Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 5/10 if you do an easy difficulty playthrough first and collect everything on easy
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 25 hours
- Offline Trophies: 64 (1
, 1
, 2
, 60
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 14 – All Combat Trophies, because there are no enemies after the story. You can farm all of them via checkpoint restart when you find a good spot! (Chain Gang, Like a Shadow, Surprise!, Tables Turned, Look Over There!, Total Party Kill, Playing with Fire, Gunslinger, Last Known Position, Sixth Sense, In the Moment, Made to Endure, Marksman, First Blood)
- Glitched trophies: 0 (as of Patch 1.05)
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, you must beat it on the hardest difficulty “Deadly Obsession”. The difficulty-trophies stack so beating the highest difficulty unlocks all lower-difficulty trophies.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1 (2 is HIGHLY recommended, it’s actually much faster and much easier to do it in 2 playthroughs)
Welcome to the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trophy Guide! A fun mix of trophies awaits you – there are collectibles, combat trophies, side quests, challenges, and difficulty-related trophies. There are well over 400 collectibles when including the challenge items so you will spend most of your time collecting. The good news is that there are Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks that reveal the locations of all other items. None of the collectibles are missable, you can continue to free-roam after the story. The combat trophies, however, are all missable because there are no enemies after the story. They can all be farmed via checkpoint restart though. The most important thing is that you start on easy for your 100% completion run because on hard difficulty you can’t use survival instinct, thus it can’t reveal any collectible locations on the map. On easy everything gets marked.
Step 1: Easy Difficulty Playthrough (Smart and Resourceful Difficulty) & Combat Trophies (All Missable)
The most important point, and I can stretch this enough, do NOT start on the highest difficulty. Do an easy playthrough (Smart and Resourceful difficulty) first to collect everything and do the 100% completion. On hard (Deadly Obsession difficulty) nothing gets marked, even the open world traversal is tricky as you have no visual markers for climbable walls and there are no checkpoints. It would be a horrible experience and take 5 times longer than if you did an easy playthrough first. Going for completion on hardest difficulty is not feasible. Start on easy. The good thing is that you can switch difficulties any time in the options if you started on easy. So if you want, you can play the story on normal and then switch back to easy for the collectible hunt.
So for this step focus on beating the story on easy. None of the collectibles are missable! You can still grab them all after the story. Feel free to grab what you can along the way, just know you can still grab everything after the story (a base camp in the first area Cozumel unlocks after the story).
There are just a few things to keep in mind along the way:
- All Combat Trophies are missable! There are no more enemies after the story. When you find a good spot for a combat trophy, be sure to farm it via checkpoint reload. All of them can be done by killing the same enemy over and over again via checkpoint restart. Plenty of them can be done in the first few enemy encounters. Restart the checkpoint before killing the last enemy or else it triggers an autosave. Pay extra attention to “First Blood” as it can only be done in a few specific spots with mud walls.
- Glitched Trophy “That’s a Knife”: It’s important you buy the first knife upgrade from the vendor at Paititi market (The Hidden City) before playing Side Quest Rescue Hakan. Otherwise it will glitch out if you do it the other way around.
- Buy the blue skills “Eagle’s Sight, Owl’s Wisdom, Owl’s Vision” and constantly press
to use Survival Instinct. It marks nearby collectibles on the map, thus making things easier for you when doing the 100% completion cleanup.
- Note: Nothing from the dream sequence in Croft Manor (young Lara) is needed for 100%. That’s important because it’s the only area you can’t go back to. There’s a challenge there and some items but none of them count for trophies or completion. The artifact entries from the Croft Manor are unmissable automatic story unlocks from cutscenes. I didn’t collect anything in Croft Manor and got all trophies just fine. So don’t worry about these, if you missed them it doesn’t impact any trophies.
- When doing Side Quest Find Takiy’s Dice in Paititi, be sure to buy the Lockpick and Rope Ascender from the merchant you talk to at the end of the quest (these tools are needed for 100% completion). This merchant goes away afterward and spawns only at random places which makes her hard to track down. During that side quest it’s the only time this vendor is at a fixed place and later you may not find her again. Do not advance until you bought the Lockpick and Rope Ascender from her for 6100 Gold.
- Be careful with skill points, focus them on one branch for the “Specialized” trophy, don’t overspend in other branches. Keep a few skill points at hand, so you can farm the skill-related combat trophies and then reload a save to get skill points back.
- Be careful with weapon upgrades, focus them on one weapon to max it out for “Makeshift Arsenal” trophy. There are infinite resources but it’s best to get this out of the way (upgrading bow is recommended).
Step 2: 100% Completion (Collectibles / Challenges / Side Quests / Tombs)
Now that the story is done, click on “Continue” in the Main Menu. This puts you back before the game ending so you can keep exploring and work on 100% completion. Base camps to all relevant areas will now unlock, including the starting region Cozumel.
Nothing is missable you can still reach all collectibles after the story. If you were playing on medium difficulty or above, be sure to put it back on easy again. This makes the collectible hunt much faster. The Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks reveal the collectible locations on the map so all you have to do is find those two types and then the rest can be marked with waypoints.
Refer to the trophy “Completionist” at the end of the guide for all the details on collectibles. By the end of this step you should have everything except the difficulty-related trophies.
Step 3: Very Hard Difficulty New Game+ Playthrough (Deadly Obsession Difficulty)
Replay the game on the hardest difficulty in New Game+. New Game+ lets you keep all of the skills, money, inventory from your previous playthrough which makes Deadly Obsession a whole lot easier. There are no checkpoints – you can only save at base camps but they cost resources to light. There are no markers in exploration, no survival instinct and no hints during puzzles. If you get stuck at any point you can take a peek at our Full Walkthrough and Puzzle Guide to refresh your memory.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider Strategy Guide
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider Story Walkthrough
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider Side Missions Walkthrough
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Story Puzzle Solutions
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Collectible Locations (100% Collectible Maps)
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Challenge Tomb Locations & Solutions
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Challenges Guide
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Monolith Locations & Solutions
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Archivist Maps & Explorer Backpacks Locations
- Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Outfits, Costumes, Armor Sets (Showcase)
- How to Get Lockpick
- How to Get Rope Ascender
- How to Get Reinforced Knife
- Side Mission: Find Takiy’s Dice Side Mission
- Side Mission: Deal with the Pillagers
Shadow of the Tomb Raider Trophy Guide
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Chalice of Torment Earn all Trophies |
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Earn all other trophies in Shadow of the Tomb Raider to unlock Platinum! | ||
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Treasures from the Past Decipher a Monolith |
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See trophy “Completionist”. | ||
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Archeologist Complete an Artifact Collection |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. You unlock Artifacts (also called Relics) automatically through story progression. This trophy unlocks in main mission “Via Crucis” in the Region “Mission of San Juan” close to the end of the story. | ||
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Dr. Croft Complete all Artifact Collections |
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[Prior to patch 1.05 this trophy was glitched. It was fixed with patch 1.05].
See trophy “Completionist”. Artifacts are gathered from Relics and Treasure Chests and can be viewed in the map menu. Some are rewards from the trophy so be sure to beat the entire storyline. Where to find the missing “Antique Knife” Artifact (Pantheon of the Gods Artifacts): Some people are at 87% in the Pantheon of the Gods Artifacts category. If that’s the case for you, the Antique Knife is probably what you’re missing. It’s from side quest “Investigate Sumaq’s Murder” in Paititi. It’s buried in the ground behind the house where you had to talk to the housemaid in the cage (where the murder happened and where all the blood is on the floor). Normally, the maid tells you of the knife during the quest and you need to dig it up. For some players the quest glitched and they could proceed without digging up the knife. You can still dig it up in the same spot behind the house after the quest is over. |
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Stele Hunter Complete 3 Challenge Tombs |
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» Shadow of the Tomb Raider All Challenge Tombs Walkthrough – Locations & Solutions | ||
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Tomb Raider Complete all Challenge Tombs in the main campaign |
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» Shadow of the Tomb Raider All Challenge Tombs Walkthrough – Locations & Solutions |
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Chain Gang Perform the Serpent’s Fury 3 times |
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*MISSABLE* Serpent’s Fury is a skill that can be bought at base camps. It’s one of the green-colored skills. First you must buy “Serpent’s Strike” (1 skill point) and then “Serpent’s Fury” (2 skill points). To perform the move you must stealth-kill a pair of 2 enemies standing next to each other. Quickly press You can farm the kills via checkpoint restart. |
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Like a Shadow Stealth takedown 25 enemies |
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You do stealth takedowns by sneaking up to an enemy and pressing You can farm the kills via checkpoint restart. There are many stealth sections where you can sneak up to an enemy, kill him, reload checkpoint, and repeat until you have 25 takedowns. |
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To the Nines Restore and equip a matching vestige outfit |
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Vestige Outfits are acquired from Crypts, awarded for Side Missions, and bought from Vendors. On your way to 100% completion you will unlock multiple sets. A matching set can be recognized by the name of the upper and lower set part having the same word in them. They also look similar. There are two parts per set: Upper Body and Lower Body.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider Ouftis For example, the Eveningstar’s Cape and Evening Star’s Boots and acquired from doing the 2 Crypts in Peruvian Jungle (an early game area). That’s the first Vestige Outfit you can find and restore. After finding the Outfits you still need to restore them at a campfire for a small amount of resources which you find everywhere in the game. |
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Makeshift Arsenal Fully upgrade a weapon |
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First you must buy the skill “Raposa’s Wit”. It allows you to fully upgrade your weapons. Then buy all the upgrades for one weapon at base camps. I recommend the default Recurve Bow. It only has 8 upgrades which is fewer than firearms and it’s one of the most useful weapons. You will gather lots of resources from containers in the open world, from collectibles, and can also buy them from merchants. The merchant in the middle of Paititi sells rare animal pelts and many other resources and there’s a base camp near her. You can buy the rare materials from this vendor and what she doesn’t sell can be looted from containers around Paititi. Focus all your resources on one weapon, otherwise you may be short on materials. | ||
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Up to the Challenge Complete 5 Challenges |
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There are 15 Challenges in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. For this trophy you only need 5 but for 100% completion you need all 15.
See this guide: Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Challenges Guide |
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Resting Places Uncover 3 Crypts’ secrets |
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See trophy “Completionist”. | ||
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Thread the Past Restore 5 vestige outfit pieces |
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Vestige Outfits are earned from completing Crypts and opening the sarcophagi in them. You must then return to a base camp > click on “Inventory” > Simply put: complete all 10 Crypts in the game and craft the outfits at base camp. Resources are gathered from small containers around the open world, from hunting, bought from merchants, and acquired from collectibles. There’s also the skill “Anole’s Needle” (Green Color) that lowers the resource requirement to restore vestige outfits. |
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Help thy Neighbor Complete a Side Mission |
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See trophy “Good Samaritan”. | ||
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Good Samaritan Complete 8 Side Missions |
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You can accept Side Missions in the 3 towns of the game: Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi (The Hidden City), Mission of San Juan. The trophy description for this is wrong. There are 13 side missions in the game and you must complete ALL 13, not just 8. Quest givers get marked on the map when you discover them. They are also marked green in Survival Instinct. There are two ways to discover them, or you can refer to the guides below for their locations: either go near the quest givers and use survival instinct (reveals everything on the map nearby) or talk to people around town to learn the locations from them (they are colored yellow in survival instinct). Side Quest Guides: |
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Surprise! Perform 5 Eagle’s Talon takedowns |
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*MISSABLE* You automatically unlock the Eagle’s Talon skill in Main Mission “Path of the Dead” (Region: Kuwaq Yaku). Then you can climb on tree branches and hold |
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First Steps Purchase a Skill |
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See trophy “Specialized”. | ||
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Specialized Earn all Skills in one category |
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There are 3 skill categories: Seeker (Blue), Scavenger (Green), Warrior (Red). Skills are bought at base camps. You earn skill points by gathering XP, which are awarded for story progression, side quests and all sorts of collectibles and challenges.
First, you will have to beat the story and complete all Challenge Tombs. That’s because there are skills in each category that are tied to progression. Some are automatic story unlocks, other require you to have beaten a challenge tomb. See: Shadow of the Tomb Raider All Challenge Tombs Walkthrough – Locations & Solutions After that’s done you have everything unlocked and need to purchase all skills in category (one color) at a base camp. It’s recommended that you save up your skill points for this. Buy the most crucial skills you need and then start saving up until you have enough to get everything in a category. Overwrite all 3 manual save slots. Then buy all skills, go back to Main Menu, and reload one of the slots before buying the skills. Then you have all skill points back and can freely spend them on whatever you like! |
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Treasure Hunter Find and open all the Conquistador treasure chests |
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See trophy “Completionist”. Treasure Chests are a type of collectible and require the Lockpick to open, see How to Get Lockpick. | ||
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Asking Price Buy an item from a merchant |
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There are merchants in Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi (The Hidden City), Mission of San Juan.
Buy anything from them to unlock the trophy. Here’s the location of one in Paititi, the main town in the game: |
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Tables Turned Kill 5 enemies while they are searching for Lara |
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During an enemy encounter, run out in the open and be detected by the enemies. Then wait somewhere behind a wall or in the bushes until they stop shooting. They will start searching for Lara. When they go into “search mode” let them come to you. Best way is to hide in foilage. When they’re close do a stealth-takedown. You can also sneak up from behind to do takedowns. This can farmed via checkpoint restart during any encounter! Get detected, hide for 10-15 seconds until they start searching, kill as many as you can when they come looking, restart checkpoint, repeat. Be sure to keep at least one enemy alive or else it triggers an autosave. |
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Look, Over There! Kill 3 enemies while they are distracted |
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You don’t have to kill 3 enemies at once, just one at a time over the course of the game. “Distracted” is when an enemy investigates a sound or dead body or fights an animal. You should easily get this from natural gameplay. For example, you can throw bottles to make noise or can use rope arrows to hang enemies from trees and have others investigate it. It’s best that you use stealth kills with You can farm the kills via checkpoint restart. |
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Total Party Kill Kill 5 enemies with friendly fire |
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*MISSABLE* This requires the “Jaguar’s Fear” skill (Warrior skill tree). It’s an automatic story unlock in Main Mission “Downpour” (Region: Porvenir Oil Fields), cannot be missed. After unlocking it there will be a tutorial on how to use it. Here you can simply farm the kills via checkpoint restart. Use |
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Playing with Fire Burn 2 enemies simultaneously |
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*MISSABLE* Mission: Hunter’s Moon, Region: Cozumel, Objective: Get through the Dig Site. For this you need an enemy section with a bottle. The bottle can be picked up and crafted into a Molotov Cocktail. Then throw it at 2 enemies standing close together. A good place is the second enemy encounter in the game. There are 3 enemies and a forklift. On the forklift are some bottles. Hold |
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Gunslinger Perform 3 headshots in 3 seconds with the pistol |
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*MISSABLE* Mission: Hunter’s Moon, Region: Cozumel, Objective: Get through the Dig Site. This can be done during the second enemy encounter in the game (shortly after escaping the big cave in Cozumel). There are 3 enemies standing around a forklift. Equip the pistol It creates an autosave after killing them. Therefore, it’s highly recommended you keep a separate save slot before this section. This allows you to reload it from the main menu, in case you fail and need to try again. In that case keep in mind after reloading a save to immediately save in another slot again (the game always overwrites the selected slot with an autosave). If you mess up in this section you can also move on to the next objective. Lara will slide down to an enemy base where 3 enemies stand in front of her. Here you can restart the checkpoint to try again. |
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Last Known Position Lose the enemy 10 times |
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During an enemy encounter, run out in the open and be detected by the enemies. Then wait somewhere behind a wall or in the bushes until they stop shooting. They will start searching for Lara. Usually this is accompanied by an audio comment like “Sh*t I lost her” or “Come out you’re just one person”. When they go into “search mode” you’ve done it correctly. It takes roughly 15 seconds after losing the line of sight for it to count as “losing the enemy”. You can farm this via checkpoint restart during any encounter! Get detected, hide for 15+ seconds until they start searching, restart checkpoint, repeat. You can make it easier by keeping only 1 enemy alive in the area, then you can lose him faster. Walls are the best place to hide behind. |
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Beast of Legend Defeat the Nahual |
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Complete Side Mission “Retrieve the Champion’s Bow” in Paititi. This quest unlocks at the very end of the story, just before the final mission. You can still do it after the story in free-roam.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Retrieve the Champion’s Bow Side Mission Walkthrough |
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Sixth Sense Hunt and kill 10 enemies while Perception is active |
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First you need the skill “Eye of the Eagle” (Seeker Skill Tree, Blue Color). Skills are purchased at base camps. Hold Perception plants allow you to sense enemies throughout the environment. While it’s active do melee takedowns You can farm the melee-takedowns via checkpoint restart. Weapon kills don’t count, only Note: Some players have reported that it took them 40+ takedowns before this unlocked. If it doesn’t unlock for you, keep farming until it unlocks. |
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In the Moment Kill 10 enemies while Focus is active |
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First you need the skill “Scales of the Serpent” (Scavenger Skill Tree, Green Color). Skills are purchased at base camps. Hold Focus improves reaction responses and slows down time when aiming. While it’s active do melee takedowns You can farm the melee-takedowns via checkpoint restart. Weapon kills don’t count, only Note: Some players have reported that it took them 40+ takedowns before this unlocked. If it doesn’t unlock for you, keep farming until it unlocks. |
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Made to Endure Takedown 10 enemies while Endurance is active |
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First you need the skill “Heart of the Jaguar” (Warrior Skill Tree, Red Color). Skills are purchased at base camps. Hold Endurance plants reduce damage from melee and ranged attacks. While it’s active do melee takedowns You can farm the melee-takedowns via checkpoint restart. Weapon kills don’t count, only Note: Some players have reported that it took them 40+ takedowns before this unlocked. If it doesn’t unlock for you, keep farming until it unlocks. |
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Como Te Llama Pet 5 llamas |
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You can find 5 llamas in Paititi, The Hidden City. One is in front of “Unuratu’s Home” base camp. One is close to it at the hillside (corner of the map). Two are at the market square in town. Another is between the houses, up the hill south-west of the market square. You can also find two of them in the area “Mission of San Juan” in the stables. Just press |
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Underwater Archeologist Collect 5 underwater Artifacts |
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This will come naturally on your way to 100% completion. Artifacts are called “Relics” on the map. You must find 5 that are underwater which comes to you naturally when gathering everything on the map. | ||
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New Heights Complete a climb after finding the Overhang Climbing Gear |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It will unlock at the end of Cenote region, Main Mission “Rebellion Lives”. | ||
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That’s a Knife! Fully upgrade the knife |
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[Prior to patch 1.05 this trophy was glitched. It was fixed with patch 1.05].
There are two upgrades. The first must be bought from a merchant, the second is from side quest Rescue Hakan. Knife Upgrade #1 (Reinforced Knife): This can be bought from a merchant at Paititi market (The Hidden City Region). It costs 2900 Gold, see the location below: Knife Upgrade #2: This is from doing the Side Quest Rescue Hakan in Paititi. It’s from the crying girl in upper Paititi where you can only go when wearing the green Serpent Guard outfit (later in story): |
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Zoologist Collect 20 critters |
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First you must buy the skill “Owl’s Meal” (Seeker Skill Tree, Blue Color). This gains you the ability to harvest Spiders and Beetles for their venom. Harvesting requires the makeshift knife.
Now look for the small Beetles crawling around the Jungle floor and Spiders inside Tombs / Crypts. Use Survival Instinct to highlight them. Even better, use Perception Plants to mark them from far away. Walk over the Bettle or Spider and press The best spots are the Challenge Tomb in Kuwaq Yaku (10 Spiders in there), the 2 Challenge Tombs in Peruvian Jungle (at least 3 spiders each), in Peruvian Jungle around base camps “Jungle Ruins” (1 beetle), base camp “Plane Wreckage” (2 beetles), and finally in Kuwaq Yaku around base camp “Kuwaq Yaku Ruins” (1 beetle in Jungle). Those locations should suffice to get 20. You can find more inside Challenge Tombs. Be sure to play on easy or normal so you can activate the Survival Instinct to find the small insects. This highlights them in yellow color and makes them much easier to see. The very best option is to use Perception Plants to highlight the insects. More of those can always be bought at the merchant in Paititi. |
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Legendary Hunter Hunt and loot 5 rare animals |
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The skill “Eagle’s Grasp” (Seeker Skill Tree, Blue Color) is very helpful with this. It increases the chance of finding rare animals. You can get it without the skills just fine but it certainly helps with farming the rare animals. Rare animals are colored red in Survival Instinct. They are all dangerous animals that will attack you on sight.
There are 3 good farm spots: Peruvian Jungle – Base Camp “Jaguar Den”: One Jaguar sometimes spawns here. Mission of San Juan – Base Camp “Mission Gate”: In a cave in the south-west of the entrance to San Juan, there tends to be a Black Wolf spawning among some normal wolves. The Hidden City – Base Camp “Abandoned Village”: There’s a cave in the north-west corner of the Abandoned Village area, you must swim there. A Black Wolf can spawn here but the odds are lower than in San Juan region. One Empress Jaguar has a fixed spawn in the south-east corner of ‘Mission of San Juan’ but it only spawns once (also gets marked on the map). Jump between the 3 possible spawn points via fast travel and the animals should spawn after a while. |
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Untold Riches Gather 40 gold ore |
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Gold ore is most often found in Challenge Tombs. There’s 10-12 gold ore per tomb and 9 tombs in total. You can also find gold ore in other places but the Challenge Tombs are the best place to look and you have to do them for 100% completion anyway.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider All Challenge Tombs Walkthrough – Locations & Solutions |
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Marksman Perform 20 headshots with the bow |
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The bow is your starting weapon, simply kill 20 enemies with headshots using the bow and arrows. You can farm this during any enemy encounter. Headshot the enemies (but keep one alive so it doesn’t trigger an autosave), then restart checkpoint and repeat until you have 20 headshot kills. |
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First Blood Perform a Stealth Takedown from a mud-covered wall |
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*MISSABLE* Mission: Path of the Living Shortly after reaching Kuwaq Yaku, in the second enemy encounter the story takes you to, there will be a mud patch on the floor with a tutorial text showing above it. You must press |
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Unwelcome Guests Get rid of the pillagers outside of Kuwaq Yaku |
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“Deal with the Pillagers” is a Side Mission from an NPC in Kuwaq Yaku. Complete it for this trophy.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Deal with the Pillagers Side Mission Walkthrough |
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I Believe Hakan Fly Rescue Hakan from the cultists |
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“Rescue Hakan” is a Side Mission given to you automatically during the story, by Etzli in Paititi. You can’t miss triggering the quest.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Rescue Hakan Side Mission Walkthrough |
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Hearts and Minds Retrieve Manko’s Necklace |
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Complete the Side Missions “Retrieve the King’s Horn” & “Retrieve the Savior’s Amulet” in Paititi (The Hidden City) to earn this trophy.
» Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Retrieve the King’s Horn Side Mission Walkthrough » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Retrieve the Savior’s Amulet Side Mission Walkthrough |
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On the Go Craft special ammunition 50 times |
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You craft special ammo by holding ![]() The skill “Serpent’s Glint” (Green Color) unlocks Flare Rounds for the pistol. The skill “Boa’s Blow” (Green Color) gives new shotgun ammo. Since fire arrows are the easiest and cheapest to produce it’s best to stick with those. If during the story your inventory is full, remember to craft some special ammo and feel free to waste some by shooting it at the environment to free up inventory space. There are infinite resources in the game and they can also be bought from merchants to make this go quicker. |
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Point of Interest Learn of 5 interesting locations from civilians |
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Walk around towns and talk to everyone you see. There are 3 towns: Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi (The Hidden City), Mission of San Juan. The most people are in Paititi.
People you can talk to have a chat-icon above their head. You can also use survival instinct |
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Thanksgiving Shoot a turkey with a Flare Round |
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First, you must buy the skill “Serpent’s Glint” (Green Skill). This unlocks the Flare Round Attachment for your pistol. Then fast travel to region “Mission of San Juan”, Base Camp “Ruined Tower”. There are 4 turkeys running around the base camp here. Check around the ruined tower, you may have to walk around a little bit before they spawn (they are usually sitting in the bushes and start running when you go near). Now shoot a turkey with the pistol’s flare round (press |
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Better Equipped Get 3 pieces of equipment |
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From the merchant in Kuwaq Yaku buy these 3 items: Pistol Sight (1800 Gold), Pistol Suppressor (1400 Gold), Pistol Ammo Pouch (1500 Gold). | ||
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Path of the Stars Decipher the Path of the Stars |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 1st story trophy (Cozumel region). | ||
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Día de Muertos Remove the dagger from the Temple of the Moon |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 2nd story trophy (Cozumel region). | ||
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Recipe for Disaster Survive the flood |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 3rd story trophy (Cozumel region). | ||
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Survival Instincts Defeat the Empress Jaguar |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 4th story trophy (Peruvian Jungle region). | ||
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Fire of Life Enter the Temple of Life’s inner chamber |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 5th story trophy (Kuwaq Yaku region). | ||
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The Hidden City Find Paititi |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 6th story trophy (The Hidden City region). | ||
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The Underworld Get out of the Cenotes alive |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 7th story trophy (Cenote region). | ||
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Family Ties Free Unuratu from prison |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 8th story trophy (Hidden City region). | ||
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Heart of the Serpent Find the Mission of San Juan |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 9th story trophy (Mission of San Juan region). | ||
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The Chosen One Find the Silver Box of Ix Chel |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 10th story trophy (Mission of San Juan region). | ||
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Back to Where We Started Return to Paititi |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 11th story trophy (The Hidden City region). | ||
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Queen of the Damned Make an unlikely ally |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 12th story trophy (City of the Serpent region). | ||
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Quite the Adventure Finish the main storyline |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. It’s the 13th story trophy for finishing the story on any difficulty. | ||
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Smart and Resourceful Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Smart and Resourceful difficulty |
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See trophy “Deadly Obsession”. The difficulty-related trophies stack so if you beat it on the highest difficulty you will get this trophy too. | ||
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Rite of Passage Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Rite of Passage difficulty |
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See trophy “Deadly Obsession”. The difficulty-related trophies stack so if you beat it on the highest difficulty you will get this trophy too. | ||
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One with the Jungle Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on One with the Jungle difficulty |
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See trophy “Deadly Obsession”. The difficulty-related trophies stack so if you beat it on the highest difficulty you will get this trophy too. | ||
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Deadly Obsession Complete Shadow of the Tomb Raider on Deadly Obsession difficulty |
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You can earn this trophy in New Game+! This lets you keep all skills, money, inventory from your previous playthrough. If you do an easy playthrough first and find all collectibles you can import your maxed-out character and Deadly Obsession becomes a whole lot easier.
There are 4 difficulties in Shadow of the Tomb Raider:
For your first playthrough it is highly recommended that you play on easy. Keep Deadly Obsession for the second run. You wouldn’t be able to find the collectibles on this difficulty because you have no Survival Instinct so they cannot be marked. For 100% completion it is crucial that you play on easy so everything gets marked on the map for you. Then you have a maxed-out character with all skills and can import it in New Game+ for Deadly Obsession Difficulty. The hardest part about Deadly Obsession is not really the combat – because there are only very few enemy encounters – but rather the climbing without markers and puzzles without hints. If you haven’t done a playthrough before it would be very confusing where to go and what to do. The only hard fight is the endboss so come well prepared before passing the point of no return (which the game tells you when you get there). If you get stuck at any point, check out the Full Walkthrough or Story Puzzles Guide. What’s good is that beating Deadly Obsession unlocks the other difficulty-related trophies too (they stack). |
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Completionist Reach 100% completion |
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[Prior to patch 1.05 this trophy was glitched. It was fixed with patch 1.05].
Reaching 100% Completion in Shadow of the Tomb Raider requires you to find all 378 Collectibles, complete all Artifact Collections, finish all Side Quests, and do the 15 Challenges (each challenge has 3-5 objects so it’s well over 400 items total). None of them are missable! You can go back everywhere after the story. After beating the game go to the Main Menu and click “Continue”. Then you unlock base camps everywhere, including on the first map Cozumel that you could not go back to during the story. Now clean up everything in free-roam. It saves the progress instantly when you pick up an item, no need to find it again if you die. It is HIGHLY advised you do this on easy difficulty. Then you can use Survival Instinct to reveal all Collectibles near you. Constantly hit There are also some extremely helpful skill upgrades, all from the Seeker skill tree (Blue Color). Get these as early as possible:
Collectible Guides: » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Archivist Maps & Explorer Backpacks Locations » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: 100% Collectible Maps » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: Challenges Guide » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Challenge Tombs Walkthrough – Locations & Solutions » Shadow of the Tomb Raider: All Side Missions Walkthrough Below is an overview of all the collectible types in the game:
On the map you can filter out collectible types. This removes the clutter and makes it easier to keep track of what you’re still missing. Open the map press Note: Nothing from the dream sequence in Croft Manor (young Lara) is needed for 100%. That’s important because it’s the only area you can’t go back to. There’s a challenge there and some items but none of them count for trophies or completion. The artifact entries from the Croft Manor are unmissable automatic story unlocks from cutscenes. I didn’t collect anything in Croft Manor and got all trophies just fine. So don’t worry about these, if you missed them it doesn’t impact any trophies (they only give some XP but don’t count towards completion). Important: If you end up with some odd 99%, check your Artifacts Collection and make sure they are all completed! If you are stuck just before 100% that’s probably the reason why. Some Artifacts are from Side Quests, you must also do every single side quest in the game. Where to find the missing “Antique Knife” Artifact (Pantheon of the Gods Artifacts): Some people are at 87% in the Pantheon of the Gods Artifacts category. If that’s the case for you, the Antique Knife is probably what you’re missing. It’s from side quest “Investigate Sumaq’s Murder” in Paititi. It’s buried in the ground behind the house where you had to talk to the housemaid in the cage (where the murder happened and where all the blood is on the floor). Normally, the maid tells you of the knife during the quest and you need to dig it up. For some players the quest glitched and they could proceed without digging up the knife. You can still dig it up in the same spot behind the house after the quest is over. |
Special Thanks / Credits
Massive thanks to the following people for sending tips:
DrWixie = Providing a list of all challenges and a lot of other trophy info
Ranulfo Medeiros says
Hi. So i just want to know if it is possible to complete de Deadly Obsession run on new game +. I think it would be a little easy with the skills previously acquired. Thanks.
PowerPyx says
I haven’t tested this yet. I assume yes, the trophy description does not specify whether it has to be New Game or NG+. Will add the info to the guide within the next few days as soon as I know.
DrWixie says
It can continue to NG + and the skills will remain
Roger says
I can confirm that the Deadly Obsession difficulty trophy unlocks even on NG+, I did my first playthrough on hard and then NG+ on Deadly, and unlocked for me.
Akari says
Roger says
Thankx for confirm the NG+ unlock the trophy Deadly Obsession
And can u tell anther Thing please in Deadly Obsession if u die fighting with the final boss
the game starts again only with the boss or u need to pass everything from the begining make the plantaform part too ?
Roger says
If you die during the bossfight you have to redo the climbing part aswell, from last Base Camp.
Daniel says
A bit annoyed at the fact no enemies spawn after completing the main story since the first two games had enemies post completion. Deadly Obsession sounds pretty difficult since there are no checkpoints.
PowerPyx says
There are maybe 10-15 enemy encounters in the entire game and they are almost all stealth sections which you can beat without triggering combat. The story only takes 7h and due to the lack of combat it’s not too bad (only difficult parts are at the end of game). Plus there are also skills that let you slow down time and do multi-kills in stealth etc.
Daniel says
Due to the lack of combat I’m going to be making quite a few manual saves then just to be safe. Now that you’ve mentioned that, Deadly Obsession sounds a lot easier.
Francesco says
If Deadly Obsession is not that difficult combat-wise, why 5/10 then? Collectibles? How difficult can traversing be?
PowerPyx says
Because of a fight at the end of the game (on deadly obsession difficulty).
Edit: That said, if you were to do everything on Deadly Obsession from the start it would be 6/10 or 7/10 difficulty. Because then yes, the traversal & puzzles without markers, lack of checkpoints, and collectible gathering without survival instinct would be a nightmare. On 2nd run you already know where to go and what to do so it’s quite a bit easier and faster.
Scott says
When farming combat trophies do we need to make sure to restart checkpoint before killing the final enemy in an encounter or anything tricky like that? Sounds like a pretty limited number of encounters overall.
PowerPyx says
Yes correct, restart before the final enemy. Otherwise it triggers an autosave. I’ll clarify this in the guide, thanks for asking!
There are maybe 10-15 enemy encounters in the whole game so not a lot.
Felicity says
Sad to hear Deadly Obsession isn’t that hard…might not even get the game now.
What if I played Deadly Obsession on my first playthrough with zero upgrades?
Would it be hard then?
For skill reference I found Rise of the Tomb Raider’s Survivor Difficulty with upgrades to be quite easy
Jeremy says
I already started it on Deadly Obsession before I saw this. I also did Rise not long ago and played on Extreme Survivor as my first playthrough and I got all the collectibles and went through the story obviously without knowing what would happen next and it was fine.
And so far this game isn’t any different. It may be slightly more difficult with no survival instincts at all for collectibles, but they still get marked on your map when u find the reveal map so it’s not hard to just go to the spot.
So yeah it’s really not difficult and even if you don’t upgrade anything I don’t think you’ll really struggle that much.
Swarovski says
This is the first time that i read someone no getting a game because it’s not hard enough.
Now i have seen everything.
Daniel says
You have put “Last Known Position” twice in the missable list so that makes 14 missable not 15 ;)
PowerPyx says
Good spotting. Fixed, thanks!
Daniel says
Can you confirm if Eye of the Eagle, Scales of the Serpent & Heart of the Warrior skills are unlocked from doing challenge tombs or are they story unlocks? Thanks.
Bruno says
Can you switch difficulties even if you start on Hard? I wanted to start on Hard(not very hard ofc) do the story and then switch to easy to mop up. Is it possible? Thanks
Quapmocka says
Just want to confirm if it is doable to do the playthrough backwards? Play on Deadly Obsession first and play just for the story and for fun, then next playthrough / NG+ on Easy or Normal to do all collectables, etc. I did this with Shadow of the Colossus and it was great.
PowerPyx says
Sure, that works too! It’s a bit harder this way but totally fine to do
Mike says
Hello! Thank you so much for your guide, it was really helpful to help me find the last challenge I was missing.
I wanted to ask something regarding the artifacts collections. Are there any items that count towards the artifacts collection but are not collectables? The thing is I already have every area at 100% and even obtained the completionist trophy, and yet, one of my artifact sets is currently at 87%, which means I didn’t get the Dr. Croft trophy. Do you think this was a glitch?
Not sure if it will help or not, but this set in question is the Pantheon of the Gods, which for me includes 7 artifacts.
PowerPyx says
From the top of my head, maybe you need to beat the last mission again because some artifacts are from the story.
I’ll look into this more tomorrow but if you figure it out sooner please report back what it was.
Mike says
Is it possible to replay the last mission? I can’t seem to find any way to do it.
If this was not a glitch, then only two things come to mind. The first is there are several murals you can inspect throughout the game and don’t count towards collectables, but maybe count as artifacts? The second is something you mentioned on your guide. You mentioned that there is a challenge and items in the Croft Manor dream. I know for certain I didn’t do the challenge, and I think I also didn’t collect any items either. Maybe there’s something here that counts for artifact collections? Again, this is me just speculating. It’s really the only trophy (Dr. Croft) I need for the platinum trophy.
PowerPyx says
About last mission, forget that. Can’t be replayed after all, the quest giver I saw there was a side quest not main.
What items do you currently have in “Pantheon of the Gods” category? Will help narrow down the missing one.
Mike says
The items I have in the Pantheon of the Gods category are Bloodletter, Deadly Earth Mother, Gold Mask, Mask of Tezcatlipoca, The Winged Serpent, Tlaloc Vase, and Lord and Lady of the Dead.
Donski says
Chiming in here because I’m in the same boat. I really think one of the things Lara interacts with (but doesn’t qualify as a collectible) might be what’s missing. I’m at 87 percent on Pantheon of the Gods despite having the 100 percent achievement.
Here’s what I have in the Pantheon of the Gods story:
Deadly Earth Mother
Gold Mask
Mask of Tezcatlipoca
The Winged Serpent
Tlaloc Vase
Lord and Lady of the Night
If someone could help identify which one I’m missing, it might help pinpoint where it’s hiding.
Crylhound 83 says
Mike, you are missing the antique knife. Sadly, I cant remember where I have found it. Its probably from the San Juan area
Mike says
Thank you for that information
It should help out figure out if collectables are glitching or if there are certain items that don’t count as collectables.
Seeing as I am missing the exact same item as Donski, I am going to assume that there items that don’t count as collectables. Will wait for further details on this. Played the game on the Deadly Obsession and finding items is just a pain in this difficulty :/
Crylhound 83 says
I have found a collectable guide at IGN but the guide only covers until The hidden city so far. I have checked the pictures. The missing item has to be in san juan (or later). It could also be an Item found inside a treasure chest.
Roger says
It’s the Antique Knife as the above poster confirmed, and from the look of it, you don’t get it from relic pickups atleast, I’m still researching if it’s from a treasure chest or a story item.
Got the same bug myself and missing the exact same item.
PowerPyx says
Antique Knife is from side quest “Widow’s Tears” in Paititi (the murder investigation). You can’t miss it during that quest, it’s a mandatory pickup.
Roger says
Thats PowerPyx, however, the Knife is NOT mandatory for completing the quest, I completed it without picking up the knife.
But for the good part, I was able to go back after the quest was complete to dig up the Knife which unlocked the trophy, so again, thanks!
PowerPyx says
Hah interesting. I’ll make a note if it in the guide then, but at least it’s not missable so that’s good. Thanks for confirming!
Roger says
The sequence I did that quest in was:
Found Note before talking to any of the NPCs
Went inside the house, and talked/inspected everything.
When prompted to find another way to talk to the maid, i just jumped up the ledge and talked to their neighbour, that prompted I had enough evidence and could talk to the investigator/guard.
That way I never had to talk to the maid in person/nor find the knife.
Anyway, the good part about it as I said in previous post is that it seems you can go back and pick the items up as long as you can figure out what item you are missing.
Mike says
Thank you PowerPyx! I can also confirm that the antique knife is not mandatory and I was able to obtained it even after the side mission was complete. Finally got the platinum trophy
Now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense why I didn’t obtain it because this side mission glitched for me. I was able to complete it without doing anything. I just started the mission, talked to the guy that was assumed had commited the murder, talked to the guard and the mission was complete without doing anything else.
Hopefully this will help out more people.
Andrew Ps4 Gamer says
Thx for the guide PowerPyx bro :D you are doing an awesome job!
Squall says
Hey Pyx, great guide,
Two questions, I can’t seem to find these turkeys, I’ve tried quick traveling in out of where you vid says to go and they’re not there
Secondly, I seem to be stuck at 12/13 documents for Peruvian Jungle, I haven’t beaten the game yet so I’m hoping you get the last one that way. Can you confirm this?
PowerPyx says
Collectible Maps with all locations will be up tomorrow.
When I went to the turkey spot I had already beaten the story. For me they ALWAYS spawn there without exception. Check after story and let me know if they spawn then.
Squall says
Completed the game all areas 100% Games says I’m 99% completed,
Went to ruined tower, turkeys weren’t there.
PowerPyx says
Are you on patch 1.03? That’s the most current one and what I had installed when this worked for me. I hadn’t picked up any collectibles, hadn’t done any side missions, finished only the story when I went there.
Run around the tower for a bit, they should come out of the plants (they hide in there until you move closer).
Squall says
Yep, game is updated to 1.03
I’ll see if any come out of the bushes,
Did you have an issue when reaching 100% in all areas being stuck at 99%?
For artifacts I’m at 90% for Lara’s Notebook, 83% for Expedition Unknown and 88% for The Resistance.
Not sure why.
Squall says
Turkeys refuse to spawn, bought every gun upgraded them all to max, nothing I seem to do will let my game progress go higher than 99.88% complete. Is it bugged for me?
Mackdaddyt9 says
I to am stuck at 99.87% with every map at 100%. No 100% trophy for me
Markoliini says
Any update on the percentage issues? Having the same problem.
Khalid says
Yup they didn’t spawn for me either I tried that after beating the story fast travelled back and forth nothing! Maybe we wait till next thanksgiving lol. I lost hope in this game I think I will wait till they patch it I don’t wanna even try the hard difficulty with such glitches!
Crylhound 83 says
If the turkeys don’t spawn it might be connected to that NPC near the river who said “Its too quiet. you can’t hear any animals because a jaguar is around.” You should try to talk that NPC (and kill the jaguar nearby). Maybe that will lhe turkeys spawn.
nieraas says
I can’t seem to find the jaguar. I’ve talked to the guy and it’s marked on my map but I cant find it.
Lam says
Where can I find the merchant that sells the rope ascender post game? She is not showing on the map!
PowerPyx says
I just updated the posts for Lockpick Location / Rope Ascender Location (as linked in the Roadmap). Her location after story is now in there, let me know if that works for you.
Lam says
I have looked at the puddle place she’s not there. I’ve seen your comment on YouTube about the market and San Juan but she’s not there either.
Matthias says
Can you please help me with the trophy: Made to Endure.
I did it the same way as in your description, slowly I assume that this trophy is banned.
And a second question, you can put on Difficulty Trophy shortly before the final on hard to get the trophy?
Thank you
Greeting Matthias
Crylhound 83 says
Do takedowns, normal kills wont work. For exsmple, the german translation is wrong. It says “kill 10 enemies”
Matthias says
Thank you.
Can you help me by the trophy, Gunslinger?
I’m near the end
Crylhound 83 says
I did it at the second recommended location. If you are near the end you should still find small groups. If you are past the point of no return (talked to etzli in the cave) where you group up with the creepy cave guys, it might be too late. Start a new game after you have finished your first run until you reach the recommended location.
Ad says
the collectable is full of bugs like every tomb raider game ???
Daniel says
For the “Made to Endure” trophy, the skill “Heart of the Jaguar” is needed but you have wrote “Heart of the Warrior”
Markoliini says
Could anyone help me out? :c I have completed every area in the game…. It say 100% in each region, yet my game is stuck at 99.54%
MaxiLazaar says
I have the same! I’m desperate, I do not know what to do. All areas are 100% complete. But for some reason, some collections are not completed. Is this a bug for me?
Markoliini says
I really don’t know… It’s driving me insane already. Tried like everything but no luck. Seemed to be working for other people… I wonder what we are doing wrong. Just let me know if you figured out something :D
Mackdaddyt99 says
Seem to have some bugs preventing completion?
spncryn says
Which collection under Artifacts have you not completed?
Markoliini says
I actually miss quite a lot.
1. Path of the stars (87%) :
– Hidden City Riddle
– Hydra Constellation
– Maya Date
– Key of Chak Chel
– Path of the Hidden City
– Silver Statuette
– Stone Cup
2. Lara’s Notebook (81%) :
– Trinity Badge
– Doctor Dominguez
– Ix Chel and Chak Chel
– The Silver Box of Ix Chel
– The Cult of Kukulkan
– Queen Unuratu
– Amaru
– Jonah Maiava
– Commander Rourke
3. Angel de la Cruz (71%) :
– De la Cruz Leaves
– Journal of T. Serrano 11
– Journal of T. Serrano 12
– Journal of T. Serrano 13
– Wheel-lock Pistol
4. Patheon of Gods (87%) :
– Bloodletter
– Deadly Earth Mother
– Gold Mask
– Mask of Tezcatlipoca
– The Winged Serpent
– Tlaloc Vase
– Lord and Lady of the Dead
5. The Ressistance (88%) :
– In Name Only
– Resist!
– Inti Statuette
– Reconnaissance
– The Prophecy
– Mama Quilla Mask
– Protection
– Copper Mace
6. Homecoming (83%) :
– Awaits
– Bound to Wonder
– The Hills Are Alive
– Crucified Figure
– Devils in the Dark
7. Myth, Magic and Monsters (87%) :
– Airplane
– Flight Log
– A Haunting
– Plastic Penguin
– Sisimite
– Yaaxil
– Elongated Skull
8. Trinity (90%) :
– End Times
– Operation Update
– The Truth
– Map of Search Areas
– Site Scrubbed
– Scouring the Globe
– Temple Survey
– Croft Report
– Not Yet?
Any help will be appreciated…. Replaying the whole game right now and praying that it will work on a different playthrough. *sigh*
Jamescush147 says
Hey Markoliini I’ve that very same list of missing items. :D And I just 100% all maps today. Glitched. Glitched. Glitched.
Here’s hoping a patch o New Game + will fix those.
Markoliini says
Just finished the game again on NG+… Now it’s stuck at 98% instead of 99%. Guess we should just wait for a patch. Not to mention that now I’m missing other collections… It’s just all glitched out. So I wouldn’t bother with collecting everything all over again before the update.
Matthew says
I must be delusional, but how in the world do you manual save? I dont see an option. I know when you sit at fire and leave it saves. But how can i do it manually like mentioned? Guide states to save prior to using skill points to farm but after i allocate them it auto saves when i leave fire? I dont see how your creating seperate saves?! Please help?!
PowerPyx says
Pause Menu > Change Save Slot
Matthew says
Ok thanks! I saw that. However I assumed there would be your typical manual save like menu if you will. So to be clear you just bounce back and forth between saves? I.e. Prior to sitting down at fire, switch and make two saves. Then sit down at said fire, use skill points…farm..then go back out to main menu and load old save? That sounds insanely convoluted. Am I misunderstanding something or do you really have to do all that? Thanks for any and all help!! Much appreciated
Ali says
I have the glich trophy problem. I used some of my old save and I found out it can recognise some of my missing item when I got them before last mission. I loaded up some of those save and I got some of those collectable items. I got 100% complete trophy but still I couldnt get the all artifact
I was wandering how they wanna solve and patch this problem? we must play it again and collect all item again ?
spncryn says
Great guide, thanks so much for posting this!
I was wondering if anyone had a full list of artefacts for Conquerors? Currently, I’m at 87% on it, and 99% completion overall; I’ve gotten 100% completion in all the main areas, so I suspect it’s an unmarked object. The ones I have so far are:
First Contact
A King’s Ransom
Slave Collar
Captain’s Note
Struggle for Power
Rusty Sword
Mike says
You are missing the ‘Missionary Work ‘ artefact. Can’t remember where I got it though, but hopefully it will help.
spncryn says
Thanks! Maybe someone else will know where it is, but knowing which one I’m missing is a good start either way!
Quink666 says
I have picked up the archivist map in peruvian jungle but it doesnt show the documents at all.
Quink666 says
It only shows the 11/13 that i have already picked up. Is there perhaps another Arxhivist map in Peruvian Jungle?
PowerPyx says
Check the archivist map in the crypt top left corner of Peruvian Jungle.
Quink666 says
That did the trick! That one showed the 2 last documents aswell as the chest. Finally got 100% in that region. Thanks!
Carlos Matos says
Hey guys can u tell me a thing i have a huge doubt
if in my first playtrought i play on easy and in NG+ i play in deadly Obsession the trophy count ?
And if i make a speedrun in the first playtrought in deadly Obsession only make the main objectives i have any opportunity to kill the boss or is extremly difficult
Best Regards
Carlos Matos
Pait says
Hi, can I just get confirmation if this would work – playing the story on easiest or medium difficulty, collecting stuff etc… and then if I changed the difficulty to the hardest right before I trigger final mission/boss would the trophy for deadly obsession unlock? Or does it have to be the whole game played on D.O?
PowerPyx says
No, doesn’t work, there’s no option to switch to deadly obsession.
Carlos Matos says
Do u know if u play the first playtrouhght on easy and the second in NG+ on deadly obsession the trophy pop
Mort says
do you get enough skill points to upgrade all three catogories?
Ditz says
Do the collectibles in the Croft Manor count towards the 100% Completionist trophy?
Does the Deadly Obsession trophy unlock if it is played in NG+?
Are there enough skill points to purchase all trophy-necessary skills and to fill an entire skill section?
spncryn says
According to others, the Croft Manour collectibles don’t count, although i can’t attest to this personally (since I collected all of them, but am apparently glitched out of the 100% in general).
Deadly Obsession does unlock in NG+.
There are definitely enough skill points to max out at least one section, and most of the other two trees in one playthrough assuming you collect everything. At worst, you can just carry over your progress to NG+; I’ve actually been able to max out the entire tree on my second run, so you’ll definitely be fine!
And808 says
Hi. I got the trophy for 100% completion in all areas, but not the ‘Dr. Croft’ trophy for all artifacts. I’m 80% in the Artifact Collection ‘A Community in Need’.
I have four items under it:
– A Proverb
– Fuel for the Future
– Trinity’s Offer
– Family Tree
Can someone help me figure this out? Anybody complete that particular collection and can list your items in it so I can cross-check.
I’m afraid this bug or glitch will block my platinum.
Thanks in advance.
Mike says
You are missing the “Copal” artifact. Not sure where I got it, but hopefully it will help you narrow down its location
And808 says
Ok thank you, that helps a little. If only I knew its exact location, lol.
spncryn says
Copal’s in Kuwaq Yaku, in a treasure chest in the southeast underwater. If you have the base camp Jungle Cliffs unlocked, travel there, then it should be directly north from you; dive underwater and go towards a crack in the rocks, and then swim to the end of the opening.
And808 says
I went back and checked. I got it. The chest is open and its icon is greyed-out. The item didn’t register in the artifacts menu. Which means I’d have to start another playthrough and collect everything again. Which I might not have in me. This blows, lol. Thanks for the help.
PowerPyx says
Man that sucks to hear :/
I can also confirm what spncryn said is correct, the Copal is in that treasure chest in Kuwaq Yaku.
So this is glitchy indeed. There are some folks with 100% completion but 4 artifacts missing from their collection. And some have glitched monoliths where the treasure cannot be dug up. So many glitches.
And808 says
Well, the missing trophy inexplicably popped during my NG+ Deadly Obsessions run. I wasn’t even collecting an artifact. Got the plat. I wouldn’t rely on this though. Be thorough the first time through and check if each artifact entry is showing up in the menu log. Also keep backup saves to fall back on just in case.
ChaosTheory says
To everyone who is having problems finding the rope ascender and lockpick women, I finally found her! She was in Kuwaq Yaku, in the right side of the map, next to a mural and to an “hunting ground” basecamp (idk the exact name because my game is not in english)
She may also be in the water poddles section in the Hidden City like PowerPyx said or in the San Juan Mission (as some people have reported it)
It appears she cycles through the open world sections, as I believe I found her after the mission, in the water poddles and finally in Kuwaq Yaku. Hope this helps somebody!
Khalid says
Thanks for this amazing guide as always! I hate Tomb Raider with glitches all the time!! Good Samaritan is glitched! I finished 8 side missions and didn’t pop up! Also The Shampion’s Bow mission isn’t working with me I spoke with Sid and the mission isn’t showing in my map I went to the exact place “watched a YouTube guied” and there is no gap in the wall to cross! The third one: one monolith in Mission of San Juan where you have to swim and find it around those rock like a turtle no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t collect it! It’s annoying when you finish 94% of the game and such things happen!
Vets says
I am also glitched on the good samaritan. Also I cant get turkeys to spawn
boogledavid says
Good samaritan glitched on me too. However, after finishing the side quest of “Nahual” it suddenly popped up.
ChaosTheory says
Can someone confirm if the Croft Manor challenge counts towards the 100% completion ?
There isn’t anyway to go back there after finishing the game, is it?
Please help… I need to know if its worth continue to collect collectibles, I am at 81% right now, but there’s no point in continue if I will end with 99% or something…
PowerPyx says
Doesn’t count
ChaosTheory says
Thanks PowerPyx, you’re the best!
Lee Clarke says
Can anyone tell me what I am missing from the Lara’s notebook in the artifacts menu. I’m currently on 90%. I think I need 1 more for the Dr. Croft trophy!
I currently have:
Trinity Badge
Doctor Dominguez
IX Chel and Chak Chel
The Silver Box of IX Chel
The Cult of Kukulkan
Queen Unuratu
Jonah Maiava
Commander Rourke
Andres Lopez
spncryn says
You’re missing The Crimson Fire; I think though that it’s possible your game is glitched, given that Lara’s Notebook is filled automatically with story progression (i think?)
Majoreasykill says
Thats a knife glitched for me. I bought the knife upgrade and i have done the side quest and the trophy hasnt unlocked
PowerPyx says
What’s your story progress? I don’t recall any upgrades for the story but I had already beaten the story when I did this.
MrHribi says
Same here. I did the mission first (during the story) and bought it afterwards. No trophy.
MrHribi says
I did the mission again on NG+ and now I got it.
Matthew says
Great guide! Still working on through myself. My question is, I’m afraid to spend skill points bc the trophies tied to specific ones ( I know about the save/reload method of farming) my question is in the in between what other skills would be recommended to have and if there is a preferred skill tree route etc. Should I wait to spend them once I get all the kill related trophies? Thanks!!
PowerPyx says
I’d recommend a few of the blue ones that help with survival instinct / seeing challenge objects etc.
Only the cheap ones that help exploration. Then start saving skill points for combat trophies. Don’t buy any of the green/red skills other than for combat trophies. When you’re done farming for a trophy, reload a save slot from earlier to get skill points back and farm the next skill.
PowerPyx says
Completionist & Dr. Croft are both glitched in multiple ways
(last checked with patch 1.03)
Some Artifacts don’t register in the Artifacts menu, thus getting players stuck at some odd 99%.
Some Monoliths can glitch out, there’s no treasure to dig up and it doesn’t work in NG+ either (seems to happen most often with The Hidden City monoliths).
Some people have reported having 100% completion but no trophy popped.
I advise waiting for a patch.
MrHribi says
I can confirm that. Every area is at 100% but neither of the aforementioned trophies pop. Overall it says 99,88%.
TABEAYO19 says
try this, examine all the artifacts that you have in your menu. But I do not know if it works
Mackdaddyt99 says
I’m missing 2 i think
Angel de La Cruz
: Arrives
: Leaves
: Journal 10
: Journal 11
: Journal 12
: Journal 13
: ?
Handmade Dolls
: Primitive Doll
: Primitive Doll
: Primitive Doll
: Primitive Doll
: ?
Anyone know the one missing from de La Cruz? I’m assuming the missing doll is near beginning?
Khalid says
For Angel De La Cruz you’re missing Wheel-Lock Pistol. Sorry I can’t remember where I got it!
Dave says
Hey, i have question when you get all skills on your first play and then do NG+ can you do all combat trophies on first enemy pack or should i try and get in on my first play? thanks.
Angry Raider says
I got all the combat trophies on my first playthrough.
I played it on hard but didn’t get the hard trophy :\ must’ve been because I messed with the puzzle difficulty a few times that it blocked the trophy overall
Keith says
Just a heads up but “That’s a Knife” trophy may be missable/possibly glitched. I bought the upgrade from the merchant, after doing the Hartan side-quest and the trophy didn’t pop. Can’t confirm this but has anybody else had this happen?
Looks like I have to do it on my Deadly Obsession run
John says
Same happened to me.
Firedemon says
I did this in the correct order and I also didn’t get the trophy.
WatertownsFinest says
Hey powerpyx, any update on whether you need the flashback stuff? i missed the items and im hearing very mixed things on the subject
Noizeconstructor says
“Good Samaritan” is glitched. Did 9+ side missions – no trophy.
Pexego says
Dont worry. I have an 99,88% artifact bugged playthrough but good samaritan unlocked when i finished all secondary quest.
Vets says
Hey same here. I got 9/11 side missions. I dont know what my other 2 are that I am missing.
Noizeconstructor says
“Good Samaritan” is glitched.
Did 9+ side missions… no trophy.
TABEAYO19 says
try this, examine all the artifacts that you have in your menu. But I do not know if it works
nieraas says
how can you collect the treasure chest in paititi which is under water??
Khalid says
From under water there’s an opening somewhere south between those woods close to the chest. you can find a survival cashe as well once you get it you can swim a bit inside and find the chest
Khalid says
Can anyone confirm if I have all artifacts under Myth, Magic and Monsters it says (87%). I have these:
– Airplane
– Flight Log
– A Haunting
– Plastic Penguin
– Sisimite
– Yaaxil
– Elongated Skull
Also the Nahual mission is glitched so is the trophy for finishing 8 side missions. And that damn monolith in San Juan. So basically, 4 trophies I can’t get
Vets says
Hey same here. I got 9/11 side missions. I dont know what my other 2 are that I am missing.
nieraas says
I’ve beat the game today but I’m currently working on my 100% completion. If I wanna start NG+ which skills do cary over? The ones I’ve got in my 100% completion or everything before I’ve finished the story?
PowerPyx says
All skills carry over. Everything you have at the time you start NG+. So if you do 100% first and buy skills you get to keep them all.
nieraas says
How do people get the “better equipped” trophy? Can’t find any merchants to sell stuff, I’ve bought one upgrade for my bow but I cant find any other
Angry Raider says
So I completed the game on hard mode but didn’t get the trophy for it! Wtf? Is it cos I switched the difficulty for puzzles like 2-3 times? I’m so angry! I spent 95% of game on hard mode to not get the trophy.
Markoliini says
Probably :/ It usually works like that. Some games have a more clear description of difficulty trophies… Like ‘beat the game on Hard without changing the difficulty’ I bet it didn’t pop for you cuz you’ve changed midway.
ChaosTheory says
Wow just collected all the collectibles to find that my game is glitched… What can I do now? I’m stuck at 99.40% with 100% on all areas…
Nkolas says
Same here. I guess wh have to wait for an update/ fix and hope that we don’t have to collet everything all over again when it’s fixed
nieraas says
I can’t seem to find 11 camps at Paititi? It says 10/11 but I have even more base camps, like 13 in that area? I’m so confused
Linkdevivo says
No matter what i do the “made to endure” trophy won’t pop. I’ve tried killing them by melee takedowns, by stealth, by gunfire, by melee without takedowns (gunning them enough for a single swipe kill), but nothing works. have killed over one hundred enemies. help me powerpyx you’re my only hope
PowerPyx says
Try this:
1) Go to PS4 Settings – Application Saved Data Mangement – Back up your Tomb Raider Save Games tob USB or PS+ Cloud (if you use cloud, make sure auto-upload is disabled so it doesn’t overwrite the stored save)
2) Uninstall the game
3) Reinstall it, download the patches again
4) When done, redo the trophy requirement (some games delete your saves when deleting the game. If it removed your saves you need to copy them back where you backed them up in Step 1).
Sometimes something goes wrong during the trophy set installation. Reinstalling the game often helps fixing isolated trophy bugs. If it doesn’t work, repeat once more and farm some extra kills. For me it popped on my 10th Triangle Stealth Kill.
Firedemon says
Oh god. I didn’t farm for Total Party Kill and now I’m at the point of no return. I’m screwed, aren’t I?
Firedemon says
My issue was there were no poison darts to craft for the rest of the game however if NG+ works like it should, can I just start a new game and earn the remaining three of my Friendly Fire kills at the start?
Khalid says
I think you can still do it there are a few encounters ahead try that hopefully it works for you
Firedemon says
Ok!!! I see! I had no idea about the Owl skill to catch spiders for dart poison. I went to a challenge tomb that Powerpyx noted for catching 20 critters and got spiders and went through the no return point and got it through farming. Thank you! Now I can worry about these glitchy collectables…
Andrew Ps4 Gamer says
Hey Pyx, and fellow trophy hunters.
I am missing some artifacts,
THE RESISTANCE 88% stuck. I have –
Also LARAS NOTE BOOK 90% COMPLETE – I don’t know what im missing here.
any help would be greatly appreciated,
it’s all i need for platinum.
Khalid says
In The Resistance you’re missing Unuratu’s Amulet and I believe you will get it automatically at the last stage of the story. For Lara’s Notebook you didn’t say what you have. I dunno you might get the last once you finish the story I am not sure.
Aleriah says
So my friend and I have completed all the maps on 100%, but we are lacking some of the artifacts for the Dr. Croft Collection. I’ve read the past comments in this post about said achievement, as well as other sites saying it is glitched. However, went my friend and I went back to Cozumel, it was not the gold mask we received in the treasure chest, such as various guides suggest. We both have all the other artifacts in “Pantheon of the Gods” except that one.
The following gyazo video shows the ones we both have:
Hopefully, someone can shed some light on this?
Imran says
I got the 100% completionist. Dr croft is glitched im missing things from. Path of the stars, laras notebook, resistance , and two other artifacts. Any help would b appreciated
Khalid says
I think I was just lucky enough to get 3 glitched trophies altogether
– Dr. Croft (I was just missing one which happened to be from finishing the side mission “The Champion’s Bow which was glitched with me bedore)
– Beast of Legend
– Good Samaritan
What I did was:
I deleted the application, started the game without updating to patch 1.03. I was at the Skull Cave trying to trigger the side quest to defeat the Nahual but it didn’t work like many times before. I went offline and talked to him again it WORKED! I was like ? so I defeated the Nahual and the first trophy to pop was Dr. Croft then after the scene I got the other 2 trophies!
Now, what really prevents me from getting Completionist (last trophy) is the only Moonlith in San Juan! It’s crazy when you see it glowing under water and it’s the only thing you need but you can’t dig it up ? Let’s hope after reinstalling the patch it works!
ChaosTheory says
Does the new patch fix the glitched trophies?
Markoliini says
There’s no new patch just yet.
Martijn says
I had trouble to spawn the turkeys. I fast traveled to the right camp a dozen times but no luck. Then I read that if you are at the correct camp just close the game with the ps button. Then start game again and the turkeys will spawn when you are near the bush.
Thank god no trophies glitched for me. I had them glitch out on Rise of the Tomb Raider. Got 100% there but not the one for completing all side quest
So thankfull this one didn’t glitch out on me
C says
This worked perfectly, thanks.
Imran says
A follow up to Dr croft glitched trophy , i had about 6 artifacts missing . I started new game plus collecting everything again, i got to the first trial and it randomly popped. And i also contacted eidos monteal and they are aware of the problem
onebadmatty says
Don’t suppose you could post Eidos Montreal’s reply ?
Imran says
They basically said sorry for the problems u r having, we r aware of the problem . And to contact square enix and share your save file. I was gonna share the save file but the trophy popped so if anyone has a glitched save file they can contact square enix and do that
Shahin says
I don’t think ‘that’s a knife’ trophy is permanently glitched as mentioned. I did the side mission first without knowing the glitch and then upgraded the knife and the trophy unlocked just fine so I’m guessing im one of the lucky few to unlock it doing it this way?
PowerPyx says
Interesting. Based on the reports here, those who did not get the trophy did the side mission first and then bought the vendor upgrade. Thanks for the info, then apparently it doesn’t always glitch this way, just has a high glitch chance.
Imran says
Another follow up. i had 5 sets of artifact stories incomplete . In new game plus i finished 5 sets of artifact stories and thats when i got the trophy Dr croft.
Qasim says
Can u help me please I earned the completionist trophy but the trophy for Dr.croft it didn’t pop up to me and when I check the artifacts page it shown pantheon of God’s is 87% how I can make it 100%
Imran says
U r missing the knife from the side quest
Qasim says
So what I should do now
Imran says
Read some of the comments above pyx has wrote how to get it
Qasim says
Thx Imran but please if u don’t have solution don’t answer again
Qasim says
I play new game +
And After I finish the cross station puzzle and swimming to go out the Dr.croft trophy pop up to me I don’t know why but it is great
Qasim says
And the pantheon of God’s 2 is 12%
Qasim says
For me also I take the ball and hit the target in garden and complete the challenge there I don’t know really if there is common between what I missed and this
juan camilo says
hello, what artifacts have in the category “‘inside”, I have:
1. Arrow
2. warning
3. expedition report
4. wooden rifle
5. helmet
I have the game at 99%, and all zones at 100%. I feel frustrated.
Powepyx, thanks for everything, greetings from Colombia
Ray says
Hi guys can anyone help me I am missing the artifact Crumbling from the Exodus collection but every part of the map is 100% complete does anyone know how I can get this?
Rabbs says
I just spent 6+ Hours on trying different combination from a save at 89%(before last mission) , None worked. Always stuck at last either 1 or 2 items
I had at least 3 cache, 3 mural, 2 relic, 2 monolith and a chest. I have tried nearly all combination. 20+ some example-
– If 2 monolith is last, cant collect
– if mural/relic is last, not added to artifact
– collected all then played last mission, last two mission artifact is not added
– cache dont matter
My theory, there is an extra item(s) that makes the artifact counter stop early.
Dev need to fix it.
twistedloki says
For That’s A Knife, I think I figured out how to tell if you’re glitched. In the inventory screen, if you see TWO knives instead of just one then you’re glitched. I just had this happen to me and I noticed I had 2 knives there. I did it again on a different save and after upgrading, there was only ONE knife there. Still not sure what causes the glitch but thought this might be helpful.
Mario says
I had the glitch as so many others here, but I’m pretty sure I found a workaround, that may help.
I think the game starts to glitch only after you return to Paiti before the last main story Mission. Which should mean that you cannot do anything wrong before that.
At that state a had collected everything in any region including the challenges.
Only the 2 left hidden crypts (wild jungle entrance & abandoned city) were untouched.
I think you cannot enter them before the return to Paiti – so this could be the same for every Player and therefore there’s no need to control any collectible before that. If not, simply left the two for the end!
With the two crypts also the last 2 challenge collectibles are still unchecked, what might be the key to the Workaround.
The challenges count only for the Completionist but not for Dr. Croft.
So what I did from there is to collect only the parts relevant for the artifact completion first, and in an order that every story was completed, before I completed the next.
With only the 2 crypts left you should have the following unfinished categories:
Lara 90%
Pantheon of the Gods 75%
The Resistance 88%
Metamorphosis 88%
Resting Places 75%
Pantheon of the Gods could be higher, that depends if you got the knife of the side quest before that point, which counts only for the completion to that artifact Story, but not as a collectible.
So I concentrated to close Pantheon of the Gods first:
I still needed the knife, so I did that side quest. Which meant 87% percent.
Last step to close that story is entering one of the two last crypts (I don’t remember which is which, but the one where you can find also two salvage caches)
Don’t take the caches or open the crypt – ONLY take the little crate on the left after a long dive right beside the final entrance to the crypt, where you have to squeeze between many corpses – Story completed.
Now go to the other crypt and take the scroll right next to the mural.
With that you complete Metamorphosis 100%
Now go to the mural nearby with that you have 87% for Resting Places
Now go back to the other crypt and look at the last mural, with that you complete Resting Places 100% – leave the crypt and don’t open it!
Next step is to start the last main story – you get the amulet first and with that 100% for The Resistance. After the creatures open the great gate you get the crimson fire and Dr. Croft should finally pop.
After you are back in Paiti you can collect the rest and end any open side quest for the Completionist – here you don’t have to follow any special order.
I really hope that works for everyone!!!
Alengye says
So after back to paititi and about to do final mission, finish the collection in your order and finish story, that will not cause the artifact lost? finish everything beside two crypt at which story stage?
Inusasha83 says
ok the crypt in the wild jungle, unfortunately I have already. The other is not. I hope that works anyway.
BodyChipper says
For Last Known Position, you can definitely do this with the same enemy 10 times without restarting the checkpoint. I just achieved this trophy during the Path of the Living story quest outside of Kuwaq Yaku. Once getting into the temple you have to swim under water to proceed and upon surfacing you are faced with about 5 or 6 enemies, all but one of which you can kill from the water. Kill all but that one, and then alert him and swim to the other side of the area under water, he’ll search, rinse and repeat.
Nishith says
guys all artifacts not glitched…just complete the game last main mission and after u will get some artifacts automatically…glitch is 13th side mission…so don’t panic and finish the game…if u can able to do last 13th side mission then Platinum is yours otherwise u have to wait for next patch…
thanks…from Nishith (India)
Rabbs says
Follow Up from my previous post, The trophy Dr. Croft Popped up.
I started a New Game Plus from the save where two artifact was missing related to last mission, when reached midway through last mission it just popped up.
Theory- This mean NG+ add to the collection from previous playthrough, if you can track what you missed and collect it in NG+ , probably work.
Hopefully someone can confirm.
Ray says
Hi the way in think it works or worked for me at least, I was missing one artifact from the Exodus collection so I started a new game plus and when i got to the Peruvian jungle I completed one artifact set there and that un-glitched the trophy for me. I think you have to complete as many sets in the new game plus as you needed In your original game doesn’t actually matter which ones you complete.
bkodenkt says
I can confirm this on PS4. I had one collection incomplete in my first playthrough, i.e. the document ‘Resist’ was missing from the ‘The Resistance’ collection. It’s in the Knochenhöhle hideout and I verified having picked it up multiple times.
So then I started a NG+ and once I had completed my first collection other than (!) ‘The White Queen’ collection the trophy popped.
Seems that the number of overall completed collections is counted for the ‘Dr. Croft’ trophy to be triggered. The White Queen is not included in this count, as it seems, since all the items get added to your collections anyways regardless whether you actually pick them up at the mansion or not.
Sadly, this still didn’t fix the glitch on my ‘Completionist’ trophy
I picked up the document that didn’t register in my first playthrough, it registered on the NG+ collection, but the trophy didn’t pop up. So I assume that for ‘Completionist’ the number of picked up AND CORRECTLY REGISTERED relics is calculated and reset for each newly started game.
Sofianos says
So, just completed the main story, everything on the map is 100%, but for the artifact collections, i’m actually missing a LOT:
Lara: 90%
Day in the Life of the Inca: 83%
Day in the Life of a Paititian: 57%
The Resistance: 66%
Metamrphosis: 88%
Myth, Magic & Monsters: 87%
I have collected every single piece of artifact on the map, all treasure chests, EVERYTHING, but still nothing.
For Lara i’m sure i’m missing the Crimson Fire, but other than that i have no clue. Does anyone know anything on how to unglitch this, or should i wait for the next patch?
Sofianos says
Also forgot to mention that the game is at 99.28% completed
Keith says
Personally, I’d wait for a patch. Chances are, you’re gonna have to do another playthrough if Rise of the Tomb Raider is any indication
Trollcsika says
For those who stuck at 99.xx%: in my case the solution was cozumel region. You cannot see this region on the usual map. So if you have 100% on all maps it doesn’t mean that you have completed Cozumel. You can check that region focusing on the world map just above the regional map. You can give it a try.
Keith says
I’ve beaten the game THREE times now and now my world completion is stuck at 98.75% with all areas at 100%. Has anyboby heard anything for developers about any patches in the works? I enjoyed the game, but playing through it for a fourth time in the HOPES that nothing glitches out is not something I am looking forward to.
Nkolas says
I contacted Square and they told me that the developers are aware of the problem and are currently working on a fix. However they said that they can’t guarantee that the achievement will pop after the fix automatically – meaning that we might need to complete the game again.
I would advise to wait until said patch drops.
Firedemon says
This isn’t constructive but the final boss is kicking my ass on Deadly Obsession. I have only been able to land three hits out of five (why, God, does it have to be five???)
My biggest issue is I don’t have enough health berries but also being knocked off the platform isn’t helping either. Going on my 8th try now. This platinum means a lot to me and I’m gonna do my best to get it but, good God, is it crushing my soul…
Firedemon says
I finally platinumed this. If I could give any tips, as someone who is TERRIBLE at video games, Focus is your friend in the final boss. The final boss took me about 20 tries. I even bit my controller at one point…that’s a new one. Anyway Focus slows down time enough for you to wail on him with your Assault Rifle. Your backup should be your pistol. Shotguns are almost a waste of time as you want to be aiming for more head/upper area on the enemy. Bows take twice as long as Assault Rifles unless you have wicked good headshot aim. For his henchmen, leave traps on the dead bodies, all of them.
Thank you so much Powerpyx. This means a lot to me that you helped me out. Been with Lara since 96 and I can proudly say I have achieved the platinum of all three reboot games. I’m so proud of myself and super grateful to you PP. I’ll see ya for Assassin’s Creed aka a MUCH needed break in difficulty.
ChaosTheory says
A tip for anyone who may be struglling with the deadly obssession difficulty, especially the final fight, try going in there with as much plants (concentration, health, resistency etc.) as you can, and then spam them. Another thing I did was always put those traps (mine would blow up when enemies or the boss would get closer) on the bodies that were lying on the floor (I don’t recall which ability you need in order to do that). That made the fight much easier for me. Only took me about 3 attempts in order to beat it. Hope this helps somebody
Don Romero says
For last known position,
You don’t have to restrat checkpoint… leave one enemy, hide in walls, have him spot you and hide again and do it again and again until trophy pops up.
And another thing, not trophy related. There is an xp glitch to earn you unlimitied xp. I just discovered this in mission of san juan but i think this will work early in thr game for some parts. At the start of the mission, DO NOT GO TO CAMPFIRE YET. start of mission will give you 500xp, go inside and buy or sell something from merchant to “save progress” and xp, then restart checkpoint. After reloading checkpoint, another 500xp will be given again. You can do this countless times and gives you opprtunity to buy all skills. Your welcome!
ShragleDagle says
Great guide as always!
I have a question regarding your Dr Croft Glitch fix. Where you say to just collect 1 set in NG+ if you’re missing 1 or 2 if you’re missing 2 etc. Well I’m on new game plus now, just missing 1 set, already have the 100% completion trophy for some reason. Anyways, I’m just curious what you think is the easiest and quickest artifact set to complete??
Thanks again
ShragleDagle says
Basically I don’t want to have to start collecting everything in the game again if I can avoid it you know.. So does anyone know which is the earliest possible complete artifact set?
ShragleDagle says
I figured it out after all. Similarly to another comment I read earlier the Dr. Croft Trophy pops when reaching the Trial Of the Eagle. So it’s the Exodus Artifact Set. Here’s what’s involved and where to get them.
1. Carved Bowl (relic) – Cozumel
2. Heart of the Serpent (mural) – Cozumel
3. Ceramic Jar (relic) – Cozumel
4. Crumbling (mural) – Trial of the Eagle
5. Temple of Death (mural) – Kuwaq Yaku
6. Temple of Life (mural) – Kuwaq Yaku
7. Temple of the Moon (mural) – Cozumel
Credit that list to another source, don’t know if I can name sources/otjer sites in the comments so I won’t. anyways6 hopefully this’ll help someone else avoid collecting everything in order to get the trophy when it glitches =)
TJ says
I’m stuck at some monolith the one with the youngest brother…..
There’s nothing to dig out. I’ve been waiting for a patch for a week. Should I delete the game and reinstall it or just continue to wait for a patch?
Khalid says
Well, the same here mine is the one at San Juan. Deleting and reinstalling didn’t work for me but try it you never know. Just one bloody monolith preventing me from platinum!
chibuki says
I’m one of those people who’s stuck at 99.04% but all maps shows 100% except the unmarked ones like Cozumel Caves, Belly of the Serpent, and Mission of San Juan.
A handful categories in the artifacts shows they’re not at 100% so how do I know which places to look for?
In perhaps a related note, I also have the side quest reward “Manko’s Tunic” bugged. It would not show up in base camps so I can’t craft it and wear it.
moonman says
thanx powerpyx for making this guide , i got the platinum a few days ago using this guide .
moonman says
+ i had a problem with trophy “Made to Endure” i try to get it so many time with melee combat and it did’t work , but then i get it in the last boss fight by killing some of guards by stealth attack . Apparently melee combat if thy see you it doesn’t count .
Kyle McDaniel says
I have found a Work around for the glitched Completionist Trophy! I went back to my first save (first playthrough before NG+) and did all side quests, found all collectibles and did all challenges and the Completionist (And platinum trophy) popped for me! Maybe this will help other people stuck on this trophy like I was!
Chris says
Getting the knife upgrade from before or after doing side quests makes no different.
Queeny says
is the challenges required for 100%?? i was doing the grapple challenge in hidden city and only half of it fell down, though it says i got 2/3 grappled.
is it bugged? i feel like this game is full of bugs.
Queeny says
can confirm this challenge is bugged. im stuck on 2/3. note that it doesnt gray out after doing that one.
anyone got any tips or am i needing to restart entire game for one mess up?
BodyChipper says
I just finished my first playthrough on normal difficulty. All trophies were obtained without issue except for the remaining two difficulty trophies. I can definitely attest that even if you have 100% of the map complete before starting the final mission, you will still be missing two artifacts: the crimson fire and unuratu’s amulet. You will get these in the final story mission. Shortly after the Queen of the Damned trophy pops you will get the final one and should get Dr. Croft if you have the entire map at 100% before going into the mission. Once you complete the boss fight and beat the game you will get Completionist. This may have glitched for others, but I had absolutely no issues. I am on version 1.03.
Khalid says
Patch 1.04 is out now. Can anyone confirm if they fixed all that please? I am downloading it now and just got back from work I don’t wanna check coz that might make me frustrated if my problem still not fixed
Khalid says
I couldn’t wait and no I couldn’t dig up the treasure from the monolith in San Juan! I hate this game now! I wonder, would New Game + work or I should start from scratch? :@
bkodenkt says
Errrrrm, well, sort of… It now shows the area I am missing that one item “Resist!” from the “The Resistance” collection as 99% complete, with 41 of 42 documents picked up instead of 100% and 42/42 as before. The missing item can not be picked up, though. I know it’s in the Knochenhöhle hideout. The location it is in still has a greyed out icon, though, and the document is not on the table… This is strange…
So no “Completionist” trophy for me, then
TJ says
You said above you have a monolith problem just like me.
Well, as you know, the 1.04 patch did nothing and prior to it I tried the NG+, also nothing.
Apparently, the only way around it is a new game where you complete the side missions collectibles and challenges before the final story mission. But nothing is confirmed.
So to hell with that platinum.
Khalid says
@TJ I am crossing my fingers now I have already started a New Game + I know with patch 1.03 wouldn’t work. You never know 1.04 might work? I will report back once I get there. If it didn’t then I will leave this sh** game till I platinum AC Odyssey and play it with a new game for the 4th time!
Khalid says
Patch 1.04 is working fine with me so far. I started a New Game + and was able to dig up that treasure in San Juan which I previously had a problem with. I am at 84% and I stopped the story at the point of no return coz it might trigger something wrong. I will report back again if I got the last trophy and platinum!
Khalid says
I just got Complitionist along with the platinum! I can’t believe it! I can confirm New Game + worked like a charm with patch 1.04! I collected everything 100% before going to the last main mission. You will have Lara’s Notebook & The Resistance completed with the main mission when they open the door for you! Both trophies popped up after you kill the boss, after Lara’s memory of her family!
TJ says
Thanks for letting me know.
I doubt I’ll will go through the whole game for that trophy, but I’m happy for you.
Don says
Glitched trohphy number 4 – Good Samaritan
Cannot complete all side missions because the side mission in Mission of San Juan Area is glitched (I’m not sure how but I encountered it). Possible Game breaker as well if you don’t have a backup save file outside of the crypt entrance.
Lianshi.bu says
Is combat trophy statistics crossing multiple playthroughs?
Sofianos says
They fixed nothing with Patch 1.04. Yes, now they show how many relics and documents you are missing and in which location, but it doesn’t show them on the map and even if you go to them again and try to pick them up again, you can’t.
sina says
Errrrrrrr…….They fixed nothing with Patch 1.04 , before this one(Patch 1.04) my Mission of San Juan was 100% BUT now is 91% and I done every thing Relic, Doc and etc. but still i dont get throphy Completionist and Dr. Croft .
EJ says
Play through it twice. First one at 99%, had 100% on everything until patch 1.04 and now all maps are 98%. My second playthrough on easy, 98%, Hidden City was at 99%, I collect the last collectible and it went backwards with by 2 with the last relic I collected and back 5 with the document. Something seriously wrong with it.
Alex says
Not sure what I did, but I just finished my first play through and I received “That’s a Knife!”, “Dr. Croft”, and “Completionist” and have 100% on everything under the Artifacts menu. One thing I can think of, might be wrong, is whenever I made some progress in my play through I alternated saving between 2 save slots. Not sure if that helped me get those trophies.
BodyChipper says
Just finished by Deadly Obsession run and the game glitched and froze up in the post-boss cutscene….now I get to do the final boss fight all over again…yay
Nkolas says
Completed it a 3rd time. I started an entirely new game (Patch 1.04 installed) and I still won’t get the Completionist trophy. I hope they fix the issue with the new DLC drop in October!
Baz says
Sorry if this has been mentioned, but with the Deadly Obsession can you change the puzzle difficulty and combat difficulty and still get the Deadly Obsession trophy?
Nkolas says
You can’t change anything on deadly obsession. Even after beating the game.
FireGazerR says
For anyone who truly wants to get the Completionist and Dr. Croft trophies, I can confirm that the theory Steam and Xbox users came up with seems to be correct. For some reason the game counts outfits, and weapons in the same group as normal collectibles. And for whatever reason, there aren’t enough collectible markers or whatever to cover everything. The first time I played through the game, I got stuck at 99% like a lot of people. I noticed that it wasn’t just one particular collectible that glitched. I had 4 collectibles left, but it would never register more than the 1st one I picked up, regardless of order. Upon seeing this theory, I decided to give it one more shot, and this time both Dr. Croft and Completionist popped. I played through a brand new game, not NG+. I didn’t buy any weapons, attachments, ammo bags or outfits. I also didn’t craft any outfits. The only purchases I made were the lockpick, rope ascender, knife, and one resource satchel upgrade. I did upgrade all my base weapons completely, and obtain skills. I collected the sarcophagi last, after every other collectible. That includes the ones you get from side missions. I was playing the PS4 Croft edition, and had the loyalty bonus for the 2 previous games. Both times I was using v1.04. I can’t guarantee this will work for everyone, but it worked for me perfectly.
Osama says
Guys as of version 1.05, completionist trophy is no longer glitched. If you have a save file with everything collected just load it and the trophy should pop.
PowerPyx says
I heard the same. Thanks for confirming.
It also fixed the other glitches (glitched monoliths, knife upgrade trophy). Updating this in the trophy guide now.
Nishith says
finally got new patch 1.05 and did Platinum in 10 minutes…
V1.05 they patched everything…so now no issues guys
ChaosTheory says
Yes!! With this new patch (1.05) I finally got my platinum trophy without having to replay the game a third time from the start!!
Now I just have to wait for the dlc tombs ??
KintPS says
Still have a monolith cache glitch in The Hidden City (the one at the end of the canal) after patch 1.06. The prompt to dig it out just won’t show up in my 99.88% save and I don’t intend to do third play-through to get this Plat. really hope Square Enix are going to fix this glitch.
nTrophy says
I have a different type of glitch (patch 1.06).
My Mission of San Juan is at 98% because it says I only collected 8/9 relics, even though I collected them all – the actual map shows 9 grayed-out relic icons.
claudio says
i’ve issue with “Dr. Croft Complete all Artifact Collections”
I’ve the game at 99.62%: every region at 100%. I did the side quest “Sumaq’s Murder” and collected the Antique Knife behind the house.
Have you some advice to give me? I played with the 1.05 patch to easy. Thank a lot
I’ve the set myth and magic at 87%
Gilberto says
Better equipped trophy is glitched for me. I bought all equipment from merchants ans still the trophy doesn’t pop up.
Glenn Richard says
Hi Powerpyx,
For all the collectibles nothing is missable am I correct e.g artifacts etc? so I collect them all after the ending, I just want to confirm this. Im currently playing right now and Im at San Juan church, I just did all the missables like killing AI during combat, please advise thanks.
Neidlos says
hi, dunno if this helps you i also got stuck on 99,76%.
just look another time to ure map at the upper picture where the cozumel region and cave is located.
i didnt realized that part of the map at completion and thats what i was missing maybe it helps someone.
alexandros says
Do you know of any bugs regarding survival caches in Kuwaq Yaku? I found all 14, they are grey on my map but the legend says 13/14, it’s preventing me from getting 100% completion…
If it is actually bugged, will it spawn in NG+?
Lion says
Complete all Artifact Collections Bronze
[Prior to patch 1.05 this trophy was glitched. It was fixed with patch 1.05] This is brutal, i have just collected absolutely eveything possible, and it does not register, so this trophy is not fixed at all… I literaly want to cry, because 386 collectibles is no joke.
Lion says
Nevermind, tried loading game and trophy popped, was scared for a minute, no lie
Micke Varg says
Damn, have just tried the same, didn’t pop for me ?
Panagiotis says
One question. Why Steam says that i have 99 achievements to unlock and not only 64 as you said ??? Do you play in other platform than PC?
Rav says
I just beaten the game at the hardest difficulty but the platinum trophy didn’t came up. I did all side quests, collectible items on my normal run. Then started a new game+ to get the remain two trophies. Any one know why the platinum didn’t come up? Do I have to redo all the side quests, tombs, crypts and challenges again on hardest difficulty?
Matheus says
I actually had the mission The Serpent’s Heart, Two Graves glitch for me. A’aron didn’t spawn so I couldn’t complete the quest. Because of that I couldn’t get 100% on that playthrough. So if you’re going for the platinum I’d recomend you do that quest as soon as possible.
I searched everywhere for this issue but I couldn’t find anything online. I ended up contacting Square Enix and, after exchanging some emails and sending them my save files, they confirmed the issue was sent to the developers to look into. This was in January/February 2020 and the I playing on the patch 2.00.
Gustav says
I’m not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but I have found a great place to get the Gunslinger, Total Party Kill and Chain Gang trophies.
If you have completed the game and have not yet done the side mission: get rid of the pillagers in Kuwaq Yaku, you can get all of the above mentioned trophies and a lot of other combat related trophies in this side mission.
For the Gunslinger trophy, the very first enemy you’ll see will be inspecting a corpse, do a stealth kill and then you’ll see three enemies, one by the generator and 2 talking to each other a couple metres in front of the enemy at the generator. What I did is i had the silent suppressor attached to the pistol and took out the one enemy by the generator and then the other 2 enemies were quite straight forward and if you failed you can reload the checkpoint. Attaching the suppressor does help a lot, since you won’t be alerting the other enemies on the other side.
The other trophies I got are quite self explanatory, just make sure for the Chain Gang trophy that the one enemy by the generator and the one enemy that were talking to the other enemy are close enough, otherwise you’ll only do a normal stealth kill.
This is a great place to farm a lot of trophies, including the following, other than the ones already mentioned:
On the Go
Last Known Position
Made to Endure
In the Moment
Sixth Sense
Like a Shadow
Tables Turned
Look, Over There!
Hope this was helpful. I recently just got those three trophies mentioned in the beginning. Hopefully you don’t have to play the game again just for these missable trophies and thank you Powerpyx for creating so many trophy guides.
It means a lot, especially for the Oxide Time Trials in CTR. I have platinumed all crash games on ps4 except for Crash 4, since I haven’t played it yet.
Much love to you all ??
Will says
Be careful people, Dice with the die side mission is bugged in the hidden city
getbiks says
Seems “Find Takiy’s Dice” is also glitched. If we talk to the dead man before talking to the boy, he just disappears and cannot be talked again after talking to all the outcast. I am stuck at this quest. It shows me marked location but no one is there
Cruzz says
Your Guide says:
“Pay extra attention to “First Kill” as it can only be done in a few specific spots with mud walls.”
This needs to be corrected to “First Blood”
PowerPyx says
Good spotting, that was a typo and you’re the only one who pointed it out in 5 years :D
It’S fixed now!
Monk says
So I am at the end of my game and I am missing the Stone Cup! IDK HOW as it is a story related item and impossible to miss. I’m hoping I get it on my new game+ run bec if not I’m gonna have to run the game again to get it D: