This page reveals the full Saints Row World Map (2022 Reboot) in high resolution.
There are 21 Regions: Mercado, Smelterville West, Smelterville East, West Providencia, East Providencia, Rojas Desert South, Rojas Desert North, Old Town East, Old Town West, Old Town Shoreline, Monte Vista, Marina East, Marina West, Lakeshore North, Lakeshore South, West Flats, East Flats, El Dorado, Lake Sabastian, Badlands South, Badlands North.
Map Size
The total map size of Saints Row is 20.8km² / 8.03 square miles (6500m width x 3200m width). About 15% of it is water (3.12km²) and 85% is land mass (17.68km²). This measurement was taken by hovering a helicopter close above the ground and putting a map marker at the other end of the map straight across. Driving from the east end of the map to the west end takes about 2-3 minutes with a decently fast vehicle. Flying from the east to west with the VTOL plane takes about 1 minute.
World Map
Below you can find the full Saints Row World Map (In-Game Map):
Map Icons
There are the following types of side activities you must do to complete the districts 100%. There are also so-called “venture missions” that become available after obtaining certain businesses.
Weather Station (counts automatically upon discovery)
Rooftop Access (counts automatically upon discovery)
Pallet Pickup
Photo Hunt
Fast Travel Photo
Hidden History
Dumpster Diving
Lost Wheels
Shooting Gallery
Side Hustles:
Pony Express
Wingsuit Saboteur
Riding Shotgun
For everything else needed for 100% Completion refer to the Saints Row Wiki & Strategy Guide.
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