Saints Row (2022 Reboot) has 15 Ventures. They are businesses that generate you passive income, each has its own questline of unique Venture Missions. This Ventures Guide explains the Empire Tier System, Unlock Requirements, Cost to Build Ventures, How to Complete Venture Missions and the Rewards.
None of the Ventures are missable. You can still build any remaining ones after the Story. In fact, you have to build all of them to trigger the post-story mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper” which unlocks the final 15th Venture. Each Tier unlocks new Ventures. After unlocking them you can build them in any order. It doesn’t matter in what district you place them, this doesn’t affect anything and you have to build one in every district anyway. They can only be built in the 15 inner city districts, not in the 4 desert districts outside the city or the 1 lake district in the center.
The Ventures are built at the Empire Table, found upstairs in your Headquarters (HQ). It’s unlocked after the 12th Main Mission “Networking”. You automatically start out at Tier 1. It goes up to Tier 5.
Each Venture spawns its own type of miniquests. They are available immediately after building the Venture and all marked on the map by purple icons. They are the same task repeated a few times. Usually things like bringing back vehicles to the Venture that are scattered all over the map. Because the Venture Quests are scattered all over the map it doesn’t make a difference in what district you build a Venture, you will have to go over the entire map for the missions regardless. The only one where the placement can be advantageous is the 15th Venture “Saints Tower”, because it includes a Helipad and Fast Travel Point. This is best built on the left side of the map like Lakeshore South, because the only other Helipad is at your Headquarters on the right side of the map. This way you’ll have a Helipad on the left and on the right side of town to get around more quickly.
At each Tier the cost to build businesses increases. However, the more you build the more passive income they generate. You can retrieve the income via the “Cash” app on your phone. Completing all Missions for a Venture increases the Income. Clearing the Threats in the district also increases the income. The threats only spawn on the map after placing a venture in the district.
How to Unlock All Venture Tiers
- Tier 1 = Starting Tier, you start at Tier 1 after the 12th Main Mission “Networking”
- Tier 2 = Build 3 Ventures (at the Empire Table in Saints HQ church) to unlock & Complete Main Mission “Drawing Heat” to unlock
- Tier 3 = Build 6 Ventures & Complete 2 Ventures & Complete Main Mission “The Body of Evidence” to unlock
- Tier 4 = Build 10 Ventures, Complete 5 Ventures to unlock & Complete Main Mission “Good Cop / Bad Cop” to unlock
- Tier 5 = Build all 15 Ventures and finish the Main Story. After building the first 14 you must also build the Saints Tower for $8 Million as the 15th Venture. Doing so triggers the mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”, which upgrades your Empire to Tier 5. This is the highest Tier.
Tier 0
JimRob’s Garage
- Cost: $0 – Automatic Story Unlock from 5th Main Mission “A Piece of the Action”
- Starting Income: $1000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $3000/Hour
- Venture Missions: After getting this venture talk to JimRob behind the garage, at the venture in West Providencia. Then steal 10 vehicle for him. See JimRob Car Locations. After stealing the 10 cars talk to JimRob again to finish the 11th objective.
- Rewards: JimRob’s Crew Oufits, JimRob’s Attrazione (car), Vehicle Delivery ability (can have car to you delivered anywhere on the map to your location via Contacts app), JimRob Statue (Collectible), 5000XP, $30,000
Tier 1
Starting Tier, you start at Tier 1 after the 12th Main Mission “Networking”
Shady Oaks
- Cost: $30,000
- Starting Income: $1250/Hour
- Maximum Income: $3750/Hour
- Venture Missions: Complete 6 “Insurance Fraud” mini-missions. Use the map filter to switch to “Ventures” and they’ll show as purple icon. The first one is in Lakeshore South. You must throw yourself into traffic to reach a certain money amount of damage to yourself before time runs out. The trick is to build up the yellow meter in the top left of the screen, it increases each time you get hit by a car. When the yellow meter is full you will automatically blow up every car you touch and get launched high up in the air. Try to keep the multiplier up by hitting as many cars as possible in one combo. The easiest method is to fly onto parked cars in a parking lot, they also increase your multiplier and are easier to hit than moving cars. After doing the 6 Insurance Frauds talk to the venture manager to complete the 7th objective.
- Rewards: Shady Oaks Crew Outfits, Roadkill Responder (Vehicle), Scrubs Shady Oaks, Lab Coat Shady Oaks, Crutch (Weapon), Guitar Case Launcher (Weapon), New Weapon Patterns, New Vehicle Patterns, Shady Oaks Sign (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000, Can use Contacts App to do Insurance Fraud anywhere in the city
- Cost: $30,000
- Starting Income: $1250/Hour
- Maximum Income: $3750/Hour
- Venture Missions: You must steal 4 food trucks around the city and drive them back to the Chalupacabra Venture. Use the map filter “Ventures” to see these icons more easily, they have purple icons. After going there you must first defeat some enemies. Then steal the car. While driving back to the venture you will be chased by enemy vehicles, you can shoot them with an SMG. If you have trouble with this, lower the difficulty to the easiest setting. One of the faster ventures to complete as it has only 4 missions. After stealing the 4 food trucks talk to the venture manager to complete the 5th objecitve.
- Rewards: Chalupacabra Crew Outfits, Costume Taco, Chalupacabra Sign (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Bright Future
- Cost: $30,000
- Starting Income: $1250/Hour
- Maximum Income: $3750/Hour
- Venture Missions: You must steal 13 trucks with toxic barrels on them. After building the business the first few will be marked by purple icons on the map (use “Ventures” filter on map to see them easily). They have a truck icon. After doing the first 4, you will also see these trucks driving around everywhere in town. You can then grab them off the street, no need to do all the ones with icons on the map. They often spawn at busy streets near your venture, making it a much shorter drive than going to the purple map icons which can be on the other end of the map. The trucks always have 12 green barrels. If you damage the truck they will become “volatile” and can explode. As long as you keep the truck undamaged the barrels won’t go volatile. If one barrel goes volatile then all vehicles in traffic will drive like crazy because they see you are leaking radiation from the truck. This makes it harder to arrive at the venture with barrels intact because cars will ram into you and block your path. As long as no barrel starts leaking the traffic will behave normally and it’s significantly easier to not lose any barrels that way. After getting 13 trucks, the 14th objective is to talk to the venture manager.
- Rewards: Bright Future Crew Outfits, Toxic Waste Truck (Vehicle), Hazmat Suit Bright Future, Toxic Waste Barrel (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000, Toxic Waste Trucks will drive around the map
Castle Kraken
- Cost: $30,000
- Starting Income: $1250/Hour
- Maximum Income: $3750/Hour
- Venture Missions: This is part of the main story. Complete the Main Missions: The Dustmoot > The Rod Warrior > Unto the Breach. To unlock The Rod Warrior you will have to go to the venture, talk to the manager, and then go to the purple icons in the Badlands to set some effigies on fire and defeat enemies. After completing the venture you can advance the questline.
- Rewards: Dustlander Crew Outfit, Dustrider (Vehicle), Costume Dustlander, D20 (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Tier 2
Build 3 Ventures (at the Empire Table in Saints HQ church) to unlock & Complete Main Mission “Drawing Heat” to unlock.
- Cost: $100,000
- Starting Income: $15,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $45,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: This requires you to complete a few missions with experimental items, including a hoverboard and some new weapons/gadgets. They are short miniquests where you must help the venture by testing out these tools in a series of objectives. One of the quicker ventures to complete.
- Rewards: Eurekabator! Crew Outfits, Lab Coat Eurekabator, Hoverboard Trophy (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
- Cost: $100,000
- Starting Income: $15,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $45,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: After building it, you will get “Clean Up Crew” icons on the map. Go there and you’ll have to reach a vehicle. Take the vehicle and reach the target area to destroy it how the objective tells you to. The only tricky/confusing one is when you must “flip the car into the quarry”. For this one you must park the car at the purple spot at the cliff above the quarry. Exit the car, enter the nearby excavator, drive in front of the car and press
in the excavator to flip the car down the quarry.
- Rewards: Laundromate Crew Outfits, Laundromat Van (Vehicle), Interstellar Phone Booth (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Wuzyerz Repo
- Cost: $100,000
- Starting Income: $15,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $45,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: Enter the towing truck at the venture, parked directly inside the venture’s yard. Drive it to the purple map icons (can filter by “Venture” on the map) to find objects you must tow back to the venture. Alternatively, you can also upgrade any of your vehicles at the garage with the towing cable and use that. Bring the towed object back to the venture in one piece.
- Rewards: Wuzyerz Crew Outfits, Wuzyerz Thompson (Vehicle), Wuzyerz Tow Truck (Vehicle), Miami (Vehicle), Wuzyerz Repo Yard (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Tier 3
Build 6 Ventures & Complete 2 Ventures & Complete Main Mission “The Body of Evidence” to unlock.
Cutting Edge
- Cost: $400,000
- Starting Income: $46,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $138,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: For this you must go to 15 purple markers on the map and take photos of specific materials in the search area. When you scroll over the purple map marker it gives a hint what to photograph. There are more than 15 markers, you can pick any 15 you want. See Cutting Edge Edith’s Vision Journal Photo Locations.
- Rewards: Cutting Edge Crew Outfits, Body Suit Cutting Edge, Cutting Edge Coat, Vat of Fabulous (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Kakts Radio
- Cost: $400,000
- Starting Income: $46,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $138,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: There will be purple radio tower icons added to your map. Go there, check the icon and it will say what faction you must fight there (the 3 gangs or police). Then use the Contacts App on your phone to call that faction and defeat all of them. After doing this you unlock blue radio towers on the map, which are visible under the “Ventures” map filter. You must then use Weather Stations to launch yourself in the air with the wingsuit, fly to these towers and bounce off the top of the tower by pressing
. This will complete the tower. You must go to all 4 purple icons first and call the correct faction shown on the map icon to unlock the surrounding radio towers. After doing all of them return to the venture manager to finish the questline. The easiest method would be to use a helicopter or the VTOL plane (unlocked after story) from your HQ helipad. Then fly over the tower, mark it on your map to see the icon from the air, jump out of the helicopter and press
to open the wingsuit and bounce off the top of the tower. You will lose your aircraft but can quickly fast travel back to the HQ to grab a new one and repeat for each tower. Try to bounce off multiple towers in one go to save some repetition. Using an aircraft is slightly easier than driving around for the weather stations (which have a yellow “Discovery” map icon).
- Rewards: KAKTS Radio Crew Outfits, KAKTS Radio Van (Vehicle), Cactus Bat (Weapon), KAKTS Radio Tower (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000, Call-in-Jammer (You have more time to interrupt phone calls to the police and faction reinforcements)
The Big One
- Cost: $400,000
- Starting Income: $46,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $138,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: You must complete 6 Mayhem locations. They require you to destroy a certain value of property and vehicles within a certain time limit, using rocket launcher, tank, helicopter, and VTOL. To finish these quickly try to get high multiplier scores by destroying many objects in quick succession, without the multiplier breaking. The higher the multiplier gets the faster it goes away if you don’t destroy anything. The time limit is quite generous, especially when playing on lowest difficulty. A good way to increase the multiplier is to destroy small objects in the environment, then destroy vehicles when the multiplier is higher. Vehicles give the most money per destruction. For the Mayhems where you fly helicopter or VTOL, go to a busy highway or intersection where many cars spawn.
- Rewards: The Big One Crew Outfits, Maximillian (Vehicle), Nuke Mount (Collectible), New Weapon Patterns, New Vehicle Patterns, 5000 XP, $30,000, Auto-Reinflating Tires (when you get a flat, your tires autorepair in seconds)
Tier 4
Build 10 Ventures, Complete 5 Ventures to unlock & Complete Main Mission “Good Cop / Bad Cop” to unlock.
First Strike Dojo
- Cost: $1,600,000
- Starting Income: $160,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $480,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: Complete 5 Protection Racket missions. They are marked purple on the map. Use the “Ventures” filter on the map to see them more easily. They look like a fist icon. At these locations you must defeat a few waves of fighters. The easiest method is to use Flaming Punch skill (should be under
). It deals more damage than the melee weapons you are carrying. Do flaming punch, roll away (
), do another Flaming Punch and repeat. After all 5 missions are done the 6th objective is to talk to the master at your dojo to complete this questline.
- Rewards: First Strike Crew Outfits, First Strike Saguaro (Vehicle), Gi First Strike, Training Dummy (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Let’s Pretend
- Cost: $1,600,000
- Starting Income: $160,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $480,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: You must complete 5 Heists. Each Heist consists of 2 parts (that both count together as +2 towards the Venture completion). First you must take some photographs of the building where the Heist takes place. Usually entrances and cameras within the yellow search area around the building. After you took all photos press
to immediately start the Heist right then and there. You must wait in the car while your friends go in and steal money, then fight off the police, get back in the car to pick up your friends, then escape from the police by driving to the marked points before time runs out.
- Rewards: Let’s Pretend Crew Outfits, Pinata Launcher (Weapon), Space Suit (Collectible), 5000 XP, $30,000
Planet Saints
- Cost: $1,600,000
- Starting Income: $160,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $480,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: You must grab 12 moving trucks off the streets, they will be marked by white icons on the minimap, thus they are easy to see when nearby. They will also be marked by a purple mission marker when you get close enough. When you approach the truck will start driving much faster. You must sideswipe it (drive next to it and press left stick +
). After 2 sideswipes the driver should exit the vehicle and starts shooting at you. Steal the truck and drive it back to Planet Saints, park it behind the building in the purple marked area. After the first 4 trucks it gets a bit harder, then police starts spawning as soon as you get in the truck and they also put up roadblocks. Watch out that the truck doesn’t get damaged by police too much. Always search for these trucks close to your venture. They spawn frequently anywhere on the map, look at busy streets and drive back and forth within 500 meters of your venture. The shorter the way back to the venture the easier and faster it is. After stealing 12 trucks the 13th objective is to talk to the venture manager.
- Rewards: Planet Saints Crew Outfits, Saints Attrazione (Vehicle), Saints Oppressor (Vehicle), Saints Estrada, Saints Grandad, Planet Saints Pedestal, 5000 XP, $30,000, AI Driver (hold
after entering a vehicle to use auto-drive, the vehicle will drive on its own to the map marker without any input)
Tier 5
Build all other 14 Ventures and finish the Main Story to unlock. After building the first 14 you must also build the Saints Tower for $8 Million as the 15th Venture. Doing so triggers the mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”, which upgrades your Empire to Tier 5. This is the highest Tier.
Saints Tower
- Cost: $5,000,000
- Starting Income: $1,280,000/Hour
- Maximum Income: $1,920,000/Hour
- Venture Missions: After finishing the main story all you must do is build all other ventures and complete at least 6 ventures. Then you can build the Saints Tower for $5 Million. An easy method is to keep your game running over night and retrieve the passive income from the Cash App the next day. This gives more money than playing actively once you’ve built all other ventures. After you have $5 Million simply build the Saints Tower at the Empire Table in your HQ. Talk to the manager on the roof of the Saints Tower and you’ll get a series of cutscenes. Nothing you actually need to do for this venture. Simply building it will complete the venture, there are no extra quests for it. This is “technically” still built at Empire Tier 4, but building the Saints Tower makes you reach Empire Tier 5 which is the maximum you can reach. There are no more ventures to build after this. It also unlocks the “We could go home, or…” trophy and achievement.
- Rewards: Saints Tower Crew Outfits, Saints Titan, Saints Hammerhead, Saint Discordia (Collectible), Criminal Empire Tier 5, Wingsuit Boost (boost while wingsuiting to stay in the air longer), Saints Limousine (Vehicle), Saints Tornado (Vehicle), Criminal Empire Tier 5
That’s all of the Ventures in Saints Row 5 (2022 Reboot).
For everything else needed for 100% Completion refer to the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Darxion says
I finished the first venture and was getting 2k. Joined a friend’s world and dropped back to 1k… now in my own world I’m stuck on 1k with no way to restart the venture…. I wonder if I’ll always be down 1k now…..
Ashley says
I found for jobs like Wuzyerz Repo, using a helicopter fitted with a winch the best way, and they wont even shoot at you.
With items like the tank, i had to use the VTOL
I’m guessing it would also work for JimRob’s Garage, but i didn’t think about using a helicopter at the time.
migix959595 says
tips for planet saints venture
To find in less time the truck, finish the story and go on the VTOL and modify it with magnet wire , near the venture appear ever the truck, go in the vtol with slow mode and when you see the truck press r1 to hook the truck (automatically the driver go out, and easy transport the truck on venture)
ps;sorry for bad english
markell says
do the saints crew roam around the map
PowerPyx says
Yes after completing a district they drive/walk around the district. Enemy gangs will still be present too but fewer than before.
Bergy says
on my mini map it showing a picture of a building with a dollar sign where jim robs is but on the full map it his normal logo. what does it mean?
Mighty_Pumaman says
Anyone knows if the Insurance Fraud activities are required for the Platinum? I’ve unlocked the venture and managed to completed 1 of 7 but I suck at this activity…
Leigh says
If you get stuck on insurance fraud, just get enough adrenaline, Find a nearby parking lot or whatever and hit parked cars, if there isn’t a parking lot, look in driveways and on the streets for parked cars