Da’at – Chiyoda contains 80 Collectible Locations in SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance. This walkthrough will guide you to all the collectibles in Da’at – Chiyoda Region in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies and 100% completion is included. Everything must be collected before the final boss, which is the point of no return and afterward it puts you into New Game+. Be sure to keep a manual save before the final boss, this can be reloaded to still free-roam and pick up all collectibles from there.
- Mimans: 50
- Talismans: 5
- Periapts: 2
- Demon Statues: 4
- Abscesses: 7
- Amalgams: 9
- Aogami Husks: 3
Collectibles Overview:
There is Cironnup around the end of each area that will put the location of every Miman on your map but he will charge 20,000 Macca for it.
This one is located next to the Otemachi Leyline Fount.
Almost all of the Talismans and Periapts in this area are quest rewards, please refer to the Subquests Guide if you need help with the respective subquests. The ones from quest rewards are listed below:
Genma Talisman – Collect 100 Miman
Snake Talisman – Talk to Yurlungur in Da’at: Chiyoda, Yurakucho
Lady Talisman – Complete Subquest The Falcon’s Head
Kunitsu Talisman – Complete Subquest Clash with the Kunitskami
Megami Talisman – Complete Subquest The Horn of Plenty
Shadow Warrior Periapt – Talk to Setanta in Da’at: Chiyoda, Ochanomizu
Mischievous Mascot Periapt – Talk to the Lost Demon in the Overworld of Tokyo on Shirokanedai Street
Miman – 1
On the rock in front directly as you enter the area.
Miman – 2
To the west of the previous Miman on the edge of the building.
Miman – 3
In the building behind the previous Miman next to the Black Frost.
Miman – 4
In some rubble to the very west side of the area.
Skip to Miyuki Street
Demon Statue Daemon – 1
Located against the back wall before going into the next district.
Miman – 5
Located south of the Demon Statue in between the wall and the building.
Miman – 6
Located behind Haytaro at the back of the 3 Containers.
Aogami Husk – 1
Located behind the previous Miman below the building.
Return to Nihonbashi
Miyuki Street
Miman – 7
Northwest from Miman – 4 next to the building with the 3 Treasure Chests.
Miman – 8
A bit further North from the previous Miman Behind some rubble.
Miman – 9
East of the path going up to the Abscess behind a rock.
Abscess – 1
Located up the 2 platforms just a bit further up from the previous Miman.
Miracles Unlocked:
Demon Proficiency III
Divine Proficiency III
Almighty Mastery II
Physical Mastery II
Amalgam – 1
It is located on a building Northwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 10
Located on the smaller building directly behind the previous Amalgam.
Miman – 11
On the building directly next to a container before going down the narrow slope across the building to get to the other side.
Return to Demon Statue Daemon – 1
Abscess – 2
Located at the top of the path as you are going into the next area.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison VII
Light Mastery III
Dark Mastery III
Ailment Mastery III
Miman – 12
Keep going straight past the Maoki once inside the building It is located on the ledge under the bridge with all the lamia on top of it.
Miman – 13
Located south of the Leyline Fount on a staircase.
Miman – 14
Located East of the previous Miman next to a Magatsui Pole.
Abscess – 3
Located at the end of the railway tracks after following the path around.
Miracles Unlocked:
Enhanced Summon
Summoner’s Hospitality II
Knowledge of Tools
Inspiring Covenant II
Miman – 15
Jump off the Railway track to the North It is located next to the railway tracks behind a rock.
Amalgam – 2
Located behind the previous Abscess on the other side of the rock.
Miman – 16
North of the previous Miman underneath the broken wall pathway.
Miman – 17
Located under a tree east of the previous Miman.
Miman – 18
Located west of the previous Miman on the other side of the broken building.
Miman – 19
Southwest of the 2nd Kanda Leyline there will be a platform underneath the railway line that leads back into the first area next to 3 vending machines keep following that until you reach the highway.
Amalgam – 3
Located at the very edge of the highway once you are back in the first area.
Miman – 20
North of the previous Amalgam off the highway.
Miman – 21
Located on the very East side next to a building.
Miman – 22
Located to the very West side of the previous Miman you can get here by jumping across onto the building next to the 3 vending machines up top.
Abscess – 4
Located behind the building that the previous Miman was on.
Miracles Unlocked:
Fire Mastery III
Ice Mastery III
Electric Mastery III
Force Mastery III
Mutative Element
Miman – 23
Located behind the building Southeast of the Leyline Fount down a slope.
Amalgam – 4
Located behind the slanted building on a ledge.
Miman – 24
In the building South of the Leyline Fount you can get here by climbing the buildings North of the previous Amalgam and following them to the end.
Aogami Husk – 2
Located behind the Miman next to the building.
Miman – 25
Located Underneath the bridge looking out over the edge.
Miman – 26
Located South of the previous Miman across the bridge next to a building and platform.
Miman – 27
Located to the East of the previous Miman in the corner of the area.
Demon Statue Fafnir – 2
Located Southeast of the previous Miman up against the wall.
Miman – 28
Located West of the previous Demon Statue up past the 4 platforms.
Amalgam – 5
Located at the very end of the Railway track before going into the next area.
Miman – 29
Located next to the platform after climbing up it.
Amalgam – 6
Located above the previous Miman on the roof.
Skip to Sotokanda
Miman – 30
Located past the railway tracks just before the bridge into Akihabara Electric Town amongst the rubble.
Miman – 31
Located down the hole in the middle of the stairwell area sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 32
Located North of the Mansei Bridge Leyline Fount after climbing up 2 of the platforms next to a rock.
Abscess – 5
At the end of the railway tracks.
Miracles Unlocked:
Deathly Aura III
Art of Intervention
Almighty Mastery III
Physical Mastery III
Miman – 33
A bit further North from the previous Abscess down the ledge next to the tree.
Miman – 34
Down the ledge on the rock next to Jikokuten.
Return to Miman – 30
Akihabara Electric Town
Miman – 35
Located underneath the railway track to the Northwest of the Mansei Bridge Leyline Fount.
Miman – 36
Located directly in the middle of the area on a ledge south of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 37
On a rock South of the Leyline Fount after following the path to the West of it.
Abscess – 6
Located Northeast of the previous Miman.
Miracles Unlocked:
Divine Garrison VIII
Light Mastery IV
Dark Mastery IV
Ailment Mastery IV
Demon Statue Kumbhanda – 3
Located to the West of the Leyline Fount you can get here by climbing up the 2 platforms to the north of it and following the buildings all the way West.
Miman – 38
Directly South of the previous Demon Statue on the building.
Miman – 39
Located East of the Leyline Fount in front of a building you can get here up the 4 platforms to the Northwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 40
Located under the bridge to the South of the Kanda-no-yashiro Leyline Fount.
Kanda Shrine
Miman – 41
Behind the shrine on a rock at the edge of the area.
Kanda Bridge
Miman – 42
Located underneath the blocked-off tunnel at the end of the highway after the Surt fight.
Amalgam – 7
Located on top of a ledge under the bridge you can get here by climbing up a rock.
Miman – 43
In between the 2 platforms.
Miman – 44
Located to the east after climbing up the 2 platforms behind a wall.
Skip to Otemachi
Miman – 45
Jump down onto the rock off of the ledge next to the Previous Abscess.
Demon Statue Loa – 4
Located at the very west end of the bridge.
Amalgam – 8
At the very Southeast end above Miman – 42.
Shadow Warrior Periapt
From Setana South of the Ochanomizu Leyline Fount.
Amalgam – 9
East from the Leyline Fount at the top of the area on a cliff.
Miman – 46
Located at the very South end between some rubble.
Return to Tokyo Station
Miman – 47
Located South of the Leyline Fount on the edge of the Tunnel.
Aogami Husk – 3
Located on a ledge above the Leyline Fount.
Abscess – 7
Located at the very back of the area keep following the path around the edge from the previous Aogami Husk.
Miracles Unlocked:
Frugal Soul II
Fire Mastery IV
Ice Mastery IV
Electric Mastery IV
Force Mastery IV
Estoma Field II
Return to Miman – 45
Tokyo Station
Miman – 48
Located directly Southeast of the Leyline Fount up against the wall.
Miman – 49
Located on a rock directly Southwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 50
Located at the east corner in front of the Station.
Jasper says
Hello! Great guides so far but pretty sure the pictures of Maiman 27 are wrong as they are copies of Maiman 32. I did find the Maiman intended for 27 myself though.
PowerPyx says
Good spotting, thanks! Fixed.