Saints Row (2022 Reboot) has 35 Store Locations. Finding all Stores and buying 1 item from each unlocks the Shopping Spree trophy and achievement. They are also needed for 100% Completion in all Districts.
They are all marked on the map from the beginning of the game with green icons. You can use the Map Filter “Stores” to filter out all other icons. They can be visited right away after finishing the Prologue. Simply buy the cheapest item from each to make it count as “completed” on the map. They usually have something as cheap as $30-$150. Having $10,000 is sufficient to buy something from every store.
From the “Friendly Fire” Gun Shops it’s enough to refill ammo. Interact with the shopkeeper, scroll over a weapon that doesn’t have full ammo and press /
to refill it. No need to buy individual weapons at each Gun Shop. The ones you bought something from will say “completed” when scrolling over their icon on the world map. When scrolling over a district it also shows how many shops you bought something from in that district.
Note: The “Everything Is a Million Dollars” clothing store in Lakeshore South (next to the clothing store called “Impressions”) is NOT needed for the trophy. It unlocks after finishing the main story, but for the trophy / achievement you can skip it. It also doesn’t count towards the district’s 100% completion.
Potential Bugs & Fixes:
If a district shows you’re missing a store even though it shows “completed” when scrolling over the store items, simply buy something from the stores again and it should fix itself (it’s usually a Gun Shop that bugged). In my case I had 2 gun shops show as “completed” but the district completion showed them missing. Buying ammo from those shops again fixed it.
All Store Locations Map
The map below shows all Store Locations. Note: Mercado has 3 Shops in total, 2 of them are very close together and slightly overlapping on the map.
*Click map image to enlarge*
For everything else needed for 100% Completion refer to the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
Minorcas13 says
It’s a bummer that the Emo/Goth clothing stores are gone, or atleast I couldn’t find any
commenter says
Leather and Lace is on the map. That’d be as close as you could get I think… I miss the costume/cosplay shop.
Huntsman says
Is this potentially bugged? I bought all of the tattoos from one store and now I can’t get credit for buying a tattoo from the other store, since I own them all. I can’t go back to an old save.
Unholysword says
I personally miss the custom walk animations saints row 2 had, and something is wrong with the impressions store at lakeshore South it just says completed on it and there’s no shop open.
Lee says
Some of my shops cant allow me in when i approach them