City of the Serpent is the final Story Mission in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This walkthrough will guide you through the whole City of the Serpent mission.
Region: Paititi
Quest Giver: automatic
Requirement: having finished Falling Apart
Trophies: Queen of the Damned,
Quite the Adventure & all applied difficulty settings
Talk to Etzli
This is the point of no return. If you want to do some other activities before heading into the games ending, do them. Once you talk to Etzli and confirm your choice, you need to finish this mission.
If you have some resources to spend to upgrade your shotgun and automatic rifle, it would be wise to do this now. After this mission, they are of limited use. Why not add the extra firepower for the final boss-fight?
The second automatic rifle, the PN-TF 267, has quite a large ammo capacity and can be upgraded to 60 rounds per clip. Quite handy to have.
After choosing their approach on the map, the rebels, including ourselves, make their way to the City of the Serpent to stop the ritual from Dominguez to remake the world.
Swim through the Irrigation System
One final dive in the main campaign for us.
At least with some undersea fires and falling debris from the tremors above to make it a bit diverse from previous sections.
Go to the Crimson Fire
When emerging, Lara calls Jonah on the radio and gives her status. Her next goal is the house with the red smoke coming from.
The next jump is one of the more annoying ones, because the grappling hook doesn’t always attach as he is supposed to. Eventually, you’ll get some grip and can climb to the other side of the structure to
rappel down and swing across the gap.
Shortly after taking the zipline, we will face a familiar face.
Thank you for the formal introduction! Lara aka. Ix Chel will receive a mask from Chak Chel and they’ll fight off the Trinity soldiers together from now on.
Follow the Yaaxil to the Pyramid
From Enemy of the State to Queen of Freakistan in just a day – quite an achievement!
Time to face Dominguez with joined forces. Climb and
swing to the right before reaching
some porous rocks, which will crumble behind you. This time you have to climb a bit faster than usual, but still very doable. We had a few situations similar to this over the course of the story.
On top of the platform, we will head right into a helicopter crashing, but walk away unharmed and ready to face Dominguez.
Confront Dominguez
Watch this cutscene and dialogue before chasing after him and his soldiers once again.
Defeat Trinity
Time to get out our guns, as we will be swarmed by a few Trinity soldiers. Make use of the explosive barrels around
and dodge incoming grenades. You should be fine in no time.
Not so much Rourke, as he is torn apart by our new friends. Sweet revenge.
Climb the Pyramid
Time for our very final ascent.
When jumping for an axe-swinging-hook here, it will be destroyed by some falling debris likely the second you jump. Grab the whitened steps instead.
A last time using our overhead-climbing-skills – when Lara pulls herself up, she is gonna face Dominguez as he starts to perform his ritual.
Stop Dominguez
He combines the Dagger with the Silver Box and a lot of energy flows through the area, charging him with power.
To disrupt the ritual, we have to destroy the three sources of enery around him. The can be destroyed on their backsides.
This is what they look from up close.
Doing so will enrage the good man and we are finally able to reach and fight him now.
Generally, you just want to shoot him like any other enemy – although he can soak up a few more bullets. When he is wounded, he will be inside of an orange bubble, like seen below.
This is when you can approach and stab him. This has to be done a total of five times. While he is in this stationary form, he won’t attack you.
While dodging him and the other enemies (which you totally could ignore, if you like), remember to pick up the ammo which is scattered around the platform if you are running low.
The fifth time stabbing him will finally be the last time and the final cutscenes will play – no further spoilers here.
That concludes the City of the Serpent main mission and thus also ends the story.
Congratulations on beating the story – now off to 100% completion! 🙂
Check the Wiki Hub to see all the Information you need for the collectible cleanup. You can continue to play after the story by hitting “Continue” in the main menu. Oh, and none of the collectibles for 100% completion are missable so you can still reach everything!
We very much hope you enjoyed the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Walkthrough!
Devin says
Great walkthrough ?