Shadow of the Tomb Raider has 378 Collectible Locations. This guide contains 100% complete maps with all collectibles on them. Finding all collectibles is needed for the Completionist trophy and achievement.
In addition, you must also complete all Challenges (except the one in Croft Manor) and do all Side Missions.
You can still reach all collectibles after the story! Nothing is missable. You can hit “Continue” from the main menu after having finished the game. Then everything is accessible in free-roam. Base Camps for first map “Cozumel” also open up after the story. The items and challenges from the Croft Manor dream are not needed for 100% completion so no worries if you forgot to get them.
Before you start collecting, be sure to grab all Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks. They reveal all collectible locations on the in-game map. Then you can mark them with waypoints which makes them easier to track down. The maps below are for reference in case you’re missing an item or two.
Recommended Path to 100% Completion:
- Beat the Story, collect as much as you want along the way. It’s recommended to play on easy because you can use Survival Instinct to mark collectibles in your surroundings (thus also marking them on the map). On the highest difficulty you can’t use Survival Instinct so it would be a lot more tedious.
- Do All Side Quests. Some of them open up new areas that are otherwise inaccessible. You’ll need them to reach all collectibles.
- Grab All Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks to reveal the collectible locations on the map.
- Do Challenge Tombs and Crypts, they contain lots of Collectibles.
- Do All Challenges. They have different tasks for each region and require you to find 3-5 objects per challenge.
- Grab the rest of the collectibles. If something is missing from your map, refer to the collectible maps in the guide below.
100% Completion Guides:
Collectible Types Explained
Below is an overview of all the collectible types in the game:
= Base Camps: These are your fast travel hubs and where you can buy skills and weapon upgrades. They don’t count towards 100% completion though, but still useful to trigger them.
= Mission Giver / Side Mission: These side quests are found in the 3 major cities in the game: Kuwaq Yaku, Paititi, Mission of San Juan
= Challenges: These are the tricky ones because they don’t get marked by Archivist Maps and Explorer Backpacks. Each region has different challenges. After triggering the first objective of a challenge you will see the task in the map menu but the items don’t get marked. This is where the skill “Owl’s Wisdom” comes in handy because it makes your Survival Instinct reveal these objects.
= Relics (Artifacts): These are simple collectibles in the form of small boxes. They add to your Artifact collection. They also grant a bit of language proficiency for monoliths.
= Document: Simple collectibles that look like pieces of paper (or scrolls). They also grant a bit of language proficiency for monoliths.
= Mural: Man-sized stone statues standing around the open world. They grant language proficiency for monoliths.
= Survival Cache: A buried treasure that you can dig up. They have a faint glint on them so you might spot them from afar. They provide resources for crafting.
= Monolith: A tall standing stone, interacting with it requires a high level of language proficiency (which you get from Relics, Documents, Murals). After interacting with the Monolith it marks a puzzle on the map around it (hover over monolith on world map to see search area). Then you need to dig up a secret treasure in the search area. These give very valuable resources such as rare animal pelts.
= Explorer Backpack: Not needed for 100% (but will make your life a whole lot easier). Reveals all Crypts, Treasure Chests, and Survival Caches on the map!
= Archivist Map: Not needed for 100% (but will make your life a whole lot easier). Reveals all Relics, Murals, Documents Monoliths on the map!
= Crypt: They are like downsized versions of Challenge Tombs. They are small challenge rooms with a sarcophagus at the end. Doing these gives you new Vestige Outfits which can be repaired at base camps!
= Tomb: These are the big challenge tombs. They are more elaborate than Crypts and have the most sophisticated puzzles in the game. Each tomb unlocks one skill. See Tomb Locations & Solutions.
= Treasure Chest: They are locked chests that require the Lockpick to open. See How to Get Lockpick.
100% Collectible Maps:
Below is a map for each area with all collectibles on it. Click the images to view the high-resolution version and zoom in to compare against your in-game map. On easy difficulty with Survival Instinct everything is quite easy to find. If you can’t reach a place it must be tied to a side mission, tomb or crypt. Remember you can reach everything after the story, nothing is missable.
Cozumel Collectibles Map
- 1 Challenges
- 1 Treasure Chests
- 2 Relics
- 1 Documents
- 2 Murals
- 3 Survival Caches
Peruvian Jungle Collectibles Map
- 4 Camps
- 2 Tombs
- 2 Challenges
- 1 Treasure Chests
- 2 Crypts
- 9 Relics
- 13 Documents
- 7 Murals
- 9 Survival Caches
- 1 Monolith
Kuwaq Yaku Collectibles Map
- 5 Camps
- 1 Tomb
- 1 Side Missions
- 3 Challenges
- 2 Treasure Chests
- 2 Crypts
- 4 Relics
- 18 Documents
- 10 Murals
- 14 Survival Caches
- 3 Monoliths
Trial of the Eagle Collectibles Map
- 1 Camp
- 1 Document
- 2 Murals
- 1 Survival Cache
Belly of the Serpent Collectibles Map
- No Collectibles!
Head of the Serpent Collectibles Map
- 1 Mural
The Hidden City (Paititi) Collectibles Map
- 11 Camps
- 3 Tombs
- 11 Side Missions
- 6 Challenges
- 3 Treasure Chests
- 5 Crypts
- 28 Relics
- 42 Documents
- 23 Murals
- 34 Survival Caches
- 7 Monoliths
Cenote Collectibles Map
- 3 Camps
- 1 Tombs
- 2 Challenges
- 5 Relics
- 6 Documents
- 8 Survival Caches
The Mountain Temple Collectibles Map
- 1 Camps
Porvenir Oil Fields Collectibles Map
- 1 Camps
- 1 Relics
- 4 Documents
- 1 Murals
Mission of San Juan Collectibles Map
- 4 Camps
- 2 Tombs
- 1 Side Missions
- 1 Challenges
- 1 Treasure Chests
- 1 Crypts
- 9 Relics
- 27 Documents
- 4 Murals
- 8 Survival Caches
- 1 Monoliths
City of the Serpent
- No Collectibles!
AchHunter says
Much thanks dude!
Yev says
Thanks mate, excellent guide.
nxtiak says
Your Survival Cache map for Hidden City only has 33/34.
Someone else has another map that shows the 34th cache on the island on the east. I can’t find it in the game though, it’s the only one I’m missing!
Here’s a screenshot:
PowerPyx says
It’s from the monolith that’s at the same location.
(fixed this in map now)
Nazli says
I have problem too
Nazli says
i know where it is but i can’t, because of there is bug
liz says
okay so in the San Juan map you only have y of the 8 and I need the last two.
PowerPyx says
Did you mean survival caches? All 8 are there on the map.
1 on left under wolf icon, 4 in the middle around the water, 1 at bottom challenge tomb, 2 in bottom right challenge tomb.
Clara says
I have only found 41/42 documents. I’m stuck
Clara says
This is in the hidden city
KaiserPham says
I NEed help, i get glitch in trophy DR croft,all 100% and have trophy completionist but trophy dr croft dont popup, i check in artifact tab the artifact list name mertamorphisis only 88%, how can i fixx them 🙁
hoidoei says
Atleast you got the 100% completionist achievement .. Mine won’t even unlock after 100%-ing all zones.
Nishith says
i got only 7 survival caches in Mission of the San Juan….i don’t get exactly middle of water which one you mentioned in image…that’s the my last 8th survival cache…so plz help me
Anita Makkar says
can’t find the copper made relic. been searching since last 4 hours. I know the location on map, but I can’t seem to find it either in Home camp or base camp. A little explanation please.
Thanks for this wonderful guide. Due to this guide I’m just this 1 relic away for platinum.
Anita Makkar says
Copper Mace. apologies for typo.
Mark says
Currently can only find 26/27 in mission of Sian Juan
And 17/18 on Kuwait Yaku
Done every challenge possible and can’t find these all monoliths are done
Stuck on 99.76 percent?
Alci says
nope, not helpful. Have all maps at 100% yet the game says 99.40% and some documents are missing (have all White Queen btw.). But unless I see the actual list of specific document and where exactly find them I’m stuck.
Everything on map, and on the list in this guide is collected. And it’s not enough.
PowerPyx says
If by documents you mean artifacts, that’s a bug. Please refer to our trophy guide for more info on the bugged trophies (and the 100% completion).
A lot of people have collected everything but some artifacts didn’t count in the menu. Square Enix is aware of the issue and might release a patch for this in the future.
CallMeBigMoz says
A monolith treasure/ survival cache is glitched for me in the hidden city. I go to marked spot but don’t get any prompt to dig it up. Any fix for this ?
Ag3nt47 says
Yo so I’m trying to find this document I believe it’s called retreat in the Hidden City. It’s sitting right next to a survival cache however ICANNOT FIND THIS AT ALL. Nobody And I mean NOBODY has anything showing this document!?!?!
wolfie says
isnt that the one where you climb up to the right of the temple?
vyto2 says
played thru twice, 1st time 99%, 2nd time 97%. All regions 100% each time. Check the world map and in the artifact section, first play thru claims 5 sub stories in artifacts missing content, 80 some % in these 5 stories. Second play thru shows 17 stories not complete. Impossible! My maps show 100% for each region, all things found, survival caches, relics, documents, mission givers, campsites, etc. This glitch is BS. I will NOT play thru again. Have steelbook edition. Did buy all guns and outfits. 2nd run on new game +
Daverk says
i’m missing one relic in Paititi. it’s shown on the map next to the ore symbol. it’s in the bottom room of a building. there’s a wood hatch over the opening to the room in the room above that has a rope wrapped log but on the bottom side where i can’t shoot it with a rope arrow. i’ve been all over the area and can’t find a way into that room to get the relic. help please.
Daverk says
just to add. have done all challenges and side missions.
Marlon Ayling-Allen says
Missing a document in Hidden City I can’t find it on this map or on my map in-game and the same goes for 1 survival cache in Kuraq Yaku anyone able to help? Looks like they’re missing from these maps
Marco says
I’m having the same problem in this moment, were you able to solve it?
Radim says
I’m stuck at Cenete. The map indicates that one survival cache under water is missing but I already found but when Lara is digging, she was eaten by piranhas and now is gone, I don’t know what to do. Has any one similiar experience. Thanks.
Randy M says
Well, I have all eight survival cache icons showing as greyed out (found) on the Mission San Juan map but stats say I only have seven?! revisited them all, found eight holes. Can’t highlight any of them with a way point either… So I think I’m boned. Will finish out game and see what happens…
Randy M says
Never mind. Quit and restart cleared things up :).
Diego says
just when i grab the last survival catch at the san juan mission, a bunch of piranhas killed me. the trophy didn’t pop up and in the map i have all the 8 survival catches of the region, yet, it doesn’t counted and now i have 99% (this was the last collectible i had to get)
can someone please help me ?
Helena says
Same for me what can I do now.?
Helena says
Same for me what can I do now.?