A Gilded Cage is a Main Case in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the A Gilded Cage main quest.
Starting Borough: Grand Saray
Starting Location: Gilden Residence, south of Stonewood Manor
Quest Giver: Environmental Clue (Broken Gate)
Requirement: having progressed “A Mother’s Love” to the point where you’ve unlocked Sherlock’s room and found all clues there
Reward: 30 Currency, 2 clues to continue “A Mother’s Love”
Trophies: Everyone’s a Critic,
Animal Advocate (both missable)
Case Info: House of an old family friend shows signs of recent havoc.
- Gilden Residence (Outside)
- Goliath’s Path
- Gilden Residence (Inside)
- Boat Workshop
- Finding the Construction Site
- Getting Inside the Dig Site
- Dig Site
- Hunting a Goliath
Starting Location: A Gilded Cage
A Gilded Cage Case starts in Borough: Grand Saray, just a bit south-west of Stonewood Manor, as part of the main case A Mother’s Love.
Gilden Residence (Outside)
The first clue will be the gate shown above, the next one is the trampled pots in the driveway.
Just around the corner, we’re greeted by the body of Mr. Gilden and can further inspect his dislodged body (4 clues circled red below).
The next set of clues are in the elephant’s enclosure. After interacting with the four clues on the ground, we are prompted to take a picture of the footprint ( +
Optionally, we can head to the Cordona Chronicle Building to find out something more about Elephants. Track clue “Elephant’s Life”, filter the Newspaper archive for Period = 1870-1879 / People = Journalists / Section = Front Page.
Three more clues can be found at the shed, at the end of the driveway (gas tank, sailor’s knife, broken shed piece).
Upon finding everything, track objective “Chaos Unfolded”, now we can interact with the white bubble at the elephant’s enclosure and reconstruct the scene to see what must have happened here (elephant choking man, elephant dragging man on floor, elephant moving through gate which swung open and hurled a bystander at shed).
Goliath’s Path
Pin the “Animal Suspect” clue to the screen and ask the bystanders at the gate if they know where Goliath went. You must cross Greek Bridge to the north.
At the other side of the bridge, you can see some smashed vases and Goliath appears to have stepped in some oil, which can be tracked in concentration mode /
After finding a trunk he must have passed, we’ll eventually end up at the water. This is where we will stop pursuing him.
But a robe hanging on a branch catches our eyes and we can find two clues in its pockets, one of them being the keys to the Gildens House.
Gilden Residence (Inside)
Head back to Gilden’s Manor. Step through the main door and go up the stairs to end up talking to Imogen Gilden, the daughter of the deceased.
Inside her room, we can find three clues.
Missable Trophy: The Book circled above is the first out of three we need to collect while playing this case to obtain Everyone’s a Critic.
Now, proceed to the other room on the upper floor, which is Gilden’s office. Inspect the chair next to the window.
The desk holds a total of four clues; two pictures, a prosthetic finger and a perfume vial.
The table to the right side has a construction plan with three important clues. Make sure you inspect the 3 clues AND photograph it +
. Upon photographing it you will get the key objective “Ivory Baths Construction Plan” which is mandatory key evidence to find the construction site later.
Both bookshelves in the room have some minor clues as well.
After inspecting everything, head back to Imogen and ask her about all the different clues to learn new details.
We now have two possible witnesses who we’ll need to interview; Imogen’s boyfriend Paul Perks at the Boat Workshop and a former associate of Gilden by the name of Swift. We’ll start with Perks and come back to Swift after that.
Boat Workshop
The Workshop is located in southern Grand Saray.
Approach any rich-dressed person while having “Photo of Imogen” clue pinned and they’ll point you to the workshop south of the Yacht Club.
Inside the workshop, head to the far right section and inspect the boat in the water.
Next to it is a Storage-Room, which holds a Foghorn as well as the second book of the Trilogy we’ll need for Everyone’s a Critic.
The room labeled Whirlpool is inaccessible at first. Look at the bloody rags through the window.
Now, with the “Yacht Club Workshop” clue pinned, we can interact with the wooden board between these rooms to get the key to enter.
Inside the office, inspect the clues on the desk as well as on the shelf.
One of the clues from the desk “Suspicious Note” can now be pinned to your screen. Head back to the storage and interact with the tin cans to reveal their contents (lid and bloody bandages inside).
Once you’ll exit the room, Paul Perks will be standing in front of you and after some initial talking, you can draw the character portrait. The correct answer is “Professional yachtswoman”.
Shortly after this, some thugs will enter the hideout and have to be dealt with. Arresting or killing them has no further consequences – the choice is up to you.
When they are all down, head into Paul’s Office and present him all the evidence you’ve found so far.
After you’ve done so, head back to Imogen at Gilden’s Manor and present her some new evidence as well.
Finding the Construction Site
Now pin the clue “Ivory Baths Construction Plan”. This was from photographing the construction plan in the upstairs office of Gilden Manor, so if you don’t have it you need to do that first and discuss the clue with Imogen.
While this is pinned, enter the City Hall Building to access the archive and find information about the Project of Gilden and Arthur. Use these filters: Subjects = Businesses / Registry = Legal Documents / Districts = Old City.
Now, we have an address. Pin objective “Registration of Gilden and Swift Ltd.”.
Getting inside the Dig Site
Travel to the location in Old City and eavesdrop on the two workers standing near the door to the Dig Site. The 3 correct terms to filter out are: Neck scar, Old City Marketplace, Pro-British.
They will reveal clues about the recruitment process and that we should visit the Old City Market. Be sure to also track objective “Entrance to the Dig Site”.
While you’re there, get some appropriate clothes, like the worker’s apron from the clothing trader, if you don’t already own it.
Talk to the man standing in the middle and tell him you’re pro-British (“I am all for them” > “I’ll sing the anthem”) to score a job at the Dig Site.
And just like that, we’re in! Head back to where you overheard the workers, there you’ll find the entrance.
Dig Site
Once inside, head down the path and speak to the man in charge – Mr. Arthur. Tell him you’re ready to work, doesn’t matter what you say next.
Now, you can draw his character portrait. The correct interpretation is “Knowledge-Seeker”, which will get you a positive response from him.
When done with him, obtain the three clues from the board behind him as well as from the crate on the left side of the area.
Now, it is time to go downhill and check out the Dig Site itself. First, you want to pick up the final book for Everyone’s a Critic, which is situated at three tents on the left.
Heading up the platform behind the tents, you can interact with a gravestone as well as a statue on the ground.
Now, proceed to the middle of the Dig Site and eavesdrop on the workers. The correct terms to filter out are: Lion helmet, Kicked statue, Tilted pedestal, Closest to the beach.
After this, we’re ready to solve the statue-puzzle by interacting with the white bubble where we inspected the statue. See the solution image below.
Following the path of the revealed clue, the excavation point is located at the beach, to the right side of the stairs.
This will finally lure Arthur away from his desk, which we can now inspect (box of darts, tusks and trunks book, leather notebook).
Upon interacting with the third and final clue, Arthur will spot us. Time to talk business and present him all the evidence we’ve uncovered so far.
Now combine all clues you gathered so far in the Mind Palace Menu. In particular, combining “It was mating season” & “Everyone blames Goliath” results in “I need to find Goliath” which gives you a new objective “Hunting A Goliath”. By combining all clues you also get the “Vial with Perfume” objective that lets you run a chemical analysis.
Hunting a Goliath
Time to address the Elephant in the Woods. Sherlock’s plan is to lure him out by faking a female’s mating call. In your Casebook, perform a chemical analysis on the Vial (solution image below).
Track “Hunting a Goliath” and get the fabric from the Dig Site, in the crate you inspected for clues earlier, to the left of Arthur’s desk.
Also pick up the Foghorn from the Boat Workshop that you inspected earlier.
With all our components, it is time to head to Mrs. Nini for a very special request.
With our decoy-doll, we can now head to the Gilden Shed to inflate it by interacting with the gas bottles. Then play all the trumpet sounds and watch the magic happen.
Look who’s back! Check out Goliath and perform a chemical analysis on the dart he has been shot with.
Now, we got everything in place to conclude the case and connect all the pieces of intel we’ve gathered, as seen below. Then head back upstairs to Imogen’s room.
To obtain the Animal Advocate, choose to Save Goliath, much to Imogen’s Dislike.
When the case is closed, pick up the two pieces of evidence on the bench, which bring us back to “A Mother’s Love“.
Now continue with Main Case “A Mother’s Love“.
Up Next: A Mother’s Love
For all other Cases, view the full Sherlock Holmes Chapter One Walkthrough.
Gotrek Fabian says
For those wondering, Arthur is the guilty party in this investigation. If you choose to arrest him and free Goliath you will receive 80 credits. Choosing Goliath or Peter will only garner 30 credits.
This case was a little unsatisfying for me as there didn’t seem to be an answer as to who was truly guilty other than the reward for the mission once completed.
Bigfoot141967 says
I don’t know how you got 80 credits for that conclusion. I did the same and received 30 credits.
William says
I found that you had to go to speak with Arthur and accuse him rather than just selecting that conclusion in the Mind Palace and talking to Imogen. If you do the latter you go follow the same dialogue path and get only 30 credits. Accusing Arthur creates a different dialogue and gives 80 credits, but doesn’t make Imogen change her opinion of you. Clearly, there’s no pleasing some people.
Steven says
I believe the correct answer is that Paul is the killer. She was a sailor, so the dull sailors knife found by the shed makes sense. She also had an injured arm which was likely caused from her being flung into the shed when Goliath busted through the gate. She was threatened by Theodore Gilden. And she wanted to run away with Imogen, Gilden’s daughter. So there’s her motive. And she also had the box of darts. Now I know Arthur had a box of darts too at the dig site, but if you read the description of both boxes it says that Paul’s contains strychnine. It doesn’t say that for Arthur’s box. And if you examine the dart found in Goliath, it says it contains strychnine.
Tydieeee says
I think that the right answer is more complicated. The way I concluded this is:
Goliath did attack Theodore after being provoked by it’s on owner and the dart was shot after BUT it was not meant to save Theodore. Someone did intend to murder Theodore with poison dart that day. They were hiding behind the gate and witnessed the elephant attacking their supposed victim. The game indicated that the dart did include enough poison to kill a human. But when Goliath started to rampage towards the gate the murderer shot it in panic and got smashed at the shed.
Timmy T says
For some bizarre reason you miss out on getting a crucial piece of evidence by being able to ask anyone at the dig site if Arthur had left that morning. Arthur straight up lies to you more than once whereas Paul doesn’t appear to lie despite being the scummier of the two. Arthur had a potentially bigger motive in killing, Paul had a lesser motive but may have been just as important. You couldn’t even say that someone was trying to kill Theodore. The idea that someone was trying to save Theodore is bizarre unless we assume it was the guy who wanted the Elephant in his possession. Shoddy work Scrublock.
Kristoffer says
It was Paul.
Imogen and Paul was planning to run away together. Especially after the brawl Paul and Theodore had. Paul is the only one with drugged darts which would not be necessary to kill rodents with.
Maybe the plan was to just drug Theodore with poison darts? The shot then missed and strike the elephant instead, then the drugged animal panicked and manage to kill Theodore in his escape to the forest.