Sackboy: A Big Adventure Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4.5/10 – 6/10 depending on your skill level with platformers
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 15-25 hours
- Offline Trophies: 46 (1
, 10
, 32
- Online Trophies: 0 (everything can be done in local offline co-op if you have a 2nd controller)
- Number of missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Hardest trophy:
String It Together
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: No difficulty settings available. Difficulty is the same for everyone.
- Minimum Playthroughs: 1
- Free-Roam / Level Select after Story?: Yes, you can replay all levels after the story.
- Release Date: November 12, 2020
Welcome to the Sackboy: A Big Adventure Trophy Guide! As undoubtedly one of the best platformers of 2020, the story follows Sackboy who embarks on an adventurous yet perilous journey to rescue his friends from the clutches of the evil Vex. It is up to Sackboy to defeat Vex and bring peace back to the world.
The good news is that you don’t need to 100% the game to earn the Platinum. You still need to collect most Dreamer’s Orbs (275 to access all levels), but not all of them are needed to progress through the story, let alone 100%ing the game. Most trophies are instead tied to killing minions a certain way and to the multiplayer side of the game. You can still earn the Platinum through local couch co-op or via online Shareplay (PS+ required for Shareplay method and both players must own the game). If you choose to use Shareplay, remember that the trophies will unlock only for the host, so if your friend wants to unlock the trophies as well, you’ll have to do everything twice.
Step 1: Play through the Story
The story takes place in Craftworld. Craftworld has 5 different worlds: The Soaring Summit, Colossal Canopy, The Kingdom of Crablantis, The Interstellar Junction, and The Center of Craftworld. There’s also one additional Bonus world, The Wonderplane, which unlocks after defeating Vex for the final time. Each world has close to 10 levels, including up to two multiplayer ones, a Knitted Knight Trial (Time Trial) and up to a couple of a Remix levels (the most challenging levels in that world played from end to start and on a timer). During this step, simply focus on enjoying the levels (they’re lots of fun) and collect as many Dreamer’s Orbs as you can. As you play, you will naturally unlock a bunch of combat-related trophies and miscellaneous ones.
Step 2: Trophies Clean-up and the 300 Costume Pieces Grind
During this step, focus on any combat-related or miscellaneous single-player-only trophies you’re still missing. Additionally, you might want to clean up any remaining Prizes as part of your journey to 300 Costume Pieces. You probably left some Dreamer’s Orbs behind as well. As soon as pick something up in a level, you can quit to the hub. No need to finish it.
Step 3: Multiplayer Trophies
These trophies can still be unlocked either through Shareplay or local couch co-op with a 2nd controller. Simply team up with a friend to get them all. If you don’t have a friend to play the game with, remember that you can play online (via Shareplay and must have PS+ subscription), for “Up high!” and
“Fun Multiplied”. Technically, you could even unlock them solo with a second controller, but it’s very unnatural and little fun. While these two trophies can be technically unlocked solo with a second controller, you require some dexterity handling two controllers at the same time. This makes the gameplay experience a bit unnatural and little fun. Our advice is to find a friend to help you locally via couch co-op or online.
Step 4: Wonderplane’s Ultimate Challenge
Time to take on the hardest trophy of the game String It Together. Check the related trophy description for more information. After this, the Platinum for Sackboy: A Big Adventure will be yours! Congratulations!
Sackboy: A Big Adventure Trophy Guide
Special Thanks / Credits
Thanks to Mistashios for providing tips and helping with the MP trophies
prosperoust says
A little confused on the wording — can the platinum be achieved with local co-op only, or do we need to use Shareplay currently? Or is it meant that as an online method Shareplay is the only path currently? Great guide otherwise!
PowerPyx says
It’s doable entirely offline.
Shareplay is just an alternative if you have no friend available to help you with couch co-op locally.
Two trophies “Up High!” and “Fun Multiplied” are tricky to do offline by yourself using 2 controllers so you will likely need another person physically present to help in couch co-op. If you have nobody who can help offline, Shareplay is an alternatively to find an online player for help.
MidnightDragonDX says
I’ve done two player trophies that are tricky to do solo before. I’ll at least attempt it before I try a share play session.
DAOS2000boss says
Anyone wanna team up to do the multiplayer trophy with share play?
Ash says
I’m not certain as Powerpyx hasn’t replied to my comment yet but I’m pretty sure you can just get them locally with couch co-op.
MidnightDragonDX says
Several people on PSNP confirmed the trophy can be done offline, so if you have a second controller, go for it.
MidnightDragonDX says
The creators of the game said the game is fully obtainable offline. So not sure why PS+ is required for those two trophies if you can get both locally.
PowerPyx says
PS+ is only required if you opt to do them via Shareplay.
If you do them offline locally it is not. Platinum is completely obtainable offline.
Ash says
Hey Powerpyx,
Two things:
– As the above user MidnightDragonDX said, can I complete all the multiplayer trophies with my brother in couch co-op rather than shareplay and PS+?
-Will you/your friend complete this guide before you start on GodFall? I’m hoping to go for platinum starting today.
Thanks as always
PowerPyx says
The guide is now complete.
You can do all trophies with your brother offline in couch co-op. Online isn’t required.
Chris says
How do you unlock Capitalist trophy? I’m collecting the collectabells but no progress.
PowerPyx says
The easiest and fastest way to unlock this trophy is with a second controller:
1. Create a Guest user on your console.
on the second controller when prompted.
2. Go back into the game and join the first player’s game by pressing
3. Player one must now play through the level and collect at least one Collectabell more than player two. This is most easily achieved if the second player does nothing throughout the entire level. As the first player goes through the level, the second player will get teleported around to catch up. Collectabells can be found in pots and by destroying screws and sometimes by killing minions.
4. Complete the level.
5. Repeat for 19 different levels. This doesn’t seem to work on the same level.
Chris says
Doesn’t work on remote play? I using another account as second player and tracker isn’t moving
Chris says
Nvm I guess I wasn’t collecting enough of them.
Chris says
Works on the same level for me on that level you get the 5 keys and guest account got it while grinding a few levels at the beginning.
FranciRoosters says
Thanks. Will test that.
PowerPyx says
Quick update (which should also answer some questions above):
– The author (my friend who wrote the guide) had initially classified 2 trophies as online “Up high!”” and “Fun Multiplied”. While these are not feasible by yourself solo, it is possible to get them offline if you have a 2nd player physically present to help you in couch co-op. These have been reclassified as offline trophies. Therefore, it is indeed viable to platinum the game entirely offline. The alternative (as was already in the first draft) is to play Shareplay Online, if you have no friend who can help offline locally.
Ash says
Thank you so much PowerPyx!!! Your guides are amazing and you have helped me secure so many platinum trophies over the years. You. Are. Awesome.
Ash says
PowerPyx any word on the “Best Friends Forever” trophy? I’m unsure what if it entails beating a boss with co-op.
MidnightDragonDX says
How long until the list for Naturalist and Player’s Player are up and Best Friends Forever still lacks a description.
Ash says
Hi MidnightDragonDX I don’t know about the Naturalist and Player’s Player trophies but I have an answer for the Best Friends Forever one: I asked a player from PSN profiles (who had achieved the trophy) and this was their response: “You get it by defeating Vex’s final boss level with another player. Local 2 second controller works fine no online needed. As long as its 2x players.”
Hope that helps.
FranciRoosters says
A couple of days for Naturalist and Player’s Player. Best Friends is in.
Jordan says
Is the Beast of Burden trophy potentially glitched? I completed the entire level with my extra controller on and a Sackboy above my head in under 40 seconds twice and the trophy didn’t pop either time. Is it possible that since I had already earned it on this particular level (level 2) that it won’t work. Does it have to be your first time getting the gold?
Jordan says
I did it again on level 3 – on which I had not yet achieved the gold – and it worked and I got beast of burden. Is it possible that this trophy is then missable?
Bob says
I believe you are right on it being missable. I did trial 2 and 3 but did not work so I had to do the 7th trial as i did the rest before to get the trophy.
STV says
This trophy seems kind of glitched. Made on level 2 (which I already had gold) and it did not worked.
It only worked when I keeped R2 pressed until the trophy poped-up, even before the game let the other player go.
Pegaso says
If you have a ps4 you can remote play the ps5 and use the ps4 controller as a second one for the multiplayer trophies
daos2000 says
I dont really have anyone that can do it with me offline so that’s why i asked if anyone wanted to do shareplay
MidnightDragonDX says
PS4 or PS5?
Mistashios says
The Tip about switching the “O” buttton action from (Tap) to (Hold) was a Huge help and cut my down my time drastically. Timed & Tapping away had my anxiety to the roof lol.
FranciRoosters says
Glad it worked, bud!
Scott says
I dont get how you do that, I go in the settings but how do i get to hold
MrPublas says
PowerPyx, when will the naturalistand player’s player trophy guide be?
FranciRoosters says
A couple more days. The remaining locations are still being searched for.
MrPublas says
Can you quit the level once you find gerald or pick up an item for those trophies?
FranciRoosters says
You can.
Kira7171 says
For the trophy Walk-in Wardrobe
the best way to make bells is from doing mini bosses, my favorite to do which is The Ruffled Ruffian in world 3 you get about 200 bells everytime.
if you are playing multiplayer be sure you are dealing the last hit.
Kira7171 says
forget mini bosses only bosses give close to that
VirtuousAezon says
I platinumed the game and am also the 9th person to platinum it. Thank you bro for the help!
jaykonez says
How do you know how many people got platinum and which place you got it?
Pajarulo says
For the Book of Dreams trophy, I am missing just one sticker in Soaring Sommer but it says I’ve got 48/48 orbs. I’ve played the secret levels in Kingdom of Crablantis but it seems like I’m still missing three orbs in that level. I’ve only got two levels, do I have to unlock another one? Where do I unlock the last one?
Gonzalenz says
Same here. I got all 48 orbs in Soaring Sommer (also those from the hidden levels) but still missing 3!!! stickers. Also aced every level and picked up all the stickers. I do not know what else to do. Can somebody help?
Parag says
Pay attention to
“Go to The Kingdom of Crablantis, when you can play the secret levels from the first world, The Soaring Summit, and 100% it.”
Mark says
I’m missing a sticker on centre of craftworld, page 5/7 looks like a mushroom. Does anyone know how to get it?
Jojo says
I just can NOT for the life of me complete The Ripsnorter trial for “String It Together!” I have tried countless times for what feels like 8-10 total.
Jojo says
*8-10 hours
Mark says
I’m in the process now for trying to get it done. I got upto spikes this evening for the first time. My plan is to now practice spikes and learn its pattern save time re running the whole thing to get there everytime and just die. Had to practice crabs separately now I can pass it more comfortably. Keep at it friend your get it done. Just remember to roll add it into jumps help you distance.
ziggurcat says
If it makes you feel better, it took me 3 days, and about 25-30 hours of trying before I finally got it. Would have been earlier than that, but I literally died in the very final, supposed to be an easy relaxing stroll, stage. In true LBP fashion, I went to jump, and it did one of those stupid half jumps, and I fell to my death. I was so mad I was shaking haha
Hopefully you got it by now!
Heisenburgh says
For some reason Player’s Player is just not unlocking. I went to every single location, picked up every single item and it still says 7/8.
Anyone have this problem?
Luc_b1986 says
Awesome guide Powerpyx and team! Quick note though;
The trophies “Up high!” and “Fun Multiplied” CAN be achieved playing on your own with 2 controllers :).
Warhawk_87 says
if anyone has time for multiplayer trophies, add me DEATHSTROKE-cro-.
thanks PowerPyx, I’m watching your videos for a long time now ;-)
BodyChipper says
For “Stop! Thief!” it is much easier to use the level in the first world, The Key to Success. Simply take one character up to where the fish is located and there is a checkpoint spawn circle nearby so you don’t need to control the other character. Then go to where the fish is and tape down R2 on both controllers when standing next to the pull thingies, then press back on both controllers. Grab the fish, then hit that player. Easier with two people, but I managed it easy and quick enough and then you don’t have to be in a “new” level to spawn a trophy at the end
BodyChipper says
*this assumes you may have already completed the “easier” levels prior to trying this. You could also, I assume, just start a new game after getting all other trophies, then you could do it on level 1.
giano reumerman says
i dont know what happend but my pc flipped so the above comment can be deleted but my real question was do the trophies carry over if you start on ps4 and continue on ps5 or do you need to start earning them all again?
FranciRoosters says
PS4 and PS5 have different trophy lists. Trophies won’t carry over for now. The game will be updated later on to allow save transfers, but we won’t know until then if trophies will auto-pop or not. For now, your best bet is to start a new game on PS5.
ziggurcat says
I’ll ask again (and hopefully my dumb computer won’t autofill anything):
Is there a known method for farming the collectibells?
BodyChipper says
The only method I saw online, which I used, was in the Crate Expectations level in World 5. Go to the spot in the level, about halfway, where the large greenish box with and enemy continuously spawn on a conveyor belt. Hit the box and kill the enemy over and over and over. Very boring, but you’ll get 3 bells every kill, sometimes the box will give some too. I sometimes would just warp between world 4 and 5 and run around the world map hitting the objects to get bells too. I had to get my % above 86 before the trophy finally popped.
ziggurcat says
I saw that area, but with ~7200 bells to collect in order to get all of the things I have left to get, that’s going to be a nightmare of a grind D:
There’s another area I saw in the first world within the Ready Yeti Go level – speed run to the egg just in the beginning of the level, and I think it nets you 20 bells per run. I haven’t timed it yet, but it might not be the fastest method.
I wish they did either didn’t make things so expensive or divvy out enough bells throughout the game so that it allows you to get everything without having to grind.
Joe Joe says
I think there is a flaw in the breakdown list above by not specifying you need a SECOND controller to get certain trophies. I’m discovering the use of the second controller by reading the descriptions of the trophies.
PowerPyx says
It’s mentioned several times in the Overview + Roadmap that everything can be done through local co-op (+in each Trophy Description where it’s relevant). But yes, a 2nd controller is required if you want to do it in local co-op, I added that detail to the Overview, so thanks for bringing it up 🙂
BodyChipper says
Just wanted to say if you are coordinated enough and have flexible hands, you can do all of these trophies as a single person with couch co-op. The hardest part is the team level required to get the high five emote, but it can be done solo with some awkward positions to hold both controllers (I had to use my leg for one section to wedge a stick down). There are quite a few team levels that can be done simply by switching controllers quickly enough and don’t require that many simultaneous actions. Thanks for the guide. I have just the Ripsnorter left now.
Barra333 says
That bit where you have one player up high hitting buttons to extend platforms is kicking my ass. Got to the end once, threw the… errr… thing onto the platform but it rolled off. Too many failures is also going to cost too many points to be able to get the score for the emote too.
ziggurcat says
A few more question: for the Best Friends trophy, is it 10 different levels or can it be the same level 10 times over? What if you’ve aced the level already? If it’s 10 different levels, it might be worth noting what the 10 easiest/fastest levels are to achieve this.
FranciRoosters says
Same level works.
ziggurcat says
So I’m trying to get the Best Friends trophy, and it’s not registering any Aces. Is there something I’m doing wrong? I’m playing solo with two controllers.
I do have 3/10, but it’s not progressing beyond that.
ziggurcat says
Never mind, it ended up working after a reboot of the game.
Shavron7 says
Is your rating of 3.5/10 and your time estimate for experienced LBP players? I’m an experienced gamer but this is my first sackboy game and I would not rate the ripsnorter a 3.5 nor the time required to platinum the game so low. I have already spent 50+ hours on this game and have spent hours per day over the past couple of weeks trying to progress the ripsnorter without success. When rating difficulty and time required you should put some game experience context to your responses, as completionists put trust in your ratings to determine whether to play. Is the rating how easy YOU found it or it is a rating to give people an indication of whether they can do it? Aside from this aspect, I found your guide useful, so thank you for creating it.
Ross says
Completely agree. The guide is very useful but the rating and approx time can be wildly different depending on skill. I’m at 40 hours and haven’t been able to beat Ripsnorter, getting as far as the spikes but failing there. Just finishing the level is a challenge never mind in 10 mins. I’m close to giving up as I’ve spent about 10 hours on that already. I have heard you can cheese it (sort of) but getting to the end – which is itself a challenge – then if you start to roll toward the finish line but before you do, pause the game and replay the level. The clock resets to 0:00 for the new run but Sackboy continues to roll past the finish line.
Lindsey says
Has anyone had their game stop at a screen that looks possibly like a rocket ship? My game will not progress no matter what buttons we push. We have uninstalled and restarted everything but game is stuck. Anyone run into this?
lindsey says
I have 153 orbs but it still won’t let me pass through the 90orb lock on crablantis level, says I need to complete the ocean path what’s that mean?
FranciRoosters says
This sounds like a bug. Just out of curiosity, did you play the secret levels?
Curt says
I finished the Vexpiration Date level at the end of world 5 and it never unlocked the last world. Anyone else having this issue? I have replayed this level several times to no avail. Looks like I am stuck..
Deluziion90 says
Just finished the “String it Together:
As someone who got Crash4 plat this game is nowhere near 3.5 difficulty. This time trial is crazy brutal and took me hours to get it right. I would gave the whole game a 3.5 but overall platinum would be a 6.5/7 minimum thanks to this trophy.
No complaints on the rest of the guide it really helps out a lot! Thanks again
broncky says
if someone needs the co op trophies let me know psn = IIBronckyII (I=i)
Zurin says
Do u unlock all trophies on ps5 if you have a platinum on ps4?
Brian says
I think someone else mentioned it as well, but due to the “String It Together” trophy, this is nowhere near a 3.5/10 plat difficulty. It’s borderline impossible.
Brian says
Update: Holy hell, I did it. Probably only took 10 hours of trying.
Naanos says
I found that The String It Together trophy and challenge was quite easy, it just took some training to remember which location I needed to jump onto and when. I never once did the jump attack in air thing I have seen many people do. I only ever jumped and rolled, and found that keeping a path I picked myself was the best way to remember where and what to jump onto. By the end of the level, I got around 9 minutes, with collecting about 1/3 of the time bonuses before the ending part.
Lvang4life says
I’m facing an issue where after beating Vex in the center of craftworld it supposed to show me wonderplane option via rocket menu but it doesn’t. Never see the credits. I’ve trying everything and it still be the same. I reinstalled it, change the language, play by joining a multiplayer, I’ve tried to access it by an activity card in my ps5, and nothing happened. It’s really frustrating bc I was working on my platinum trophy… Thanks Sumo, you screwed me.
Leo Inc says
Bonus level of Wonderplane is not unlocking after I beat Vex the final boss. any reason why ?
Damian says
Same anyone found a fix for this really annoying as I have 100% every other level.
James-_-1989 says
Me and my girlfriend have been playing the game together and getting the trophies on each others account. While i have managed to get all 3 orbs for the Ice Cave Dash Remix level and the first Knitted Knight trial, she is only getting 2 out of 3. We’ve also noticed that her times are not being saved for some reason. The respected trophies have still popped for her but just not the third and final orb.
Has anyone had this issue and/or know how to fix?
Naanos says
Quick question for anyone that might know.
To get the 100% for costumes, do you need to buy all of Zom Zom’s stuff (including the emotes) or do you get 100% without the emotes?
I have everything done in the game, so I have to collect the bells from the Crane level farming (as it is the fastest I believe) and if I got to get the emotes as well as the costumes he sells, it’ll take roughly 8 more hours of boredom.
Thanks in advance.
Chris Radford says
The 4.5/10 difficulty rating is very misleading. It maybe true for experience platformer players, but the majority of players will find this a challenge. I’d say it’s at least 6/10. To get gold on the ripsnorter trial takes a lot of patience and practice. IMO the difficulty rating needs putting up. Or at least make a note that it may be skill dependant.
PowerPyx says
There was an exploit for the ripsnorter challenge pre-patch that made the hardest trophy fairly easy.
But with the exploit gone the trophy difficulty has indeed somewhat increased.
I’ve changed it to “4.5/10 – 6/10 depending on your skill level with platformers”
For someone who platinumed Crash 4 it would be a 4/10, for people who play platformers casually a 6/10 seems an agreeable rating.
Marek says
Hello, is there somebody to help with this teophy? String it Together ?
It is absolutely insine.
Maly nick on PS5 – zetislaw.
Thaaaaank tou
Baness says
Please can someone help me with the string it together trophy!!! I’m going crazy, been trying for weeks.
Add me on PlayStation Baness_a
I’d appreciate some help !
collin says
Did you ever get it
Cameron says
You can absolutely solo all of the multiplayer trophies with two controllers. I wish this was more clear. The final challenge is very tough, and much harder than trying to solo the multiplayer trophies. If you plan on platinuming it and think you can finish the final challenge, the multiplayer trophies are laughably easy to solo is comparison.
Jon says
Just a tip for anyone going for the 300 clothing items, there are 3 free downloadable costumes on the PSN that total 9 pieces. It’s not much but it saves some grinding time!
2ndc0m1ng says
Is there anyone that can help with the 16th time trial. It’s killing me and I want to get it done before I attempt the MP trophies.
2ndc0m1ng says
Sorry my ps ID is the2ndc0m1ng
TheHaremKing95 says
Good Day
Can someone please help me with the Ripsnorter trophy? The last trial in the knitted knights. I have tried for days now and i can’t seem to get it :(.
I would greatly aprecciate any assistance. My PS5 ID is Theharemking95.
Kind Regards JC
TheHaremKing95 says
Nvm i finally got the trophy.
Ash says
Looking for someone to help with the last few multiplayer trophies, my PSN ID is morphball
ollie95 says
Looking for someone to help me 100% most of the coop only levels in the game, add ollie95
ollie95 says
Can anyone help with with the String it Together trophy? Add ollie95
Brad says
Holy crap, string it together took me forever. Finally got it though!
Krisztian says
Pls help me with String it Together trophy its driving me crazy.
my id is: Szepykicks
Much obliged
Baness says
Can someone please help me with string it together. I’ve been trying for so long now and it’s driving me crazy! PSN: Baness_a
Alvinomartin says
Serious question. Which is harder this one or crash bandicoot 1.
Keep in mind i have 100% trophies on crash bandicoot 1 (including stormy ascent trophies). Because im torn on buying this game or not. Please someone answer me.
Ana says
Anyone need The String It Together trophy? Add me Anais809
Rinzewind says
To get the 300 costume pieces quicker you can “buy” the free costumes in the playstation store. I think it’s 30 costumes when you be buy them all
FranciRoosters says
This is another viable solution.
Pietro says
I had a lot of fun getting platinum from this game 🙂
FranciRoosters says
Glad I was there with my guide to keep you company.
Lewis says
Anybody currently playing want to team up for the multi master trophy?
Add me: cropcircles101
Paulo says
Hello, can someone help me with String it Together trophy?
Paulo says
blackoutom084 says
Can any one help me with online trophies
ID : blackoutom084
Roy says
Someone who wants to help me with the last 1 or 2 trials?
My psn is RoyTDI
RunNGun1020 says
Anyone able to boost me for the Ultimate time trial? I’m really struggling.
PS4 – RunNGun1020
I’ll be on a few hours tonight. Willing to help with other coop trophies if needed!