Sherlock Holmes has 5 Bandit Lair Locations. Finding all of them unlocks the Daredevil trophy and achievement. There is one in each of the five districts. The first is uncovered after completing the case “A Master of Disguise“.
Once you get close to them, they will get marked on your map. The trophy should unlock when entering the last one. Technically, they are all missable because there’s no free-roam after the story, but you could reload an older manual save to still go back to the open world.
Bandit Lairs Map
Bandit Lair #1: Miner’s End
Bandit Lair #2: Silverton
Bandit Lair #3: Scaladio
Bandit Lair #4: Grand Saray
Bandit Lair #5: Old City
That’s all of the Bandit Lairs in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.
For everything else needed for 100% Completion, check out the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.
Irvin says
This trophy seems to be broken on PS5. I have gone through all 5 lairs multiple times now, but the trophy won’t unlock for me.
Kristiina says
Me too. Any luck fixing this issue
hellmouthpirate says
Have you killed anyone?
During the wider game you get negative entries in Jon’s diary if you kill someone instead of arresting them.
It does say in the challenge that you have to arrest everyone.
Dev says
I’ve been to all of them several times after arresting everyone and the trophy will not unlock. Any update on this?