Returnal has a total of 31 Trophies (1 Platinum, 7 Gold, 5 Silver, 18 Bronze). Below you can find the full Returnal trophy list.
Returnal Trophies
Collect all trophies
Atropian Survival
Learn the basics of survival on Atropos
Past the Ruins
Finish Overgrown Ruins Survey
Ascending the Mountain
Finish Crimson Wastes Survey
Through the Forgotten City
Finish Derelict Citadel Survey
Echoes of the Past
Finish Echoing Ruins Survey
Frozen in Time
Finish Fractured Wastes Survey
Submerged in Memories
Finish Abyssal Scar Survey
A Shadow in the Fog
Defeat Phrike
Defeat Ixion
Trial by Judgement
Defeat Nemesis
Silence the Song
Defeat Hyperion
Inner Darkness
Defeat Ophion
Failed Escape
Finish Act 1
Last Drive
Finish Act 2
White Shadow
Finish Act 3
Second Chance
Returned by an artifact
Cryptic Messages
Scan a Xenoglyph
Cryptic Translations
Unlock all translation tiers of a Xenoglyph
Surgical Precision
Perform 5 successful Overloads in a row
Adapting to Circumstance
Achieve Weapon Proficiency level 30
In-Field Training
Complete a daily challenge in Simulation Mode
Hardened Shell
Achieve 200% Max Integrity
Risk Assessment
Finish Calculated Risk
Adrenaline Spike
Achieve maximum Adrenaline Level
Irreversibly Contaminated
Have 5 Parasites simultaneously
Eternal Return
Die for the first time
Alternate Fates
Retrieve 10 Scout Logs
Welcome Home
Complete the first House sequence
Sins of the Mother
Complete all House sequences
Visions of the Past
Complete a Xeno-archive set
The lack of difficulty-related trophies is because there are no difficulty settings in the game. There is only one difficulty for everyone = Hardcore. Returnal is a game of the Roguelike genre, if you die you lose all your progress and start from the beginning. There is only 1 checkpoint halfway through the game. So while the trophies look straightforward at first glance, the game itself is actually really difficult so get ready for a challenge. The platinum will be a test of patience and skill. All your character progression + inventory is lost if you die or leave the game and you respawn at the beginning of the story act. You can’t cheat it by backing up your save game either because to make backups you must close the game which will kill you and makes you respawn at the start of the act. However, you can skip bosses you’ve already defeated which helps a bit. Because the game is randomly generated (the map and item/enemy placements change after each death), you can’t memorize it like other linear games. This adds to the challenge further. It’s basically playing it until you get good and can beat it in one life.
The House Sequences are a little house you will come across at multiple points in the story. The golden “survey” trophies will be the biggest grind in the endgame, they require you to find all “collectibles” in each region (all xenogylph ciphers, all scout logs, all xeno archives). But the problem is that the game is randomly generated and most of the collectibles are randomly generated too. Different collectibles spawn after each death, so you will need to replay the biomes a lot to find everything and need to get a bit lucky that the stuff you have left spawns. It can spawn the same xenoglyphs again, if you find the same one again it won’t add to your progress. Be prepared for a difficult, random, and grindy platinum.
What are your thoughts on the Returnal trophy list? Do you like what you see? Are you going for the Platinum? For all solutions check out the full Returnal Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
PowerPyx says
Trophy Guide now available: Returnal Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
Russ says
Could Complete a daily challenge in Simulation Mode technically be a difficulty based trophy? Perhaps simulation is more realistic?
DrejzLV says
Hi, i got the trophy and its very easy – from the ship you must select daily challenge, upon completing it (going through level) you will unlock the trophy. Check me on PSN -DrejzLV
SallaV says
The game is really difficult and unlike other roguelike games, you cant upgrade your character. You start off weak every time you die. Only you can get better which is going to cut off a lot of players who are not good at these kinds of games. You cant just grind your way to be better and get past a hard area. Can see this being a major complaint for a lot of people who are expecting this game to be a high paced shooter when in reality, I find it harder than demons souls, a game which I platinumed.
PowerPyx says
Couldn’t agree more with what SallaV said.
I think people are expecting a totally different game than what this really is. They probably should have put up a demo for this, because the majority of the people spending €80 on their pre-order won’t even have the patience to finish the 2nd Act.
Demon’s Souls / Dark Souls is easy in comparison because you can overlevel and thereby reduce the difficulty and you keep your progress (except souls) between deaths + you can spec your character to suit your playstyle.
In Returnal you lose everything when you die or when you leave the game. You can’t even pick your weapon because everything is randomized. You can’t “cheat” it by backing up your save game either, because you get wiped out when you exit the game and will respawn at the start of the act. It’s very punishing because you need to run through large portions of the game again if you die, and some enemies can kill you in 2-3 hits. I never heard about this in the game’s marketing materials which seems like the first thing they should tell consumers. If you want a challenge, this game is great, and I’m all for it because we don’t get enough of these nowadays. But it will definitely take most players by surprise, especially if you never completed a Roguelike game before.
Housemarque / PlayStation Studios didn’t do a great job at promoting the game for what it really is – in trailers and gameplays it looked like a semi-story driven arcade-style 3rd person shooter with maybe a bit of horror/survival elements. When in fact it’s a “Roguelike” genre. Rogue’like’ is probably not the right genre either, because it’s more ‘Rogue’ and less ‘like’… in some Roguelikes (e.g. Hades) you at least have a hub area where you can upgrade some stuff between deaths and you retain some useful leveling that gives you an advantage on the next try. But in Returnal you get none of that. It’s going to be at least 8/10 difficulty platinum and quite an annoying grind for the gold trophies to complete the databases in each world (because the game is randomized it can take a while).
Returnal is closer to Wolfenstein 2 Mein Leben difficulty, but with a randomized map each time. There are no difficulty options so it will be the same hardcore experience for everyone.
Anonymous says
Returnal already turned me off with the £69.99 price but to find out that the Platinum trophy difficulty is potentially an 8/10 means I’ll probably never buy it (but I’m hoping there’s a chance it’s a maximum difficulty of 6/10). I really can’t see this game selling well in general, considering the lack of interest from people and marketing of the game not being good enough.
Faisal Al Saai says
This looks fairly doable. I’m very excited for this game. Thank you for sharing the list and looking forward to your guide!
Vitaliy says
Definitely looking forward to having some fun playing this
James Hawthorne says
I’m looking forward to it.
Jerry says
Thank you! It does look easy. I was worried it was going to be too hard. This is going to be my first time playing a roguelite.
Matthew Donjon says
Looking forward to platinuming this nier replicant, ratchet and clank and Resident evil 8 in the months ahead!(hopefully) lol
Gaston says
No multiplayer trophies?
Thank god.
Now, i’m really looking forward for this game.
Michael Song says
Probably the easiest trophy set ever from Housemarque.
Nicofantasy says
It si actually the hardest.. by far
Ephemeral says
I really want to play this game, but the previous comments made me wary, maybe someone can answer these questions to help me out:
1. What exactly carries over when you die? I now that certain abilities that enable progression do, but what about stuff like weapon proficiency or weapon abilities? I.e. Is there anything at all that makes subsequent runs easier (damage, armor increases for example)
2. Powerpyx mentioned checkpoints, but what exactly do they do? Can you quit the game and continue from the checkpoint? Can you die and continue from the checkpoint?
PowerPyx says
1. You keep story progression items that you need to navigate the world. You don’t keep weapon proficiency. There are permanent weapon mods that change how your weapon shoots but nothing that makes subsequent runs easier imo (out of all things these are the most pointless thing to be permanent because the mods only take ~10 kills per weapon to unlock anyway and most of them are not that great). Everything useful is lost (all your health upgrades, weapon proficiency, other stat increases).
2. There’s a checkpoint after the 1st act (start of 4th biome). So if you die you restart there. If you die in biome 1-3 you respawn at the very beginning of the game. (also it’s PowerPyx not Powerpyx :p)
Ephemeral says
Thank you very much for answering and my apologies for misspelling your name ;)
Damn that’s rough, I usually don’t mind difficult games but your comparison with Wolfenstein 2 in addition to all the randomness involved makes me think that this game might not be for me 🙁
Eindhoven78 says
It’s not entirely true that you only have your skill, as there is permanent progression as well. Weapon traits are persistent meaning weapons get stronger the more you use them, bosses don’t have to be defeated after doing it once, Ether can be used to buy a revive point etc.
So like any roguelite, it gets easier the more you play.
Still challenging, but that’s par for the course with this genre.
Casper says
@PowerPyx I heard the game has some permanent upgrades. Do these make next runs easier?
PowerPyx says
Not really. There are some weapon modifiers that stay after death but they only change what your shots do (e.g. rifle shoots slower but deals more damage per hit which doesn’t do much for your DPS). They don’t boost the weapon stats. Most of these modifiers are useless and it’s completely random what weapon drops you get anyway, so nothing that is predictable.
[Tryout] All-Star Slammin' D-Ball says
I’m already seeing all these whiners on various forums…
What kind of hypocrisy is this? I’ve seen COUNTLESS threads/conversations where a f* ton of people complain about games being “wayyyyy too easy these days”, and along come games like Souls/Hades/Returnal, etc. and people are STILL complaining?
SMH – why is it always a “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” for game developers? Or in this case, PS First Party titles?
Clown world, man.
Trucu87 says
Are there any missable trophies?
PowerPyx says
I haven’t discovered anything missable so far, but the story trophies are very buggy. The boss trophies you can get by defeating the boss again (they respawn), but if trophies for act 1 or act 2 bug out, you’d need to replay the entire game. Best to back up your save before the end of each act (before boss 3 & before boss 5), so you can copy it back if a story trophy bugs out.
motcho says
having third and fourth thoughts about this game now
angelbless says
Hey there PowerPyx!
Thanks a lot for all the info. Sounds great, although I can already hear the complains it will create xD…
Btw, is there an estimated time for the platinum you could share? 🙂
Thanks in advance
PowerPyx says
I’d say anywhere from 70h-150h+ depending on how good or bad you’re at the game and how much luck you have with the randomized collectibles.
It’s the type of game where the time to plat will vary significantly between players. The game is randomly generated so it comes down to luck to get all the collectibles for the golden survey trophies. And the rest is pure skill, it’s a ‘git gud’ type of game.
Let me put it like this:
– Around 70h for the fastest players who are good at this game and get somewhat lucky with collectible spawns (25% of players)
– 80-130h for the average player (50% of players)
– 150h or more if you have a lot of trouble with this game but are willing to put in the time to practice it over and over again (25% of players)
But probably only a small portion of players will even finish the 2nd act. Will be interesting to see the PSN completion % for that trophy after a few months. Definitely not a quick plat.
angelbless says
Alright, got it! seems though at the beginning, but enjoyable at the end.
Thanks a lot for the info.. guess this one wont be a weekend platinum xD
Andre says
PowerPyx are you going to make a guide for trophies?
I have completed Act 2 and defeated all game bosses and i’m missing only gold trophies – all biome “surveys” and Act 3 & to complete all house sequences. For “surveys” I understand the goal, but for Act 3 & house sequence i’m lost..
Beatboy says
A question: If there are 6 biomes in total (3 for each act). When you finish with the last boss of the second act, do you finish the game?
So what does act 3 consist of? Thanks
Andre says
I have no clue, you finish game with Act 2, so my guess is you need to grind all biomes all over until you find all audio logs and Xenoglyphs, after that you can do a House Sequence Xenoglyph translations and that would finish Act 3
Andre says
So I managed to get 1/6 Biomes complete as well as Sins of the Mother trophy, and for Act 3, that can be completed after the last House Sequence as a part of the story.
Will grind the rest 5/6 Biomes for platinum 🙂
Beatboy says
I have found “Sunface Fragments” in every biome in the game, they are hidden and I guess there will be a total of 6, since I found one for each map. If you collect all of them, do you unlock Act 3?
NL_the_Godfather says
How can some people already play this game while it get’s release 30-04-21? After reading all the comments above. It’s just a bit unclear @PowerPyx, u say u can better backup ur save before act bosses? But u also say above that u can’t backup ur savegame either as nothing get’s saved when u go back into the game and have to start over?
PowerPyx says
They are previewers who got it early to make their previews, or people who got an early retail copy.
As for save game backups: It’s worth backing up because you can skip the bosses you’ve already defeated. So if you back it up before the 3rd boss, you will die and respawn in the 1st world. But you can then skip 1st & 2nd boss and head straight to 3rd boss. Without a backup, if a trophy bugs out you’d have to replay all bosses from scratch.
Trophy Guide will be up tomorrow, it will be explained there in detail.
Gdub says
is there a way to tell which sun fragment is from which biome
I’ve collected 4 but can’t remember where I got em
Don’t want to have to grind all regions again and would rather narrow my search
PowerPyx says
You can tell by their icons in the inventory. I added it under the Act 3 trophy what icon belongs to what region.
Pol says
Excellent guide as usual! I’m almost donde with the trophies (only have some survey ones remaining). Have a question tho: did you happen to break those plasma golden gates that appear in some of the sections? Have absolutely no clue of how to break those in order to access the rooms they protect. Thanks a lot man!
PowerPyx says
Yes, these energy barriers require an artifact that upgrades your sword. You can sometimes find them at fabricators (crafting stations), but it’s random where and when you find the artifact.