkthrough: Horus can be found at Suehirocho within Da’at: Chiyoda. Horus will occasionally perch on a mountain cliffside, Horus will engage in a fight with you if approached. Horus is weak to Force. Once defeated return to Isis to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #58: Keeper of the South
Client: Zouchouten
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x1
Requirements: Prove your might to Zouchouten.
Walkthrough: Challenge Zouchouten when you are ready. Zouchouten is weak to Force. After defeating Zouchouten this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #59: Supply Run (Missable, V)
Client: Yuzuru Atsuta
Reward: Force Gem x5
Requirements: Procure supplies for Hayataro.
Walkthrough: Have Life Stone Chain x2 and Chakra Drop x1 in your inventory before reaching a certain point in the Main Story. If you don’t have the items you can find them on the field. Once you have you have collected all of the items return to Yuzuru to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #60: Heart of Garnet (V)
Client: Male Student
Reward: Bead x2
Requirements: Eliminate Vouivre and obtain her jewel eye.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint marked on your map. Vouivre is weak to Ice. Upon defeating Vouivre, you will be given a choice. Finishing off Voivre will earn you points towards the Law Ending, and sparing her will earn you points towards the Chaos Ending. After making a choice, this will complete the Subquest.
Da’at: Chiyoda Subquests
Subquest #61: Lighting the way
Client: Jack-o’-Lantern
Reward: Chakra Drop x1
Requirements: Find 2 Fire Gems for Jack-o’-Lantern.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Fire Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Gems you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #62: Black Frost Strikes Back
Client: Black Frost
Reward: Health Balm x1
Requirements: Defeat Dionysus.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “A Soberinng Standoff” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Black Frost or Dionysus by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #63: A Sobering Standoff
Client: Dionysus
Reward: Stamina Balm x1
Requirements: Defeat Black Frost.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Black Frost Strikes Back” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Dionysus or Black Frost by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #64: Stones of Malice
Client: Zhen
Reward: Dispel Charm x1
Requirements: Find 2 Poison Gems for Zhen.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Poison Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Gems you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #65: The Path to Myojin Forest
Client: Hua Po
Reward: Silky’s Essense
Requirements: Take Hua Po to Myojin Forest.
Walkthrough: As long as you do not swap out Hua Po, head towards the waypoint marked on the map. Once you reach the destination this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #66: One Mokoi’s Trash…
Client: Mokoi
Reward: Kaiwan’s Essense x1
Requirements: Bring vintage guitar, model kit and TV game system to Mokoi.
Walkthrough: The Subquest will plot three waypoints on the map, head towards these to collect the items. Once you have collected all three items head back and speak to Mokoi, this then will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #67: An Unusual Forecast
Client: Kelpie
Reward: Soma x1
Requirements: Deliver Girimekhala’s Head to Kelpie.
Walkthrough: Head to Konan 4th Block in Da’at: Shinagawa, and defeat Girimekhala. Girimekhala is weak to Force, Electric and Light. After defeating Girimekhala return to Kelpie to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #68: Reclaim the Golden Stool
Client: Onyankopon
Reward: Health Balm x1
Requirements: Recover the Golden Stool that Anasi stole.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Liberate the Golden Stool” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Onyankopon or Anansi by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #69: Liberate the Golden Stool
Client: Anansi
Reward: Stamina Balm x1
Requirements: Anansi requests that you eliminate Onyankopon.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Reclaim the Golden Stool” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Anansi or Onyankopon by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #70: He of a Hundred Hands
Client: Valkyrie
Reward: 18,000 Macca
Requirements: Defeat Hecatoncheires.
Walkthrough: Hecatoncheires is marked on the map, head towards the demon and engage in a fight with it. Hecatoncheires is weak to Force. Once Hecatoncheires is defeated, go back to Valkyrie to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #71: The Horn of Plenty
Client: Demeter
Reward: Megami Talisman x1
Requirements: Obtain a Horn of Plenty and bring it to Demeter.
Walkthrough: A giant Chimera will be marked on the map head towards the waypoint and engage in a fight with this demon. Chimera is weak to Force.
Subquest #72: Roar of Hatred
Client: Demeter
Reward: Phys Dampener x2
Requirements: Eliminate the Tyrant near Awajicho.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint marked on your map and engage with Moloch. Moloch will be backed up with a three demons, all of which including Moloch will be weak to Ice.
Subquest #73: A Power Beyond Control
Client: Patrolling Angel
Reward: Small Glory Crystal x4
Requirements: Investigate the massive hole near Shinagawa North Pier.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint in Shinagawa North Pier, and run around until its a Full Moon. Once there is a Full Moon speak to Amanozako, this will engage a fight with her. Amanozako is weak to Ice and Fire. Once you have defeated Amanozako return to the Patrolling Angel to complete the Subquest.#
Subquest #74: Netherworld Relay Race
Client: Orobas
Reward: Agility Balm x3
Requirements: Orobas wants you to arrive at the destination spot between New Moon and Full Moon.
Walkthrough: The Subquest starts on a New Moon, and you have until the Full moon to get to the destination marked on your map. The less Moon Phases you make it to the waypoint in, the better the reward will be. To pass the Subquest, you will need to get to the destination before Full Moon.
Subquest #75: The Search for Oyamatsumi
Client: Take-Minakata
Reward: Balm of Life x1
Requirements: Find Oyamatsumi.
Walkthrough: Head to Shiba in Da’at: Minato and defeat Oyamatsumi who is weak to Fire. After defeating Oyamatsumi return to Take-Minakata to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #76: The Angel of Destruction
Client: Power
Reward: Light Sutra x1
Requirements: Meet the Archangel Camael.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint marked on the map, when speaking to Camael the Subquest will complete. Be aware after conversating with Camael a fight will follow immediately after. Camael will be joined by two Powers for the fight. Camael is weak to Ice and Power is weak to Dark.
Subquest #77: Glitter in Ginza
Client: Queen Medb
Reward: Grimoire x3
Requirements: Deliver 2 Diamonds, 3 Garnets and 3 Aquamarines to Queen Medb.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you might already have all gemstones in your inventory. If you don’t have the required gemstones you can find them on the field. Decarabia is good at finding Gems so consider using this demon as a navigator.
Subquest #78: Clash with the Kunitsukami
Client: Okuninushi
Reward: Kunistu Talisman x1
Requirements: Test your strength against Okuninushi.
Walkthrough: Okuninushi is weak to Ice. Oyamatsumi is weak to Fire. Take-Minakata is weak to Fire. Sukuna-Hikona is weak to to Electric.
Subquest #79: The Ancient Guardian
Client: Okuninushi
Reward: Lord’s Sword x1
Requirements: Meet with Arahabaki at the waterfall near the fairy village.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint near the Fairy Village and speak to Arahabaki. This will initiate a fight, Arahabaki is weak to Fire, Ice, Electric and Force. After defeating Arahabaki this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #80: Trial of the Seven Stars
Client: Cironnup
Reward: Magic Mirror x3
Requirements: Tackle the trial given by the Miman to help Cironnup.
Walkthrough: You will take control of Cironnup and are tasked to collect the Seven Stars. Follow the black path and speak to the Miman in order, the ones that are off to the sides of the black path will reset your position to the beginning of the black path. Once you have done that the Subquest will be complete.
Subquest #81: Guardian of Tokyo
Client: Masakado
Reward: Lavish Demon Box x4, Wargod Masakado Essense, Wargod Masakado Fusion
Requirements: Regain the power of the Lord’s Sword and offer it to Masakado.
Walkthrough: You will need to have completed the Subquest “The Ancient Guardian” before attempting this Subquest. To obtain the power of the Lord’s Sword you will need to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings. The location of the Kings are as follows, Zouchouten is downriver by the Fairy Village in South Shinagawa, Jikokuten is deep within Akihabara at Sotokanda, Koumokuten is outside Kamiyacho on top a slightly elevated hill and Bishamonten is at Uguisudani near Ueno Park. When you have finally defeated all Kings and have returned to Masakado, you now have the option to challenge Masakado. Masakado is an extremely challenging boss, and is weak to all elements but do not be fooled by this as Masakado has a very high HP pool. Masakado has the ability to heal himself and has very devastating attacks, especially once he has reached low health. When you have finally overcome this challenging boss, Masakado will then join your party and will conclude the Subquest. You also unlock the ability to challenge Masakado again at any time if you so wish.
Subquest #82: Keeper of the East
Client: Jikokuten
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x1
Requirements: Prove your might to Jikokuten.
Walkthrough: Challenge Jikokutenwhen you are ready. Jikokuten is weak to Fire. After defeating Jikokuten this will complete the Subquest.
Demon Haunt Subquests
Subquest #83: Goddesses of Fate
Client: Clotho
Reward: Spyscope x1
Requirements: Have Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos in your party and visit a high point in Motoasakusa.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint with the specified demons in your party. After choosing to summon Norn, this will start a fight with Norn and three Dis’. Be aware that you will start the fight with Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos. You can easily switch these demons out to your stronger main demons if you so wish. Norn is weak is Electric and Dis is weak to Physical. Once you have defeated Norn this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #84: Rascal of the Norse
Client: Idun
Reward: Bead Chain x1
Requirements: Idun and Loki request that you go to Shinobazu Pond with them in your party.
Walkthrough: With Idun and Loki in your party head to the waypoint located in Da’at Taito near Shinobazu Pond. After getting to the waypoint choose to summon both Idun and Loki, this will engage a fight with Thor. You can choose to swap out Loki and Idun if you so choose, Thor is weak to Force. Upon defeating Thor this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #85: Heroes of the Celts
Client: Fionn mac Cumhaill
Reward: Eye of Balor x1
Requirements: Bring Fionn mac Cumhaill to meet the great Celtic hero.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint at Shinabazo Pond in Da’at: Taito, and speak to Cu Chulainn. After speaking to Cu Chulainn, the second part of the Subquest begins and starts on a New Moon. You have until the Full moon to get to collect 9 Four-Leaf Clovers, they are not marked on your map but are found nearby. Be aware there are fairies that will try and put you to sleep. If you get too close to a fairy, it will skip a Moon Phase. The more Four-Leaf Clovers you collect, the better the reward will be. To pass the Subquest, you will need to collect at least 9 Four-Leaf Clovers before the Full Moon.
Subquest #86: Will of the Samurai
Client: Yoshitsune
Reward: Battle Sutra x1
Requirements: With Yoshitsune in your party, visit an area near Tsukiji Honganji Temple in Ginza.
Walkthrough: Head to the Ginza Leyline Fountain in Da’at: Chiyoda with Yoshitsune in your party. Once you have reached the destination Atavaka and Rakshasa will initiate a fight with you. Both demons are weak to Ice respectively. Yoshitsune will be summoned but can be switched out for another demon at will. After the fight this will conclude the Subquest.
Da’at: Taito Subquests
Subquest #87: A Princess in a Pickle
Client: Kaya-no-Hime
Reward: Chakra Pot x1
Requirements: Find 2 Beads for Kaya-no-Hime.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 beads in your inventory. If you don’t have the required beads you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #88: In Defense of Tokyo (Law)
Client: Futsunushi
Reward: Strength Balm x2
Requirements: Help Futsunushi protect Tokyo.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “The Raid on Tokyo” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Futsunushi or Adramelech by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #89: The Raid on Tokyo (Chaos)
Client: Adramelech
Reward: Magic Balm x2
Requirements: Help Adramelech take over Tokyo.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “In Defense of Tokyo” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Adramelech or Futsunushi by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #90: Abaddon’s Assault
Client: Kurama Tengu
Reward: Grimoire x3
Requirements: Eliminate Abaddon north of Ueno Park.
Walkthrough: Head towards Ueno Park, Adabbon is marked as a Strong Enemy on the map. Abaddon is huge and is hard to miss. Getting close to him will initiate a fight. Abaddon is weak to Electric. Once you have defeated Abaddon head back and talk to Kurama Tengu to finish the Subquest.
Subquest #91: A Need for Nectar
Client: Sarasvati
Reward: Balm of Life x1
Requirements: Find 2 Amrita Showers for Sarasvati.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Amrita Showers in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Amrita Showers, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #92: Brawn Ambitions III
Client: Hare of Inaba
Reward: Curative Cattail x1
Requirements: Introduce Okuninushi to Hare on Inaba.
Walkthrough: Have Okuninushi in your party and speak to the Hare of Inaba. This will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #93: The One I (Still) Love
Client: Incubus
Reward: Soma x2
Requirements: Deliver 4 Balms of Life to Incubus.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 4 Balms of Life in your inventory. If you don’t have the required 4 Balms of Life, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #94: An Incentive for Incense
Client: Loa
Reward: Bead Chain x1
Requirements: Deliver 2 Balms of Life to Loa.
Walkthrough:By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Balms of Life in your inventory. If you don’t have the required 2 Balms of Life, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #95: Wannabee-ho Nabohino
Client: Nahobeeho
Reward: Miracle Ice x1, Nahobeeho Fusion
Requirements: Nahobeeho needs advice on how to scout demons.
Walkthrough: You will take control of the Nahobeeho, after which there are a number of demons you have to interact with. Once you have spoken to all the demons in the vicinity, this will complete the Subquest and Nahobeeho will be available as a navigator.
Subquest #96: The Bull God’s Lineage
Client: Demeter
Reward: Gospel x1, Baal Fusion
Requirements: Defeat Baal.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint located at Tennozo in Da’at: Shinagawa. You will have to engage Baal in a fight, Baal is weak to Ice but does have a skill that blocks Ice for 1 turn. Once Baal is defeated this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #97: Maker of Myth
Client: Siegfried
Reward: Blessed Fan x1
Requirements: Defeat Garuda.
Walkthrough: Make your way up the mountain in Motoasakusa, Garuda will be marked as a Strong enemy on the map. Garuda is weak to Electric. Once you have defeated Garuda, report back to Siegfried to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #98: The Sleeping Sands
Client: Sandman
Reward: Amrita Shower x1
Requirements: Find 2 Sleep Gems for Sandman.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Sleep Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required 2 Sleep Gems, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #99: The Egyptian’s Fate
Client: Dominion
Reward: Small Glory Crystal x5
Requirements: Investigate Khonsu.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint on Tokyo Bay Bridge, Seth will interrupt you as you make you journey along the bridge. Seth is weak to Ice. Upon reaching the destination Khonsu will be waiting to fight you. Khonsu is weak against Ice. After beating Khonsu choose to Stow your weapon to spare him (this is important to get the follow-up Subquest #104 “The Winged Sun”, and is a step required for the True Ending). When the conversation has finished return to Dominion to conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #100: Downtown Rock ‘n Roll
Client: Ippon-Datara
Reward: Critical Gem x3
Requirements: Find 10 Dragon Scales for Ippon-Datara.
Walkthrough: You can obtain Dragon Scales from Fafnir, in which they will be roaming around on the field. Defeating a Fafnir will grant you 1 Dragon Scale so you will need to eliminate 10 to get the required amount. Once you have all 10 Dragon Scales return to Ippon-Datara to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #101: On Bended Knees
Client: Yatagarasu
Reward: Yatagarasu’s Essense x1
Requirements: Deliver 3 Ambrosia to Yatagarasu.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 3 Ambrosia in your inventory. If you don’t have the required 3 Ambrosia, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #102: The Destined Leader
Client: Kurama Tengu
Reward: Destruction Sutra x1
Requirements: Assist Kurama Tengu’s companion at Tokyo Tower.
Walkthrough: Head to Tokyo Tower in Da’at: Minato, and speak to the Kurama Tengu. After the converstation head to Nagatacho Leyline Crossing and speak with Amanozako to have her follow you. With Amanozaku following you, return to Kurama Tengu at the base of Tokyo Tower. When Kurama Tengu asked for you to hand over Amanozaku, refuse. This will then initiate a fight with Karama Tengu who is backed up with Zaou-Gongen. Kurama Tengu and Zaou-Gongen are weak to Electric. Once the battle is over this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #103: The Holy Ring
Client: Melchizedek
Reward: Herald Talisman x1, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael Fusion
Requirements: Place the Angel Ring in the container at the center of Asakusa.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint marked on the map and speak to Melchizedek, after this conversation you’ll immediately engage in a fight with Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael. Uriel is weak to Ice, Gabriel is weak to Electric and Raphael is weak to Fire. After defeating all three demons this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #104: Fionn’s Resolve
Client: Fionn mac Cumhaill
Reward: Battle Sutra x1
Requirements: Defeat Fionn mac Cumhaill.
Walkthrough: Once you’ve accepted the Subquest, you can choose to fight Fionn anytime. Fionn mac Cumhaill is weak to Electric. After defeating Fionn, this will conclude the subquest and unlock the trophy The Makings of a King.
Subquest #105: The Winged Sun
Client: Amon
Reward: Tyrant Talisman x1, Fury Asura Fusion, Tyrant Mithras Fusion, Tyrant Amon Fusion
Requirements: Recover the Winged Sun Crest from two former gods & spared Khonsu in Subquest “The Egyptian’s Fate”
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint where you will then engage in a fight with Asura and Mithras, both demons are weak to Ice. When returning to Amon after defeating Mithras and Asura, Amon will challenge you to a fight. Amon is weak to Ice. After defeating Amon this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #106: Keeper of the North
Client: Bishamonten
Reward: Large Glory Crystal x1
Requirements: Prove your might to Bishamonten.
Walkthrough: Challenge Bishamonten when you are ready. Bishamonten is weak to Ice. After defeating Bishamonten this will complete the Subquest.
Subquest #107: A Universe in Peril
Client: Aogami
Reward: Gospel x3
Requirements: Defeat Shiva.
Walkthrough: You cannot start this subquest until you are level 80. This Subquest will be shown as an event rather than a Subquest on the map. Shiva has no weakness and is a tough fight.
Subquest #108: The Heartbroken (V)
Client: Incubus
Reward: Lavish Demon Box x2
Requirements: Deliver 4 Balms of Life to Incubus.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 4 Balms of Life in your inventory. If you don’t have the required 4 Balms of Life, you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #109: God of Old, Devourer of Kin (V)
Client: Saturnus
Reward: Fire Sutra x2,Vile Saturnus Fusion
Requirements: Eliminate Zeus.
Walkthrough: This quest will only continue once Zeus is defeated as part of the main quest. Once you have defeated Zeus return to Saturnus, who will then challenge you to a fight. Saturnus is weak to Ice. Upon defeating Saturnus this will conclude the Subquest.
Empyrean Subquests
Subquest #110: A Plot Revealed
Client: Demeter
Reward: Demeter’s Essense x1, Megami Demeter Fusion, Deity Zeus Fusion
Requirements: Cooperate with Demeter and confront Zeus.
Walkthrough: Talk to Demeter when you are ready to fight Zeus. When challenging Zeus, Demeter will join your party. Zeus is weak to Force. Upon defeating Zeus this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #111: The Compassionate Queen (Law only)
Client: Maria
Reward: 150,000 Macca, Megami Maria Fusion
Requirements: Prove your might to Maria.
Walkthrough: Challenge Maria when you are ready, but be aware she will be a tough fight as this Subquest was intended to be done when you have adequate demons and attack stats. After each player turn Maria will fully heal herself so you will have to defeat her within one turn. Maria is weak to Electric.
Subquest #112: The Seraph’s Return (Law only)
Client: Michael
Reward: Michael’s Essense x2, Herald Michael Fusion
Requirements: Eliminate Belial.
Walkthrough: After clearing Subquest #103: The Holy Ring, Talk to Melchizedek in Empyrian, then talk to Michael in the Temple of Eternity to start this Subquest. Head to the waypoint in the Demon King’s Castle and challenge Belial, who is weak to Ice. Once Belial is defeated, return to Michael to finish the Subquest.
Subquest #113: The Noble Queen (Neutral only)
Client: Danu
Reward: 150,000 Macca, Lady Danu Fusion
Requirements: Prove your might to Danu.
Walkthrough: Challenge Danu when you are ready, but be aware she will be a tough fight as this Subquest was intended to be done when you have adequate demons and attack stats. Danu is weak to Dark.
Subquest #114: The Wrathful Queen (Chaos Only)
Client: Inanna
Reward: 150,000 Macca, Lady Inanna Fusion
Requirements: Prove your might to Inanna.
Walkthrough: Challenge Inanna when you are ready, but be aware she will be a tough fight as this Subquest was intended to be done when you have adequate demons and attack stats. Danu is weak to Dark and Physical.
Subquest #115: The Red Dragon’s Invitation (Chaos Only)
Client: Belial
Reward: Belial’s Essense x2, Tyrant Belial Fusion
Requirements: Eliminate Michael.
Walkthrough: After clearing Subquest #103: The Holy Ring, Talk to Nebiros in Empyrian, then talk to Belial in the Demon King’s Castle to start this Subquest. Head to the waypoint in the Temple of Eternity and challenge Michael, who is weak to Force. Once Michael is defeated, return to Belial to finish the Subquest.
Da’at: Shinjiku Subquests (V)
Subquest #116: As God Wills (V)
Client: Throne
Reward: Attack Mirror x2
Requirements: Eliminate Gogmagog in Shinjuku Gyoen.
Walkthrough: Gogmagog will be shown as a Strong enemy on the map, head towards the demon and initiate a fight. Gogmagog is weak to Force and Dark. Once you have defeated Gogmagog return to Throne to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #117: Lighting the way (Shinjuku)
Client: Jack-o’-Lantern
Reward: Chakra Drop x1
Requirements: Find 2 Fire Gems for Jack-o’-Lantern.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Fire Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Gems you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #118: A Self of My Own (V)
Client: Legion
Reward: Soma drop x1
Walkthrough: For this Subquest you will need engage in a memory minigame. Legion will show you a Miman and you will have to remember what they look like. When Legion asks you which one is the correct one, choose the Left one. Legion will then give you the option to continue playing or to take a break, taking a break will allow you to come back to this Subquest later and can be picked back up at any time. When continuing the Subquest Legion will give you the choice of three Miman, choose the rightmost. Now Legion will switch things up and ask what order the Miman will appear in, the correct answer is The middle one. Upon answering this will conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #119: Stones of Malice (Shinjuku)
Client: Zhen
Reward: Dispel Charm x1
Requirements: Find 2 Poison Gems for Zhen.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you should already have 2 Poison Gems in your inventory. If you don’t have the required Gems you can find them on the field and as post battle rewards.
Subquest #120: Devotion to Order (V)
Client: Armaiti
Reward: Critical Gem x5, Herald Armaiti Fusion
Requirements: Eliminate Mara.
Walkthrough: Mara will be marked on the map as a Strong enemy near Sendagaya. Mara is weak to Ice. Once Mara is defeated report back to Armaiti to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #121: Part-Time Gasser (V)
Client: Mad Gasser
Reward: Amrita Shower x4
Requirements: Obtain 10 Poisonous Flower Buds between new moon and the start of the full moon.
Walkthrough: The Subquest starts on a New Moon, and you have until the Full moon to get to collect 10 Poisonous Flower Buds. Defeating Zhens in the area may allow you to collect more flower buds and are marked on your map. The more flower buds you collect, the better the reward will be. To pass the Subquest, you will need to get to collect at least 10 Poisonous Flower Buds before Full Moon.
Subquest #122: Reclaim the Golden Stool (Shinjuku) (Law)
Client: Onyankopon
Reward: Health Balm x1
Requirements: Recover the Golden Stool that Anasi stole.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Liberate the Golden Stool” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Onyankopon or Anansi by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #123: Liberate the Golden Stool (Shinjuku) (Chaos)
Client: Anansi
Reward: Stamina Balm x1
Requirements: Anansi requests that you eliminate Onyankopon.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “Reclaim the Golden Stool” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Anansi or Onyankopon by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #124: An Unusual Forecast (Shinjuku)
Client: Kelpie
Reward: Soma x1
Requirements: Deliver Girimekhala’s Head to Kelpie.
Walkthrough: Head to Konan 4th Block in Da’at: Shinagawa, and defeat Girimekhala. Girimekhala is weak to Force, Electric and Light. After defeating Girimekhala return to Kelpie to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #125: A Star is Born (V)
Client: Macabre
Reward: Charm Gem x10
Requirements: Find Amabie.
Walkthrough: Head to Jozoji in Tokyo and talk to Amabie, then head back to Macabre to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #126: The Vampire in Black (V) (Chaos)
Client: Kudlak
Reward: Magic Insense x6
Requirements: Defeat Kresnik.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “The Hunter in White” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Kudlak or Kresnik by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #127: The Hunter in White (V) (Law)
Client: Kresnik
Reward: Strength Insense x6
Requirements: Defeat Kudlak.
Walkthrough: This subquest conflicts with the subquest “The Vampire in Black” However, completing it will still display the opposing subquest as completed. For both of these subquests, you can choose to side with either Kresnik or Kudlak by defeating the other. The outcome and the reward of the subquest will be different depending on the choice you make, and the choice you make will not affect any trophies or main story outcomes.
Subquest #128: Shinjuku Jewel Hunt (V)
Client: Attis
Reward: Grimoire x3
Requirements: Deliver 2 Diamonds, 3 Emeralds and 3 Amethysts to Attis.
Walkthrough: By the time you accept this quest you might already have all gemstones in your inventory. If you don’t have the required gemstones you can find them on the field. Decarabia is good at finding Gems so consider using this demon as a navigator.
Subquest #129: Alice’s Wonderland (V)
Client: Alice
Reward: Dark Sutra x1
Requirements: Find Alice’s “big sis”.
Walkthrough: Taking control of Alice, speak to all of the people in the vicinity and then head to the waypoint. After heading to the waypoint, speak to everyone once again. This will conclude the Subquest and Alice will be able to join you as a navigator.
Subquest #130: The Disgraced Bird God (V)
Client: Senri
Reward: Force Sutra x1
Requirements: Eliminate Gurulu.
Walkthrough: Gurulu is marked as a strong enemy at the Shinjuku 3rd Block. Engage in a fight with Gurulu who is weak to Light. After defeating Gurulu, return to Senri to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #131: The Horn of Plenty (Shinjuku)
Client: Demeter
Reward: Megami Talisman x1
Requirements: Obtain a Horn of Plenty and bring it to Demeter.
Walkthrough: A giant Chimera will be marked on the map head towards the waypoint and engage in a fight with this demon. Chimera is weak to Force.
Subquest #132: Roar of Hatred (Shinjuku)
Client: Demeter
Reward: Phys Dampener x2
Requirements: Eliminate the Tyrant near West Shinjuku.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint marked on your map and engage with Moloch. Moloch will be backed up with three demons, all of which including Moloch will be weak to Ice.
Subquest #133: A Power Beyond Control (Shinjuku)
Client: Patrolling Angel
Reward: Small Glory Crystal x4
Requirements: Investigate the massive hole near Shinagawa North Pier.
Walkthrough: Head towards the waypoint in Shinagawa North Pier, and run around until it’s a Full Moon. Once there is a Full Moon speak to Amanozako, this will engage a fight with her. Amanozako is weak to Ice and Fire. Once you have defeated Amanozako return to the Patrolling Angel to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #134: The Angel of Destruction (Shinjuku)
Client: Power
Reward: Light Sutra x1
Requirements: Meet the Archangel Camael.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint marked on the map, when speaking to Camael the Subquest will complete. Be aware after conversating with Camael a fight will follow immediately after. Camael will be joined by two Powers for the fight. Camael is weak to Ice and Power is weak to Dark.
Subquest #135: Heroes of Heaven and Earth (V)
Client: Kikuri-Hime
Reward: Soul-Return x1
Requirements: Eliminate Yamata-no-Orochi.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint to fight Yamata-no-Orochi, this demon is weak to Electric. Once Yamata-no-Orochi is defeated return to Kikuri-Hime to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #136: Special Training: Army of Chaos (V)
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Balm of Life x3
Requirements: Train yourself against the Army of Chaos Battles challenge.
Walkthrough: The Army of Chaos Battles challenge includes Surt, Ishtar, Chernobog and Arioch. You fight these battles back-to-back so be prepared. Select Original Mode as this setting will be easier to tackle. Surt is weak to Ice, Ishtar is weak to Force and Dark, Chernobog is weak to Light and Arioch is weak to Electric.
Subquest #137: The Serpent King (Shinjuku)
Client: Mastema
Reward: Calamity Sutra x3, Drake Samael Fusion
Requirements: Defeat Samael
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint and confront Samael when you are ready. Samael is weak to Ice and will summon Qadištu shadows to aid in the fight, making the battle quite challenging for some. When you defeat Samael return to Mastema to complete the Subquest.
Subquest #138: The Great Adversary (Work in progress) (V)
Client: Mastema
Reward: Primal Talisman x1, Primal Satan Fusion
Requirements: Defeat the Supreme Judge Satan.
Walkthrough: DO NOT ATTEMPT unless fully prepared as this Subquest will be extremely challenging and an endurance run, even on Casual difficulty and especially on Hard difficulty. Upon challenging Satan, he will have no weaknesses and will drain Fire, Light and Dark. Satan will always go first and will use the move Megido Ark+9 which based on the number of active party members will do more damage, often one shotting any demon and even the main character. Satan has the highest HP pool in the game. Satan has the ability to summon in demons to aid him in combat; futhermore Satan can consume a demon on his side and gain their abilities and resistances plus a Magatsuhi skill from that demon, a short list of demons and Magatsuhi effects will be linked below. Upon reaching a damage threshold Satan will enter his second phase summoning Fafnir, Sarasvati and Yatagarasu. Some second phase demons upon consumption will not give Satan a Magatsuhi but will give Satan an ability instead, Satan can also call upon phase one demons into the mix. Once finally defeating Satan this will conclude the Subquest, congratulations and well done if you manage to beat Satan.
Hariti – Waters of Youth: Recovers Satan’s HP by 99,999 and MP by 9,999.
Ganesha – Freikugel EX: Extremely powerful single target attack.
Kaiwan – Soul Drain: Takes half of your HP and MP
Kumbhanda – Twilight Wave: Heavy physical AOE.
Arahabaki – Dekajaon: Neutalises all of the party’s buffs.
Sarasvati – (?)
Yatagarasu – Accursed Poison: All Stats down and random aliments.
Macabre – Rasetsu Feast: All party Stats at rock bottom!
Sraosha – (?)
Mada – Next attack greatly empowered and has the ability to pierce.
DLC Subquests
Subquest #139: Holy Will and Profane Dissent
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Strength Balm x7, Dagda Fusion
Requirements: Investigate the cause of the spatial distortion.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint from Shiba in Da’at: Minato. Talk to Danu, who will point you in the direction of Dagda, and head to the new waypoint. Dadga will engage in a fight with you, he is weak to Light. After defeating Dadga, when given a dialogue choice, choose to Stow your weapon. Dadga will then join your party, and you’ll unlock him for Fusion. Once the conversation has finished, return to the Bethel Researcher to conclude the Subquest.
Subquest #140: Sakura Cinders of the East
Client: Bethel Researcher
Reward: Magic Balm x5, Konohana Sakuya Fusion
Requirements: Contact the Demon who has appeared near Mt. Atago.
Walkthrough: Head to the waypoint from Onarimon in Da’at: Minato, then talk to Konohana Sakuya, she will ask you to defeat Oyamatsumi, who is marked as a Strong Enemy near Shiba. After defeating Oyamatsumi, return to Konohana Sakuya and battle her. Konahana Sakuya is weak to electricity, after defeating her, return to the Bethel Researcher to conclude the Subquest.
Jerry says
About the mission called ‘Will of the Samurai’, how can I get access to that area. I have a hard time finding a way to reach the task mark.
KamilinhoPL says
Late to the party, but it might help someone else. Directly under Ginza save point, there’s a search point that reveals Magatsuhi rail, that takes you there.
John bentham says
Where is the rail for Yoshitune’s Will of the Samurai quest? I can’t find it anywhere.
TL says
The quest “The One I (Still) Love” is technically missable. If you don’t pay up the demon at the end of “The One I Love”, the quest “The One I (Still) Love” will not show up. Tested on my Canon of Creation True Ending run.
Deus says
If you don’t give him the money, you can still give it to him later, so not missable.
Bark says
Is “The One I Love” missable? I don’t think I’ve ever found Incubus at the top of the hill. And I’m currently at that point after Nahobino met Mastema.
Leandro de Assis says
Shiva (Subquest #107: A Universe in Peril) is weak to ice.