Saints Row (2022) Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 3.5/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 40-60 hours
- Offline Trophies: 49 (3, 5, 41)
- Online Trophies: 2 (1, 1) – Prankster , Completionist
- Total Trophies (PS5 has one extra Gold but one less Silver): PS5 – 51 (1, 3, 5, 42) / PS4 – 51 (1, 2, 6, 42)
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: Everything is obtainable, but Chaos Tamer can bug out in rare cases. The following trophies can have tracking issues but there are easy fixes for them: Wrecking Ball might take more than one towed object kill, keep doing more kills and it should unlock, It’s a Bird! can have issues with increasing counter on Wingsuit challenges but you can load an older manual save from before getting all Perks to still do it (keep different Manual Saves as precaution, rebooting game can help to fix it too), Shopping Spree can have issues with some stores showing as completed but the district counter being stuck, this is quickly fixed by rebuying something from stores. Warning: Playing Co-Op is known to freeze Challenge Progress permanently, avoid Co-Op until you have all other trophies and make a Manual Save before.
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No, can do everything on the easiest difficulty “Tourist”
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: No Save Transfer, No Autopop
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- PS4/PS5 Crossplay: Yes, PS4 players can play Co-Op with PS5 players
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, can still free roam after story. You can still go everywhere and do everything trophy-related after the story. Nothing is missable.
- Release Date: August 23, 2022
Welcome to the Saints Row (2022) Trophy Guide! In order to get Platinum you need close to 100% game completion. Nothing is missable. Everything can be done on easy. You can technically do things in any order you want, the entire world is accessible after the first Mission. It’s most time-efficient to focus on the story first, you unlock a VTOL plane after finishing the story. This makes it much quicker to get around the city and complete all districts. Most of your time will go into the 100% completion of the 15 inner-city districts and completing all Venture Missions. The Venture Missions are needed for 100% district completion too. In total there are 431 District Collectibles (265 Discoveries, 75 Threats, 41 Side Hustles, 35 Stores, 15 Ventures). The game is quite lenient with some requirements: the districts outside the city (deserts) don’t need to be completed. From the Main Collectibles you only need 85 of 115. Challenges are only needed to the extent of unlocking all Perks but there are a lot more Challenges than you need so you can skip the hard ones. Overall an easy list.
Step 1: Story [10 Hours]
The first step is to finish the story. You can play on the lowest difficulty “Tourist”. Enabling Aim Assist is allowed and doesn’t void any trophies. Nothing is missable. You can still do everything after the story. All Challenges, Collectibles etc. are still possible after finishing the story and reaching 100% completion, even the ones tied to specific enemy types.
There are just a few things you should pay attention to:
- [Collectible Tracking – Discoveries] It’s recommended that you DON’T interact with any of the yellow “Discoveries” icons on the map until you start collecting them all. The icons go away once collected, this can make it confusing which ones you already got and which ones you are missing. Weather Stations and Rooftop Access auto-complete upon discovery, simply by having their icon on the map. If you haven’t interacted with anything but the district shows “1/13 Discoveries completed” it’s because you found a Weather Station or Rooftop Access. You can keep all the Discoveries for Step 2 after the Story. If you already want to clear out some districts during the story refer to the 100% Completion Guide. If you accidentally pick up a few Discoveries that’s fine and doesn’t void anything, but keep a note which ones you got to avoid confusion later.
- [Time Saver] After Main Mission 12: Networking you can build Ventures (businesses) from the Empire Table in your Headquarters. Save your money for these. You must build all 15 Ventures and complete all of their missions to get 100% completion in all districts. They are also required to unlock a post-story mission. The sooner you build the ventures, the sooner they start generating passive income. The higher-tier Ventures are quite expensive, ranging from $400,000 – $8,000,000. After you get your first Venture you can use the “Cash App” on your phone to retrieve the income from it. Always reinvest it into new businesses, don’t spend it on unnecessary things like vehicle upgrades or expensive clothes (buying a few weapon upgrades is fine though).
- [Avoid Co-Op] Warning: Playing Co-Op is known to freeze Challenge Progress permanently, avoid Co-Op until you have all other trophies and make a Manual Save before.
Step 2: 100% Districts & Completing All Ventures [20-25 Hours]
Build Ventures at the Empire Table in your HQ to unlock the “Threats” on the map. Complete all Threats, Side Hustles, Discoveries, Stores, Venture Missions in each district. Then the district will get a golden icon and shows “District Complete” when scrolling over it. Only the 15 districts in the inner city (the ones that contain threats) are needed for trophy All Mine. The desert areas outside town (Rojas & Badlands) aren’t needed for it, but there’s a trophy for completing all yellow “ Photo Hunt” Discoveries, a few of those are also in the desert.
After building the last Venture “Saints Tower” (costs $8 Million) you will also get We could go home, or… for singing Karaoke with your friends. It gives you a special cutscene. But you have to do this for the 100% completion anyway. When doing the @TCHA Side Hustles (giving 1-5 star ratings to businesses) it’s best to always give 1 star as it gives extra unlocks like the Pinata Stick, but they are all replayable even if their map icons go away.
There are 431 District Completion Items in total. Click the links below for guides to everything you need:
- –> 100% Completion Guide
- 265 Discoveries Guide
- 75 Threats Guide
- 41 Side Hustles Guide
- 35 Stores Guide
- 15 Ventures Guide
Step 3: 85 of 115 Collectibles [1-2 Hours]
The Main HQ Collectibles are purple glowing objects that you must photograph with the camera. They are the ones listed in the “Collectibles App”. There are 115 total but only 85 are needed for the trophy The Collector. You can skip any 30 of them. At this point you will already have 10 from story rewards and 19 from 100% completion rewards. Meaning 29 are already done, only 56 remain for the trophy.
» Saints Row All Collectible Locations
Step 4: All 10 Vehicle Special Upgrades [1 Hour]
For Heard You Like Wheels you must get all 10 unique Vehicle Special Upgrades. These are the “Signature Abilities” shown in the bottom right of the garage, they require doing little challenges like barrel rolls or backflips. You only need them for one car each, not for every car in the game.
» Saints Row All Vehicle Special Upgrades Guide
Step 5: Challenges & Perks [3-5 Hours]
Perks are unlocked by doing Challenges. In the Missions App press to view your Challenge Progress. There are 34 Perks total, you need all of them for Jack of All Trades. Luckily, there are a lot more Challenges than you need to unlock all Perks. This means you can skip the harder Challenges and focus on easier ones. 46 of 74 Challenges are needed for this, the remaining 28 can be ignored.
After having finished the story and 100% completion you will already have completed many challenges automatically. You will also have access to all weapons, vehicles, and can summon any enemy faction via the “Contacts” app (this is unlocked from the KAKTS Radio venture). It’s super quick to farm anything related to combat or specific enemies this way. You can use it to spawn enemies infinitely. It’s still available after having finished the KAKTS radio venture and after having 100% in all districts. Spawn enemies through Contacts App outside your HQ, do weapon kills to complete Challenge, return to your HQ to change weapons, repeat the cycle for the next challenge. See the below guides for solutions for all Challenges and all unlockable Perks:
» Saints Row All Perks Guide
» Saints Row All Challenges Guide
Step 6: Miscellaneous Trophies [1 Hour]
You might still have some miscellaneous trophies left, such as doing a Quadruple Backflip or hitting a Pinata using a Pinata Stick. Refer to the trophy descriptions below for anything you have left. After this the Platinum will be yours.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Saints Row – Walkthrough
- Saints Row – 100% Completion Guide
- Saints Row – All Collectible Locations
- Saints Row – All Discovery Locations
- Saints Row – All Side Hustle Locations
- Saints Row – All Threat Locations
- Saints Row – All Store Locations
- Saints Row – All Vehicle Special Upgrades
- Saints Row – All Idols Collective Member Locations
- Saints Row – Ventures Guides
- Saints Row – All Challenges Guide
- Saints Row – All Perks Guide
Saints Row (2022) Trophy Guide
Main Game & Other DLC Trophy Guides:
Saints Row Trophy Guide & Roadmap (Main Game)
DLC #1: The Heist and the Hazardous
DLC #2: Doc Ketchum’s Murder Circus
DLC #3: A Song of Ice and Dust
Completionist Unlock all trophies. |
Earn all other trophies in Saints Row to unlock Platinum (DLC not required). The DLC exclusive Collectibles are not needed for platinum because you only need 85 of 115 Collectibles total. | ||
Power Players Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 3. |
See A Golden Age . Automatic story-related trophy, you reach Tier 5 in the last story mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”. | ||
Masters of Santo Ileso Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 4. |
See A Golden Age . Automatic story-related trophy, you reach Tier 5 in the last story mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”. | ||
A Golden Age Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 5. |
Automatic story-related trophy, you reach Tier 5 in the last story mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”.
For all Ventures and how to complete them, see Saints Row Ventures Guide. |
Jack of All Trades Acquire every perk. |
Perks are unlocked from completing Challenges. These can be viewed on the Phone by pressing Touchpad > Missions > Challenges. Not all Challenges are needed, you only need 46 of 74 Challenges total to get all Perks, thus allowing you to pick and choose which ones you want to do and which to ignore. 28 Challenges can be skipped. Nothing is missable, anything related to defeating specific enemies can be done after the story. After building the KAKTS Radio Venture you can call any enemy faction via the Contacts app, this is still available after getting 100% completion in all districts and after completing the KAKTS Radio Venture. The enemies will spawn in multiple waves, spawning all enemy types of each faction. This way you can quickly farm everything after the story. See the below guides for all unlockable Perks and how to complete all Challenges:
» Saints Row All Perks Guide |
It’s a Bird! Complete all wingsuit challenges. |
For this you must complete 4 specific Challenges related to the Wingsuit. You can view them in Missions App > Challenges. They unlock gradually over the course of the game:
After all 4 are complete the trophy will unlock. Potential Bugs & Fixes: |
Quality Time Complete all loyalty missions. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This should unlock after Main Mission “Art Appreciation” if you did all other Main Missions up until that point (because missions can be done in different order it can vary). Regardless of what order you play the main missions you’ll always get this as part of the main story, don’t worry about this. “Loyalty Mission” refers to missions that are favors for your friends, but they are all part of the main storyline. They aren’t specifically called “Loyalty” in-game but they all take place over the first two-thirds of the story. | ||
Shopping Spree Buy 1 item from every store. |
There are 35 Stores in total. They are all marked on the map from the beginning of the game and all can be visited right away. Simply buy the cheapest item from each, they usually have something as cheap as $30-$150. From the “Friendly Fire” Gun Shops it’s enough to refill ammo. Interact with the shopkeeper, scroll over a weapon that doesn’t have full ammo and press to refill it. No need to buy individual weapons at each Gun Shop. The clothing and Tattoo Shops all sell something unique, so even if you buy everything at one store the other stores will have more to buy. The ones you bought something from will say “completed” when scrolling over their icon on the world map. When scrolling over a district it also shows how many shops you bought something from in that district.
Note: The “Everything Is a Million Dollars” clothing store in Lakeshore South (next to the clothing store called “Impressions”) is NOT needed for the trophy. It unlocks after finishing the main story, but for trophy purposes you can skip it. It also doesn’t count towards the district’s 100% completion. Potential Bug & Fix: |
Hijacked Pulled out of a car by a pedestrian. |
Steal any car, drive slowly into pedestrians, but don’t kill them. After hurting them, some pedestrians will get aggressive and pull you out of the car, which pops the trophy. Pedestrians that will attack you have a red dot on the minimap. Some people simply run away so this won’t work on everyone. Alternatively, you can also grab people from their cars and do this until someone turns aggressive on you. | ||
Finders Keepers Obtain 5 items in the Collectibles app. |
» Saints Row All Collectible Locations | ||
The Collector Obtain 85 items in the Collectibles app. |
» Saints Row All Collectible Locations | ||
We could go home, or… Sing karaoke with the Saints. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Reward for completing the main mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”, which requires you to build all other 14 Ventures. Then you must interact with the Empire Table at the HQ to build the Saints Tower for $8 Million. It triggers a cutscene where you sing karaoke and unlocks the trophy after. | ||
Untouchable Complete 10 Crimes of Opportunity. |
Crimes of Opportunity are randomly appearing events on the minimap. They can show up anywhere in the inner city (in the deserts outside of town they don’t usually show up).
There are 2 types of Crimes of Opportunity:
When one is nearby it will be shown by these icons on the minimap: Complete a total of 10 of these. You can do a few of the money bag icons and a few of the truck icons, it counts them together towards the 10. They aren’t hard to find, one of these usually pops up every few hundred meters. Drive around the city and you should get them to show up quickly. Because of how much traveling you need to do for getting 100% in all districts you will easily encounter dozens of these. Just keep an eye on the minimap. |
The Professional Complete all jobs on the Wanted app. |
There are 12 Wanted Jobs total. Press Touchpad and choose the red “Wanted” App from the phone. All 12 of them unlock gradually over the course of the story. They aren’t all available right away. They are quick 5-minute miniquests where you must pick up a Deaddrop and then eliminate a target person.
Wanted App Jobs:
Always Be Hustling Complete all Side Hustles. |
» Saints Row All Side Hustles Locations | ||
Showdown Complete Showdown. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. This unlocks after the final story mission “Showdown”, when you’ve completed the main story. | ||
The Side Job Complete a Side Hustle. |
» Saints Row All Side Hustles Locations | ||
Wet Work Complete a job on the Wanted app. |
See The Professional for completing all jobs on the Wanted App. | ||
First F#@!ing Day Complete First F#@!ing Day. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the first mission (Prologue). | ||
Challenge Accepted Complete 25 challenges. |
» Saints Row All Challenges Guide | ||
Tune Up Customize a vehicle. |
After the 5th Main Mission “A Piece of the Action” you unlock JimRob’s Garage in West Providencia (purple icon on map).
Enter the front of the garage and interact with the door to start customizing vehicles. Pick any vehicle and change any part of it, e.g. the color, then press to quit out and pick “Save and Exit”. The trophy unlocks right after that. A single customization is enough. You can return to the garage at any point later in the game. Alternatively, you can also do this via the garage at your own HQ instead of JimRob’s. |
Optimized Customize a weapon. |
Go to any “Friendly Fire” Gun Store. They are marked by green gun icons on the map. Talk to the shopkeeper, click on one of your weapons and click “Customize”. Change anything, for example the gun color, and the trophy will unlock immediately. Alternatively, you can also do this at the gun locker in your HQ. | ||
Statement Pieces Customize a weapon, a vehicle, clothing item, and your skin with a Cutting Edge material. |
First you must build the Venture called “Cutting Edge”. It becomes available at Empire Level 3 and costs $400,000. After building it, you will get new purple icons on the map, those are called “Edith’s Vision Journal“. Go to any one of them, upon going there it will trigger a yellow search radius and you must take a picture of an item. A hint of the item is shown when scrolling over its purple icon on the map. After taking the picture you immediately unlock a Cutting Edge Material. One of these materials is enough, it can then be applied to everything that is customizable via Styles App / Garage / Weapons Locker. Return to the Saints HQ. Outside the HQ on the right you find the garage, interact with it and go to Paint > Paint Styles > Cutting Edge > pick the material you unlocked >quit out and select “Save & Exit”. Next go inside the Saints HQ, on the ground floor is the weapons locker on the wall, interact with it > click on any weapon > Customize > Material > Cutting Edge. Lastly, open the Style app from your phone > Outfit (pick any item) > Material > Cutting Edge. Still in the Style App pick Skin > Skin Types > Cutting Edge > hold to save and exit. |
Chaos Tamer Defeat all members of the Idols Collective. |
There are 6 Idols Collective Members. They are enemies with cat helmets. You can keep track of this via the Challenge called “The Collective”. It’s on your Phone under Missions > press for “Challenges” > The Collective (should be the top Challenge).
Potential Bug & Fix: |
Bonus Round Destroy a car with Pugnus Sanctus Dei. |
The “Pugnus Sanctus Dei” is unlocked from doing two specific “Hidden History” Discoveries. You will have to do these in order to complete all districts 100%, it will come automatically along the way. Step 1: Complete Hidden History “St. Thomas Corvacho” in East Providencia. You must interact with the 5 signs in the yellow search area. See location below. Step 2: Complete Hidden History “Meeker Square” in Old Town West. After it you will get a popup at the top of the screen that notifies you the Pugnus Sanctus Dei has been unlocked. These two Hidden Histories are related to holy places (church and monument), hence they unlock this holy “Fist of God” weapon. Step 3. After unlocking Pugnus Sanctus Dei, go to a Gun Shop or the Weapons Locker at your HQ to equip it. It looks like boxing gloves on a pistol. Select it from the weapon wheel and press to attack any car with it until it explodes. |
The Spins Perform a barrel roll. |
With a fast car drive up a ramp at full speed and hold + as you jump off. This will make you spin in the air and do a barrel roll. Some heavy cars aren’t well suited for it but most light and fast cars can do it. A great place for it is East Providencia district, in the north of the district around the graveyard, there are many ramps and dirt hills you can jump from. If the car you have doesn’t work, then simply steal a few different ones from the street. |
Landlord Place a criminal venture. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during the 12th Main Mission “Networking“, after building your first business venture via the Empire Table in Saints HQ. | ||
Work Ethic Complete a criminal venture. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Criminal Ventures (businesses) can be built after the 12th Main Mission “Networking“, at the Empire Table of the Saints HQ. After building a venture, talk to the manager standing outside your venture to trigger new purple “Venture” icons on the map. They are miniquests unique to each venture. Complete all of them to “complete” the Venture itself. You can also scroll over the Venture on the map to see everything that’s needed for completion. The reason this is automatic story-related is because you have to complete multiple Ventures to unlock certain Main Missions (e.g. The Rod Warrior, Drawing Heat, After Party).
For how to complete all Ventures refer to Saints Row All Ventures Guide. |
The Mechanic Fully upgrade a vehicle. |
Vehicles can be upgraded after unlocking JimRob’s Garage from the 5th Main Mission “A Piece of the Action”. You can either do it at your Headquarters (HQ) or at JimRob’s Garage. Both are automatic story unlocks. Upgrade 1 becomes available at Player Level 5, Upgrade 2 at Level 10, Upgrade 3 at Level 15. So before you can do this you must have reached at least Level 15 (you can check your level in the “Skills app”). Go to the garage > select a vehicle that already has its Signature Ability unlocked > Customize > Upgrade Kit > buy this 3 times. The Upgrades cost $5000 + $25,000 + $100,000 = $130,000 total for one vehicle. You must also have unlocked the vehicle’s Signature Ability. The requirement for the Signature Ability is different for each vehicle, it can be checked at the Garage in the bottom right of each vehicle’s description. There’s only one Signature Ability per vehicle. If you find the unlock requirements too difficult for one, then pick some other vehicle with easy requirements. |
Kitted Out Fully upgrade a weapon. |
Weapons can be upgraded at any “Friendly Fire” Gun Store (green gun icons on map). Upgrade 1 becomes available at Player Level 5, Upgrade 2 at Level 10, Upgrade 3 at Level 15. So before you can do this you must have reached at least Level 15 (you can check your level in the “Skills app”). Go to a gun store, scroll over a weapon and press on it. The Upgrades cost $5000 + $25,000 + $100,000 = $130,000 total per weapon. Additionally, you must also have unlocked the weapon’s Signature Ability. The requirement for the Signature Ability is different for each weapon, it can be checked at the Gun Store or by opening the weapon wheel and scrolling over the weapon. There’s only one Signature Ability per weapon. If you find the unlock requirements too difficult for one, then pick some other weapon with easy requirements. You should complete the Signature Ability for a few of them automatically from the story and side activities. |
Et tu? Betrayed by a friend. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after starting 31st Main Mission “After Party“. | ||
Performance Review Get fired. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after 6th Main Mission “The Peter Principle“. | ||
Took It to The Limit Reach the maximum level. |
Level 20 is the maximum level. You can check your level at any time by pressing Touchpad to open the phone, check the top right corner. You automatically reach Level 20 while doing story and everything for 100% districts completion. The story alone gets you to about Level 16 already. | ||
Picking Fights Defeat a miniboss from each faction. |
This will come automatically while going for 100% completion in all districts.
Build the Tier 3 Venture called “KAKTS Radio Station“. It costs $400,000 and allows you to call each enemy faction via the “Contacts App” on your phone. Go to the purple radio tower icons that spawn on the map, call the enemy faction and defeat all waves. In the last wave it always spawns a miniboss of the faction. They have a red skull icon on the minimap. You also defeat a few minibosses as part of the story. |
Wrecking Ball Kill an enemy with a towed object. |
Go to the Garage at your Headquarters (HQ) or JimRob’s Garage in West Providencia. Select any car (or helicopter at helipad) > Customize > Equipment > Towing Cable > equip it.
Press to attach the towing cable to a car, slam it into an enemy for a kill. Alternatively, you can use a helicopter during any of the “Choplifting” Side Hustles or get one from the HQ Helipad (unlocked from Main Mission “The Forge“). You will probably get this naturally during the Main Missions “Idol Threat” or “Art Appreciation“, you must tow objects as part of these missions and there are plenty of enemies. If it doesn’t unlock on the first kill do a few more. If it doesn’t unlock while driving a car, try helicopters in the Choplifting Side Hustles. It took me 20-30 kills before it unlocked. Kills with towed cars count and kills with other “non-car objects” count too. |
Armor Piercing Kill a tank driver with the Quantum Aperture. |
The Quantum Aperture is unlocked from playing the second Venture Mission of the “Eurekabator!” Venture. You must first build the Venture via the Empire Table in Saints HQ, this venture becomes available after reaching Empire Level 2 and it costs $100,000 to build. Then do the first 2 missions of this venture, which are marked by purple icons on the map, this unlocks the Quantum Aperture. You can then find it under the Skills App under Skill #21. Assign it to any shortbutton. You can use it by pressing + the shortbutton you assigned it to ( / / / ). Place it in front of a tank and shoot through the energy field at the tank driver, he will have a red outline. Tanks spawn at Police Wanted Level 5. Blow up some stuff and have civilians call the police to reach the maximum Wanted Level. Sometimes it can be a bit buggy and only police roadblocks spawn, but after reaching Wanted Level 5 tanks will appear. However, sometimes it can take a few minutes for them to spawn, other times they spawn immediately within seconds. This can still be done after completing the story and getting 100% completion in all districts. The easiest and fastest method is to build KAKTS Radio Station first (unlocks at Empire Tier 3). It gives you the ability to call Police via the Contacts App. They will spawn in waves, including a tank in the last wave. You can still call them after completing this venture, works almost anywhere on the map. If it shows “unavailable”, reboot the game and fast travel from the HQ to a fast travel point (e.g. Panther Rock in West Providencia is a good spot for it). Call cops via Contacts App, you start at Wanted Level 3, kill the incoming cops and helicopters until you hit Level 5, tanks will then spawn, place Quantum Aperture, shoot tank driver through it. |
Making a Name Name your criminal empire. |
Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the 8th Main Mission “Take Me To Church“. | ||
Neighborly Complete 5 districts in Santo Ileso. |
» Saints Row 100% Completion Guide | ||
Closet Space Own 100 different pieces of clothing. |
All Clothing Stores are automatically marked on the map from the start of the game. They have a green icon, you can use the “Stores” map filter to see them easily. Drive from one store to the next and buy everything they offer until you have 100 clothing pieces total. The store called “Impressions” in Lakeshore South has the most clothing items. You also get a lot of clothing items from missions and the side activities for 100% district completion, those also count towards the 100 total.
It’s best to save your money in the early game for more important things like weapon upgrades and building ventures. Keep this for after the story, by then your ventures will generate a lot of revenue and you will already have plenty of free clothes from mission rewards. |
Prankster Prank a co-op partner. |
*Online Trophy*
For this you need another player to help you. There is no Offline Splitscreen, only Online Co-Op. Press the Options-Button > Co-Op > Co-Op Settings > Co-Op Pranking = ON (purple). Make sure this is enabled for both players! It should be enabled by default. In the same Menu click “Join Friend” or “Invite Friend” to team up with someone from your friends list. After both players are in the same game, you must hold to see the Prank requirements. There will be an icon for it in the top right corner. It’s a quick random task like doing a Triple Kill, shooting out some Tires etc. After completing the task the icon turns green. Hold again to trigger the prank and get the trophy. |
Smooth Moves Buy 2 Emotes. |
Emotes can be bought from only a single shop in “East Flats” district. The vendor is called “Chicken Dance Studio” and is marked by a green icon on the map. The cheapest ones cost $1200 each for a total of $2400. |
A Car Named Simone Perform a quadruple backflip with Super Air Control. |
First, you need a car that can unlock the “Super Air Control” Signature Ability. These are usually dune buggies and other offroad vehicles. For example, the vehicle called “Ant”. It’s unlocked from finishing the Pony Express Side Hustle in Smelterville West, which becomes available from story progress. Second, you need to unlock the Signature Ability called “Super Air Control”. This is shown in the bottom right of the garage screen. To unlock it you must do 2 double backflips using the Ant car. At the garage buy Nitrous for your car ($7500), use it with to speed up, this makes it much easier. Drive off a ramp and hold to do backflips. Make sure it’s a double backflip in a single jump for it to count (doing 1 single rotation isn’t enough, must do 2 midair rotations for it to count as a double). You’ll get a notification at the top of the screen when it’s unlocked. A good place for it is West Providencia. Drive straight into the hillsides and use them as a ramp to be catapulted up in the air. Here’s an easy spot, the same works perfectly for the quadruple backflip – see the video above for a demonstration: Third, go back to the garage and enable the “Super Air Control” Signature Ability (at Garage: Customize > Signature Ability = ON). It is also highly recommended that you equip the Nitrous equipment and all performance upgrades (the 3rd performance upgrade requires Player Level 15, but it’s possible without it). Drive back to the same rock ramp shown above. The quadruple backflip can be done from that same location. This time you must hold + . The button activates the Signature Ability in midair and makes your car rotate twice as fast (it doesn’t do anything when you drive, only works in midair). Leading up to the ramp you should drive in a straight line and use Nitrous (hold ). As soon as you hit the ramp let go of the Nitrous. If you hit the hills straight on you can do 4 – 6 backflips in one go. If you have trouble buy all 3 Performance Upgrades at the Garage, and definitely use Nitrous. |
Free Refills Refill the boost bar 3 times in a row with Infinite Boost. |
First, you need a car that can unlock the “Infinite Boost” Signature Ability. These are usually fast sports cars, for example the “Attrazione”. A guaranteed way to get it is to complete all of JimRob’s Garage Venture Missions, then you get it as a reward (see JimRob Questline Guide). Alternatively, you can find it randomly driving around Lakeshore North & Lakeshore South, park it in your garage to save it: Second, you need to unlock the Signature Ability called “Infinite Boost”. This is shown in the bottom right of the garage screen. You must buy the Nitrous Equipment for the vehicle (at Garage: Customize > Equipment > Nitrous for $7500). Then you must do 3 full Nitrous burns by holding down until the full Nitrous Bar is gone. You can see the Nitrous Bar in the bottom right of the screen. It refills automatically within a few seconds, do this 3 times total to unlock the “Infinite Boost” Signature Ability. You’ll get a notification at the top of the screen when it’s unlocked. Third, go back to the garage and enable the “Infinite Boost” Signature Ability (at Garage: Customize > Signature Ability = ON). Now drive to the long bridge that connects the left and right side of the city, there you have a straight highway without any turns. Hold down continuously to burn 3 Nitrous Bars in one go. Don’t let go of the button in between, the Signature Ability makes it so the Nitrous bar instantly recharges and you can keep boosting forever. After burning 3 bars you can let go of the button, it should say that you burned 3 (or more) Nitrous Bars, in the top right of the screen. Then the trophy unlocks. |
Food for Thought Stagger an enemy with a vending machine. |
Vending Machines are blue cola drink dispensers scattered all over the game. You must shoot such a machine when enemies are near it, the sparks will stun the enemies. Alternatively, when enemies are near it and the machine gets an orange outline you can press . There are two quick ways you can get this: Method #1 (1st Story Mission/New Game): You can do this within the first 5 minutes of the game. First make a Manual Save of your current progress, then start a New Game. In the 1st Mission (Prologue), after using the turret on the APC, you will enter a tunnel. There are some blue glowing vending machines and enemies. Kill the enemies with firearms, lure one of the machete guys to the vending machine, shoot the machine when the enemy is near. The sparks from the machine must stun or kill him. It has to be a vending machine with blue lights on (if lights aren’t on it doesn’t have electricity and can’t shock enemies). You can restart checkpoint if it doesn’t work. The next section after the tunnel also has vending machines. Method #2 (Open World): The second option is to lure enemies to a vending machine in the open world. Especially melee enemies work well for it because they get close to you. Stand in front of the machine and wait for the enemies to get close. Then shoot the machine with a pistol, the sparks will stun the enemies. Below is a location that always has vending machines. If there are no enemies nearby you can call enemy gangs to your location via the “Contacts” app, the ability to do this unlocks from building the KAKTS Radio Venture. |
Tourist Complete the photo scavenger hunt. |
For this you must do all “ Photo Hunt” Discoveries. Doing all Discoveries is needed to get 100% district completion for All Mine . Doing all Discoveries automatically includes having to do the Photo Hunts.
» Saints Row 100% Completion Guide |
Community Outreach Complete 10 districts in Santo Ileso. |
» Saints Row 100% Completion Guide | ||
Heard You Like Wheels Unlock all vehicle special upgrades. |
» Saints Row All Vehicle Special Upgrades Guide | ||
Fiesta Time Hit a launched piñata with the Piñata Stick. |
For this you need two things:
Equip both of these from a Gun Shop. Shoot the Pinata Launcher, it will place a little Pinata on the ground. Select the Crowbar (with Pinata Stick Visual Mod) from the weapon wheel and hit the Pinata to make it explode. |
To The Nines Open the Style app for the first time. |
After the Prologue you unlock the “Style App” on your phone. Press Touchpad > press on “Style” app. This immediately pops the trophy, no need to do anything in the app. | ||
All Mine Complete all 15 districts in Santo Ileso. |
» Saints Row 100% Completion Guide
*Note: The trophy description is slightly misleading, it says “all 15 districts”, there are actually 22 districts in the game, but for the trophy you need specifically the 15 inner-city districts that contain Threats, which are the ones where you can build ventures. The outer-city districts that don’t have threats can be skipped (deserts and lake in the middle). |
A Young Empire Unlock Criminal Empire Tier 2. |
See A Golden Age . Automatic story-related trophy, you reach Tier 5 in the last story mission “Let’s Build a Skyscraper”. |
Main Game & Other DLC Trophy Guides:
Saints Row Trophy Guide & Roadmap (Main Game)
DLC #1: The Heist and the Hazardous
DLC #2: Doc Ketchum’s Murder Circus
DLC #3: A Song of Ice and Dust
Special Thanks / Credits
Big thanks to the following people:
Gage, HardyBoy = Help with Saints Row Wiki creation
Ashbo = Various info
Hinsusta = Various info
J says
Did you enjoy the game? Seems like reviews are around 6 with a few 8s.
PowerPyx says
I enjoyed it 🙂
Some of the side stuff is a bit repetitive. But I didn’t have any game-breaking bugs, which is rare these days for big open world games with 500+ collectibles on the map. Still some smaller issues like UI glitches but nothing too bad for me. Game world is fun to explore, not too crazy big and not too small, and the trophy list is fun.
NyashMyash says
No game-breaking bugs? That is weird. I had several of them in my playthrough. Enemies appearing way too far from the zone I need to stay in, helicopter going mental while carrying objects, enemies not spawning during notoriety, etc.
Natas says
Thank you for this!
I wish they’d remaster Saints Row 2
Ricky Blowes says
Thanks for the guide! Do you know whether trophies pop for both the host and co op partner? On PS5?
Nikki_boagreis says
Look’s like a straightforward trophy list, the trophy images are gangsta.
Ricky Blowes says
Do you know if trophies pop for both host and co op partner on PS5?
PowerPyx says
I haven’t tested this, did everything solo. I could use confirmation on this if anyone wants to test it.
Dan says
I did notice, joining a friend’s game for the prankster trophy, he had all the districts done, and it randomly gave me those trophies haha
Predator1819 says
Looking for someone to do the online trophy prankster. Add me if you need someone. My psn id: predator1819
Charlie says
Did you find someone to do this with? I want to do it, my ID is charliem9612
Joshy2k9 says
The trophy Food for Thought can be achieved in the first mission after you enter the cave , just wait for the guy to come to the vending machine on the floor.
leohart081980 says
Coop for online trophy prankster
Add me ID: leohart081980
willytanger says
Looking for someone to do the online trophy prankster. Add me if you need someone. My psn id: willytanger
shino47martyr says
PSN ID: shino47martyr
for Prankster co-op trophy
Kazi says
Add on PSN kazi-117 for coop trophy
Kazi says
Sorry it kazi_117
Agent_Cooper says
Please add me if you’d like to do Prankster in coop. Thank you.
ID >> Agent_Cooper
Ellis Snape says
Need someone for co-op trophy on ps5. webuyanycar92
Pauly says
Hi ya. Looking someone to help with prankster trophy. Id is @paulytseven
Tabeayo says
Looking for someone to do the online trophy prankster. Add me if you need someone. My psn id: Fenix_Exe_19
Shaun says
Looking for a coop partner to do the prankster trophy Add me psn id: SH4UN-2109
Baal-Kagan says
For the coop trophy you can add me aswell guys! PS ID: Baal-Kagan
Tickis says
Looking for someone to do the co-op Prankster trophy with.
PSN ID is Tickis – profile picture is Ellie from TLOU Pt. 2
Bryce says
Hey guys. Not sure if anyone still needs the co-op trophy on ps5. Add me – LBrycee and we can both get it 🙂
DanielW says
Looking for a coop partner for the prankster trophy. My PSN ID is: Danielon11
Robin says
add me for coop trophy PSN: xRoB1nx
Jarrod says
Feel free to look me up and add me if you need someone to do the Prankster trophy with. Will start the game tonight.
PSN ID: amazingatheist
Jake says
If anyone need a partner for coop my psn: kratos12335
D/O says
I hate coop trophies that dont have matchmaking, pretty sure im the only one of my group that has this game XD
Ah well at least the other trophies are easy
alias-syd says
Looking to find someone for the prankster trophy, add me.
PSN alias-syd
SirVilhelmII says
Can anyone help with the prankster trophy?
PSN SirVilhelmII
Chucksteak says
I’m looking to crank out that prankster trophy if anyone is interested PSN – chucksteak
Gyromitey says
PSN: Gyromitey if anyone is still looking for help with Prankster.
XylonBlu says
I just *love* specific co-op trophies [sarcasm]. Anyway, I need assistance with and will assist with Prankster. My PSN is the same as the name: XylonBlu. Avatar is a space cat firing laser beams out of its eyes.
AlexSobecki says
The Armored Trucks aren’t counting as Crimes of Opportunity for me. I finally got one of the money bag ones and it said that was the first time I’ve completed one, even though I’ve destroyed at least 10+ armored trucks and collected the money.
Joshy2k9 says
Same thing happened with me, it’s seems only the money bags count, at least for me anyway.
Dreadful says
I was able to get one to show up, but i had to completely destroy the armored car. It didnt matter if i got the money or not.
Drijin says
If anyone need prankster as of August 25 add me
PSN: Drijin
Matt says
Looking for someone to do the online trophy Prankster
ID: Equilibrium-X
Vibby says
Help on Coop trophy. Vibbythevalkyrie.
Lars says
Does challenge freeze problems happen to everyone if you play Coop? Does it happen for both the Host and the joining player?
How do i know if it has happened to me?
I Let a player join me yesterday to get prankster Trophy.
Worried i have messed everything up now.
Shadowalker13 says
Just completed the cutting edge challenge and then did my skin and didn’t get the trophy
Shadowalker13 says
Apparent work around:
Close and reopen game, then select different materials for clothes skin and weapon, enter garage and select a different vehicle and open paint trophy should pop
Logros says
Up for swapping prankster trophies – PS5 – PSN: Logros
Spitfiahkila says
I don’t need it but i can get it you, do you still need it?
Ori says
Looking for someone to do the online trophy Prankster
ID: OriTheViking
Em says
Warning: I’ve played entire game co-op and progress is not syncing for second player. Also cannot progress past ‘Going Overboard’ mission if we are co-op. I would definitely play solo as the guide suggests!
Redbeard23 says
I have encountered a threat where I’m tasked with destroying 4 Panteros gang cars and it appears to be glitched. I blow up 3 cars then find the 4th car and when I blow it up the count resets to 1. I’ve moved on to other things and came back to it and the problem persists. If this is what blocks my platinum I’m going to be very upset
Spitfiahkila says
Add me for prankster trophy ps:Spitfiahkila
lino says
For the “Cranked” challenge, I used the “MDI-12 Stun Baton” against the Marshalls, but the challenge counter does not increase. Does it only happen to me?
dreadful says
I was grinding all the weapon challenges and had most of them done. Moved to Snake Oil Saloon to grind Marshall ones and went into rest mode. When i came back, all marshal specific weapons were missing their challenges. I could see them at Friendly Fire, but progress was stalled and the weapon wheel didnt show anything.
BeardedOni says
Need a prank partner on PS5
PSN: BeardedOni
Soul-_-Warrior says
Need help on co-op trophy. I’ll be on for the next hour, or again in 16 hours.
anasterion says
For Hijacked trophy it is easier to just pull out driver from his car and do it until you see that driver as red dot on minimap as mentioned in the guide. Pedestrian will pull you out of his car and you will get trophy.
PowerPyx says
That works too! I’ll add it as an alternative, thank you 🙂
DavidShiki says
A quick way to get rid of notoriety level – simply use Contacts App to do Insurance Fraud and press Options button to abort the mission
* It can cause friends to leave the current party and lead to uncomfortable view of camera when in vehicles
** It also works for unavailable contacts
anasterion says
Does co-op trophy bugs challenges porgress even if we make manual save to ps cloud/do trophy/reload save from cloud? I’m confused with information in the guide – do all other trophies ‘and’ (shouldn’t here be word ‘or’?) make manual save. Can anyone please confirm if it’s enough with just manual save file and that it won’t bug challenges progress that way?
Chris says
Can I do prankster and then reload a previous manual save or will it still
Screwup the progression bug?
PsychoPeter says
Looking for Co-op partner PSN ID: PsychoPeter
Salvatore says
The Fiesta Time trophy is buggy for me, it does not unlock the skin for the crowbar, for I have tried them all
PlatBeast says
Anyone wants to team up to get the Prankster trophy add me and we can both get it.
PSN: PlatinumBeast92
anasterion says
Looking for partner for co-op trophy for whom it’s the last trophy for plat as well. Psn – anasterion, system – PS5.
Cascadibear says
Looking for anyone to help me with the prankster COOP trophy:
Diego says
I would like to help,
My psn ID is crazyfrog1999
ML1183 says
Looking for someone to do Prankster trophy with.
PSN : ML1183
Daniel says
Looking for co-op trophy. Please add on PSN
Thanks so much
SFX5500 says
Can anyone please help me for the prankster trophy?
ID : SFX5500-V2
Kyuluk78 says
I’ve sent you a friend request on PSN to arrange to do this trophy if you still need it?
It’s the last I need for platinum. My PSN is kyuluk78
Brandon Humes says
Looking to get the prankster trophy. Add me!
PSN: WhySoBrandon
FridgeMouth says
Looking for coop trophy on PS4 currently if anyone is up for it? ID – FridgeMouth
LegacyJvK says
i are in level20 and the challenge i can see my house are not in my challenge list
Nick says
The 100 clothing items trophy is bugged for me. I have well over 100 items (probably 300+ or so) but it wont pop
Diego says
Anyone want to help me with the prankster trophy
Psn ID is : crazyfrog1999
Bryce says
Does anyone have a Save File where they haven’t dont the Idol Collective Threat in Old Town West? Mine has bugged out and J din’t have an old Save File 🙁 if anyone does my PSN is LBrycee would super appreciate if someone could help me out and let me join their game to grab the trophy. Thanks guys!
Sergio says
You can get the coop trophy with the matchmaking option if you enter through the “Coop campaign” option, a friend is not mandatory. A lot of people decline so it can take a while
TheBEASTisoutRUN says
Looking for a co-op partner! PSN is TheBEASTisoutRUN
Enju says
I am looking for someone to help with the co-op trophy.
Diego says
Someone able to help me with the prankster trophy on PS4
my psn is crazyfrog1999
willytanger says
still looking for coop trophy 🙂
psn: willytanger
platform ps5
Sicho says
As of right now, nothing being missable is technically not true.
I cannot “complete” the Smelterville Tattoo Shop because I already own every tattoo they have on offer, so I can’t purchase an item there. Therefore, I cannot complete this district.
So, if you buy everything a shop has to offer in another shop, you can actually miss completing a district.
I send a bug report to the devs hoping that they can fix this with a patch. It should be easily fixable, a shop should simply be considered completed automatically when you own all their inventory. But right now, this is not the case and therefore, one can be locked out of completing districts.
Sicho says
OK, ignore this, I am an idiot.
The shop has multiple tabs and I just checked the first one … *facepalm*
So there is no issue.
PowerPyx says
Just to follow up on this – you already seem to have figured it out but the Tattoo Shops are definitely NOT missable, they all sell some unique tattoos not available anywhere else. I was specifically testing buying them all while exploring for missables. Some of the tattoos they sell are identical, but each shop has several unique ones that can only be bought from that one shop. I’ve updated the Shopping Spree trophy with a note on Tattoos.
If they bug out and don’t count on the map you can requip some Tattoos from them (similar to weapon shops that bug out sometimes and you can rebuy ammo from them to fix it).
JP says
I am looking for someone to help with the Prankster Trophy, last one for 100%
Tony says
Hoping to get that co-op trophy, too
Mugoop is the PSN.
Astrid says
I’m looking for help with the trophy prankster.
My Psn id is astridwoodstock
DMDTagz says
I’m looking for a partner as well. My PSN is DMDTagz. Online on PS5
Allex says
Looking for prankster coop partner
ID: aLLexx229
Dave says
I’m looking for help with tue online trophy, prankster
James says
Hi I’m looking at doing the prankster trophy, from the UK have a mic and on most nights game tag is Cmpunk178.
ramseyt says
prankster trophy
psn id ramseyt89
Magic Ian says
Need prank help 🙂
Noxa says
Hi Looking for help prankster
Psn id is noxa1987
DetektivColumbo says
I would need help with this trophy please.
PSN ID: DetektivColumbo
Rude as HECK says
a good and easy way to grind out the 20 revives is to call up a friend at your safehouse, spawn a helicopter, ride it up and bail. It will crash to the ground and knock your friend out. As you have 30 seconds to revive, you just glide down safely, revive, then spawn a new chopper.
Hope this helps!
Rey says
Add me “Reeyy95” so we can get the Prankster trophy
GM says
Tried to invite you but your privacy settings won’t allow it
Colin says
If anyone wanna go for the Prankster trophy, add me so we can get it. Colin_masta
GM says
I need help with prankster
PSN txdust80
Wayne says
Still looking for Co op trophy! PSN TheWayneKrauth
Dragonslayer says
My tip for the car delivery missions is to start a bounty from your phone, then get in the car and drive it to JR’s. When you’re there you can abort mission from the menu, get back in the car, and drive it in.
Also, the armored trucks aren’t counting towards my crimes of opportunity. Only the money bag icons.
Vibby says
Need help with prankster trophy. Psn vibbythevalkyrie
Benlander says
Won’t let me message you, but I was curious if you’re still needing it.
Karol91 says
Looking for a partner to Prankster trophy. My PSN: Giuly_PL
naman91 says
Add me “naman91” so we can get the Prankster trophy
Mr-Greneda says
Need someone for the coop trophy.
Add me Mr-Greneda so we can make it together.
Xicution says
Need prankster trophy
Add xicution
Matthew says
Can someone help me with prankster trophy. Add me Dragons_Chaos12
jollygreen6_7 says
Also looking for a partner for Prankster. Add PSN “jollygreen6_7”
Amy says
Anyone want to get the Prankster Trophy together? Add me if so! PSN: JacksJarofDirt1
Amy says
I got it now with another player. Finally got the platinum. Thank you!
FRuiz says
Need help with prankster trophy. Last one I need for the platinum. Thanks.
PSN: TxBeta
Tomi says
still need the prankster trophy ? Add : Tom_Ling7116
Lets get this trophy together
Tomi says
Need help for prankster trophy. Tks
Psn : Tom_Ling7116
emerya93 says
You Need help for prankster trophy. Tks
Psn : emerya93
Mark says
Need Help with Prankster trophy
PSN: cradle_the_filth
Osama Altaf says
hey there…
if u haven’t got the trophy yet add me i am unable to add you
Danny says
It’s a bird trophy “wing suit” challenge
My challenge doesn’t seem to be updating? I’ve wing suited off vehicles like a millions times, no progress.
I’ve bounced off people in 60 seconds, no progress on the challenge. Is my challenge bugged? Anyone encountered this? PLEASE HELP
toliver says
same problem
Sam says
Need help with prankster trophy on ps5
Psn: samlogan
Phill says
Anybody want to do prankster. I’m on now till around 9pm, British time.
PSN ID – DucatiDude
Brian says
If you need help with the Prankster trophy, add me nalgir88
702crew says
Still needing help with prankster trophy if anyone is available.
Marswho says
I have been trying to work on the untouchable trophy. Have done 10 crimes of opportunities in a single session and a lot more over the playthrough but it still hasn’t unlocked. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
I have also today filed a bug report to the developers, so fingers crossed they will patch it eventually.
I’m have it on PC, through Epic Games.
AlienDx98 says
Yeah same issue here, also on PC!
Matt says
I would like to do the prankster trophy, maybe twice if I decide to play both, if anyone is interested.
PSN: Pazuzu98224
sesamemushroom says
Need help with coop trophy
psn: sesamemushroom
Sadako says
If it wasn’t for the bugs, this would be an awesome game. Whenever I call the factions for the kakts venture, the notoriety always clears before the mini boss even shows up, making it impossible for me to complete the bloody venture. Blimey! I have never seen a game as bugged as this.
Marco says
I need help for the “Prankster” trophy, fell free to add me MarcoXenomorph87
Minikeg says
Need someone to get the prankster trophy. psn: Minikeg
unax says
no message possible due to privacy settings. friend request declined.
unax says
no message possible due to privacy settings. friend request declined.
unax says
need someone for the prankster trophy. send me a message or friend request. psn: unax. ps5. utc+1. thx.
Nikki_boagreis says
Finally got the Prankster trophy, after being declined from like 10 different games. It’s not that difficult getting the Prankster trophy playing with a random person using matchmaker, the only difficult part is getting declined by the host. I get lucky and ended having to drift 10 times for the challenge before doing the prank. I managed to get the Prankster trophy playing with a random person. It’s not that difficult if you can actually get into a game session without being declined, just keep trying to join.
PrimoLoko says
Need help with the prankster trophy. Please send a msg or add. playstation ID: PrimoLoko
G says
Looking for co-op help with prankster coop trophy. Please send a msg or add. playstation ID: Guiced_GG
Thank you.
G says
Hi Everyone,
I’m in need of assistance with the online coop prankster trophy. If anyone can please help, please send me a message or friend’s request. Thank you very much.
Playstation ID: Guiced_GG
Thank you.
Oddjob says
Need help with prankster trophy please. PSN Oddjob1017
Sameer says
hi wanna do the trophy
Sameer says
Hi Can anyone help me with prankster trophy my psn is Sigmamale-007 msg me or friend request me plz
Pat says
Hi everyone! If anyone wants to do the prankster trophy, let me know. I want to do it twice for both my PS4 and PS5 versions. Just a heads up in advance
PSN: AShotOfAwesome
Pat says
Finish Trophy
Gas says
Do you still need the prankster trophy
Yashide says
Hello,I need help for the online trophy, please add me, my id is yashide
Tina says
I’m searching someone to do the Prankster trophy. Is anyone available?
panic911 says
PSN ID: panic911
Gaffa_oz says
Looking for someone to help with the Prankster trophy please?
KISSfan81 says
Anyone still needing to get the pranking trophy? It’s the only one I have left to platinum for PS5. Usually online after 7 till midnight EST.
PSN: KISSfan81
Stefan says
You still need this trophy? I need this also
Stefan Dale says
Anyone still needing to get the pranking trophy? last one I need for platinum trophy and we can help each other out
Please add me PSN: flatulantrat
defiks says
Please add me if you’d like to do Prankster in coop. Thank you.
ID: defiks
jetmerc06 says
Looking for help with prankster trophy to finish the game.
Psn: jetmerc06 on most of time send invite
Grizzly_punch says
Add me if you want to do Prankster Coop Trophy 🙂
ID: Grizzly_punch
Justin says
Looking for help with the co op trophy.
Add me if you need help or can just spare a few minutes to help me.
PSN: Kinger
Szymon says
Looking for help with prankster trophy to finish the game.
Psn: szymonsvs
Fattymacd says
Looking for Prankster trophy
Add me, PSN: Fattymacd
Jared Roesch says
Looking for the co-op trophy.
PSN: JarheadZ
– Jared
josh says
need the coop trophy if anyone can help.
PSN: JLo420
Jay44913 says
I also need somewone for the Prankster trophy, are you ok do it with me ?
PSN: jay44913
Petar Andelic says
Anyone looking
Psn BatmanWithAutism
Combinu says
Hi, i am a little late to the party is anyone available to do the prankster trophy please on PS5
Austin says
yes, i sent you a friend request my name is zoowemomma
Steve says
Anyone still looking for prankster trophy? Last one for plat
PSN: LtPhoenixFire
Taala says
I am also missing this trophy. PSN: taala
VGouveia says
Need a partner for the prankster trophy
PSN: VGouveia
Ejork says
Hello there, fellow gamers.
I have all the perks and the trophy did not show. I did not co-op, i did not use the “tricks” in the phone… There ir someone else with this problem?
Thank you.
Sebastien says
Same here.
Apparently after the new update from June 12th, not only did they add new perks by the looks of it, they changed some challenge requirements to make them easier and they broke the trophy as well
Arcerdo says
Same with me.
It even shows if I start a new game that I already have 5 minor perks unlocked, while there is only one.
My 100% data shows 17 minor perks unlocked, despite there being only 12 in the game.
This happened right after the latest patch, for me at least.
So, Volition somehow broke it.
Ejork says
anybody got the new perks from the dlc? Maybe that fix this?
Eivor says
PS + free weekend June 24 and 25
Anyone help with coop trophy?
PSN: wojownik5
Rodrigo says
Need someone for the prankster trophy. PSN: roschneider
Ejork says
Hi, somebody needs to do the coop trophy? My usar name is:
Thank you.
Ryan says
Hi Everyone 🙂
Just need help with the coop prankster trophy.
If anyone could please add THEGAMINGWIZARD that would be wonderful.
Dredd says
Any help with coop trophy?
Psn dredd182
FlankMeCaveira says
Anyone willing to help with the Prankster co-op trophy? Will absolutely return the favor, PSN: FlankMeCaveira
Kevin says
Need someone for the Prankster co-op trophy!
Add me: GerTuga
DyNAmiTE_UAE says
Hi everyone
Anyone can help with prankster trophy?
PSN: Dynamite_UAE
GerTuga says
Added you for it
PSN: GerTuga
KingHazyLady says
Need help with the Prankster trophy.
PSN: ColeDyer
Thanks for the help to whomever considers!
Adam says
Hi, can anyone help with the prankster trophy? Happy to help back of course.
Please add and message me
PSN- Bibliophile213
beaumx says
Anyone here want to get the ‘Prankster’ trophy together? You can add me.
PSN: beaumx
Abdulaziz says
Any one can help withe prankster trophy
Psn: Abdulaziz-ksa
Need someone who completed all districts just want to join his game for one second
Gk says
Hi, if anyone could help me with the prank co-op trophy ^_^ that would be awesome.
Psn : Gkbrightside88
TD1992 says
Hi GK,
Ive just sent you a friend request. I will be online this evening from about 7.30 GMT (I live in the UK)
We both have the same remaining trophies to go. 15 districts and prank.
xOx1141 says
Looking for someone to do the coop trophy with, preferably EU time, xOx1141
HaSFR says
Available to do the prankster trophy quickly to get it out of the way and focus on the rest peacefully you can add me: Heave-A-Sigh
Ana says
Did you complete?
I need help with it. It’s the last thing I need
HaSFR says
Easily doable joining a random game so I’ve done it already. I can help others after i’m done with the other trophies since according to the guide: ‘Warning: Playing Co-Op is known to freeze Challenge Progress permanently, avoid Co-Op until you have all other trophies and make a Manual Save before.’
Moamal kadhem says
Anyone wants the co op trophy? We can help each other my id is: moamal-o_0 you can send me a request
Coxleg says
Please add me for prankster trophy. cox_leg
Ana says
Hey Guys!
I need some help with the Prankster trophy!
Psn: NotNowAna
ps: i’m online right now
iamtoughtobeat says
Hey everyone,
Looking for help with the Prankster trophy.
PSN: iamtoughtobeat
FelixAndro15 says
add me i am FelixAndro15 send you friend request
Aj says
Hey some of u guys are so weird u leave ur psn IDs but ur accounts are private can’t send u messages or invites ???
Looking for partner for Prankster trophy.
PSN: ahjam9
Sean Kilroy says
Need help with Prankster trophy.
psn kenichi11132010
KingGionny22 says
Hi guys,
I’m looking for help for the coop trophy, I help too
PSN: KingGionny22
Shaun says
Looking for help with prankster trophy ID is SH4UN-2109
Lover of Gaming says
I’m also looking for help for the co-op trophy for the platinum. Please add me.
My PSN is: steve06111991
Thanks a lot!
Lover of Gaming says
I finally obtained the trophy. Thank you all for your support!
Caleb says
Need help with prankster please,
JOSH says
looking for help with the prankster trophy soulassasinxx
Devon says
Anyone wanna do prankster trophy add devonbrock
playmonkey22 says
Anyone trynna do the prankster trophy on PS5.
Add or message me.
PSN: playmonkey22
Hafsaa says
Looking for co op partner to help with prankster
message me hxfsx_1
Jordan says
Add me fozzy–22 for co-op prankster trophy
Jordan says
Need help with prankster trophy
Fozzy- – 22 (no spaces)
Thank you
Tj says
Need help with prankster trophy. Add me MahBoyJesus on PS5
Thank you
Famelezz_ says
Looking for help with the co-op trophy.
PSN: Famelezz_
APPI says
Looking for a friend to complete prankster trophy, if you need it too add me APIRAZOR
Sam Clenaghan says
Hey, I can help with this if you still need it. I need it too. PSN is Saaahmmm
CaDaVer_93 says
CaDaVer_93 for online trophy
Aaron says
I need the prankster trophy and am willing to help someone who can help me with it. My PSN is rsh2112
rj says
Looking for co op partner
PSN: rodjeep
Raguda_ says
Help with Prankster trophy Raguda_
EvilC says
Sent a request as I need it too. If you already have and someone else can help I’d appreciate it.
Handle: EvilC
XPrOrAzOrX says
Need help with Coop trophy PS5 – message me/add me XPrOrAzOrX. No mic.
Mutt says
I am looking to get the prankster trophy on PS5.
ID: MuttGyver
Fishues says
Need help with prankster trophy,
Psn id: Fishues
An says
Prankster Trophy PS5 – Psn Rp-Toronto
Fahad says
Prankster trophy help
Ps5 id : big_zeron
HotShot says
Looking for help with Prankster
I am in the UK.
HotShot says
Got it thanks,
But I will help for the next few days
MafialDR says
Looking for PS5 partner for the Prankster trophy.
PSN : MafialDR
Lee says
prankster trophy
ps5 id : dd__lee
Gav says
Need help with the prankster trophy
PSN; GAV1985
UK Time
Nazif says
Add me CallMeNaz_if, but i cant be a host, i accidently restarting new campaign, ????
Nazif says
Hi, can someone help me get the prankster trophy
PSN ID: CallMeNaz_if
Multicelled says
Prankster ????
PSN: Zeppy-l-
Multicelled says
I got it, ty
Andrew Walker says
Pranster Trophy help needed
psn andrewwalker000
Sam Clenaghan says
If anyone can help me with the prankster trophy that would be very much appreciated, only thing I have left before the platinum.
PAN; Saaahmmm
Arne says
Prankster trophy.
Psn: arnekd
androp9 says
Need help with Prankster trophy.
PSN ID: androp9
An says
Add me Rp-Toronto I will be on all weekend will help everyone just message me
Trophy prankster. I’ll be on all day just message me
FullScale88 says
Add me for Prankster trophy (lats trophy for platinum). See Name for PSN-ID.
SuperBabyPunter says
Still looking for the coop trophy, anyone still need it hit me up PSN: SuperBabyPunter
JKiller007 says
Message PSN JusticeKILLER007 if u need prankster trophy, cause I need it too.
JKiller007 says
I have my trophy now no need to message me anymore
PieterPost90 says
I recently noticed only the money bags work for the 10 Crimes Of Opportunity trophy. When you pick up the bag after killing the enemies, it shows the message “Crime Of Opportunity completed”. No matter how I handled the armored trucks nothing showed it was completed and they didn’t count toward my trophy.
LeoBushido says
Hey all, Just need the Prankster trophy to get my platinum for PS4, Please message if you want to swap getting it 🙂 PSN: LeoBushido
Ron says
Hey, need help with prankster trophy.. if u need prankster trophy as well please add me.
PSN: Ronak_fiji
Israel says
Looking for someone to do the Co-Op Prankster Trophy (PS5). PSN: IsraelHKoo
Israel says
Already did it. Thanks for the help!
PieterPost90 says
I’m also looking for someone to do Prankster with. Send me friend request, I’m on PS5, PSN PieterPost90
Sobereddie says
You still need help?
Josh says
You still need this? I do too, if you’re still looking for someone. PSN is BurialTheBeard
Sobereddie says
Need someone to do prankster with. Any help welcomed. PSN : Sobereddie
Josh says
Still looking for help. BurialTheBeard
Stefane says
Hi, need help with the prakster trophy
Skowyjec says
Need help to do prankster trophy
PSN: Skowyjec
John says
Looking for someone to do the Co-Op Prankster Trophy. My PSN is WakeyGamer89
Raynair says
Need help as well for Prankster trophy
PSN: Raynair
Alex O. says
Still need help ?
Alex O. says
Looking for someone to help me get the prankster trophy on PS5 !
PSN : MTL_Expos410
Thank you !
Kezer says
Need Prankster, PSN is KezKez98
Alexander says
Hi! Need help with Prankster trophy on ps4. Id: CatollicsMadn0us
Hammer says
Need help getting Prankster trophy.
PSN: SuperHammerMcC93
Hammer says
Had to wait for a while matchmaking but now got it. Thanks!
heojeonghoon says
Looking for a friend to win a naughty trophy. I’m Korean. But we can do it
Steven Wimmer says
still need the prankster trophy?
Steven Wimmer says
need help with prankster trophy
blackoutom084 says
Prankster trophy help
ID: blackoutom084
blackoutom084 says
Help with co op trophy
ID: blackoutom084
Steven Wimmer says
I need help with that trophy.
ID: Muad_dib74
Kevin says
Need some help with prankster trophy.
ID: klaas93
Steven Wimmer says
i need help too
ID: Muad_dib74
JB says
I need the prankster trophy.
Kakers09 says
Prankster trophy
PSN: kakers09
Pacific time zone
Prankster trophy
Just send me a request saying prankster trophy.
wackerz says
Can someone help me prankser PSN wackerz
Brandon M says
Still need help with this? I need help as well I’m on PS5 as well
Jupiter89pl says
Jupiter89pl add me
Khalid says
need someone to help me get prankster trophy on ps4
psn id : bamarny-KM
Jamie says
Looking for help with the Prankster Trophy.
PSN : JamieAskew
Pawel says
Did you get it? I’m looking for help too
Pawel says
Looking for help with the Prankster trophy
Pawel says
My PSN: MrBolson89
Oz says
Looking for help with prankster trophy on PS5
PSN: Killerkarrots22
Evan says
Hi, Need help getting Prankster trophy.
PSN: evan_z00m
Evan says
Hi, Need help getting Prankster trophy.
PSN: evan_z00m
Anthony Brickman says
I need a partner for the Prankster Trophy. My username is Brick12081994
Kozi says
I need help for the Prankster Trophy. My psn is kozi182
Timmy12er says
Can someone please help me with the Prankster trophy?
US Pacific Time (GMT -8)
Please message me and we can help each other out with the trophy. Thanks!
Zahnpfaul says
Want to Start the game today and do the prankster trophy first out of the way. If somebody could help it would be very nice. PSN Zahnpfaul
mr_grim says
i looking for someone to help me with the prankster trophy im close to getting the platinum it would be great if i can get some help PSN reapersama20