This page contains all Outfits, Armor Sets and Costumes in Shadow of the Tomb Raider (SOTTR) with their benefits and an image gallery showcase.
Some Outfits are story unlocks, some are so-called Vestige Outfits found from Crypt Sarcophagi, bought from merchants and awarded for side quests, some are from having played / completed the last game Rise of the Tomb Raider, and some are even from the Croft Edition (Deluxe Version).
The Outfits in this game act as lightweight armor with different benefits. Some will give you more resources from hunting while others may give faster health regeneration and some give no benefits at all.
The full body outfits generally don’t give benefits (except the 3 from Croft Edition). The Vestige Outfits are the ones with gameplay benefits and after finding them they must be restored at base camps for basic crafting materials. You can loot boxes throughout the game world and then repair the outfits in the inventory. Simply do all Crypts, Side Missions to get them and buy the rest from merchants.
Tactical Adventurer (Black)
Description: A black variation on the Tactical Adventurer outfit. Increases the amount of ammo crafted and grants more experience for stealth kills.
*Bonus from buying the Croft Edition of the game.
- Craft Addtional Ammo – Increase the amount of ammunition crafted on the run.
- Bonus XP Stealth Kills – Gain bonus XP from stealth kills.
Robes of Puka Huk
Description: Robes of the renowned herbalist Puka Huk, rumored to be able to step between worlds. Increases the amount of harvested animal resources and health regeneration.
*Bonus from buying the Croft Edition of the game.
- Health Regeneration – Health regenerates more quickly during breaks in combat.
- Animal Resources – Gain additional hide and fat from animals.
Description: Green twill oxford and beige canvas pants. Increases amount of harvested natural resources and experience gained from hunting.
*Bonus from buying the Croft Edition of the game.
- Natural Resources – Gain additional plant and mineral crafting resources from each source.
- Bonus XP Hunting – Gain bonus XP from hunting animals.
Blue Heron Tunic
Description: This outfit bears the official colors of the deposed Queen Unuratu’s family line. Many rebels wear blue in support of the rebellion, and her family’s right to rule. Enables interaction with Rebels.
Benefits: None
Serpent Guard
Description: Armored tunic and headdress worn by the elite Cult of Kukulkan warriors. Enables interactions with Cultists.
Benefits: None
Description: Beige cotton oxford and green pants. A functional outfit for adventurers off the beaten path.
Benefits: None
Description: Teal tank and brown canvas pants, that have both seen better days.
Benefits: None
Remnant Jacket
Description: Brown canvas jacket received from Jacob. Lightweight yet sturdy.
Benefits: None
Description: Camouflage pants and black tank top with tactical vest.
Benefits: None
Desert Tank
Description: Light, gray tank top. Exploring old tombs has made it rather dirty.
Benefits: None
Description: Camouflage pants and matching olive shirt with a tactical vest and scarf.
Benefits: None
Siberian Ranger
Description: Green, long sleeve shirt and a light tactical vest. Practical attire for both exploration and combat.
Benefits: None
Shadow Runner
Description: All black clothing with a tactical vest.
Benefits: None
Description: Headpiece made from a bear skull and sheep horns. Patchwork leather tunic and bear pelt mocassins.
Benefits: None
Leather Jacket
Description: Gray hooded sweatshirt under a dark leather jacket. Casual clothing for a simpler life.
Benefits: None
Gray Henley
Description: Gray long-sleeve henley shirt. A loose weaver retains heat but allows for breathability.
Benefits: None
Blue Henley
Description: Blue, long-sleeve thermal shirt. A loose weave retains heat but allows for breathability.
Benefits: None
Angel of Darkness
Description: Black tank and shorts. Perfect for the dark alleys of Paris.
Benefits: None
Tomb Raider 2
Description: Teal tank and brown shorts. More nostalgic than functional.
Benefits: None
Bomber Jacket
Description: Classic bomber jacket with lamb’s wool lapels.
Benefits: None
Crimson Huntress
Description: Outfit worn by the merchant Moreakah in her younger years, as she ventured far from Paititi. Hunting increases the wearer’s experience. Increases duration of Focus Time herb effects.
- Bonus XP Hunting – Gain bonus XP from hunting animals.
- INcreased Focus Time – Time slowed for a longer period when aiming. Requires Scales Of The Serpent skill.
Yaway’s Battle Tunic / Yaway’s Wooden Greaves
Description: Leopard Pelt and hide worn by Yskar Yaway, a mighty Jaguar Warrior. Increases duration of Endurance herb effects. Requires Heart of the Jaguar skill.
Benefits Upper Body: Endurance Duration – Increases duration of Endurance herb effects, providing longer resistance to damage. Requires Heart Of The Jaguar skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Fire & Stumble Resistance – Resist fire damage, and get knocked down less often in combat.
Mantle of Six Sky / Greaves of Six Sky
Description: Six Sky wore this in battle. The Cult of Kukulkan’s Eagle Warriors wear eagle feathers in her honor. Metal inlays provide protection from long range attacks.
Benefits Upper Body: Projectile Resistance – Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Benefits Lower Body: Health Regeneration – Health regenerates more quickly during breaks in combat.
Ch’amaka’s Swar Vest / Ch’amaka’s Greaves
Description: These ancient wolf leather greaves were worn by the great warrior Ch’amaka during Paititi’s first rebellion. Surging into battle increases the wearer’s experience.
Benefits Upper Body: Endurance Duration – Increases duration of Endurance herb effects, providing longer resistance to damage. Requires Heart Of The Jaguar skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP Assault Kills – Gain bonus XP from non-stealth kills.
Vest of the Empress Jaguar / Boots of the Empress Jaguar
Description: This was made from the hide of an Empress Jaguar who nearly killed me. Dark hide provides concealment from enemies.
Benefits Upper Body: Enemy Awareness – Enemies take longer to detect and identify Lara as a threat.
Benefits Lower Body: Quiet Movement – Reduced noise from running, making Lara harder to detect.
Condor of Cowl of Urqu / Hide Boots of Urqu
Description: This hide and feather cowl belonged to someone named Urqu, possibly a scout. Increases duration of Focus Time herb effects. Requires Scales of the Serpent Skill.
Benefits Upper Body: Increased Focus Time – Time slowed for a longer period when aiming. Requires Scales Of The Serpent skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP Stealth Kills – Gain bonus XP from stealth kills.
Manko’s Tunic / Manko’s Boots
Description: A simple, but sturdy, hide tunic. Worn by Manko, the poo villager who led the Inca away from Cuzco, and to safety. Scented hide provides concealment when hunting prey.
Benefits Upper Body: Prey Awareness – Animal prey take longer ot detect Lara.
Benefits Lower Body: Fire & Stumble Resistance – Resist fire damage, and get knocked down less often in combat.
Eveningstar’s Cape / Eveningstar’s Boots
Description: Rumored to be worn by Queen Eveningstar, this cape is elaborate and made of many fine eagle feathers. Increases duration of Perception herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Upper Body: Perception Duration – Increases duration of Perception herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Natural Resources – Gain additional plant and mineral crafting resources from each source.
Nine Strides’ Harness / Nine Strides’ Boots
Description: Cotton and braided llama wool harness, once worn by someone named Nine Strides. Extra pockets provide ability to craft more ammunition.
Benefits Upper Body: Craft Additional Ammo – Increase the amount of ammunition crafted on the run.
Benefits Lower Body: Man-Made Resources – Gain additional fat, black powder and salvage resources from each source.
Kantu’s Gilded Vest / Kantu’s Boots
Description: Preferred outfit of Kantu, an affluent hunter. Her skill saved her tribe from starvation as they wandered the jungle, looking for a new home. Hunting increases the wearer’s experience.
Benefits Upper Body: Bonus XP Hunting – Gain bonus XP from hunting animals.
Benefits Lower Body: Animal Resources – Gain additional hide and fat from animals.
Tactical Adventurer / Tactical Adventurer
Description: Blue and black tanktop. Its moisture wicking fabric is ideal for jungle’s humidity.
Benefits Upper Body: None
Benefits Lower Body: None
Quenti Palla’s Mantle
Description: Mantle crafted from the feathers of the legendary eagle Quenti Palla, animal totem and first Champion of the Eagle Path. Grants the ability to find rare resources on fallen foes and animals.
*Only available in New Game+.
Benefits Upper Body: Eagle Looting – Find extra rare resources when looting enemies and animals.
Benefits Lower Body: Eagle Looting – Find extra rare resources when looting enemies and animals.
Three Fang’s Tunic
Description: Tunic crafted from the scales of the legendary anaconda Three Fangs, animal totem and first Champion of the Serpent Path. Provides increased protection from fire when ENDURANCE is used. Requires Heart of the Jaguar Skill.
*Only available in New Game+.
Benefits Upper Body: Serpent Scales – Greatly increases fire resistance granted by ENDURANCE. Requires Heart of the Jaguar skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Serpent Scales – Greatly increases fire resistance granted by ENDURANCE. Requires Heart of the Jaguar skill.
Ozcollo’s Tunic
Description: Tunic crafted from the pelt of the legendary jaguar Ozcollo, animal totem and first Champion of the Jaguar Path. Inflict extra damage on foes when near death.
*Only available in New Game+.
Benefits Upper Body: Jaguar Ferocity – Inflict extra damage when healt is critical.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP Assault Kills – Gain bonus XP from non-stealth kills.
Tunic of the Exiled Fox
Description: Included with the Season Pass and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Bonus XP – Hunting: Gain bonus XP from hunting animals.
Benefits Lower Body: Increased Focus Time: Time is slowed for a longer period when aiming with Focus Herbs in effect. Requires Scales of the Serpent skill.
Description: Included with The Forge DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Enemy Awareness: Enemies take longer to detect and identify Lara as a threat.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP – Stealth Kills: Gain bonus XP from stealth kills.
Brocken – Shadow
Description: Complete the Kuwaq Yaku DLC side mission The Forge.
Benefits Upper Body: Enemies take longer to detect and identify Lara as a threat.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP – Stealth Kills: Gain bonus XP from stealth kills.
Sinchi Chiqa Battle Dress
Description: Included with The Pillar DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Craft Additional Ammo: Increase the amount of ammunition crafted on the run.
Benefits Lower Body: Projectile Resistance: Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Sinchi Chiqa Battle Dress – Honor Guard
Description: Complete the Hidden City DLC side mission The Pillar.
Benefits Upper Body: Craft Additional Ammo: Increase the amount of ammunition crafted on the run.
Benefits Lower Body: Projectile Resistance: Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Scales of Q
Description: Included with The Nightmare DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits: Double Melee Resistance: Take significantly less damage from melee attacks.
Scales of Q – Feathered Serpent
Description: Complete the Hidden City DLC side mission The Nightmare.
Benefits: Take significantly less damage from melee attacks.
Hunter’s Array
Description: Included with The Price of Survival DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Perception Duration: Increases duration of Perception Herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Quiet Movement: Reduced noise from running, making Lara harder to detect.
Hunter’s Array – Apex
Description: Complete the Hidden City DLC side mission The Price of Survival.
Benefits Upper Body: Perception Duration: Increases duration of Perception Herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Quiet Movement: Reduced noise from running, making Lara harder to detect.
Dragon Scales
Description: Included with The Serpent’s Heart DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Health Regeneration: Health regenerates more quickly during breaks in combat.
Benefits Lower Body: Fire & Stumble Resistance: Resist fire damage, and get knocked down less often in combat.
Dragon Scales – Legend
Description: Complete the Hidden City DLC side mission The Serpent’s Heart.
Benefits Upper Body: Health Regeneration: Health renegerates more quickly during breaks in combat.
Benefits Lower Body: Fire & Stumble Resistance: Resist fire damage, and get knocked down less often in combat.
Reptile Hide
Description: Included with The Grand Caiman DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Bonus XP – Assault Kills: Gain bonus XP from non-stealth kills.
Benefits Lower Body: Projectile Resistance: Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Reptile Hide – Leviathan
Description: Complete the Mission of San Juan DLC side mission The Grand Caiman.
Benefits Upper Body: Bonus XP – Assault Kills: Gain bonus XP from non-stealth kills.
Benefits Lower Body: Projectile Resistance: Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Midnight Sentinel
Description: Included with the Season Pass’ The Path Home DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Perception Duration: Increases duration of Perception Herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Increased Focus Time: Time is slowed for a longer period when aiming with Focus Herbs in effect. Requires Scales of the Serpent skill.
Midnight Sentinel – Farseer
Description: Complete the Mission of San Juan DLC side mission The Path Home.
Benefits Upper Body: Perception Duration: Increases duration of Perception Herb effects. Requires Eye of the Eagle skill.
Benefits Lower Body: Increased Focus Time: Time is slowed for a longer period when aiming with Focus Herbs in effect. Requires Scales of the Serpent skill.
Tunic of the Shorn One
Description: Complete all 7 DLC side missions.
Benefits Upper Body: Melee Resistance: Take less damage from melee attacks.
Benefits Lower Body: Projectile Resistance: Take less damage from bullets and arrows.
Tactical Adventurer – Classic
Description: Included with the Season Pass’ The Path Home DLC pack and Definitive Edition.
Benefits Upper Body: Craft Additional Ammo: Increase the amount of ammunition crafted on the run.
Benefits Lower Body: Bonus XP – Stealth Kills: Gain bonus XP from stealth kills.
Croft Fitness
Description: Included with the Definitive Edition. The Definitive Edition content has replaced the Season Pass as of Nov 5, 2019.
Benefits: None
Special thanks to @tired_teddybear from Twitter for sending in the DLC outfits.
Those were all the Outfits Shadow of the Tomb Raider has to offer including Croft Edition and imported Rise of the Tomb Raider Bonus Costumes.
HighPriestKadaj says
Your missing the Crimson Huntress outfit u get from the moving merchant
HighPriestKadaj says
forgot to mention its a full body outfit with Bonus XP- Hunting gain bonus xp when hunting animals and increased focus time time slowed for a longer period when aiming, requires scales of the serpent skill
PowerPyx says
Updated, thx.
Of course it had to be the one vendor that randomly disappears xD
Cristian says
Thanks! Only missing the ones from the three Game+ paths I guess
MatMoss says
The Yaway’s Battle Tunic is currently glitched for some player’s (me included) because of the side quest that rewards it.
Frostysmoke says
Kantu’s gilded vest doesn’t craft n Manko’s tunic was never given after champions bow quest was completed
Nicole says
Manko’s Tunic is glitched for me too
I’m hoping this next playthrough will magically fix it ??
Zachary says
How do you get the commando and desert tank outfits?
Nicole says
Hi, I wanted to give some info on Tunic of the Exiled Fox. It was supposed to be a preorder outfit but (at least for PS4) it was not included in the game download or the code included. I searched everywhere and couldnt get a straight answer and only found it by accident when looking for a theme. It is in the PS store to download along with a new bow. I’m not sure how this outfit is affected on other platforms but I just wanted to give a heads up!
Jack Holiday says
Found a few mistakes in YouTube video description:
– “#31 – Tactical Adventurer Set – 10:30” should be “Quenti Palla’s Set”.
– “#26 – Condor Cowl of Urqu Set – 8:32” should be “Urqu’s Set”.
Wolf says
Your missing the Tunic of the Exiled Fox outfit, its a full body.
PowerPyx says
Do you know how to get it?
Did they add this via a patch?
PowerPyx says
Updated the post now with all the latest DLC Outfits (thanks to @tired_teddybear for sending them to me!)
Leon says
How do you enable them? Play the main game completely through, then….?
Jay says
play until you reach first fire camp to improve skill and inventory, its there
IbeFreeman says
I guess the task was to design 3 outfits and then redesign those three outfits fifty times.