Saints Row (2022 Reboot) has 75 Threat Locations. Finding and completing all Threats is needed for 100% district completion to unlock the All Mine trophy and achievement. There are 5 Threats per district. They only spawn after building a Venture in a district via the Empire Table at your Headquarters. It’s unlocked after the 12th Main Mission ‘Networking’.
None of the Threats are missable. You can still do them after the story at any time. Only the 15 inner city districts where you can build ventures contain threats. The 4 desert areas (Badlands & Rojas) don’t contain any Threats. The Threats are marked by red icons on the map. You can filter the map by “Ventures” to filter out all other icons.
There are a few different types of Threats, here are explanations what to do for each type:
- Panteros Muscle / Idols Vandals / Marshall Security – defeat all enemies
- Panteros Cars – destroy all cars, usually 4 of them in a yellow search circle, sometimes they can also be motorcycles
- Police Surveillance – destroy the parked police van in the yellow search circle
- Idols Stash – find the door that has a
interaction icon to start a 90 second countdown timer and defend it from waves of enemies until time is up
- Marshall Drones – find and destroy all of the flying drones in the search area, you can shoot them down with any weapon, they have red icons when going near them
It doesn’t matter in what district you build what venture. The threat icons always show up at the same locations regardless of what venture you put there. Clearing the Threats also increases the hourly passive income from your venture in that district.
There are no Threats in the following 6 Districts: Lake Sabastian, Old Town Shoreline, Rojas Desert South, Rojas Desert North, Badlands South, Badlands North.
For other Completion Items refer to:
- Saints Row 100% Completion Guide
- 265 Discoveries Guide
- 75 Threats Guide
- 41 Side Hustles Guide
- 35 Stores Guide
- 15 Ventures Guide
- 115 Main Collectibles
Threat Locations Map
The below map shows all 75 Threat Locations. If you need a zoomed-in version see the individual district by district images below.
*Click map image to enlarge*
Video Guide
Smelterville West
Smelterville East
West Providencia
East Providencia
Old Town East
Old Town West
Monte Vista
Marina East
Marina West
Lakeshore North
Lakeshore South
West Flats
East Flats
El Dorado
There are no Threats in the following 6 Districts: Lake Sabastian, Old Town Shoreline, Rojas Desert South, Rojas Desert North, Badlands South, Badlands North.
That’s all of the Threats in Saints Row 5 (2022 Reboot).
For everything else needed for 100% Completion refer to the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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