Da’at – Shinagawa contains 90 Collectible Locations in SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Da’at – Shinagawa Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Everything must be collected before the final boss, which is the point of no return and afterward it puts you into New Game+. Be sure to keep a manual save before the final boss, this can be reloaded to still free-roam and pick up all collectibles from there.
- Mimans: 50
- Talismans: 10
- Periapts: 6
- Demon Statues: 5
- Abscesses: 5
- Amalgams: 11
- Aogami Husks: 3
Collectibles Overview:
There is Cironnup around the end of each area that will put the location of every Miman on your map but he will charge 10,000 Macca for it.
This one is located Northwest of the North Shinagawa Leyline Fount at the top of the mountain:
Almost all of the Talismans and Periapts in this area are quest rewards, please refer to the Subquests Guide if you need help with the respective subquests. The ones from quest rewards are listed below:
Virtuous Chaos Periapt – Complete Subquest Training: Minato
Jirae Talisman – Complete Subquest Chakra Drop Chomp
Holy Talisman – Collect 55 Miman
Wilder Talisman – Talk to Nue in Da’at: Shinagawa, Container Yard
Vile Talisman – Complete Subquest Magic from the East
Divine Talisman – Talk to the Angel in Da’at: Shinagawa, Container Yard
Beast Talisman – Complete Subquest A Wish for Fish
Fiend Talisman – Collect 70 Miman
Virtuous Order Periapt – Complete Subquest Tough Love
Night Talisman – Complete Subquest Kumbhanda’s Bottle
Amorphous Periapt – Talk to Slime in Da’at: Shinagawa, Gotenyama
Grimalkin Periapt – Talk to Cait Sith in Da’at: Fairy Village
Treacherous Neutral Periapt – Complete Subquest Essential Research
Enigma Talisman – Complete Subquest Song of Nostalgia
Unwrit Neutral Periapt – Complete Subquest Pixie on the Case
Fairy Talisman – Complete Subquest The Root of the Problem
Tennozu Isle
Miman – 1
Right behind a wall when you first enter the area.
Miman – 2
Keep going west from the last Miman, soon as you get to the bridge with the monorail underneath jump on the one to the right and walk to the end.
Miman – 3
Once back on the bridge cross it and go right climb to the top of the construction site.
Amalgam – 1
Northwest from the last Miman just off the construction site to the Platform next to the building.
Aogami Husk – 1
North of the last Amalgam jump onto the highway and it is at the end.
Miman – 4
Jump down the west side of the bridge and it will be sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 5
On top of the Bridge in the West Corner of the map.
Miman – 6
Go Southeast of the last Miman and it will be located on a ledge next to a tree opposite the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 7
Go east of the last Miman and follow the first bridge across to the other side go down next to the building and it will be on top of the second bridge which you can reach by climbing a rock on the other side.
Miman – 8
Located west from the last Miman at the very backside of the map above the Leyline Fount you can get here by going around the building to a bridge on the other side.
Aogami Husk – 2
Drop down from the area above and there will be a Magatsu Rail to the South of the Leyline Fount that will take you here.
Abscess – 1
Located to the south of the Magatsu Rail right at the end of the west alcove.
Miracles Unlocked:
Demonic Discipline
Fire Mastery II
Ice Mastery II
Electric Mastery II
Force Mastery II
Miman – 9
Southwest from the first Leyline Fount jump onto the highway and is located up the South end of it behind the Treasure Chest.
Miman – 10
Jump off the highway and it is located to the east on a ledge.
Shinagawa Pier
Miman – 11
On the left side of the bridge in the top corner after receiving the Quest Save the Students Cont.
Amalgam – 2
Located south of the Leyline Fount there will be a Search Point that reveals a Magatsu Rail that will take you to an area above.
Miman – 12
Located on the shipping containers opposite the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 13
Northwest of the Previous Miman located on top of a train.
Amalgam – 3
Keep going up to the very end of the railway tracks and it is located there.
Miman – 14
Jump off the side of the Bridge and it is directly underneath where the Amalgam is.
Container Yard
Miman – 15
Located at the east end of the path on the shipping containers Near Principility.
Amalgam – 4
It will be located on top of the shipping containers at the end of the path.
Wilder Talisman
Talk to Nue in Da’at: Shinagawa, Container Yard.
Divine Talisman
Talk to the Angel in Da’at: Shinagawa, Container Yard.
Miman – 16
Located at the back of the building next to the Shipping Containers you climb to progress further.
Miman – 17
Located in the building toward the very bottom north you can get there after going past the Supply Chain Quest and the Oni, there will be a hole in the roof that you can fit through, and will find it located on top of the Shipping Containers.
Miman – 18
To the east side of the Leyline Fount there will be a hole in the roof of one of the Warehouses which you can fit into and it will be located on the ground behind one of the Shipping Containers.
Miman – 19
Located down the middle path in the furthest building to the north of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 20
After defeating the boss jump from the cliff onto the Containers it is located toward the east side.
Amalgam – 5
Go north of the Magatsu Rail and you will have to jump across a few Containers to reach it.
Demon Statue Hecatoncheires – 1
Jump down behind the Amalgam.
Abscess – 2
From the Demon Statue go north, it is located at the very end.
Miracles Unlocked:
Magatsuhi Dispersion
Merchant’s Hospitality I
Deathly Aura II
Divine Garrison V
Inspiring Covenant I
Gathering Mastery
Aogami Husk – 3
Located on the ground next to the Bridge that takes you into Konan 3rd Block.
Konan 3rd Block
Miman – 21
On the opposite of the Train located on the Bridge.
Miman – 22
Under the Bridge south of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 23
On the road next to the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 24
On top of a bus near a bridge to the west side.
Miman – 25
Located in the right corner up the back of the Building to the North of the last Miman.
Amalgam – 6
Located on the Bridge at the end of the North Side you can reach here by following the the path after the next Miman.
Konan 4th Block
Miman – 26
Located on a hill next to the walkway into the area you can reach it by going up a bridge to the east.
Miman – 27
Underneath the Bridge, you use to get to the Previous Miman.
Miman – 28
From the Previous Miman go South East and follow the path all the way around and is located west of the Vending Machines under the Bridge.
Demon Statue Andras – 2
South East of the previous Miman it is located in an alcove opposite the Treasure Chest.
Abscess – 3
On the Bridge above the Previous Miman there are 3 Platforms and it is located at the top.
Miracles Unlocked:
Demon Proficiency II
Divine Proficiency II
Recover Mastery II
Support Mastery II
Ailment Mastery II
Summoner’s Hospitality I
Miman – 29
South of the previous Miman it is located on a hill after climbing the Platforms.
Amalgam – 7
Keep following the path along and it is located to the east on a hill.
Konan 2nd Block
Miman – 30
Located next to a rock opposite the Vending Machine.
Demon Statue Berith – 3
Go north from the last Miman and jump down the ledge it is against the wall up the very back.
Miman – 31
From the Demon Statue go south into the Construction site which is located on the 3rd floor on the other side of the wall.
Miman – 32
Go northeast from the previous Miman and into the Broken Building, it is located on the right side of the Vending Machines.
Abscess – 4
Located all the way south past the Parking Garage above at the very end of the path.
Miracles Unlocked:
Invigorating Defense
Divine Garrison VI
Light Mastery II
Dark Mastery II
Art of Essencess II
Old World’s Blessing
Miman – 33
From the Abscess it is located southeast in the first building on the very low level on the 2nd floor.
Miman – 34
Opposite the slanted building used as a ramp behind some rubble.
Amalgam – 8
On the roof of the Parking Garage east of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 35
Jump to the building east of the Parking Garage from the roof.
Miman – 36
On a ledge north of the North of Leyline Fount you can get there by climbing the Destroyed Building.
Miman – 37
On the roof of the building southwest of the Leyline fount, can be reached by following the bridge path around and jumping over onto the roof of it.
Miman – 38
Jump off the east side of the bridge and it is located down the ledge against the wall.
Skip to Gotenyama
Amalgam – 9
After getting to the other side go underneath the rubble next to the building it is located at the very end.
Shinagawa Station
Miman – 39
In between 2 trains on the east side of the Leyline Fount.
Return to Miman – 50 after Starting A Power Beyond Control Quest
Miman – 40
After going down the slope stop before you hit the bottom and go right it is directly next to the wall.
Miman – 41
Underneath the broken building North from the Fairy Village Leyline Fount.
Fairy Village
Grimalkin Periapt
Talk to Cait Sith in Da’at: Fairy Village.
Miman – 42
Northwest of the Fairy Village in front of the Waterfall.
Miman – 43
Southwest from the Leyline Fount in front of some rubble.
Miman – 44
Behind a building southwest of the Fairy Villiage next to a bridge.
Amalgam – 10
Follow the southwest path in North Shinagawa to the end and jump off the right side.
North Shinagawa
Miman – 45
Along the entrance path into North Shinagawa behind a wall.
Miman – 46
Sitting on a ledge in front of the platform to the west of the Vending Machines.
Demon Statue Nue – 4
Located at the very top of the North East Area after climbing all of the Platforms.
Abscess – 5
South of the Demon Statue at the very end of the path.
Miracles Unlocked:
Race Transcendence
Constant Vigilance
Healer’s Hospitality I
Empowering Cheer II
Timeless Alliance
Miman – 47
East of the Abscess it is located in an alcove behind a tree.
South Shinagawa
Miman – 48
Located at the end of the river southeast of the Leyline Fount.
Aogami Husk – 4
Directly next to the Previous Miman in the water.
Amalgam – 11
South of the Leyline fount across the river on the top of the hill you can get there by following the path around.
Miman – 49
Go west from the Previous Amalgam drop down to the area where the Zouchouten is and run past him to the next rock area go North and it is located to the west of the Treasure chest on a pillar you will have to angle yourself and drop down to grab it.
Demon Statue Tsuchigumo – 5
Located to the West of Zouchouten on the rock area.
Return to Amalgam – 9 after completing A Golden Opportunity Main Quest
Shinagawa North Pier
Miman – 50
Follow the bridge all the way east of the Konan 3rd Block Leyline Fount it is located in front of the pit.
For all other regions and guides by collectible type refer to SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance Collectibles.
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