Rebellion Lives is the fourteenth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Rebellion Lives mission.
Region: Paititi
Quest Giver: automatic
Requirement: having finished Empty-Handed
Trophies: New Heights &
Family Ties
Return to Paititi
With our recently acquired gear, we are now able to climb overhangs and expand our traversal-skills.
Climbing up the first rock successfully nets us a trophy for doing so.
Time to put it to a test, including jumping and re-attaching in mid-air.
We are also able to rappel down from overhangs and swing onto platforms.
A few more climbs and
jumps with re-attaching later and we are nearly out of the cave.
Last thing would be another dive.
There is going to be a piece of rubble in the way, which needs to be removed before proceeding.
Use to show piranhas locations. If they are on the top-left side, you want to swim through the bottom-right passage into safety.
Return to Unuratu’s Home
We will emerge from a cave near Paititi and need to head over to Unuratu’s Home.
On our way, Jonah calls and tells us that they are now hiding in a cave nearby.
Find the Rebel Cave
The cave is marked with a white symbol and of course it will be shown, if you press .
Lara brings Jonah and the rebels up to speed and heads out to free Unuratu from prison. Her rebel colleagues give us a new robe, in which we can infiltrate the enemies territory without getting noticed.
Meet Etzli in Upper Paititi
Etzli will wait for us in Upper Paititi. First, we need to to the larger bridge in the middle of the village and
proceed through the gates. With our disguise, we won’t be attacked.
Sadly, we will see a lot of rebels being tortured and killed, but for now, we cannot reveal our identity and we have to proceed.
Etzli will wait for us at the big gate ahead.
He tells us the password/phrase we have to use to enter the prison-part ahead of us.
Talking to Etzli also reveals a Side Quest in the area. See Rescue Hakan for more information on that one.
Enter the Temple of Kukulkan
The prase and disguise let us slip through with no issues.
Inside, we witness a long conversation between Unuratu and Dominguez. Ultimately, she will be brought back to her cell.
Reach Unuratu’s Prison Cell
That would be our next goal – finding her cell. Proceed through the door to the right.
Once outside, the guards won’t grant us access to the bridge though.
So, it is time for another climbing detour instead. Jumping,
axe grappling. You know the drill.
We’re also gonna need a rope-arrow to head over another gap and
once again make use of our newly acquired overhead-climbing gear.
Just after this passage, we stand in front of the cells.
Enter Unuratu’s Prison Cell
Here, we can simply hop over the wall and can talk to her.
She seems to be in a rather sad mood, knowing that the Silver Box hadn’t been there in a long time.
However, Lara finds some cheering words and wants to proceed with as little clues as they have right now. Failure is not an option!
This will conclude the Rebellion Lives mission and seamlessly start Last Emperor.
For all other main missions check out the full Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough.
Ali says
I haven’t overhang entry .. how I can get it ??