This Resident Evil 8 Village Collectibles Guide shows where to find all Collectible Locations (20 Goats, 47 Files, 11 Recipes, 16 Weapons, 22 Customizable Weapon Parts, 10 Outhouses, 19 Castle Windows). There are 145 Collectibles in total.
Locating all Resident Evil Village Collectibles unlocks the following trophies:
- Cynic
– Destroy a Goat of Warding (Find 1 Goat).
- Heretic
– Destroy all the Goats of Warding (Find all 20 Goats).
- Gunsmith
– Equip a gun with a customizable part (Find 1 Customizable Part).
- Veteran Gunsmith
– Equip every gun with their customizable parts in the story (find all Customizable Parts).
- Tinkerer
– Create every type of item available in the Crafting menu (Find all Crafting Recipes).
- Artisan
– Collect every crafting recipe (Find all Crafting Recipes).
- Bookworm
– Read every single file in the story (Find all 47 Files).
- When You Gotta Go…
– Open the door to every outhouse in the village in a single playthrough (Find all 10 Outhouses).
- Hooligan
– Break every breakable window in Castle Dimitrescu in a single playthrough (Destroy all 19 Windows).
- Mapmatician
– Complete the village map (you automatically fully explore the village while going for all Collectibles).
Most Collectibles are missable! Collect them in chronological order as you go through the game. You can get most of them on your first playthrough, only some Recipes, Weapons, and Customizable Parts require additional Playthroughs and will be listed at the end of the guide.
While Key Items are not tied to any trophy or achievement, they are often required to reach a collectible and to advance the story. This Collectible Guide is written in a Walkhrough format with all important Key Items and Puzzle Solutions included. This will help you get through the first playthrough with ease. Below all trophy-relevant collectibles are color-coded. The ones that aren’t directly tied to trophies are in black.
You can collect everything on easy difficulty (Casual) to make it easier. All your Collectible Progress carries over to New Game+. After beating the story the game asks you to make a Completed Story Save. Do this and reload that Save from the Main Menu to enter New Game+. You also keep all your money, all weapon upgrades, all crafting materials and everything else in your inventory.
You can track your Collectible Progress from the Challenges Menu, but it’s only available after beating the story one time! So if you didn’t get one of the Collectible Trophies you can check after the story what you missed. In New Game+ open the Pause Menu click “Challenges” and scroll down to see the counter on each Challenge. “Heretic” tracks the Goats, “Veteran Gunsmith” tracks Customizable Weapon Parts, “Artisan” tracks Recipes, “Bookworm” tracks Files.
Files can also be tracked by opening the Journal (Touchpad on PS4/PS5) and click to open the Files section. They are listed there with their unique name. The same names are used here in the Collectible Guide so you can quickly determine which specific File you are missing. Some files contain multiple pages in the Journal but they count as 1 single Collectible.
After finding a Collectible it gets saved to your Records instantly and there’s no need to collect them again if you die. Everything carries over to subsequent playthroughs and you can also jump between manual saves to grab a missing collectible and it will count retroactively (they are all saved on your “profile save” so you don’t lose anything when jumping to an old save).
Some Recipes, Weapons, and Customizable Weapon Parts must be bought from the merchant. The total cost for all trophy-related Collectibles is 1,711,700 Lei (1,061,000 Lei for Customizable Parts + 601,700 Lei for purchasable Weapons with attachment slots on them + 49,000 Lei for Recipes). You should have enough money after 2-3 playthroughs. Most of these purchasables are listed at the end of the guide because you can buy them at various points and some of these only unlock in New Game+.
Collectible Overview:
- 20 x Goats
- 47 x Files
- 11 x Crafting Recipes
- 16 x Weapons
- 22 x Weapon Customizable Parts
- 10 x Outhouses
- 19 x Breakable Castle Windows
- 29 x Key Items (needed to advance story and reach certain collectibles)
- 4 x Labyrinth Items (only 1 needed for trophies)
- 3 x Maps (not needed for anything, just included for the sake of completion)
A guide by SnowNinjaRaccoon (DK), Gage & PowerPyx
[File #1] Fridge Memo
Where you start the game and carry the baby, it’s on the fridge of the kitchen.
[Trophy] Goooaaalll!
Kick the yellow ball from the bedroom into the room with the computer.
[File #2] Old News Clipping
Head upstairs, then immediately turn around and go to the end of the hallway behind the stairs. Enter the cluttered bedroom and read the newspaper there.
[File #3] Ethan’s Diary
Put the baby to bed upstairs, then examine the Laptop in the next room (also upstairs).
[File #4] Medical Checkup Report
To the right of the laptop is a cupboard, open it to find this file inside.
[File #5] Mission Briefing
After the prologue when you wake up in the snowy region, turn around to find it on the ground next to the crashed vehicle.
[Recipe #1] First Aid Med
Automatically unlocked when you reach the village (press /
to view crafting recipes).
[Recipe #2] Handgun Ammo
Automatically unlocked when you reach the village (press /
to view crafting recipes).
[Outhouse #1]
Village 1F, West Old Town: When you reach the village for the first time, head through the house door straight ahead and then go out the right side of the house. First outhouse is in the yard behind that house. Do note that there is another locked outhouse nearby but the locked ones don’t count for the trophy.
[Weapon #1] LEMI Handgun (2 Attachments)
Village 1F, East Old Town: Automatically given to you during story progression.
[Key Item] Bolt Cutters
Village 1F, West Old Town: After fighting your first Lycan, in the house to the left of the fight.
[Weapon #2] M1897 Shotgun (1 Attachment)
Village 1F, East Old Town: During the Lycan ambush, this is on the table in the house directly west of the “East Old Town” label on the map.
[File #6] Scribbled Note
Village 1F, Maiden of War: After escaping Lycan ambush and speaking to the old woman, in the first house on the left on a table in the corner.
[File #7] “Goat of Warding” Placard
Village 1F, Graveyard: At the graveyard there’s a lit altar with a Goat collectible in it, read the placard under the goat.
[Goat #1]
Village 1F, Graveyard: Same place as the file, use knife to destroy the Goat of Warding collectible.
[Goat #2]
Village 1F, Church: On the rooftop of the church (when you enter the gate to the Church area look up at the roof).
[Key Item] Maiden Crest
Village 1F, Church: Inside the church.
[Goat #3]
Village 1F, Fallow Plot: Exit the church and you’ll come to some cornfields (there are Lycans roaming in the field, kill them). Behind the cornfield on the left side are some stairs leading up. At the end of the stairs look up to see a goat collectible on a wall.
[Outhouse #2]
Village 1F, Luiza’s House: Enter the door behind the cornfield and you’ll encounter a man and a woman. Climb out the window and then climb over the left wall to reach Luiza’s House. There’s an Outhouse In the right corner in front of Luiza’s House.
[File #8] Dangerous Creatures
Village 1F, Luiza’s House: In the first room of Luiza’s house, after you meet her she tells you to wait there. On a chair in the right corner.
[Key Item] Truck Key + Screwdriver
Village 1F, Luiza’s House: In the side room next to the garage, inside a drawer. Inspect Truck Key to get Screwdriver.
[Key Item] Demon Crest
Village 1F, Luiza’s House: Use screwdriver on the little blue altar in front of Luiza’s House. You can now insert this and the crest you found in church into the door at the graveyard (Demon crest goes in right slow, Maiden Crest in left slot).
Underground (Mines)
[Goat #4]
Underground 1F, Vineyard: After escaping the mines and going back outside you’ll come to a snowy vineyard with scarecrows. On the right side in the snow sits a Goat Collectible (listen for the sound it makes, next to the scarecrow furthest to the right).
[Recipe #3] Shotgun Ammo
Underground 1F, Vineyard: Buy from Duke (Merchant) – costs 3000 Lei. If you don’t have enough money you can buy it later or in New Game+.
[Recipe #4] Sniper Rifle Ammo
Underground 1F, Vineyard: Buy from Duke (Merchant) – costs 4000 Lei. If you don’t have enough money you can buy it later or in New Game+.
[Recipe #5] Mines
Underground 1F, Vineyard: Buy from Duke (Merchant) – costs 3500 Lei. If you don’t have enough money you can buy it later or in New Game+.
Castle Dimitrescu
[File #9] Guest Book
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Entrance Hall: In the first room of Castle Dimitrescu, on a table to the left of the painting of the three women.
[File #10] The Labyrinths
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Merchant’s Room: From Hall of the Four, enter the nearby Merchant’s Room where this is on a small table beside the castle miniature.
[Key Items] Maroon Eye Ring + Maroon Eye
You automatically pick up the Maroon Eye Ring, no way to miss it. Afterward inspect this key item from your inventory to pull out the Maroon Eye. You’ll need to insert it into a door on 2nd floor.
[File #11] Winemaking History
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Wine Room: From the Main Hall go upstairs to the 2nd floor and enter the door straight ahead to the Wine Room. Read the paper on the table.
[File #12] A Maid’s Diary
Castle Dimitrescu B1, Basement: After placing the Red Eye Orb in the door on 2nd floor you will get chased and drop down to a basement. In the room where you land is a note on the right side, on a shelf.
[File #13] Treatment Candidates
Castle Dimitrescu B1, Chamber of Solace: In the dark dungeon area, walk straight until your path gets blocked by a bloody torture table. To the right of it is a document to read (before encountering enemies in the dungeon).
[File #14] Observation Report
Castle Dimitrescu B1, Chamber of Solace: From the prior file head through the cell on the left. When you exit that cell head straight ahead into the next cell to find another file (before encountering enemies in the dungeon).
[File #15] A Cook’s Diary
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Kitchen: After killing the first of the Dimitrescu sister you will come to a kitchen. Check the shelf on the left side for a file.
[Key Item] Sanguis Virginis
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Kitchen: In the kitchen grab the wine bottle out of the tub of blood, next to the above file.
[Weapon Part #1] LEMI – Recoil Compensator
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Kitchen: In the hallway after the kitchen there’s a metallic box with a weapon part inside.
[Key Item] Courtyard Key
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Wine Room: Use the wine bottle in the wine room to find a box with the courtyard key in it. Use in the Dining Room on 1st floor.
[Map] Castle Map (Main)
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Hall of Ablution: Go through the door at the end of the courtyard and head upstairs to find this map in the hallway.
[Goat #5]
Castle Dimitrescu B1, Basement: After solving the statue puzzle, go down into the basement where this is immediately in front of you on the floor after you climb down the ladder.
[File #16] Alcina Dimitrescu’s Diary
Castle Dimitrescu F2, Dimitrescu’s Chambers: After the scene with Lady Dimitresu talking on a phone, enter the room she was in and look on the couch to the immediate left to find this file.
[Key Item] Mask of Sorrow
Castle Dimitrescu B2, Hall of Sorrow: Automatically picked up at the end of the next section, can’t miss it.
[Map] Castle Map (Annex)
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Opera Hall (Stairway): From the courtyard go through the golden door that requires Dimitrescu’s Key. The map is hanging straight ahead when you enter, before going upstairs.
[File #17] Grand Chambermaid’s Notice
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Opera Hall: Go upstairs to the 2nd floor and this file will be straight ahead, on the table with the clock between two sets of black curtains.
[File #18] Further Observations
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Opera Hall: From the last file enter the next room and pick up the book on the cupboard at the end of the hallway. Examine the book to receive the text file.
[Labyrinth Item #1] Flower Swords Ball
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Opera Hall: Down the left side of the opera hall walkway, this is in a chest in the small room at the end beside a castle miniature (1 enemy is in here). This is used for the labyrinth puzzle in the Merchant’s Room. First labyrinth puzzle completion unlocks the trophy Get the Ball Rolling.
[File #19] Insect Observations Journal
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Opera Hall: On the lower floor of the Opera Hall, this is sitting on a small round table by the piano. You must pick up the book and examine it to receive the text file.
[Key Item] Iron Insignia Key
Castle Dimitrescu 1F, Opera Hall:Interact with the piano and play music (as displayed by the notes in the piano). When you finished the sequence a key pops out of the piano. Can use it on the second floor of the Opera Hall to enter the library.
[Key Item] Mask of Joy
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Hall of Joy: After using the key on the 2nd floor of Opera Hall you will have a fight in the Library. Behind the Library you will find Mask 2 out of 4 in the Hall of Joy.
[Goat #6]
Castle Dimitrescu RF, Attic: After shooting the 5 bells and going through Lady Dimitrescu’s portrait, you climb a ladder into the attic. This is then directly behind you when you get to the top of the ladder.
[Treasure Map]
Castle Dimitrescu RF, Attic: On the table in the attic, this treasure map leads to the room behind the Iron Insignia gate in the Dungeon (B2). In this room you need to blow up the broken wall (there’s a pipe bomb in the room you can use) then light both torches by pushing them into the fire. In the sarcophagus you can find the Azure Eye treasure, which can be combined with the Silver Ring located in a drawer in Hall of Pleasure (2F) to obtain Repairer.
[File #20] Rumors of a Dagger
Castle Dimitrescu RF, Attic: On a table at the end of the attic room.
[Weapon #3] F2 Rifle (3 Attachments)
Castle Dimitrescu RF, Attic: Sitting on a chair directly in your path as you are leaving the attic to the rooftop.
[Key Item] Mask of Rage
Castle Dimitrescu RF, Tower of Rage: After sliding down the rope on the rooftops you will see this item in front of you.
[Key Item] Mounted Animal Skull / Animal Skull
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Armory: From the Dressing Room hallway go through the door that requires Dimitrescu’s Key, then finish the fight in the Armory. Afterward take the animal skull that hangs on the wall at the end of the armory. Inspect it from your inventory, turn it around and examine it to get the normal Animal Skull.
[Key Item] Mask of Pleasure
Castle Dimitrescu 2F, Hall of Pleasure: In the room before the Armory you can take out the mask and insert the Animal Skull to open up the door. This should be your 4th and last Mask needed to escape the castle. Use all 4 in the Hall of the Four next to the Merchant’s Room on the 1st Floor.
Castle Dimitrescu All Windows
For trophy Hooligan you must destroy all 19 Windows in the castle. By now you’ve found all normal Collectibles in the castle, so all that’s left are the windows. It’s best to backtrack now that you have access to the entire castle. Do this before placing the 4 masks in the Hall of the Four! You can melee or shoot the windows. Cold air should come in once you break them.
[Windows 1+2]
Dining Room (1F)
[Window 3]
Kitchen (1F), in the room where you fought the witch behind kitchen.
[Windows 4+5]
Dimitrescu’s Chambers (1F), at the end of the courtyard go through the silver metal doors. Then shoot the two windows in the stairwell leading upstairs to where the statue puzzle was.
[Windows 6+7+8]
Dimitrescu’s Chambers (2F), just after the last two windows there are 3 more windows in the hallway of the 2nd floor, just before the room with statues puzzle.
[Windows 9+10+11]
Dimitrescu’s Chambers (2F), inside of Dimitrescu’s Chambers where she picked up the phone earlier. There are two windows in that room and a third at the end of the outside balcony.
[Windows 12+13+14]
Opera Hall (1F), access the opera hall via the door on the side of the courtyard, then shoot the 3 windows in the stairwell from 1st to 2nd floor.
[Windows 15+16+17]
Opera Hall (2F), 2 windows on south side, 1 on north side
[Window 18]
Hall of Joy (2F), in the hallway after fighting the library witch
[Window 19]
Atelier (2F), in the room where you need to shoot 5 bells you must break the window at the ceiling automatically to shoot one of the outside bells (unmissable part of the story).
Village 2nd Visit
[Key Item] Dirty Flask
After killing Lady Dimitrescu, you will need to pick it up on your way out to advance.
[File #21] Craftsman’s Note
Village 1F: After killing Lady Dimitrescu, you will come outside to a snowy region again. This will be in the first hut on the right on a table, next to a typewriter save point.
[Outhouse #3]
Village 1F: Behind the above building with the typewriter save point.
[Key Item] Winged Key
Underground 1F: Picked up after a cutscene.
[Goat #7]
Village 1F, Lone Road: When you encounter the first enemies after the Lady Dimitrescu boss fight, go down the wooden stairs on the left side to the draw bridge. Goat Collectible is under stairs.
[Recipe #6] Pipe Bombs
Village 1F, Altar: Bought from merchant for 2500 Lei. Can also buy it later or in New Game+.
[File #22] Leonardo’s Message
Village 1F: 2nd floor of the house just to the right of “Maiden of War” on the map.
[Outhouse #4]
Village 1F: In the backyard of the house from the last file.
[Outhouse #5]
Village 1F: In order to progress you will have to push away a shelf. Once outside there will be a lycan in front of a green outhouse there. There will be a corpse inside.
[Key Item] Jack Handle
Village 1F, Workshop: Enter the building on the north side of the workshop area, then you can look out the window to find a code to enter on a lock on the cabinet in this building (070408). Inside this cabinet is the jack handle.
[Weapon #4] M1911 Handgun (2 Attachments)
Village 1F, Workshop: In the same cabinet as the above jack handle.
[Outhouse #6]
Village 1F, West Old Town: After using the handle on the tractor and crawling under it, you will encounter a new enemy type with big claws and a lot of health. Same place as that enemy is an Outhouse, in front of an Iron Insignia gate.
[Outhouse #7]
Village 1F, West Old Town: From the last Outhouse don’t go through the Iron Insignia gate yet. Instead, turn around to find a gate with a note on it saying that its owners are missing. Destroy the yellow padlock on that gate to enter the yard. There’s another Outhouse here.
[Goat #8]
Village 1F, West Old Town: In the same yard, sitting on top of the wooden hut between the “Missing Owners” house and the shed to its right.
[File #23] Note on the Luthier’s House
Village 1F, West Old Town: Check the note hanging by the door of the “Missing Owners” house.
[Key Item] Well Wheel
Village 1F, West Old Town: Now go through the Iron Insignia Gate next to where Outhouse #6 was. In the house right behind is the Well Wheel (before going up the yellow ladder). You can use the wheel on the wells around time, they contain some treasures and other items but not collectibles, it’s okay if you skip the wells.
[Outhouse #8]
Village 1F, West Old Town: From the Well Wheel climb up the yellow ladder and drop into the next yard where some chickens are. Here is a white Outhouse.
[File #24] Eugen’s Diary
Village 1F, West Old Town: From the last outhouse, climb up the ladder and drop into the house with a red chimney. Inside on the table is a file.
[Key Item] Four-Winged Key
Village 1F, West Old Town: Found in a box beside the previous file.
[File #25] Church Computer
Village 1F, Church: Now there will be a laptop in the church, which will have this file, it wasn’t here during your first visit.
[Goat #9]
Village 1F, Graveyard: Go through the Iron Insignia gate in the northeast of the church yard, turn immediately right and this goat is between the crypt building and the wall on the ground.
[Luiza’s Heirloom Treasure] Luiza’s Necklace / Luiza’s Key
Village 1F, Luiza’s House: Backtrack through the cornfield to where you helped the man and woman earlier in your first village visit. In front of Luiza’s house is a box with a Necklace inside. Inspect it from the inventory to get the “Necklace Stone” treasure (can sell it for Lei), inspect the same necklace again to get “Luiza’s Key”. The key can be used on a small lockbox in the “Lone Road” area (where you came from after Lady Dimitrescu boss fight to Altar area where the Duke is).
[Goat #10]
Village 1F, Suspension Bridge: While crossing the wooden suspension bridge on the way to Beneviento, look to the left to see another wooden bridge with a goat on it.
House Beneviento
[Goat #11]
House Beneviento, Outside: When you reach the next story location “House Beneviento”, but before going inside, follow the front porch around to the left and down another set of stairs to a fenced area. The goat is just outside the fence.
Way Back from House Beneviento
[Weapon #5] W870 TAC Shotgun (2 Attachments)
The Village 1F; Garden: On your way back from Beneviento to the Village you come through a garden area with a hut. It’s inside the hut. If your inventory is full you can sell some items/weapons at the merchants.
[Labyrinth Item #2] Sun and Moon Ball
The Village 1F; Garden: In the Garden area this is in a small chest in the southeast corner by some gravestones. Labyrinth puzzle is located in Gardener’s House (Typewriter Save Point), gives “Onyx Skull” treasure.
[Outhouse #9]
The Village 1F; Garden: On your way back you can now go uphill to the Gardener’s House (Typewriter Save Point). Go around the left of the house to find this Outhouse.
[Photo of a Strange Bird]
The Village 1F; Garden: Located in the above mentioned Outhouse. This should lead you to a bird that is perched on a branch directly left of the gate you originally went through to enter Castle Dimitrescu. Shoot it then pick up, gives “Juicy Game”.
[File #26] Gardener’s Diary
The Village 1F; Garden: In Gardener’s House mentioned above, in the corner of the room that the typewriter is in.
[Key Item] Luthier’s Key
The Village 1F; Garden: Same room as the File / Typewriter Save Point. Needed to reach Weapon Part “F2 Rifle – High Capacity Mag”
Village 3rd Visit
[Recipe #7] Explosive Round
Village 1F, Altar: Bought from merchant for 3000 Lei. Can also buy it later or in New Game+.
[Recipe #8] Flashbang
Village 1F, Altar: Bought from merchant for 3000 Lei. Can also buy it later or in New Game+.
[Key Item] Broken Slab
Village 1F, Graveyard: Found inside the crypt on the left side of the graveyard. This was inaccessible until now. Use it where the “Beneviento’s Treasure” icon is on the map (grave in front of Beneviento’s house)..
[Weapon Part #2] F2 Rifle – High Capacity Mag.
Village 1F, West Old Town: With the key to the Luthier’s House that you found in the garden, go back to the “House With Missing Owners” where Outhouse #7 was. There’s a locked cupboard inside the room, the code is: 27-09-17 (code is shown in the birthday painting in the hallway).
Moreau Section
[File #27] Vasile’s Final Testament
Village 1F: Go through the gate south of the Duke that requires Four-Winged Unborn Key. You will get attacked by a wolf (cutscene) and after that you will be in a house. Behind you is the note on a corpse.
[Weapon #6] GM 79 Grenade Launcher (0 Attachments)
Village 1F: In the building with the “Waterwheel Weapon” treasure icon on the map, entered using the Iron Insignia key.
[Key Item] Arm Flask
Moreau Tunnels: Automatically obtained during next cutscene.
[Key Item] Boat Key
Moreau Tunnels: Before leaving the cave head up some stairs and there will be a destructible wooden beam (yellow marking on it), leading you to this mandatory story item in a hut near some enemies. Can’t miss it, needed to use the boat outside.
[File #28] The Reservoir and Giant Fish
Moreau Boat Area: Before getting into the boat check the hut on the right for a note.
[Outhouse #10]
Moreau Sluice Gate Control: After leaving the building with the sluice gate controls turn right to find the last outhouse (the building with Duke Merchant in it).
[File #29] Changing the Cranks
Path to Windmills: On your way from the Sluice Gate Controls to the windmill, in a car.
[Goat #12]
First Windmill: Immediately after the last file you will come to a windmill. Go around on the outside top deck of the windmill (where you can use a crank) to find the Goat Collectible sitting at the very end. Before entering the inside of the Windmill.
[Goat #13]
Switch Platform: While moving through the area avoiding Moreau as he swims around and tries to knock you off the floating platforms you reach the area with the three colored switches on it. Facing back the way you came, look out to the left to see the goat sitting on top of a pole sticking out of the water.
[Key Item] Crank
Reservoir, Second Windmill: Automatically collected on top of the 2nd windmill.
[File #30] Moreau’s Diary 1
Village 1F, Drowned Houses: After turning on the sluice gate to lower the water, follow mutated Moreau and this will be in the next building in a drawer (same building has a weapon part in silver briefcase).
[Weapon Part #3] M1911 – High Capacity Mag
Village 1F, Drowned Houses: Same as above.
[File #31] Moreau’s Diary 2
Village 1F, Moreau Area: Inside Moreau’s room, you go there to pick up a key item to make the six-winged key. In front of his TV.
[Key Item] Six-Winged Unborn Key
Village 1F, Moreau Area: Same room as above.
[Goat #14]
Village 1F, Moreau Area: Return to where you got in the boat earlier (the one that required the boat key and you drove around in it). The water is now drained where the boat was. Walk through the broken windmill there and turn left for a goat.
[File #32] Moreau’s Diary of Experiments
Village 1F, Moreau Area: Exit the Moreau mines via the elevator (same way you came in). Go past the Typewriter Save Point in the windmill and head outside to the area where pigs were running around earlier. Here you can use the crank on a door, which leads to a secret area. Look at the map for the golden treasure icon “Moreau’s Hidden Weapon”. At that icon you will find the file and also the Magnum.
[Weapon #7] M1851 Wolfsbane Magnum (2 Attachments)
This is Moreau’s treasure, see above.
[Labyrinth Item #3] Mermaid Ball
Village 1F, Moreau Area: In the same area, follow the path at the top to a shrine. Inside the shrine is the Mermaid Ball. Head back out the door that required the crank to enter this area, turn left to find the labyrinth in a shack (outside the windmill with the typewriter save point in it).
Village 4th Visit
[File #33] Analysis Results
Village 1F, Lone Road: After Moreau, with the Crank in your inventory head back to the Lone Road and use the Crank to lower the bridge there. Enter the boat, turn around and follow the river. At the end you will find a cave with a laptop there, which will have this file. : NOTE: This is a weird place, there are some roots going crazy in that cave, not sure if you are supposed to do something there?
[Weapon Part #4] W870 TAC – Foregrip
Village 1F, Lone Road: Same location as above, silver case to the right.
[Trophy] Medium Rare
Village 1F, Lone Road: Go the other direction up the river, then follow the path into the castle area with the torches. You shoot the middle hanging torch to make it light the other two, then to get the third one lit you shoot it towards the infinite spawning Moroaica and have it wander over to the other room and light that torch, which also happens to get you this trophy. Going to this area is also needed for the Mapmatician trophy (unfogging the whole map).
[Trophy] Leader of the Pack
Village 1F, Fallow Plot: Before going to Heisenberg’s Stronghold, go over to the Fallow Plot area (cornfield) and you can find Varcolac Alfa (Alpha Werewolf) wandering around. This enemy is incredibly strong, has about 5x as much health as the prior werewolves you will have fought.
[Goat #15]
Village 1F, Otto’s Mill: Head through the gate in the north-west of the village that requires the Six-Winged Unborn key. Then you will see a yellow sign “Good Luck”. Head left (don’t go up the stairs straight ahead). This will lead you to Otto’s Mill. Underneath the mill is a little shrine with a goat in it.
[File #34] Ernest’s Diary
Village 1F, Otto’s Mill: Head into Otto’s Mill and defeat the miniboss. Then go through the red door (destroy the 3 padlocks on it), which leads to a room with meat lying around. There’s a file on the table.
[Trophy] Fast Reflexes
The Forbidden Woods: As you are approaching the stronghold there will be a couple archers standing on the ruins shooting arrows at you. Time a knife swing so that you hit the arrow out of midair.
[Goat #16]
Stronghold B1: After having a large enemy encounter and fighting your way up the Stronghold, you will come to a spiral staircase leading down. At the bottom of the spiral staircase look to the right to find this goat (before pushing through a crack in a wall).
[File #35] Officer’s Diary
Stronghold B1: Next to the goat you must push through the crack in the wall. In the next room you find this file on the floor, next to a typewriter save point.
[Key Item] Torso Flask
Stronghold B1: Picked up automatically after boss.
[File #36] Experiment Notes
Stronghold B1: After the stronghold boss you will drive a boat. After that instead of going up the ladder head left down the stairs and into the dungeon to find this on a table.
[Trophy] Quit Hanging Around
Heisenberg’s Factory B4: In the factory when you first climb up the ladder and see the rows of bodies on conveyor belts you can shoot one to cause it to drop and earn this trophy (area with a Duke merchant).
[Key Item] Relief Mold / Relief of a Horse
Heisenberg’s Factory B4, Foundry: The mold is found in the room with a Soldat sitting on a chair. Use it on the foundry machine to get the Relief of a Horse which you can then use on the wall next to it.
[Key Item] Cog Mold
Heisenberg’s Factory MB4: In the room after the machine with the missing cog (Generator Lever).
[File #37] Development Note 1
You will find in the same room in which you will find the Cog Mold story progression item (on a table there).
[Map] Factory Map (Lower Levels)
Same room as above.
[Key Item] Large Cog
Use the Cog Mold at the Foundry.
[File #38] Development Note 2
Heisenberg’s Factory B2, Halfway after Grinder Shaft: After turning off a huge fan (grinder) by shooting orange-lit dots around it, once you turn it off and enter the next room, check the desk there.
[Labyrinth Item #4] Ball Mold
Heisenberg’s Factory B2, Hallway after Grinder Shaft: After picking up the above file look at the opposite wall to see a cart you can push. Move it out of the way, then go into the room at the end to find this item. It lets you use the casting machine to make the Labyrinth ball for this area. The Labyrinth is found on Level B4 (it has an exclamation mark on the map, near Duke merchant).
[Goat #17]
Heisenberg’s Factory B2, Ventilation Duct: In the next room you will start flying in the air because a ventilation fan is trying to suck you in. You must shoot out the fan in midair before it kills you. After you land on your feet, turn around and walk to the “balcony” (looks like a ramp with yellow excavator shovels). The goat sits here on the balcony, on one of the excavator shovels. It blends in quite well so listen for the sound it makes.
[Key Item] Key Mold
Heisenberg’s Factory B1: After using a big elevator it’s in the next room in a silver box. You must use it in the Foundry of MB4.
[Goat #18]
Heisenberg’s Factory, Merchant Elevator from B1 to B3: Enter the elevator where the Duke merchant is and take it from B1 to B3. Look in the direction where the elevator door opens to B1/B3. During the elevator ride the goat can be seen briefly on a red railing. Have your shotgun in hand to shoot it while the elevator moves, it’s only in view for about 2 seconds. You can just keep using the elevator as many times as you need to hit it. Note; if you forget this goat it can also spawn later after File #41 when you drive a vehicle into the elevator, then you can shoot it using the vehicle (same elevator, same goat, just at different points in the story).
[Key Item] Heisenberg’s Key
Heisenberg’s Factory MB4, Foundry: Take the merchant elevator down to B4 and backtrack to the Foundry. You must backtrack here and to use the Key Mold to create Heisenberg’s Key.
[Weapon Part #5] M1851 Wolfsbane – Long Barrel
Heisenberg’s Factory MB4, Operating Room: After getting Heisenberg’s Key, go through the door to the left of the foundry machine. Earlier you may already have notice a locked door that wasn’t accessible due to missing power. Now you can go through that door, it’s where it says “Operating Room” on the map. One enemy will break through a wall and behind him in a briefcase is the weapon part. Make sure you get it before taking the elevator back up and using Heisenberg’s Key on B1, because doing so will lock you into a boss battle with no way back.
[File #39] Sturm
Heisenberg’s Factory B1: Take the merchant elevator back up to B1 and use Heisenberg’s Key on the door with golden horse icon. After opening the door a file will be in the room in front of you.
[File #40] Heisenberg’s Diary
Heisenberg’s Factory B1: After defeating Sturm, in a control room area before Cargo Bay on a table.
[Goat #19]
Heisenberg’s Factory B1: In the same room there is a space you can crouch into to the right of the above file. In the next room you can find this goat in the corner.
[File #41] Chris’s Computer
Heisenberg’s Factory B5: After meeting Chris in a cutscene there will be a laptop straight in front of you after the cutscene. Get it before entering the vehicle on the right side.
After Heisenberg Boss Fight
[Trophy] Mapmatician
If you uncovered all prior areas of the village, this trophy will pop after the Heisenberg boss fight when playing as Chris and having walked to the Sniper overlooking the village. After the cutscene where you are looking through a sniper rifle it should unlock.
[Goat #20]
After the cutscene where Chris throws an explosive at megamycete (big fetus hanging from cave ceiling). There will be spikes in a dark corner, which you can’t walk past, but behind them in a pretty dark spot will be a woman statue and the goat sitting in front of it. Pretty hard to see because of the darkness.
[File #42] Moreau’s Medical Report
While playing as Chris, after defeating the mace-wielding boss and finding the Megamycete in the underground ruins (giant fetus hanging from ceiling). You will get a cutscene in which you place a bomb on the fetus. Then the next room you enter is Miranda’s Laboratory. When you enter Chris will say “This must be Miranda’s Lab”, so just listen for when he says that. In this room are all 6 remaining File Collectibles. There are 4 books on the left table in the room, straight ahead of where you enter. This is the 1st book, examine it for the text file.
[File #43] Dimitrescu’s Medical Report
See above, this is the 2nd book on the same table.
[File #44] Heisenberg’s Medical Report
See above, this is the 3rd book on the same table.
[File #45] Donna’s Medical Report
See above, this is the 4th book on the same table.
[File #46] Spencer’s Letter
Same room as above, check the paper on the white table with a microscope on it (straight ahead of where you entered the room).
[File #47] Miranda’s Diary
Same room as above, walk around the big table in the center of the room to find the final text file collectible between 3 photos.
After Story (Extra Content Shop & New Game+)
After the story you will be asked to save your Completed Story Save Game, do this and then reload the Completed Story Save from the Main Menu to begin New Game+.
All your progress carries over into New Game+, including everything in your inventory, all weapons, all customizable weapon parts and all other Collectible Progress. The only things that must be done in a single playthrough are the 10 Outhouses and breaking all 19 Castle Windows. Everything else carries over between playthroughs.
The following weapons are bought from the Extra Content Shop after the story (Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop):
[Weapon #8] WCX (2 Attachments) – NEEDED FOR TROPHIES
Cost: 30,000 CP. Needed for Veteran Gunsmith, must buy this.
[Weapon #9] Karambit Knife (0 Attachments)
Cost: 10,000 CP. Recommended for Knife Only Speedrun, not needed for Veteran Gunsmith.
[Weapon #10] USM-AI (0 Attachments)
Cost: 20,000 CP. Not needed for Veteran Gunsmith, can skip this.
[Weapon #11] Dragoon (0 Attachments)
Cost: 30,000 CP. Not needed for Veteran Gunsmith, can skip this.
[Weapon #12] Handcannon PZ (0 Attachments)
Cost: 60,000 CP. Not needed for any trophy, can skip this.
[Weapon #13] Rocket Pistol (0 Attachments) – NEEDED FOR TROPHIES
Cost: 80,000 CP. Needed for a Recipe, must buy this (requires beating game on Village of Shadows difficulty)!
The following weapons are available for purchase from the Duke Merchant in New Game+:
[Weapon #14] V61 Custom (3 Attachments) – NEEDED FOR TROPHIES
Cost: 120,000 Lei. Needed for Veteran Gunsmith.
[Weapon #15] SYG-12 (3 Attachments) – NEEDED FOR TROPHIES
Cost: 180,000 Lei. Needed for Veteran Gunsmith.
[Weapon #16] S.T.A.K.E. (2 Attachments) – NEEDED FOR TROPHIES
Cost: 300,000 Lei. Needed for Veteran Gunsmith.
[DLC Bonus Weapon] Samurai Edge – AW Model-01 (0 Attachments)
Cost: 200, only available with Trauma Pack DLC from buying the Deluxe Edition, not needed for any trophy.
The following Recipes must be bought from the Duke Merchant in New Game+ and they require having bought their corresponding weapon first:
[Recipe #9] Magnum Ammo
Cost: 10,000 Lei. Needed for All Recipes. Must have bought a Magnum first (e.g. STAKE).
[Recipe #10] Rifle Ammo
Cost: 10,000 Lei. Needed for All Recipes. Must have bought an Assault Rifle first (e.g. WCX).
[Recipe #11] Rocket Pistol Ammo
Cost: 10,000. Needed for All Recipes. Must have bought Rocket Pistol (requires beating game on Village of Shadows difficulty).
The following Customizable Weapon Parts must be bought from the Duke Merchant in New Game+ and you must equip them on their corresponding weapons. Total cost is 1,061,000 Lei:
[Weapon Part #6] LEMI – High-Capacity Mag
Cost: 9,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #7] M1911 – Improved Grip
Cost: 12,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #8] V61 Custom – Long Barrel
Cost: 56,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #9] V61 Custom – Drum Magazine
Cost: 70,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #10] V61 Custom – Gunstock
Cost: 35,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #11] M1897 – Hair Trigger
Cost: 8,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #12] W870 TAC – Improved Stock
Cost: 22,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #13] SYG-12 – Long-Barrel
Cost: 64,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #14] SYG-12 Red Dot Sight
Cost: 42,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #15] SYG-12 – Drum Magazine
Cost: 88,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #16] WCX – Red Dot Sight
Cost: 140,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #17] WCX – Foregrip
Cost: 80,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #18] F2 Rifle – High Magnification Scope
Cost: 15,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #19] F2 Rifle – Cheek Rest
Cost: 20,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #20] M1981 Wolfsbane – Increased Capacity Cylinder
Cost: 100,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #21] STAKE – High Capacity Mag
Cost: 180,000 Lei
[Weapon Part #22] STAKE – Improved Grip
Cost: 120,000 Lei
That’s all Collectibles in RE8 Village and everything you need for 100% Completion.
For more guides check out the full Resident Evil 8 Village Wiki & Strategy Guide.
PowerPyx says
Proud to present you another complete Day-1 Collectibles Guide with Resident Evil VIllage.
All Collectibles & Videos are done.
It seems like a lot of Collectibles at first but most of these are really close together and a large chunk is bought from the merchant, doesn’t take very long to get everything. It adds only ~60 minutes to your playthrough. The game world is also nice to look at and exploration is quite fun. Enjoy!
SATERUS69 says
Tanuj Dhaundiyal says
Powerpyx always coming through. Can’t even count how many of your guides I must have followed.
Keep up the good work my man. ?
Scalz says
Awesome work!
Slicee-of-Lifee says
How is the minimum playthroughs is 3 if we need to go shop after finishing the game on Village of Shadows? Also I want to start karambit knife only run but I have to visit Duke before going into Castle. It is okay since game is on easy but I believe on Village of Shadows difficult it won’t be the same.
PowerPyx says
Just reload a save from your 3rd playthrough after buying the Rocket Pistol. The Extra Content Shop weapons are unlocked retroactively on all your old saves. No need to start a new game.
Lightsp33d1987 says
I followed your collectible guide but never got the map trophy for completing the map yet in your guide you say it should pop when i played as Chris?
StefanGose says
I did all collectables but did not get the trophy for unlocking the whole map
PowerPyx says
Did you go to the Riverbank Treasures House where the Medium Rare trophy takes place? That’s the only side area where there’s no Collectible (but it’s listed here in the guide).
Other than that only idea I have would be that you died or restarted checkpoint but didn’t revisit an area.
StefanGose says
Oh no i didnt got there, i did the trophy at the beginning (backtrack one of them to the fire in the underground), so i didnt get there this time.
Thanks for the answer, now i have to do it again yaiiii
do you now what i have to enter or how far i have to go into am area to unlock it on the map=
Charlie says
I’ve got the broken slab but can’t get back to the Beneviento house to use it to get the treasure, every way seems blocked. How do you get back there?
Wagner says
I’m not sure about that problem I was able to go back the way I came if that’s not available I’m not sure
Charles says
Just update on this. I found a way back to use the broken slab, just missed an obvious exit that’s all. Doh!
MikkDC says
Just want to let anyone struggling with goat #18 know that there is a much easier way to get it. Just exit the elevator on B3, take out the sniper rifle and look up towards the lift shaft where the goat is.
Ronaldo says
How do I get the trophy that needs to collect 777 lei
PowerPyx says
See Trophy Guide & Roadmap.
nick says
You can also shoot the goat in the elevator from the grown floor if you look up
Daniel says
Hey power. I followed the collectible guide completely in order to get the trophies. However I did not get the full map trophy. And I did get all collectibles. Is there something I can do? I have a save in each area separately. Can I load an older file in order to complete the map? After the factory I can’t go and walk around anymore. Any suggestions what I may be missing ??? I thought the guide would map the village automatically.
DanTheMan says
Can you do a guide for the Geologist Challenge? I’m missing one valuable mineral and I can’t figure out where it is.
Michael Prymula says
Challenges stack up, so you can just keep collecting one mineral over and over and it’ll count.
Charles says
Missed a few files on my first run but those I missed I picked up on a second run, in fact I followed the guide and picked all 47 files up again. I’ve now got 47/47, double checked, ticked off and read through each one using the map screen but no Trophy. Unless it’s glitched on me I don’t know what’s happened there. I definitely have all 47 files.
Dan says
Same problem too! No idea how to fix
Kriz says
Still glitched? I missed 1 File in my first run and collected it in my second. Now I have 47/47 but trophy didn’t pop up.
Pribadi says
I find all the 47 files. Checked, read it in single playthrough. And no trophy, steam edition.
MdMaynard says
Just an FYI, for Veteran Gunsmith you don’t actually need to equip the parts on the gun, just buying them is counted in the Challenges list. I bought what I needed then reloaded my save to return all the parts I didn’t need/want to get my money back for the S.T.A.K.E. Magnum upgrades.
Thank you Pyx for a really impressive guide. Your collectibles list in order with missable trophies was so helpful.
MdMaynard says
I ‘spoke’ too soon. You do have to actually equip the part onto the gun.
My mistake was I thought I had simply bought the parts without equipping them. While purchasing, at the end of the transaction it asks if you want to equip the part. I wasn’t paying attention & thought I was just ending the transaction.
Anaiah says
Yoooo I’m about to get the beneviento treasure for the first time. That big thing scared the hell out of me lmao
Nick says
Fine work, sir! Might I suggest including all the treasures in this list as well? I know they’re not necessary but they do help a lot.
Paras says
There’s an easier way to get goat #18, rather then trying to time your shot take the elevator to b3, exit the elevator and walk to the very end of the platform in front of you 180 look up and on the bottom of the second x made of girders near the middle you’ll see it
Sui says
Doesn’t seem to be any indicator for the well nearby riverbank treasure house. If you use that well it brings up a ladder instead to a small treasure area. Might be what some folks are missing for mapmatitian.
PowerPyx says
Do you climb down the ladder into the well? I don’t remember ever going there (never climbed down a ladder into a well) and got the trophy just fine, so shouldn’t matter. I think the thing some players are missing is the Treasure House itself.
FAAS says
For goat 18 you can shoot from outside the elevator with the sniper rifle