Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance contains 250 Mimans across both of the routes combined with 50 in each of the 5 areas, obtaining all 200 of them in 1 route is required for the Savior of Lost Children trophy. The other 50 on the other route aren’t necessary for the Platinum trophy or 1000 Gamerscore.
You will need to pick up all collectibles before the final boss as you go through the story. As soon as you beat the final boss there is no free roam and you will have to revert to an older save or collect them again in New Game+. So be sure to keep a Manual Save before the final boss. This can be reloaded after the story. From there you can still free-roam and grab all collectibles.
There are also 40 different rewards for collecting Miman, you are getting getting 1 reward from Gustave for every 5 Miman.
Miman Rewards List
1: Onmoraki’s Essence x1
5: Starter Healing Set x3
10: Element Talisman x1
15: Neko Shogun’s Essence x1
20: Ice Gem x3
25: Angel’s Essence
30: Avian Talisman x1
35: Gem Set x3
40: Makami’s Essence x1
45: Avatar Talisman x1
50: Incense Set x2
55: Holy Talisman x1
60: King Frost’s Essence x1
65: Ailment Gem Set x4
70: Fiend Talisman x1
75: Gem Set x6
80: Quetzalcoatl’s Essence x1
85: Sutra Set x1
90: Kishin Talisman x1
95: Charge Gem Set x2
100: Genma Talisman x1
105: Balma Set x1
110: Grimoire x6
115: Incense Set x4
120: Thunderbird’s Essence x1
125: Ailment Gem Set x8
130: Large Glory Crystal x1
135: Sutra Set x2
140: Yoshitsune’s Essence x1
145: Balm Set x2
150: Large Glory Crystal x2
155: Advanced Healing Set x2
160: Siegfriend’s Essence x1
165: Incense Set x6
170: Gospel x2
175: Large Glory Crystal x3
180: Lakshmi’s Essence x1
185: Sutra Set x3
190: Soma x3
195: Large Glory Crystal x4
200: Balm Set x4
Miman – 1
In front of the very first leyline fount, it is very hard to miss.
Miman – 2
On the stairs of a bridge to the northeast of the last Miman.
Miman – 3
In a building northwest of the road split after Aogmai tells you about the Sky View.
Miman – 4
Outside the building from the last Miman behind a rock.
Miman – 5
On the second-floor building ledge across from the last Miman.
Miman – 6
Down the right path opposite the leyline fount, you will find it at the very end behind the rubble.
Miman – 7
On a ledge above the leyline fount, you can get there by crossing the bridge above.
Miman – 8
On a small hill directly above where the Abscess was.
Miman – 9
To the right of the train in a southeast alcove against a rock.
Miman – 10
On the opposite side of the train under the overpass.
Miman – 11
Directly west of the Shiba leyline fount in an alcove.
Miman -12
Northwest from the leyline fount to the left of Ouyamatsumi.
Miman – 13
On the south side of the bridge in the corner.
Miman – 14
In the corner of the first building to the east of the last Miman.
Miman – 15
In the 3rd east building to the left of the last Miman on a ledge.
Miman – 16
Drop down from the building with the previous Amalgam and it will be under some rubble.
Miman – 17
East of the Abscess on the 3rd-floor ledge of a broken building, climb to the 4th floor, and drop down.
Miman – 18
To the west of the area next to the highway.
Miman – 19
North off the highway against the wall behind a rock along the path.
Shiba Park
Miman – 20
Dropping down the waterfall onto the ledge below the previous collectible you will find this.
Miman – 21
After climbing up to the top of the west highway, it will be in the corner behind a rock.
Miman – 22
Directly north of the Abscess in front of a rock along the path.
Miman – 23
Along the river to the west of the Abscess.
Miman – 24
In the west corner area where Leanan Sidhe is under the broken building behind a rock.
Tokyo Tower
Miman – 25
To the north of Tokyo Tower in front of a rock.
Miman – 26
Under the Bridge to the left in an alcove after defeating Pazazu in the Mermaid Pond.
Miman – 27
North of Tokyo Tower at the strat of the area drop down into the broken building.
Miman – 28
At the west corner inside the building next to the slope.
Miman – 29
North from the last Miman on a ledge behind some rubble.
Miman – 30
On the second floor of the building to the west of the previous Miman behind a wall.
Miman – 31
On the rooftop of the building to the west of the previous Miman.
Miman – 32
On the rooftop of the building to the north of Miman 30 can be reached by climbing the platforms.
Miman – 33
In the corner of the destroyed building on the ground to the west of the previous Miman.
Miman – 34
In the building to the north of the previous Miman behind a treasure chest can be reached by climbing the platform.
Miman – 35
Drop down to the ledge next to where the Abscess was.
West Shinbashi
Miman – 36
Northeast of the Leyline Fount on a ledge above the vending machines.
Miman – 37
Inside the building to the west of the previous Miman with 2 vending machines next to it.
Miman – 38
Directly north of the Leyline Fount, it is past the biggest building you cant enter behind a wall.
Miman – 39
West from the Abscess, go up the ramp and platform and it is at the very end of the highway against the wall.
Miman – 40
It is located at the opposite end of the highway on the east side from the last Miman keep following it and you will find it up against a wall.
Miman – 41
Go back along the highway until you get to the curve in the road and jump off there will be a narrow pathway that will take you to the top of the mountain and it is located on a ledge at the very north side of the mountain.
Miman – 42
Directly in front of the Baphomet Demon Statue down the right path to the left.
Miman – 43
After jumping from the ledge to the other area next to Kohryu on the hill it is located behind a rock.
Miman – 44
South from the last Miman down the small left alcove, it is sitting next to the water.
Miman – 45
Jump down the ledge and it is located behind a rock.
Miman – 46
In the next area to the south behind a wall under a rock.
Miman – 47
Up the platforms to the east of the last Miman under a tree.
Miman – 48
At the top of the mountain against the wall on the east side.
Miman – 49
To the left of the Amalgam, the Miman will be, behind the Diet Building against the wall.
Miman – 50
It will be at the very front roof of the Diet Building.
Tennozu Isle
Miman – 51
Right behind a wall when you first enter the area.
Miman – 52
Keep going west from the last Miman, soon as you get to the bridge with the monorail underneath jump on the one to the right and walk to the end.
Miman – 53
Once back on the bridge cross it and go right climb to the top of the construction site.
Miman – 54
Jump down the west side of the bridge and it will be sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 55
On top of the Bridge in the West Corner of the map.
Miman – 56
Go Southeast of the last Miman and it will be located on a ledge next to a tree opposite the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 57
Go east of the last Miman and follow the first bridge across to the other side go down next to the building and it will be on top of the second bridge which you can reach by climbing a rock on the other side.
Miman – 58
Located west from the last Miman at the very backside of the map above the Leyline Fount you can get here by going around the building to a bridge on the other side.
Miman – 59
Southwest from the first Leyline Fount jump onto the highway and is located up the South end of it behind the Treasure Chest.
Miman – 60
Jump off the highway and it is located to the east on a ledge.
Shinagawa Pier
Miman – 61
On the left side of the bridge in the top corner after receiving the Quest Save the Students Cont.
Miman – 62
Located on the shipping containers opposite the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 63
Northwest of the Previous Miman located on top of a train.
Miman – 64
Jump off the side of the Bridge and it is directly underneath where the Amalgam is.
Container Yard
Miman – 65
Located at the east end of the path on the shipping containers Near Principility.
Miman – 66
Located at the back of the building next to the Shipping Containers you climb to progress further.
Miman – 67
Located in the building toward the very bottom north you can get there after going past the Supply Chain Quest and the Oni, there will be a hole in the roof that you can fit through, and will find it located on top of the Shipping Containers.
Miman – 68
To the east side of the Leyline Fount there will be a hole in the roof of one of the Warehouses which you can fit into and it will be located on the ground behind one of the Shipping Containers.
Miman – 69
Located down the middle path in the furthest building to the north of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 70
After defeating the boss jump from the cliff onto the Containers it is located toward the east side.
Konan 3rd Block
Miman – 71
On the opposite of the Train located on the Bridge.
Miman – 72
Under the Bridge south of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 73
On the road next to the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 74
On top of a bus near a bridge to the west side.
Miman – 75
Located in the right corner up the back of the Building to the North of the last Miman.
Konan 4th Block
Miman – 76
Located on a hill next to the walkway into the area you can reach it by going up a bridge to the east.
Miman – 77
Underneath the Bridge, you use to get to the Previous Miman.
Miman – 78
From the Previous Miman go South East and follow the path all the way around and is located west of the Vending Machines under the Bridge.
Miman – 79
South of the previous Miman it is located on a hill after climbing the Platforms.
Konan 2nd Block
Miman – 80
Located next to a rock opposite the Vending Machine.
Miman – 81
From the Demon Statue go south into the Construction site which is located on the 3rd floor on the other side of the wall.
Miman – 82
Go northeast from the previous Miman and into the Broken Building, it is located on the right side of the Vending Machines.
Miman – 83
From the Abscess it is located southeast in the first building on the very low level on the 2nd floor.
Miman – 84
Opposite the slanted building used as a ramp behind some rubble.
Miman – 85
Jump to the building east of the Parking Garage from the roof.
Miman – 86
On a ledge north of the North of Leyline Fount you can get there by climbing the Destroyed Building.
Miman – 87
On the roof of the building southwest of the Leyline fount, can be reached by following the bridge path around and jumping over onto the roof of it.
Miman – 88
Jump off the east side of the bridge and it is located down the ledge against the wall.
Shinagawa Station
Miman – 89
In between 2 trains on the east side of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 90
After going down the slope stop before you hit the bottom and go right it is directly next to the wall.
Miman – 91
Underneath the broken building North from the Fairy Village Leyline Fount.
Fairy Village
Miman – 92
Northwest of the Fairy Village in front of the Waterfall.
Miman – 93
Southwest from the Leyline Fount in front of some rubble.
Miman – 94
Behind a building southwest of the Fairy Villiage next to a bridge.
North Shinagawa
Miman – 95
Along the entrance path into North Shinagawa behind a wall.
Miman – 96
Sitting on a ledge in front of the platform to the west of the Vending Machines.
Miman – 97
East of the Abscess it is located in an alcove behind a tree.
South Shinagawa
Miman – 98
Located at the end of the river southeast of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 99
Go west from the Previous Amalgam drop down to the area where the Zouchouten is and run past him to the next rock area go North and it is located to the west of the Treasure chest on a pillar you will have to angle yourself and drop down to grab it.
Shinagawa North Pier
Miman – 100
Follow the bridge all the way east of the Konan 3rd Block Leyline Fount it is located in front of the pit (after completing A Power Beyond Control Subquest).
Chiyoda (Canon of Creation 3rd area)
Miman – 101
On the rock in front directly as you enter the area.
Miman – 102
To the west of the previous Miman on the edge of the building.
Miman – 103
In the building behind the previous Miman next to the Black Frost.
Miman – 104
In some rubble to the very west side of the area.
Miman – 105
Located south of the Demon Statue in between the wall and the building.
Miman – 206
Located behind Haytaro at the back of the 3 Containers.
Miyuki Street
Miman – 107
Northwest from Miman – 4 next to the building with the 3 Treasure Chests.
Miman – 108
A bit further North from the previous Miman Behind some rubble.
Miman – 109
East of the path going up to the Abscess behind a rock.
Miman – 110
Located on the smaller building directly behind the previous Amalgam.
Miman – 111
On the building directly next to a container before going down the narrow slope across the building to get to the other side.
Miman – 112
Keep going straight past the Maoki once inside the building It is located on the ledge under the bridge with all the lamia on top of it.
Miman – 113
Located south of the Leyline Fount on a staircase.
Miman – 114
Located East of the previous Miman next to a Magatsui Pole.
Miman – 115
Jump off the Railway track to the North It is located next to the railway tracks behind a rock.
Miman – 116
North of the previous Miman underneath the broken wall pathway.
Miman – 117
Located under a tree east of the previous Miman.
Miman – 118
Located west of the previous Miman on the other side of the broken building.
Miman – 119
Southwest of the 2nd Kanda Leyline there will be a platform underneath the railway line that leads back into the first area next to 3 vending machines keep following that until you reach the highway.
Miman – 120
North of the previous Amalgam off the highway.
Miman – 121
Located on the very East side next to a building.
Miman – 122
Located to the very West side of the previous Miman you can get here by jumping across onto the building next to the 3 vending machines up top.
Miman – 123
Located behind the building Southeast of the Leyline Fount down a slope.
Miman – 124
In the building South of the Leyline Fount you can get here by climbing the buildings North of the previous Amalgam and following them to the end.
Miman – 125
Located Underneath the bridge looking out over the edge.
Miman – 126
Located South of the previous Miman across the bridge next to a building and platform.
Miman – 127
Located to the East of the previous Miman in the corner of the area.
Miman – 128
Located West of the previous Demon Statue up past the 4 platforms.
Miman – 129
Located next to the platform after climbing up it.
Miman – 130
Located past the railway tracks just before the bridge into Akihabara Electric Town amongst the rubble.
Miman – 131
Located down the hole in the middle of the stairwell area sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 132
Located North of the Mansei Bridge Leyline Fount after climbing up 2 of the platforms next to a rock.
Miman – 133
A bit further North from the previous Abscess down the ledge next to the tree.
Miman – 134
Down the ledge on the rock next to Jikokuten.
Akihabara Electric Town
Miman – 135
Located underneath the railway track to the Northwest of the Mansei Bridge Leyline Fount.
Miman – 136
Located directly in the middle of the area on a ledge south of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 137
On a rock South of the Leyline Fount after following the path to the West of it.
Miman – 138
Directly South of the previous Demon Statue on the building.
Miman – 139
Located East of the Leyline Fount in front of a building you can get here up the 4 platforms to the Northwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 140
Located under the bridge to the South of the Kanda-no-yashiro Leyline Fount.
Kanda Shrine
Miman – 141
Behind the shrine on a rock at the edge of the area.
Kanda Bridge
Miman – 142
Located underneath the blocked-off tunnel at the end of the highway after the Surt fight.
Miman – 143
In between the 2 platforms.
Miman – 144
Located to the east after climbing up the 2 platforms behind a wall.
Miman – 145
Jump down onto the rock off of the ledge next to the Previous Abscess.
Miman – 146
Located at the very South end between some rubble.
Miman – 147
Located South of the Leyline Fount on the edge of the Tunnel.
Tokyo Station
Miman – 148
Located directly Southeast of the Leyline Fount up against the wall.
Miman – 149
Located on a rock directly Southwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 150
Located at the east corner in front of the Station.
Shinjuku (Canon of Vengeance 3rd area)
Shinjuku Gyoen
Miman – 151
East of the Aogami Husk on the path that circles the pool.
Miman – 152
Looking over the water to the east of the Demon Statue.
Miman – 153
Located up the Hill with the Valkyrie south of the Demon Statue once getting to the top slide down next to where the Treasure Chests are to another rock.
Miman – 154
On a ledge northwest of the map opposite the Amalgam.
Miman – 155
After entering the area go around the right side and go north it will be sitting on a ledge.
Miman – 156
Continue going east after the last Miman and it is located down the slope looking out over the previous area.
Miman – 157
From the last collectible jump off the highway to the South and it will be located behind a pillar.
Miman – 158
Once you go past the giant Mara it will be located on the right side of the train in the back corner.
Miman – 159
Jump to the broken building on the left side of the Railway Line which is located on the roof.
Miman – 160
From the last collectible jump off the building and go east past the Naga Raja which is located underneath the bridge.
Jingu Naien
Miman – 161
Located to the south of the Leyline Fount behind a rock.
Miman – 162
On the building to the right of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 163
Go left at the end of the path then go all the way south into the area at the bottom it is located down a corridor against a wall.
Miman – 164
Once in the next area go left and it is located on some grass at the top of an alcove behind some rubble.
Miman – 165
Continue through the area up to the North corner where you can climb the building into an open destroyed building which will be located against a wall.
Miman – 166
Go all the way Southeast down the main road from the last collectible and go through the broken building at the end, it will be located up against the wall to the left side.
Miman – 167
Located on the roof of the building that you enter before going down this path.
Miman – 168
As soon as you enter the Southeast up to the area at the bottom and is located at the top of the hill.
Miman – 169
After going up the 2 platforms to the north there will be a road split going down the right one and it is located on the backside of the massive rock.
Miman – 170
Jump down the west side of the rock onto the other path which is located directly next to the middle rock underneath a little gap.
Miman – 171
Located on a rock in the middle directly after climbing the next platform.
Miman – 172
Opposite the Demon Statue in front of a rock.
Miman – 173
Located Northeast of the Leyline Fount.
Shinjuku First Block
Miman – 174
as you get to the slope go left and it is located up in the corner.
Shinjuku Second Block
Miman – 175
Located at the end of the slope on a bridge.
Shinjuku 3rd Block
Miman – 176
It is located down the east path and up behind a rock once getting to the road split in this area.
Miman – 177
Located in the building next to the Leyline Fount at the very back left corner behind a pillar next to the escalators.
Miman – 178
Located in the area directly South of the Leyline Fount in a building at the very back.
Miman – 179
Located on the 3rd floor of the Parking Garage just before the ramp to go up to the roof, you can get there by taking the Magatsu Rail down the west path opposite the Parking Garage.
Miman – 180
South of the Demon Statue in an alcove to the east.
Miman – 181
Located to the east of the Abseces up in the North Deadend.
Miman – 182
Located to the very South leading out of the area in an alcove.
Miman – 183
Located to the east after climbing the first 2 platforms and jumping down a level.
Miman – 184
Located to the east of the Leyline Fount in a broken building you can get there by climbing the toppled-over building next to it.
Miman – 185
West of the Stadium in the middle there is a grass area keep going all the way around it to the other side of the building it will be in a corner at the bottom.
Miman – 186
Located in a broken building to the North of the Stadium.
Miman – 187
Located on the edge of a building looking out, to get there you will need to keep following the path past it then go west into the building and it will be on the second building at the end.
Miman – 188
Next to the White Building with the Magatsu Rail on it drop-down under the fallen wall and it will be located underneath there.
Miman – 189
Located down the Alleyway to the west of Alice.
Miman – 190
To the Southeast of the Aogami Husk, there is a Search Point next to a building lying on its side which has a Magatsu Rail in it, after taking it follow the broken pathway all the way along to the second building which is located at the very edge.
Miman – 191
Jump off the building with the previous Miman to the east and a Magatsu Railis located between 2 buildings after taking it follow the rubble onto the second building then jump onto the 3rd building it will then be located on a ledge.
Miman – 192
Located in the Stadium on the 3rd floor after climbing the 2 Platforms go all the way around the Left side until you reach the other side which is located in a corner.
West Shinjuku 1st Block
Miman – 193
North from the Leyline Fount go down the first path to the left then go down the South path which it is then located at the bottom.
Miman – 194
Southwest from the last Miman in the corner down a little slope.
Miman – 195
Further Southwest down the path from the Previous Miman inside a Building on the First Floor.
Miman – 196
Located at the very edge of a rock north of the Leyline Fount.
Shinjuku 2nd Block
Miman – 197
Located in a building west of the Leyline Fount you can get there by climbing up the ramp next to it.
Miman – 198
Directly behind the other end of the Magatsu Rail once you reach the top of a building after taking the first Magatsu Rail at the end of the road.
Miman – 199
Located Southwest of the Leyline Fount down the second furthest road North it will be located right around the corner at the start starting at the building.
Government Building 1
Miman – 200
Located on the bridge to the south at the very end after coming back here for the second time.
Miman – 201
On the roof, you land on when first arriving in the area behind the doorway.
Miman – 202
North of the Ueno Leyline Fount in frot the Hecatoncheires at the end of the broken road.
Miman – 203
In the corner of a building south of the Ueno Lyeline Fount on the other side of the Treasure Chests.
Miman – 204
located on a collapsed building Southwest of the Ueno Leyline Fount you can get there by going along the highway and climbing onto the broken buildings.
Miman – 205
Located underneath the Highway to the northwest of the previous Miman next to a rail.
Miman – 206
Underneath the Railroad tracks there is an opening to the South end of the railroad tracks follow it all the way along to reach the Miman.
Miman – 207
Located above the Previous Miman on the Railroad tracks above looking over you can get there by going to the Southwest end and following the tracks all the way along.
Miman – 208
Southwest of the previous Miman on top of a rock.
Miman – 209
Keep following the path west from the previous Miman which is located on the second floor of the destroyed building at the end.
Miman – 210
It is located down the end of the path under the railway line behind the Demon Statue.
Miman – 211
Northeast on the Ueno Leyline Fount down the very back path.
Ueno Park
Miman – 212
Located Southwest of the previous Abscess.
Miman – 213
Located to the South of The Ueno Park Leyline Fount on top of the building below the Hare of Inaba.
Miman – 214
Located next to the vending machine near the railway tracks to the Southeast of the Ueno Park Leyline Fount.
Miman – 215
Located to the North of the Ueno Park Leyline Fount on a grassy area past where you fight Chi-You.
Miman – 216
West from the Shinobazu Pond Leyline Fount jump down the ledge.
Miman – 217
Directly behind the Amalgam on the snow.
Miman – 218
From the previous Miman go further south, then east and it is located just before the highway at the side of a building.
Miman – 219
Located on the building directly North after entering Monoasakusa.
Shinobazu Pond
Miman – 220
On top of a building west of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 221
In the Pond Northwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 222
Located behind the abscess down a platform.
Miman – 223
Located looking out over the river to the North of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 224
Located North of the Leyline Fount to the East of the previous Aogmai Husk.
Miman – 225
Located to the Northeast of the previous amalgam down a narrow pathway.
Miman – 226
Climb the platform next to the previous Miman and go all the way south It is located next to the Magatsu Rail.
Miman – 227
Located west of the demon statue in the building next to Nahoheeho.
Miman – 228
Underneath a broken building next to the Vending Machine.
Miman – 229
Down the West alleyway just before the Abscess.
Miman – 230
Located on the building next to the previous Amalgam.
Miman – 231
Located in the middle of the area between the buildings you can get here from the south side.
Miman – 232
South from the previous Miman looking over the edge.
Miman – 233
Around halfway up the path to where the key is after going up the second staircase you can jump across a gap to reach it.
Miman – 234
Once you reach the area with Fafnir flying around you will be able to jump off the edge of the block and land on the area below where it is located.
Miman – 235
Once you reach the second area with Fafnir going around in a circle you should be able to look out over the edge to the south towards the Magatsu Rail you can then drop down to a platform below and is located at the end.
Miman – 236
After dropping down from the previous Miman you should be able to see the Miman to the North of you you can reach it by dropping down from the blocks that go in a cylinder near the top.
Miman – 237
On the Ground to the North of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 238
Located to the west of the Leyline Fount in the area directly next to it.
Miman – 239
from the same ledge as the last Amalgam jump to the building connected to the Mountain to the south of the Amalgam make your way around to the hold in the building and drop down to it.
Miman – 240
On top of a broken building south of the Ueno Leyline Fount, the path to get here is next to the building with the Amalgam to the east of the Miman.
Miman – 241
Located West of the Asakusa Leyline Fount behind a rock.
Miman – 242
Located further west from the previous Miman sitting on one of the blocks near the bottom.
Miman – 243
Located in the very middle at the bottom north of the previous Miman.
Miman – 244
On a block west of the Leyline Fount under a Magatsu Rail.
Miman – 245
Located East from the Abscess down a Platform at the very edge of the map.
Miman – 246
Located South of the previous Aogami Husk.
Miman – 247
Located up the 3 platforms to the Southwest of the Leyline Fount.
Miman – 248
Located further up past the Railway tracks behind a block at the back.
Miman – 249
Located Northeast of the previous Miman down a slope.
Miman – 250
Keep progressing further south from the previous Miman It is located in front of the Demon Statue.
For all other collectible types refer to SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI V: Vengeance Collectibles.
KurenaiOni says
Hope this helps, in every area there is a Cironnup Npc that you can find. If you pay it 20,000 money then it’ll show you exactly where the Miman’s are on each map.