Path to the Hidden City is the tenth Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole Path to the Hidden City mission.
Region: Kuwaq Yaku
Quest Giver: automatic
Requirement: having finished Path of the Dead
Trophy: The Hidden City
Do you like traversal? Well, you came to the right mission!
Complete the Trial of the Jaguar
After being trapped behind bars, it seems like Lara has to complete this trials on her own. Again.
The first one is a short swimming sequence. As always, use your instinct to see the markers,
take a breather at the air bubbles
and use the plants to hide from predators, if necessary.
Complete the Trial of the Spider
The second trial is a short climbing exercise. Ultimately, you want to reach the circled edge, but to do so, we have to take a short detour to the right side.
When the way splits, you want to take a right and jump up the white wall.
While jumping we can now make use of our grappling hook
. We will be hanging from the rope automatically and can swing back- and forward to build up momentum and finally make the jump.
Complete the Trial of the Eagle
Now for the big one.
The climbing to get to the big structure is minimal – there is about to be a lot more.
A quick view of the scenery. The yellow gate to the left will be opened by us from the outside in a few moments and the two circles on the right will later turn by 90° and can be used as ladders to proceed.
First, we have to go down a bit.
And after balancing and climbing back up a little bit, we can rappel down from the rocks.
Now we have to make a jump to the outer wall and climb around the opening depicted below.
Again, we need to rappel down from the rocks and build up momentum (moving left & right) to be able to make the jump to the right side.
Now, where we are outside, we can tether the small structure with the sails to the big one inside the main building. That way, the large inside part starts to spin itself.
Next, we have to make a jump on one of the ladders, which is coming by. Don’t climb it up completely yet. You need to wait half a revelation to be able to stand up safely.
Then, you quickly need to jump on the white wall and climb on top of the beam (standing above the red line then). Otherwise, a spiky beam will push you down.
Wait for the blue ladder to make the 90° turn, climb up and proceed right.
Make a jump to the middle of the construction and head down the small path.
A few more jumps and we are at the wall mentioned earlier.
If you peek through a hole in the wall, you can see another tethering-point at another beam with sails.
When climbing up the white wall, a large beam will most likely get in your way. Retreat and immediately climb up again, once it has passed over your head.
Crouch and walk outside, before it can hit you on its next revelation.
The next small obstacle can be pulled down with a rope arrow. It will reveal a switch, which also can be pulled with a rope arrow. It will go back into its original postition in about ten seconds, so we need to tie it somewhere.
When you’ve pulled the switch and the gate has opened, tether it to the large post in the corner of the area.
This way, we can tether the beam with the sails to the main structure inside and get the last part moving.
Time to make another jump on one of the passing-by ladders and wait for the right moment, when the rotating spiky beams are gone and
walk over the beam and jump up.
Climb the beam to the outside and
make a jump for the wall and use your hooks to climb around the corner then.
Now, we are another level higher and jump to the middle of the structure again.
Wait for the correct moment, when the rotating beams are gone and jump all the way to the top.
Walk on one of the beams and make a jump to the wooden structure seen below. Then you can rappel down once more and swing to the right.
This will trigger a short sequence of Lara almost falling down. Almost. The show must go on!
Find the Hidden City
Time for a little walk to lighten the mood.
Some more climbing is inbound shortly after that. Use your Hooks and climb on top of the wooden structure to make the jump to the other side.
Now it is time for some more grappling axe moves. Run, jump and press while in the air to attach to the hooks shown below. It will look like Lara might fall down, but if you time it right, it is quite easy and fun.
After the hook-action and a swan dive from a high cliff, it is time to proceed to the Hidden Village.
Find the Serpent with the Silver Eye
We won’t find what we came for, but see a boy who is trapped and attacked by Trinity. It is all just a cutscene from now on.
The rest of his tribe comes into the scene and seems to be thankful, yet reserved.
They’ll take Lara with her, put her in some new clothes and
show her their home – the Hidden City Paititi.
This concludes the Path to the Hidden City mission and gives us a well-earned trophy for our efforts.
For all other main missions check out the full Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough.
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