In the Shadows is the second Story Mission of Shadow of the Tomb Raider and still a part of the game’s prologue. It is another quite linear level and introduces some new climbing techniques later on as well as the first kills.
Region: Cozumel
Requirement: having finished A Faint Light
Just after finishing reviewing the clues in the previous mission, the game confronts us with one of the main antagonists.
Find Dominguez
We start on a sort of marketplace and have to get our bearings. This is also a nice time to look around a bit and pick up the first lootable containers and talk to some of the people around.
We will find Dominguez and some of his thugs on the far left corner of this area, standing in front of a smaller wooden gate.
Lara has an idea how to follow him and wants to climb over a gate to the left. Her pal Jonah distracts the guards for a second to help us get behind the walls.
Follow Dominguez
When behind the gate, we will find ourselves in a graveyard.
Again, he will be standing a bit to the left of the current area.
..and eventually, proceed through the prominent gate on the opposite side of where we entered.
Shortly after heading through the gate, Lara needs to blend in with the environment at a market stand, because her targets are actually a lot closer than she realized.
Follow along the linear path, overhearing a conversation with the description of your appearance. Lara now knows that guards are alerted and looking for her.
Find another Way in to the Dig Site / Investigate the Area
Eventually, Lara will reach the Dig Site after a short time, but has to search for an alternative route inside, as the main gates were closed in front of her eyes.
Luckily, there is a wall to the right of the area, where we can scramble up. This is a sort of double jump, which can be done with pressing when seeing walls with the same white color as seen below. Press
once to jump on the wall, a second time to gain extra height by wall scrambling and thus, being able to grab the ledge.
After navigating through the next area, a pipe in the far back left corner will lead to the next section, where the first two sorts of kills are introduced. There are two thugs trying to execute someone. Time to step in.
Stop the Execution
The first guard is quite close to us and conveniently placed with his back towards us. Press as prompted to perform a close-range stealth kill. A bit to the left in the background is the second enemy with his gun close to the victim. Time to get our bow and perform a clean headshot to free the presumably innocent person.
The man reveals that Trinity has searched the are for a Temple Entrance for many years and finally found it today. Naturally, Lara is intrigued and proceeds to find the Temple herself.
Find the Temple Entrance
Now, Lara can freely explore the surroundings, there are no other enemies around. She can pick up a bit of loot along the way before she will come to a cliff.
Time to make a jump for the indicated porous rock in front of us and mash
to ram your climbing hooks into the surface.
Climbing a big along the indicated path, we will learn a total if three new climbing techniques with the rope. The first one would be rappelling down to a safe surface with and dropping down with
The second and third are quite similar to each other and require to build up momentum. Either sideways &
while on a wall, or as depicted below, to the front
and back
to be able to make a jump
you couldn’t do otherwise.
When safely landing from this jump, the next Story Mission, Hunter’s Moon, will automatically trigger.
This concludes the “In the Shadows” main mission. For all other main missions check out the full Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough.
Jean says
Your walkthroughs are very helpful. If I miss something or having trouble It helps me be sure I didn’t miss anything important. I like to check with your W/t after finishing an area.