Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance contains 447 Collectible Locations and 138 Subquests. This collectibles guide is updated for the “Vengeance” version released in 2024 on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series S/X. It shows all collectibles in each region for 100% game completion and all trophies. There are the following collectible types:
- 250 Miman –
Savior of Lost Children (only 200 needed for the trophy)
- 39 Talismans –
Talisman Collector (only 36 needed for the trophy)
- 27 Periapts –
Periapt Collector (only 21 needed for the trophy)
- 23 Demon Statues –
Scholar of Idolatry (only 19 needed for the trophy)
- 31 Abscesses –
Abscess Absolution (only 24 needed for the trophy)
- 60 Amalgams –
Guardian of Glory (only 50 needed for the trophy)
- 17 Aogami Husks –
Aogami Extraction Squad (20 needed for trophy can pick up same ones again after using them)
You will need to pick up all collectibles before the final boss as you go through the story. As soon as you beat the final boss there is no free roam and you will have to revert to an older save or collect them again in New Game+. So be sure to keep a Manual Save before the final boss. This can be reloaded after the story. From there you can still free-roam and grab all collectibles.
In New Game+ your collectibles reset and they would all need to be collected again, except Talismans and Periapts which carry over because they count as key items.
The game has 2 different routes with a different 3rd area unique to each route. For trophies/achievements, you only need to collect everything on one of the playthroughs/routes! This means you can skip everything in the 3rd area for the other route during New Game+, unless you need more glory to purchase more miracles or just want to collect everything.
By Region
By Type
There are also 138 Subquests, for them please refer to the Subquests Walkthrough.
For all 276 Demons refer to Demon Compendium.
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