Saints Row (2022 Reboot) has 6 Idols Collective Member Locations. Defeating all Collective Members unlocks the Chaos Tamer trophy or achievement.
None of the Idols Members are missable. You get 4 automatically from the Main Story. 1 is from a Threat, and 1 from a Wanted Job.
Idols Collective Members are special enemies with cat helmets. You can keep track of this via the Challenge called “The Collective”. It’s on your Phone under Missions > press /
for “Challenges” > The Collective (should be the top Challenge).
Potential Bug Warning:
There are reports of it showing less than 6 in the Challenge despite having 100% game completion and having defeated all of them. In this case the trophy/achievement doesn’t unlock either. As a precaution, make a manual save before the 4 story-related ones (see missions below) and check after the mission in the Challenges that they counted. If they didn’t, reload the manual save and retry.
Idols Collective Member Locations
- 4 are automatic from Main Story Missions – 1 in Mission 7: Be Your Own Boss, 1 in Mission 15: Idol Threat, 2 in Mission 28: Going Overboard. Don’t worry about these, can’t miss them.
- 1 is from a specific Threat in Old Town West. You must first build a Venture in Old Town West for it to appear. Doesn’t matter which Venture you build there. You can build Ventures after the 12th Main Story Mission “Networking“. Here is the Threat location and an image of the Member:
- 1 from Wanted Job “Litterbugs”. You start it via the Wanted App on your phone. It’s an automatic story unlock from story progress. Killing the Collective Member is the main objective of this job, can’t miss it. You start this by opening the red-colored “Wanted” App on your phone, then simply follow the waypoint markers. The Member spawns at the end of the mission on a motorcycle.
For everything else needed for 100% Completion refer to the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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