Da’at – Shinjuku contains 74 Collectible Locations in SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Da’at – Shinjuku Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Everything must be collected before the final boss, which is the point of no return and afterward it puts you into New Game+. Be sure to keep a manual save before the final boss, this can be reloaded to still free-roam and pick up all collectibles from there.
- Mimans: 50
- Demon Statues: 4
- Abscesses: 6
- Amalgams: 10
- Aogami Husks: 4
Collectibles Overview:
There is Cironnup around the end of each area that will put the location of every Miman on your map but he will charge 20,000 Macca for it.
This one is located in West Shinjuku 2nd Block near the Government Buildings
Shinjuku Gyoen
Aogami Husk – 1
Southwest of the Gogmagog on the opposite side of the river.
Miman – 1
East of the Aogami Husk on the path that circles the pool.
Abscess – 1
Northeast of the Aogami husk in an alcove up the top.
Miracles Unlocked:
Demon Proficiency III
Divine Proficiency III
Almighty Mastery II
Physical Mastery II
Demon Statue Peallaidh – 1
Located north of the Abscess against a wall.
Miman – 2
Looking over the water to the east of the Demon Statue.
Miman – 3
Located up the Hill with the Valkyrie south of the Demon Statue once getting to the top slide down next to where the Treasure Chests are to another rock.
Miman – 4
On a ledge northwest of the map opposite the Amalgam.
Amalgam – 1
Keep going past the previous Miman to the top of the hill and there will be a Magatsu Rail that will take you to a slope that takes you down it.
Miman – 5
After entering the area go around the right side and go north it will be sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 6
Continue going east after the last Miman and it is located down the slope looking out over the previous area.
Abscess – 2
From the last Miman go back up the slope and continue south down the right path and is located at the end.
Miracles Unlocked:
Fire Mastery III
Ice Mastery III
Electric Mastery III
Force Mastery III
Mutative Element
Amalgam – 2
Once you reach the Railway tracks and highway go down the very left Highway and it will be located right up the back.
Miman – 7
From the last collectible jump off the highway to the South and it will be located behind a pillar.
Miman – 8
Once you go past the giant Mara it will be located on the right side of the train in the back corner.
Miman – 9
Jump to the broken building on the left side of the Railway Line which is located on the roof.
Miman – 10
From the last collectible jump off the building and go east past the Naga Raja which is located underneath the bridge.
Amalgam – 3
Located in the area to the south on top of the bridge.
Jingu Naien
Miman – 11
Located to the south of the Leyline Fount behind a rock.
Miman – 12
On the building to the right of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 13
Go left at the end of the path then go all the way south into the area at the bottom it is located down a corridor against a wall.
Miman – 14
Once in the next area go left and it is located on some grass at the top of an alcove behind some rubble.
Miman – 15
Continue through the area up to the North corner where you can climb the building into an open destroyed building which will be located against a wall.
Miman – 16
Go all the way Southeast down the main road from the last collectible and go through the broken building at the end, it will be located up against the wall to the left side.
Amalgam – 4
From the last Miman go back outside and climb the collapsed building to the left it will located on the top at the end.
Aogami Husk – 2
Located up the end of an extra area of the map you can get there by taking the westmost Magatsu Rail in the area after defeating the Story boss.
Abscess – 3
It is located in the very Northeast part of the area up to the end of the hill which is located in front of the Magatsu Rail.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison VII
Light Mastery III
Dark Mastery III
Ailment Mastery III
Skip to Yotsuya
Miman – 17
Located on the roof of the building that you enter before going down this path.
Demon Statue Nozuichi – 2
Go all the way west after entering West Shinjuku then go south down the first path on the Left it will be located at the end of the Corridor.
Amalgam – 5
Keep going past the Demon Statue down the slope and onto the building at the bottom where it is located.
Return to West Shinjuku 1st Block
Miman – 18
As soon as you enter the Southeast up to the area at the bottom and is located at the top of the hill.
Abscess – 4
Go all the way east up the hill and it is located at the top.
Miracles Unlocked:
Enhanced Summon
Summoner’s Hospitality II
Knowledge of Tools
Inspiring Covenant II
Miman – 19
After going up the 2 platforms to the north there will be a road split going down the right one and it is located on the backside of the massive rock.
Amalgam – 6
go up the 2 platforms next to the middle rock which is located on the top right at the end.
Miman – 20
Jump down the west side of the rock onto the other path which is located directly next to the middle rock underneath a little gap.
Miman – 21
Located on a rock in the middle directly after climbing the next platform.
Miman – 22
Opposite the Demon Statue in front of a rock.
Demon Statue Halphas – 3
Follow the platforms around and its located in the area at the top.
Miman – 23
Located Northeast of the Leyline Fount.
Shinjuku First Block
Miman – 24
as you get to the slope go left and it is located up in the corner.
Shinjuku Second Block
Miman – 25
Located at the end of the slope on a bridge.
Shinjuku 3rd Block
Miman – 26
It is located down the east path and up behind a rock once getting to the road split in this area.
Miman – 27
Located in the building next to the Leyline Fount at the very back left corner behind a pillar next to the escalators.
Miman – 28
Located in the area directly South of the Leyline Fount in a building at the very back.
Miman – 29
Located on the 3rd floor of the Parking Garage just before the ramp to go up to the roof, you can get there by taking the Magatsu Rail down the west path opposite the Parking Garage.
Amalgam – 7
Located on the very top of the Parking garage in the area Northwest of the Leyline Fount you can get there by taking the Magatsu Rail down the west path opposite the Parking Garage.
Miman – 30
South of the Demon Statue in an alcove to the east.
Abscess – 5
Located Southeast of the Kabukicho Leyline Fount in a corner.
Miracles Unlocked:
Deathly Aura III
Art of Intervention
Almighty Mastery III
Physical Mastery III
Miman – 31
Located to the east of the Abseces up in the North Deadend.
Miman – 32
Located to the very South leading out of the area in an alcove.
Abscess – 6
Located to the West after entering the area.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison VIII
Light Mastery IV
Dark Mastery IV
Ailment Mastery IV
Miman – 33
Located to the east after climbing the first 2 platforms and jumping down a level.
Miman – 34
Located to the east of the Leyline Fount in a broken building you can get there by climbing the toppled-over building next to it.
Amalgam – 8
It is Located above the last Miman to get there go right from the Stadium in the middle of the area and there are 2 buildings south of it with platforms you can climb to get to this area.
Miman – 35
West of the Stadium in the middle there is a grass area keep going all the way around it to the other side of the building it will be in a corner at the bottom.
Miman – 36
Located in a broken building to the North of the Stadium.
Miman – 37
Located on the edge of a building looking out, to get there you will need to keep following the path past it then go west into the building and it will be on the second building at the end.
Miman – 38
Next to the White Building with the Magatsu Rail on it drop-down under the fallen wall and it will be located underneath there.
Miman – 39
Located down the Alleyway to the west of Alice.
Aogami Husk – 3
Located on a building to the Southeast of the previous Miman climb the 2 platforms to reach it.
Miman – 40
To the Southeast of the Aogami Husk, there is a Search Point next to a building lying on its side which has a Magatsu Rail in it, after taking it follow the broken pathway all the way along to the second building which is located at the very edge.
Miman – 41
Jump off the building with the previous Miman to the east and a Magatsu Railis located between 2 buildings after taking it follow the rubble onto the second building then jump onto the 3rd building it will then be located on a ledge.
Demon Statue Fenrir – 4
Located at the very East end of the area sticking out of the Mountain.
Miman – 42
Located in the Stadium on the 3rd floor after climbing the 2 Platforms go all the way around the Left side until you reach the other side which is located in a corner.
Amalgam – 9
It is located on the roof of the Stadium, there is a Search Point in the middle of the First floor that will reveal a Magatsu Rail that takes you there, then jump across the platform to the other side of the roof.
Return to Demon Statue Nozuichi – 2
West Shinjuku 1st Block
Miman – 43
North from the Leyline Fount go down the first path to the left then go down the South path which it is then located at the bottom.
Miman – 44
Southwest from the last Miman in the corner down a little slope.
Miman – 45
Further Southwest down the path from the Previous Miman inside a Building on the First Floor.
Aogami Husk – 4
Keep going Southwest from the previous Miman and it is located at the very end of the path.
Miman – 46
Located at the very edge of a rock north of the Leyline Fount.
Shinjuku 2nd Block
Miman – 47
Located in a building west of the Leyline Fount you can get there by climbing up the ramp next to it.
Miman – 48
Directly behind the other end of the Magatsu Rail once you reach the top of a building after taking the first Magatsu Rail at the end of the road.
Amalgam – 10
There is a Search Point that reveals a Magatsu Rail Southwest of the Leyline Fount down the second furthest road North that will take you to an area above with it being at the very end.
Miman – 49
Located Southwest of the Leyline Fount down the second furthest road North it will be located right around the corner at the start starting at the building.
Shinjuku Central Park
Abscess – 7
Located toward the bottom of the area to the east.
Miracles Unlocked:
Frugal Soul II
Fire Mastery IV
Ice Mastery IV
Electric Mastery IV
Force Mastery IV
Estoma Field II
Government Building 1
Miman – 50
Located on the bridge to the south at the very end after coming back here for the second time.
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance Collectibles.
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