Scarlet Nexus Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 50 – 75 hours
- Offline Trophies: 53 (1
, 2
, 8
, 42
- Online Trophies: 0
- Number of missable trophies: 0, all trophies can be completed post-story when you have completed the two playthroughs
- Glitched trophies: Nothing Yet
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can play on any difficulty (difficulty doesn’t seem to affect rewards at all, so it’s entirely personal preference)
- Minimum Playthroughs: 2 + cleanup
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: After you complete the story you are placed just before the final boss again when you load the clear save
- Release Date: June 25, 2021
Welcome to the Scarlet Nexus Trophy Guide! This is a new original IP from Bandai Namco and the team behind Tales of Vesperia. You play as either Yuito or Kasane, two OSF soldiers with Psychokinetic powers that allow them to use objects in the environment to fight a mysterious force called Others. The trophy list for this game requires playing through both of their stories (they each have different events and perspectives on what occurs throughout the story of the game) and there are no missable trophies and everything can be completed after the two playthroughs are complete when you can switch between the two main characters on the same save slot.
Step 1: First Playthrough with the Main Character of Your Choice
The first step will be choosing which character you want to play through the game first. The two characters have different story events for both the main story and side characters. You can do as little or as much extra side stuff as you want during a playthrough, but it would be recommended at the very least to do all Character Bond Episodes when they appear and give new gifts to the party members each Phase as they become available to save yourself some time at the end. You need to see the highest level bond episode for both main characters with all party members, so you can save yourself some time end by doing them as you go (and you gain more abilities with the party members as you level their bond up).
Step 2: EX New Game with the Other Main Character
After completing the story you make a Clear Save, which can then be used to start EX New Game (New Game +) with your selection of main character (see note below Step 3 about clear saves). Even if you start EX New Game with the opposite character you keep all inventory and level, which means you can work on things like unlocking the entire Brain Map and completing 30 Quests on this second character.
Step 3: Cleanup
After you have completed the second playthrough all you might have left is the cleanup of some of the trophies that can be completed with either main character, such as giving gifts and unlocking the entire brain map. During the cleanup step after completing both playthroughs you are able to switch between playing as Yuito and Kasane on the same save slot, making cleanup between the two characters easier.
IMPORTANT: Clear Saves
Once you complete the story you are prompted to make a “Clear Save” which shows you have completed the story on that character. If you load this clear save it allows you to keep playing as the same character, with some more Quests available and the game acting like you are just before fighting the final boss. DO NOT SAVE OVER THIS CLEAR SAVE! You can only start EX New Game specifically off that clear save. If you want to do cleanup on the first character and then transfer the new progress to EX New Game OR save over the Clear Save you will have to fight the final boss again to finish the story and make a new Clear Save.
Scarlet Nexus Trophy Guide
Anonymous says
Thank you for the trophy guide. I’m glad Scarlet Nexus is getting positive reviews and that the Platinum trophy is reasonable. Hope to see a trophy guide for Tales of Arise (10th September 2021), since that’s also published by Bandai Namco and is looking good so far.
Rean says
Will you guys make one for Mana Remaster?
uKnowitsme says
Thanks for the guide. Will you be making a guide for NEO: The World Ends with You?
RezMeDude says
Guide looks great. I just played the demo today and put my pre-order in. Can’t wait to play the full game. Based off the recommended Platinum time, would you say each playthrough is approximately 20-30 hours?
Gage says
Depending on how much extra running around you do during the playthroughs they are about that long yes. Second one shorter in NG+ just because you’re way over leveled.
Aero_X_999 says
This is a excellent guide! Thanks for making this guide, I can’t wait to play this tonight at midnight alongside with my beautiful new Cosmic Red Dualsense controller!
RezMeDude says
Quick questing about the “gifting” trophy. I just reached Phase 2 where you are introduced to gifting. I only had one gift that boosted my bond with Hanabi but had nothing for the other 2 characters and nothing in the exchange menu. I take it I need to keep progressing to find or unlock more and I shouldn’t be wasting time looking through this area.
Gage says
Gifts have a whole category on their own in the exchange menu, every gift eventually becomes available in there to trade materials for as you progress through the story.
Wild_Dark_Shadow says
Does anyone can confirm if the game has autopop if we play first on PS4 and upload the save to PS5?
If not I’ll play this with PS5 version
TheSnowFoxx says
Any update on this? I’m curious as well
Raphael says
Guys just a heads up, im playing the PS5 version and the game got stuck. I fought a particular boss in a snow area, defeated it, but the game didnt recognize it, so i cant progress, tried to reload the save file and even restart my console and it didnt work, make sure to make a back up save for this fight… Or you will have to replay everything again, like i will probably have to.
Sam says
I think I have a good spot for the Cunning Brain Smash trophy.
If you head to Abandoned Subway: Suoh Line 9, there will be a group of 4 enemies. Take them out, and then head into the right circular entryway to the large open arena that’s ultimately a dead end.
3 I believe Rummy enemies spawn at once.
Run around them a bit so they come in relatively close, then summon the L2/LT item, the one that makes several metal beams spin about in the air. If you aim the camera at the three of them and they’re close, it should hit all of them doing major crush damage. Just stop waggling the stick when you think they’re done so you can aim and brain crush the 3 of them.
I just did it at lv25. Party members were set to evasive maneuvers. I have the upgrade to brain crush chance duration but I don’t think it was needed all that much. It’s an easy spot to redo if you fail, as you can simply warp back to your hideout and then back to that spot to reset the enemies.
Surtur101 says
This is the one! Area name is Inside Abandoned Line right in front of where you spawn. I got the trophy without the upgrade.
paul says
can’t get the protect! trophy to unlock. i have stood in front of the posters for several minutes and its not unlocking. any suggestions?
Tiffany says
I posted below but in case you are also playing as Kasane: I had to wait until chapter 9 to get the trophy to pop, even though I could see the poster way earlier than that.
Infected Elite says
i got it early. Phase 4 i think.
I just stood in front of it. 10 seconds. Ran around the base if it didnt pop, stood again. Ding. Unlocked.
Aero_X_999 says
Infected Elite, this trophy can be done by either in Standby Phase 9 for Yuito story or Standby Phase 4 for Kasane story.
Danto says
Does Anyone knows where i can find the Keycard for Supernatural Life Research Facility?
I dont mean the Cards for Story progression. I mean for Luka Bondepisode 4 (Yuito Route). Cant reach the Door because it says outdatet Keycards. Looked now for over 1 hr but dont find a way in.
Gage says
I believe that one is bugged and sometimes won’t appear, you need to close and reload the game to make it show up eventually.
Joel says
You might’ve already found it, but in case you haven’t or for anyone else. It’s in one of the rooms (can’t remember which to be exactly or the floor, sorry) but its hidden in between boxes/scaffolding. I also ran around for a while and just happened to find it
Danto says
Jeah Gage was right. It bugged for me 4 Times either is no Keycard spawned or just 1 and not the second.
It was just annoing.
FateorDestiny says
Is anyone having trouble purchasing the standard edition on PS5? When i click on it I get an unknown error yet I can add the deluxe edition to my cart. Any ideas?
Adnan says
Are the plug ins (for increasing equipment capacity) required for the All gifts trophy?
Dennis says
I would say yes since they under present menu and each ally gets checkmark for first one you give them.
Gage says
Tiffany says
Protect! is not unlocking as Kasane, perhaps it is only possible to earn in Yuito’s playthrough? I won’t be able to verify that for a while but it may be worth mentioning.
Tiffany says
As a follow up to this comment: Once I got to Kasane standby phase 9, I checked the poster again and the trophy popped. So even though you can see the poster early as Kasane, it seems you have to wait until chapter 9 to get the trophy.
Gage says
I’ve added a note about that now, thanks. They must have set the trigger for it to be when you get all party members, even though the poster is there way earlier while playing as Kasane.
Justin Doty says
I struggled getting this to pop until i put the real life arashi also in view. Not sure if that was key but that popped it for me.
Natasha Burdick says
I got it before phase 9 with Kasane. I had to stand there a really long time though.
Ash says
With the gifts, do you have to buy the plug ins for everyone as well?
Gage says
Yes those count, as long as your actually looking around and picking up items during gameplay you get a bunch of them without needing to make them
lmsgivea says
Gift-Giving Freak
Do the Plug-In Parallelization Programs count for Gift-Giving Freak?
Aero_X_999 says
Joel says
Does anyone know how to get the gift-giving freak trophy?
For both my Kasane playthrough (which is new game+) and the Yuito playthrough (approaching the last chapter, chapter 12), I swear I have all gifts given to all allies, including plug ins (they have a checkmark above their faces when exchanging gifts) but I don’t know what I am missing. Do you have any idea what it could be?
Danto says
On which Chapter are you with your NG+ Char? You have to get at least to Ch 11 because at that Time all Gifts are available. And you also need to gift the Items for the other Main Character. Also the Plugin Gifts.
EzLo-Infinity says
This is definitely bugged for me also. Ive completed both playthroughs, the 2nd one being EX. I can see all characters including both main characters with 10/10 gifts on their character info, I’ve checked 3 times each present available at the shop and made sure that the tick is shown for all gifts for all party members on both main characters in the post game. All party members have their 3 equipment slots unlocked also.
I’m running out of ideas, guess I’ll see if gifting them again all gifts makes it pop, not sure if I’m willing to put all that work though. Or maybe you need max bond with party to pop (I still have some on 5).
Bob says
I’m curious, do the Checkmarks also carry-over to NG+? Wanted to know so that I don’t have to note down which gifts have been given or not.
Also, do you happen to have a list of all the exclusive gifts per playthrough?
Danto says
Yes they carried over.
Ash says
We need a list of all the gifts. I’ve looked everywhere but there’s no gift list as of now.. I’m assuming if they all become available phase 11 we just need to reach that on both characters and buy everything.
RezMeDude says
This is a good question. I didn’t give all available gifts on Yuito’s story, and I cleared the game so I don’t know if I should go back to the clear save and farm the rest of the gifts or start Kasane’s playthrough and be able to get the rest of the gifts in that playthrough
Danto says
Some Gifts are unique to one Specific Character. Could be the Case that you missed a shared Gift but could also be the Case that it was Unique. Just in Case i would go Back and gift all Gifts available for a Character until u start a NG+
Ash says
Hi just a quick question I’m just finishing up my first playthrough with yuito, on phase 11 stand by, do all the gifts definitely become available by then? I’ve got them all ticks, I want do as much as possible on my first game so there’s less to do on new game plus, also do the gifts carry over to new game plus? Like the ticks next to their name etc.. that’s the only trophy I’m worried about, the rest are alright.
Random Citizen says
Both characters have different sets of gifts for party members the gifts that unlock plugin slot are shared though, but don’t be afraid since you can swapping between yuiton and kadane after completing both story to do some cleanup
CallePwN says
Sorry but i dont understand the ”Clear Save” stuff. When i complete the story what should i do? What Clear Save should i not Save over, like what? ?
Gage says
It’ll make sense when you actually reach the point of making it. The warning is just to tell you not to save over the specific save the game gets you to make when you finish the story.
CallePwN says
Amazing, Thank you Gage!
Matthew Mountain says
So i’m trying to do all the combo visions trophy…Do i need to use all 8 allies combo twice (once in each play through and the main characters 1 time each?
I used everyone + Yuito in my 1st play through and have only used Kasane in my 2nd one.
Gage says
Yes with all party members with both main characters.
Matthew Mountain says
@Gage, thanks dude. Also a dumb question….in my 1st play through i never gave Yuito the Plug-In gifts….did i need to? I’ve given them to Kasane on my 2nd play through but i dunno if iv’e locked myself out of that trophy now
Gage says
You can switch characters on the same save once you finish the second playthrough and clean up any gifts then.
Ash says
Is it normal to get hardly any exp on your ex game? I understand you’re over levelled but I’m on phase 5 and haven’t levelled up once yet haha
Gage says
Yes because it doesn’t actually scale enemy level at all, so you’ll probably only gain a couple levels before reaching the end of the game.
Majury says
So I’m on Phase 11 on my 2nd character playthrough. I have given all characters the 10 gifts on both playthroughs, but no trophy. I have went back and forth on both saves to triple check and in the character menu, they all have 10/10. I have tried giving duplicate gifts to see if that worked, but nothing. Last bloody trophy I need has bugged. Fml
Majury says
So I beat the game with Kasane, my second character playthrough, and in the hideout it let’s you swap main characters. Yurito still had a gift to give, even though on my cleared save with him, I had done it all. Gave the last gift and it popped!
Gage says
It has to be on the same save, not on two saves. Finish the story with the second character then you can switch back and forth between the characters on the same save, then make sure you gave all gifts. You probably did the same thing as me and didn’t get them all before finishing first playthrough, so your clear save that NG+ was based off of didn’t have all gifts given with the first character.
Danto says
What is the best place for farming exp? Done with both Charakters but im only lvl 66.
Just doing the last Dungeon over and over or is there a specific Area?
The whole Brainmap is the Last Trophy ive missing.
Gage says
Floor 7 of the final dungeon, either running the whole thing or just repeating the first combat area over and over.
BodyChipper says
For link expert you mention 9 combos with each character, but Kasane is already part of the 8 face buttons, so how do you do the 9th one (is that the L2 + R2 combo)?
BodyChipper says
omg, nm. I was miscounting and didn’t realize Kagero was not part of my second wheel. sorry.
DjBatfink says
Kins Millionaire
Collected over 200 thousand kins.
In your guide you say “This trophy is awarded when you have over 200,000 kins (the game’s currency) at one time, not cumulatively.
On the True Achievement site, some one’s put a guide saying the 200k is cumulative, so you won’t need to hold the 200k to get this ?
Can you or some one else confirm which is correct please, as at the moment I’m trying not a spend anything unless i really need too. Thanks
BodyChipper says
If you’re worried about it, just make a save and then exchange for a bunch of visual items and then sell them to get to 200k then reload your save. It didn’t pop for me until I had over 200k in my inventory at once. I had a bought a few weapons prior so if it was cumulative it should have popped at at least 10-20k less than that.
Aero_X_999 says
I’d say that it would be cumulative, since I got the trophy popped up when I had 187k kins during Phase 11 Standby.
BodyChipper says
I cannot get the poster trophy to pop. I looked at it during every phase break as Yuito after it appeared, I’ve looked at it during every phase break during Kasane’s story up through phase 10. Still won’t pop. Any advice? I still have a save game of yuito from before his story was complete too just in case.
BodyChipper says
I finally got it but it took multiple tries of standing in various spots for various lengths of time.
Louie305 says
Thank you for this guide senpai
Andres says
Hi, guys
Any reason why the bond episodes trophies did not pop up for me? I have both playthrough completed and only the episode 5 of Yuito and Kasane pop up. The rest of the “cross” bonds didnt work.
In addition, the list of enemies trophy did not pop up either although i have played with both characters.
I refuse to think all of them are bugged :_(
Thanks in advance!!
Aero_X_999 says
It has to be on same save file, if you beat first playthrough with either Yuito or Kasane the game will ask you if you want to make clear save, you will have to do New Game+ using clear save.
Lennon Tan says
I got this problem too… the last trophies Red Strings of two seems bug? Anyone help? I already complete both story but trophies just won’t jump out
Anonymous says
I know this is late but I just achieved the Platinum trophy in Scarlet Nexus and it took about 51 hours and 22 minutes. Considering how slow I am when playing games, I think it’s more accurate to say it takes 50-60 hours to earn the Platinum Trophy for most people (not 50-75 hours).
Alastor says
Collecting Fragments of History seems to be glitched. It didn’t pop immediatelly when I started game with other character after clearing the game.
Alastor says
Managed to get it. For those with the same issue. Try loading the cleared save and beating the final boss again then making another cleared save and using that to start ex new game. Trophy popped at the end of the first scene
Cocka says
Is there a trophy auto pop? If so, what ways it works, like PS4 to PS5 only or also PS5 to PS4 too?
This game has been added to ps+ premium game list so i will be playing it soon.
Really appreciate if you would answer, i know that the guide is not recent.
Marcus says
Yet again another awesome trophy guide from PP. Just think the time is a little overestimated, I”ve done un under 30 hours on PS5, but I think i got a lot of items that facilitates things, maybe it wasn’t available when the guide was launched.
Thanks PP!