The Lockpick is an unlockable gadget in Shadow of the Tomb Raider (SOTTR). It allows you to open locked Conquistador treasure chests.
Getting Lockpick: It is sold by a merchant in Paititi “The Hidden City”. It costs 2800 Gold Pieces. To unlock the merchant you must finish side mission Takiy’s Dice.
Item Description: Lockpick – A makeshift lockpick that allows Lara to open padlocks found on Conquistador treasure chests.
Quest Start: In the middle of the Hidden City talk to the young boy Takiy, see the location circled in red below. He will tell you of a dead man who stole his dice. There are quest markers throughout the mission, simply follow them. You can also refer to the Takiy’s Dice Side Mission Walkthrough.
After talking to the 4 Outcasts you will unlock the 5th one on the map. This NPC turns into a merchant which sells the Lockpick (at the end of the side mission). You only need to buy this item once to use it permanently. She also sells the Rope Ascender.
Warning: Do not talk to her until you have enough money for both the Lockpick and Rope Ascender (6100 Gold total). After the quest she will disappear and change positions throughout the story so it can be tricky finding her again. Be sure to buy both items from her right away. You can sell some resources at other merchants for quick gold.
This is halfway through the story. By the time you reach this place, you should have more than enough gold. The Lockpick is extremely useful and needed to complete the game 100%. You may have noticed this item to be required as early as Cozumel where it’s needed to open a treasure box. You can fast travel back there to obtain the box that was previously unobtainable.
Where to find Lockpick Merchant After Side Quest / After Story
After you meet the merchant Moreakah in the side quest she will go away and disappear. In case you forgot to buy the Lockpick from her, you can find her again at different points in the game (she still spawns after the story). After beating the last story mission click “Continue” in main menu to keep playing in free-roam. Listen for her drummer, he’s always with that vendor. Her spawn point is different for every player!
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #1 – in the top right corner of Paititi, the area with water puddles.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #2 – in upper Paititi, the area where you can only enter with the green Serpent Guard Costume. By the market square where the crying girl (Hakan execution) is, you can find a dark room with a treasure chest inside. In that treasure chest room Moreakah can spawn, listen for her drummer.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #3 – in Kuwaq Yaku near the “Hunting Grounds” base camp.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #4 – in Mission of San Juan, by the entrance to the Tree of Life Challenge Tomb, at the Deserter Cloister Base Camp.
Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #5 – in Trial of the Eagle area, standing next to the Quipu Overlook Base Camp (thanks to BadBoy_ekb for this one).
If you still can’t find her in any of those spots you must search every nook and cranny of the game carefully. If you find her in a new place not yet listed here please reach out or leave a comment below with an image of her location and where she’s standing and you’ll be credited for your find. Because the spawn points are different for everybody it will be a community effort to track down all of them.
Tyler says
i have met this merchant and i DIDNT buy picklocks i thought i could buy later
but she s gone shes not there anymore whats i do!
help me pls
PowerPyx says
I’m looking into it.
PowerPyx says
Updated the post. I found her again in top right corner AFTER story. Checked on a few older saves and she wasn’t there. I believe her spawning there is based on having finished the story. Would be great if we could have some confirmation on this. Please let me know if this worked for you, thanks for your question about this
Larisina says
I have finished the story, but did not bought the Items from her, but she is not at the given points :-( I restarted the game several times, but without any success :-(
Yours truly says
I heard there’s lockpicks in Resident Evil 3!
Billy Gates says
I had her stay after I bought my first item regardless of completing the quest. She isn’t marked but she is there.
Meh says
She is not anywhere i checked like 6 times.She is lost.Someone find that old maniac.The time that i last seen was San Juan at a Tomb.
ChaosTheory says
Yeah, she is not there after completing the story… Still haven’t been able to find her
ChaosTheory says
I finally found her! She was in Kuwaq Yaku, in the right side of the map, next to a mural and to an “hunting ground” fast travel spot (idk the exact name because my game is not in english)
Casey says
Yh i got her there after so long of looking
ChaosTheory says
She may also be in the water poddles section in the Hidden City like PowerPyx said or in the San Juan Mission (as some people have reported it)
It appears she cycles through the open world sections, as I believe I found her after the mission, in the water poddles and finally in Kuwaq Yaku. Hope this helps somebody!
PowerPyx says
Hey guys, I’ve updated the guide with 4 spawn points now.
if you find the merchant in a new location after the side quest please send me a screenshot via email / twitter or link it here. You will be credited for your find.
It will be a community effort to track down all spawn points as it’s different for every player.
Larisina says
Thank you so much! I finally found her in Kuwaq Yaku!
PowerPyx says
That makes me glad to hear!
I still wonder how many spots there are total and if the 4 we have so far is all of them.
Ray says
Hi I found her after story near Hunting grounds in Kuwaq Yaku. Thanks for the help. says
So I couldn’t find her when I needed her, I continued the game, just before the last mission I decided to do some side quests/do all of the alternate stuff, and I found her, by chance, a the Kuwaq Yaku spawn point.
If you can’t find her at all, even after checking these spawn points, I suggest just doing optional stuff. You’ll find her at some point.
Kgsg says
Hi, I find her in city of the serpent ,quipu overlook for ascended. Thank everyone
Kevin says
Just after beating story i find her @ wandering Merchant Spawn Location #1 – in the top right corner of Paititi, the area with water puddles.
Thanks powerpyx !
Luis says
I found her in the same spot (Wandering Merchant Spawn Location #1) and I finish a lot of missions in between.
Thank you.
Mohammed says
Thank you …
you are a legend …..
**** I found her in location no. 1
Symon Butler says
Just make sure you have 6,100 gold after completing takis dice, as you xdnnthen purchase both the rope ascender and lick pick immediately without having to scour the world for this particular merchant. If not, you can only obtain these two items before story mode is completed. After you complete the story you sadly won’t be able to purchase the lock pick and rope ascender do be sure to do what is mentioned above.
If you are having difficulty finding this vendor please see the spawn locations of the merchant as seen above.
Hope this helps you guys!
***Please be advised that only the merchant found after completing takis dice has these two items, other merchants do not stock them.***
Evman says
Sorry that’s incorrect. I completed the main story then was able to complete the Dice quest, and purchase the Lock Pick and Rope Ascender without issue.
It wasn’t until I finished the story and noticed I was still missing items that I searched for how to find these.
Teri says
I found her BEFORE I completed the main story in the top part of the hidden city where it looks like they were making rice. I heard her drums and followed.
Rudewon23 says
Found her at Location 3 after completing
Shi says
SAme! Just now
Laura says
Found her at hunting grounds base camp, thank you so much.
Rmlf says
Thank you! Found her in location #3
Natsia says
After I had finished the main story and couldn’t find her anywhere again, i went back doing the side quests I had left. She finally appeared in location #3 after I started the quest with Abby