Resident Evil 4 Remake Trophy Roadmap
- Estimated trophy difficulty: 6/10
- Approximate amount of time to platinum: 30-40 Hours
- Offline Trophies: 40 (1
, 4
, 10
, 35
- Number of missable trophies: All non-automatic story trophies are missable, there is no chapter select
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Yes, must beat game on Hardcore in a New Game with S+ Rank (can’t earn S+ in New Game Plus). Must also beat Professional with A-rank for the “Chicago Sweeper” weapon.
- Do difficulty trophies stack?: Yes and No. Beating game on Professional with S+ unlocks the trophies for beating Hardcore S+ & Standard S+. However, beating Hardcore S+ does not unlock Standard S+. Beating the game on Professional also unlocks the trophies for beating game on Standard and Hardcore.
- Minimum Playthroughs: Technically 4, but this would require having platinumed the game before and already knowing it perfectly. Realistically, 6+ playthroughs. See General FAQ section below for more info on this.
- PS4/PS5 Autopop & Save Transfer: Yes, there is Save Transfer and Trophies Autopop but only from PS4 to PS5, not PS5 to PS4
- PS4/PS5 Crossbuy: Yes
- Free-Roam / Chapter Select after Story?: No Chapter Select, No Free-Roam. New Game+ is available and everything except Treasure Progress carries over.
- Supports Manual Saves?: Yes, 20 Manual Save Slots, 1 Autosave Slot
- Release Date: March 24, 2023 (Mercenaries Mode released on April 07, 2023)
Welcome to the Resident Evil 4 Remake Trophy Guide! Following the remakes of Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 it is now time for the remake of the genre-defining classic from 2005. While being very close to the original game in terms of story and locations, the game got changed a lot and will catch even veterans by surprise. Gameplay is similar to the previous remakes, but faster and more action-focused. The parry mechanic is a new addition and is definitely something you will have to master throughout your multiple playthroughs of the game.
The game is divided into 16 chapters, spread throughout 3 main areas: Village (Chapter 1-6), Castle (Chapter 7-12), Island (Chapter 13-16). It gets progressively harder with each area. You can’t backtrack to an area you have finished, so once you reach the castle there is no way of going back to the village and once you reach the island there is no going back to the castle.
The trophy list looks pretty straightforward at first glance, but actually hides a couple of surprises that make the platinum journey more tricky. Most notably, the two Extra Content Shop Weapons “Handcannon” and “Chicago Sweeper” are required for all weapons. These require you to beat Professional with an A-Rank and beat all Mercenaries Maps with an S-Rank. This and the other playthrough-spanning trophies lead to a mixture of multiple playthoughs.
General FAQ:
Let’s start with a short overview of what kind of playthroughs are actually needed:
- a 100% playthrough for completing all Treasures & Castellans & Merchant Requests -> for all collectible trophies & chapter-specific trophies
- a playthrough on Standard Difficulty with the final rating of S+ ->
Mission Accomplished S+ (*does not stack with Hardcore S+)
- a playthrough on Hardcore Difficulty with final rating of S+ ->
S+ Rank Investigator
- a playthrough while using only knives and handguns ->
- a playthrough without using any healing items ->
- a playthrough wihout talking to the merchant even once ->
Silent Stranger
- a playthrough on Professional Difficulty with final rating of at least A -> Unlocks “Chicago Sweeper” weapon for
Gun Fanatic
- Getting S-Rank on the 3 Mercenaries Mode Maps -or- a playthrough on Professional difficulty on New Game without using any special weapons -> Unlocks “Handcannon” weapon for
Gun Fanatic
How many minimum playthroughs are needed for the platinum? It depends on multiple factors.
- Do you want to go for the fast route or the more doable route? – You can surely combine many requirements into a single run, but it will make the whole journey more difficult. You can also go for more runs in a specific order to it easier. So it is either a very difficult route with fewer playthroughs, or multiple but easier playthroughs.
- What is the minimum number of playthroughs needed? – The absolute minimum number of playthroughs needed is 4 but it would require an unrealistic amount of knowledge about the game before even playing it. You need to finish the game on Standard with S+, Hardcore with S+, Professional with A rank and New Game + to collect enough money to buy the Infinite Rocket Launcher (2 Million ptas) since you can’t afford it after a single run. Finishing it in 4 playthroughs is both very difficult and very unrealistic though, since it would require having platinumed the game already once. It is very unlikely one will be able to finish the game on Standard with an S+ rank on the first playthrough while being fast enough to get all collectibles and chapter-specific trophies. Additionally S+ rank trophies do NOT stack, you will have to finish it on both difficulties individually (beating Hardcore S+ does not unlock Standard S+ trophy). There is one exception, beating Professional S+ is the only difficulty that stacks and unlocks both trophies for Hardcore S+ and Standard+. However, since Pro S+ isn’t needed for any trophy it’s much easier to do two separate runs for Standard S+ and Hardcore S+.
- What is the realistic number of playthroughs needed? – The more realistic number of playthroughs is 6.
- What is the number of playthroughs for the “easiest” way of earning the platinum? – If you want to make the platinum as easy as the game allows it to be, it would be 6 playthroughs.
Why is it easier when going for more playthroughs?
- Some of the runs are easier in New Game+ (such as no healing, knife/handgun only, not talking to merchant)
- You can unlock Special Weapons and Costumes/Accessories that will make things easier, such as Infinite Rocket Launcher in New Game+
- Even though an additional run means more replays, it doesn’t necessarily mean it will take longer to platinum in general, since spending a few hours on a run might help you save some time you would lose by dying repeatedly trying to force everything into a harder run.
What are the special weapons and accessories/costumes?
There are a total of 4 special weapons you can unlock. Costumes and accessories can be changed in the Story Menu and will be active for all your savefiles and will not void any challenges or trophies.
- Infinite Rocket Launcher – available at the Merchant Shop from New Game+ onwards -> not available on a “New Game” run (can’t use it for S+ Ranks because they require a New Game)
- Primal Knife – unlocked by destroying all 16 Clockwork Castellans -> can be used for fresh runs towards S+ rating
- Chicago Sweeper – unlocked by finishing Professional Mode with a rating of at least A -> can be used for fresh runs towards S+ rating
- Handcannon – unlocked by either getting S-Rank on the 3 Mercenaries Mode maps (easier) -or- finishing Professional Mode on New Game without using Special Weapons (harder) -> Special Weapon, voids the “no Special Weapons” Challenge but can be used for fresh runs towards S+ rating
- Armor for Ashley – unlocked by finishing Hardcore Mode or higher with an A rank -> makes Ashley invulnerable to all damage and impossible for enemies to carry her away
- Deer Antlers – unlocked by finishing Standard Mode with S+ rank -> Your knife attacks will be stronger while wearing it (less useful than the other unlocks)
- Chicken Hat – unlocked by finishing Hardcore Mode with S+ rank -> greatly reduces the damage taken (great to wear for a no-healing playthrough)
Which strategy will used in the Roadmap?
The roadmap will cover the easiest path with more playthroughs. Feel free to combine some extra requirements if you feel up for it. The roadmap is meant to show the most convenient way to platinum.
Step 1: Get S-Ranks on 3 Mercenaries Maps to unlock “Handcannon” (Best Weapon)
Before starting the main game, go download the free “Mercenaries” DLC from PlayStation Store. It doesn’t come preinstalled and must be downloaded as a separate item. From the game’s title screen click “The Mercenaries”. Beat the 3 maps with an S Rank (with 1 character is enough) to unlock the Handcannon weapon in the Extra Content Shop. This is the best weapon in the game and having it unlocked from the start is going to make Platinum significantly easier. It’s also mandatory for Gun Fanatic (all weapons).
The S Rank requirements are very lenient. Kill enemies in quick succession to keep up your combo and get as many kills as possible before dying or time running out. If you can do x100 kills combo (displayed in top right corner) you should get enough points for an S-Rank (S+ and S++ not required). Play as Leon, activate the green bubbles for bonus time and yellow bubbles for instant Mayhem Mode. When stronger enemies spawn, activate Mayhem Mode with +
and shoot them with the Sniper or Shotgun for a quick kill. Other than that just try to stay alive as long as possible and kill enemies in quick succession to keep up your combo. You can shoot enemies in the leg with the pistol and then perform a kick when the
button prompt shows to instant kill them. This saves ammo and also hurts surrounding enemies. When your health gets low press
to open inventory and consume a health spray or herbs.
After getting S-Rank on all 3 Mercenaries Maps you will receive a notification that the Handcannon is unlocked. You can buy it from Title Screen > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop > Weapons for 1000 CP.
You won’t have enough CP right away, you get CP from completing story chapters, trophies and challenges. You will also need to buy an Exclusive Upgrade Ticket from the merchant to add infinite ammo to the Handcannon. This Ticket becomes available in Chapter 7. Continue with Step 2 for now until you reach Chapter 7. After reaching Chapter 7 remember to buy Handcannon from the Extra Content Shop, then you can redeem it from any typewriter storage (save points). Talk to a merchant and buy the “Exclusive Upgrade Ticket” for 30 Spinels at any point during or after Chapter 7. In the merchant’s upgrade section redeem this ticket on the Handcannon and it will get infinite ammo! Now you have a magnum with infinite ammo that kills enemies in 1 hit.
Note: If you want to make it even easier and don’t mind spending extra money, buy the DLC called “Resident Evil 4 Weapon Exclusive Upgrade Ticket x1 (A)”. This will give you one Upgrade Ticket from the start. Then instead of waiting until Chapter 7 you can already use it in Chapter 2 at the first merchant to upgrade Handcannon to Infinite ammo. This will also make the S+ playthroughs significantly easier because you already have an infinite weapon from Chapter 2 onward (instead of Chapter 7 without this DLC).
Step 2: 100% Playthrough on Assisted, Keep Manual Save from Chapter 16 Merchant
In the first playthrough you will want to get all collectibles and chapter-specific trophies out of the way. Playing on Assisted is recommended to make the chapter-specific trophies easier but you can also play on Standard if you prefer a more authentic horror-survival experience. Simply follow the collectible guide and you will get everything possible on the first playthrough: Resident Evil 4 Remake Collectible Guide. Should you get stuck anywhere you can also refer to Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough.
Finishing the game should also allow you to max out your health from yellow herbs. For the biggest health upgrade combine Yellow + Green + Red herbs into one mixture. You should also fully upgrade a pistol (Blacktail is recommended). We will be using the pistol a lot in the second run so an upgraded pistol is very helpful. Don’t sell gemstones directly to the merchant. Instead, inlay gems into treasures, then you can sell the treasures at a much higher price. In the long run this earns you more money. Selling weapons and treasures is fine for trophy purposes.
There’s no point attempting knife/pistol-only on this playthrough because you have to use other weapons and grenades for various trophies. Likewise, not talking to the merchant won’t work because you have to talk to him to finish the merchant requests and to upgrade your inventory/weapons. Not using healing items would make this run much harder even on Assisted and is better done in New Game+ with the Infinite Rocket Launcher.
In Chapter 16 keep a Manual Save at the merchant! After collecting the 16th Castellan (which is after last merchant) continue to finish the story > go to Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop > buy Primal Knife. Reload the last Manual Save from Chapter 16 at merchant > fully upgrade the Primal Knife to make it unbreakable. You can spend 30-40 Spinels on an Exclusive Upgrade Ticket to max it out. If you don’t have enough money for upgrades, sell some other gear but not your upgraded pistol. The recommended pistol to upgrade is the Blacktail, it’s easy to handle and its exclusive upgrade gives a x1.5 damage multiplier to kill some enemies in 1 headshot. Also buy as many First Aid Sprays, Resources (S) and Gunpowder (from trading) as your inventory can hold, these carry over into New Game+ and can be used for healing and to craft pistol ammo. Now with the fully upgraded Primal Knife & upgraded Pistol, finish the last story part again. Now you have the unbreakable knife ready for New Game+ and won’t have to talk to the merchant in the next run.
Step 3: Finish New Game Plus using only Pistols/Knives, Don’t Talk to Merchant
Start New Game+ on Assisted difficulty based on your save that has the fully upgraded Primal Knife & Pistol. Finish this playthrough without ever interacting with the merchant and using only the fully upgraded Primal Knife & Pistol. DON’T throw grenades, eggs or anything else. Both flash grenades and explosive grenades would void this run. You can check the counter under Challenges > Main Story > Minimalist, it has to stay at 0. If you use anything that voids this trophy the Challenge counter will be 1 or higher. It’s best to check this counter after each chapter and to save in a different slot after each chapter, in case something goes wrong you can reload the nearest save and replay from there.
The only exceptions where you can use other weapons are:
- You are allowed to shoot explosive barrels throughout the game
- You are allowed to use the Harpoons during Del Lago boss fight (Chapter 3)
- You are allowed to kill enemies with Cannons in the castle (Chapter 7+8)
- You are allowed to have enemies get killed with the wrecking ball (Chapter 14)
- You are allowed to kill enemies with the machine guns on the Island (Chapter 15)
- You are allowed to use the Special Rocket Launcher at the end of Saddler Boss Fight (Chapter 16)
Note that the Handcannon counts as a “Magnum” and not pistol so you can’t use it during this run.
If you need a reminder on Puzzle Solutions you can check them here to save time: Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions.
Step 4: New Game Plus Professional A-Rank (Finish under 7:00 Hours)
Professional Mode is unlocked after beating the story once on any difficulty. Load your completed Knife/Pistol save and select Professional Mode. At the start of this run buy the Infinite Rocket Launcher for 2 Million ptas from the first merchant. This weapon is only available in New Game+. There is a New Game+ exclusive merchant right at the start, after exiting the first house turn around to see him (just before first typewriter). You can sell your loot from the previous runs and can sell previously upgraded weapons you no longer need. Now with the Infinite Rocket Launcher finish Professional under 7 Hours to get A-Rank. This unlocks the “Chicago Sweeper” weapon in the Extra Content Shop for Gun Fanatic. Only the final time matters for your rank, nothing else impacts it.
If you get a Game Over it keeps adding to your time with each death. There is a workaround: In Game Over Screen click Quit to Main Menu > Load Game > Load Last Save from Main Menu.
This resets you to the time you had at the last save before dying. DON’T click “Continue” or “Load Game” in the Game Over Screen, this wouldn’t reset your time. In other words, you have to quit to the main menu each time you die. Pausing the game also stops the timer if you want to take a break, but opening the inventory does not. Also be careful not to shoot Ashley since it can kill her.
If you need a reminder on Puzzle Solutions you can check them here to save time: Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions.
Step 5: Standard S+ Rank (Finish under 5:00 Hours) and Hardcore S+ Rank (Finish under 5:30 Hours)
The trophies for Hardcore S+ and Standard S+ do not stack. Meaning, getting Hardcore S+ won’t unlock Standard S+, you will have to do them in two separate playthroughs. There is one exception, beating Professional S+ is the only difficulty that stacks and unlocks both trophies for Hardcore S+ and Standard+. However, since Pro S+ isn’t needed for any trophy it’s easier to do two separate runs for Hardcore S+ and Standard S+.
You can only get S+ rank in NEW GAME (not New Game+). This means you have to start from scratch and can’t carry over anything from previous playthroughs. No infinite rocket launcher either since that’s only available in New Game Plus. The only important thing for Hardcore S+ and Standard S+ is how long you take to beat the game, nothing else matters.
The easiest method for both S+ runs is pretty much the same. Finish the Village Section using everything you can find and finish all the Merchant Requests -> this will get you 31 Spinels. Then in the Castle (Chapter 7) you can buy the Exclusive Upgrade Ticket for 30 Spinels and use it on the Chicago Sweeper or Handcannon, which are the Extra Content Shop Weapons. You now have a weapon with infinite ammo for the rest of the run, making it pretty easy. Also try to save enough money to buy 2 rocket launchers. One before Salazar fight and one before Saddler fight. It saves time since the Rocket Launcher defeats bosses in one hit. Finishing Hardcore with the S+ rank will unlock the Chicken Hat in the bonus menu which greatly reduces damage taken and can be equipped if you still need to do a No Healing playthrough.
Remember that if you die, don’t click Continue/Load in the Game Over Screen. Instead, quit to Main Menu and load the last save from there to avoid the deaths adding to your total time.
If you need a reminder on Puzzle Solutions you can check them here to save time: Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions. Below is a full speedrun video if you want to see how to get through specific sections.
Note: If you want to make it even easier and don’t mind spending extra money, buy the DLC called “Resident Evil 4 Weapon Exclusive Upgrade Ticket x1 (A)”. This will give you one free Upgrade Ticket from the start. Then instead of waiting until Chapter 7 you can already use it in Chapter 2 at the first merchant to upgrade Handcannon to Infinite ammo.
Step 6: No Healing Playthrough in Assisted Difficulty New Game+
Do another quick Assisted New Game+ speedrun with the Infinite Rocket Launcher and Infinite Handcannon. Don’t use any healing items such as health sprays, herbs, eggs and fish for Frugalist. Be sure to wear the Chicken Hat that you unlocked from Hardcore S+, it greatly reduces damage received.
If you take any big damage before the Chapter 11 Krauser boss, reload the last autosave immediately. You will want to enter this fight with at least 70% health or else it can get too difficult to finish. You only have your knife in this fight and can’t one-hit him with the Rocket Launcher.
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
- Resident Evil 4 Remake Collectible Guide
- Resident Evil 4 Remake Walkthrough
- Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions
- Separate Ways DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
Resident Evil 4 Remake Trophy Guide
DLC Guides:
Separate Ways DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
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Cuz Boredom Kills Me Obtain all trophies. |
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Earn all other trophies in Resident Evil 4 Remake to unlock Platinum (no DLC required). | ||
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Knife Basics Parry an enemy with a knife. |
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When an enemy is about to hit you with a melee weapon, such as an axe, press ![]() ![]() |
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My Preferred Piece Upgrade a weapon. |
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Talk to the merchant and go to “Tune Up” in order to upgrade your weapon in exchange for money. The trophy will unlock after upgrading a weapon for the first time. | ||
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A Masterpiece Get the exclusive upgrade for a weapon. |
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Exclusive upgrades become available in the Castle after reaching Chapter 7. There are 2 ways of getting the exclusive upgrade:
Spinels can be obtained by finishing requests for the merchant throughout the 3 locations and also a few of them (but just a few) can be found in the world or will be dropped by some enemies (Plagas-Knights in Chapter 9 drop a few). You can actually get more than 30 Spinels during the Village part of the game and get an exclusive upgrade immediately in the Castle if you want. |
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Nice One, Stranger! Complete a request for the Merchant. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Talk About Near-Death Experience! Rescue Ashley as she’s being carried away by the enemy. |
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Chapter 5 Once Ashley joins you in Chapter 5 you will be tasked with protecting her from the enemies. When Ashley gets attacked by the enemies, she gets grabbed and the enemy will start walking away while carrying Ashley. Simply shoot the enemy or get close to it to trigger stabbing with |
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Revolt Against the Revolting Destroy a Clockwork Castellan. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Harpoon Hurler Defeat Del Lago. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks at the end of Chapter 3. The fight against Del Lago takes place on a big lake with Leon on a boat and the big fish-like creature towing the boat. You will have to throw harpoons at the monster by holding ![]() ![]() |
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Grilled Big Cheese Defeat Bitores Méndez. |
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Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during Chapter 6. The fight against Méndez is the final boss of the Village section. You will fight him in a burning house and the fight is divived in 2 phases. During the first phase it is recommended to be on the upper level of the arena and parry with ![]() ![]() The second phase of the fight has Méndez swinging on the wooden beams below the ceiling. He will back up to the back of the arena and will throw burning wooden beams at you which you have to dodge by running left or right or grabbing 2 barrels which you can shoot to explode. He will also come at you with a stab which you will have avoid by moving away from his line of attack. Once up close he will attack with a few moves that you can either dodge with |
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Wave Goodbye, Right Hand Defeat the Verdugo. |
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Chapter 10 You will fight Verdugo at the end of Chapter 10. While fighting him is required, killing him actually isn’t in order to progress through the game. For this trophy, however, you will have to kill him. You will have to follow the long corridor until you reach a dead end and enter the room on the right to activate power in the area. Then a new path will open at the dead end leading to a room with another switch, which activates the power support for the elevator you will have to use after defeating Verdugo. When heading towards the room with the switch for the elevator Verdugo will start attacking you from the floor and the ceiling and you will have to dodge his attacks with In the room with the elevator Verdugo will come out of hiding and the fight will begin. In order to defeat Verdugo you will have to activate the switches on the walls which trigger a liquid nitrogen shower. Lure Verdugo into those traps. Once frozen he takes massive damage. Blast him with shotgun shells and grenades. After beating him up a bit he will run away and hide again and you will have to repeat the process. Back in the corridors use the remaining 3 liquid nitrogen showers on him while dodging his attacks. Defeating Verdugo calls the elevator immediately and saves some time over just waiting. Should you not feel comfortable fighting him in later runs, you can dodge, parry and run away from him until the elevator arrives. |
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No Thanks, Bro! Defeat Ramón Salazar. |
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Salazar is the final boss of the castle area of the game. The fight has been reworked a lot compared to the original game. He is no longer stationary but moves through the arena all the time. He will be creeping across the room, dropping small mines on the floor which will damage you when close. His main attack, though, is telegraphed by a screech after which he will spit acid in a straight line at you and once you dodge it, his “cage” will be open for a short time giving you an opportunity to attack his weakspot. Another attack of his is an insta-kill grab which will eat you up if you don’t move away when he gets close to you. On higher difficulties and speedruns it is recommended to use a Rocket Launcher to kill him in one hit to save time and resources. | ||
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You Used to Be a Good Guy Defeat Jack Krauser. |
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You will fight Krauser twice – once in Chapter 11 and once in Chapter 14. The trophy is a reward for finishing him in Chapter 14. The fight takes place in old ruins, which you will have to navigate while taking cover from his attacks in the first phase. Once you reach the valve for a door, Krauser will ambush you and you will have to damage him until he throws a flash grenade and leaves. Once the door is open you will continue through the ruins which will be full of traps for you to destroy (mines, bear traps and turrets shooting at you). In a big open area Krauser will shoot you from the ruins on the other side and you will have to get closer to him while taking cover behind destructible walls. At the end he will throw a couple grenades at you once you reach the stairs but if you are quick and run straight ahead you can get past their radius before they explode.
The second phase is similar to the first one – damage him and he will throw a flash grenade at you after which you will have to dodge his attack using |
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You’re Small Time! Defeat Osmund Saddler. |
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Final boss of the game. Keep damaging the eyes on his legs until you can attack his face. You will have to keep repeating this procedure until he dies. In between, he will move to the big tower in the middle and will summon hordes of Novistadors to attack you. After finishing him you will end up in between his tentacles and will have to dodge his tentacle attacks until Ada throws you a Special Rocket Launcher to finish him off. | ||
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Shield Your Eyes Defeat 3 enemies at once with a flash grenade. |
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An easy spot for this is in Chapter 3. Shortly after the church you will reach the entrance of the Quarry. At the Quarry Entrance (just after a blue merchant request letter on the wall), there will be lots of crows on the ground. Throw a flash grenade at them, it will kill all crows in one go and they count for the trophy. |
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Never Heard It Coming Defeat a Garrador using only knives. |
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Chapter 7 Garradors are the blind enemies with claws on their hands. They can’t see you so you can just crouch behind them for a free hit with |
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Two Bugs, One Stone Kill 2 parasites inside a Regenerador with a single bullet. |
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Chapter 13 In Chapter 13 you will encounter Regenardors for the first time. The first 2 you will fight are mean since you can’t see their weakspots for now. It is best to just shoot their leg off and run. Once you receive the Level 2 security card and will have to upgrade it to Level 3 you will need a wrench for the card terminal. In the same room you can find a Thermal Vision Scope (Biosensor Scope) which you can attach to a sniper rifle or a machine gun. Attach it to a sniper rifle and aim to see the weak spots. The Regenerador in the 2nd tank on the left is easiest. Since they are not moving from the tanks until you shoot them, you can line up a shot with the sniper rifle to destroy 2 parasites at the same time. Any sniper rifle is strong enough to destroy 2 weak spots in 1 bullet, you don’t need any damage upgrades. |
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You Talk Too Much! Throw a grenade into Ramón Salazar’s mouth. |
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Chapter 12 During the fight against Salazar at the end of Chapter 12 throw a grenade at him, once his mouth (weak spot) is open. |
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Overkill Use a cannon to defeat a zealot. |
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Chapter 7 You will operate 2 cannons during the game – at the beginning of Chapter 7 and later in Chapter 8. Simply shoot one of the standard enemies with it. Shooting other cannons doesn’t count, it has to be one of the normal enemies that’s walking around. |
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Hope You Like Thrill Rides! Make it through both minecart sections in the underground tunnel without taking any damage. |
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Chapter 11 In chapter 11 you will have to get through 2 minecart sections with Luis. There is a small break between them. Memorize the enemies and shoot them as early as possible to avoid taking damage. When you see sparks on the tracks, lean in the same direction as Luis to avoid getting derailed. When there are wooden boards in your way or yellow swtich-signs, shoot those. Luckily you can simply reload the autosave should you get hit. If you finish the first section without getting hit, but get hit on the second one, you can still just reload the autosave during the second section and it will still count. You can see the minecart health in the bottom right corner of the screen, it can’t take any hits. |
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Capacity Compliance Reach the top of the clock tower without the lift stopping once. |
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Chapter 12 During chapter 12 you will go up an elevator in the clock tower. For this trophy you are not allowed to have any enemies jump onto the elevator at all. You will have to shoot the enemies pre-emptively to avoid having them on the elevator. Memorize their spawns or simply go for it during your Infinite Rocket Launcher run in New Game+, should you have any troubles with it. A fully upgraded TMP also works great here. If an enemy jumps onto the elevator reload the last autosave to retry. There is an autosave right before activating the elevator. However, avoid backtracking down the clocktower to the previous merchant, doing so would overwrite your autosave and creates one at the bottom of the clocktower, then you’d have to spend 1 minute running up the tower each time you want to retry. As long as you don’t do any backtracking the checkpoint will stay right in front of the elevator. |
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Smooth Escape Escape on the water scooter without taking any damage. |
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Chapter 16 At the very end of the game in Chapter 16, you will be on a jetski, navigating through tunnels. Your jetski’s health is displayed in the bottom right corner. Simply don’t hit any obstacles. If you see small sparks from scratching a wall it’s okay as long as the health doesn’t go down. While this section is timed, you have much more time than needed and can slow down quite a lot. So don’t worry about going full speed, just take it slowly and safely. If you take damage, pause the game and reload the last autosave. |
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Astute Appraiser Sell a single treasure for at least 100000 ptas. |
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Chapter 11 The only way to reach a value of 100,000 ptas for a treasure is combing an Elegant Crown treasure with 5 different-coloured gems (Round: Blue, Yellow & Squared: Red, Green, Purple), or combining it with 2x Yellow Diamond & 3x Red Beryl. You can find 2 crowns in the game, one at the end of the flooded sewer section in Chapter 11, before you break down the wall to climb up the ladder to the merchant, and on in Chapter 13 in a side area just before entering a facility with a tripwire at the door, and a typewriter inside. |
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Bandit Obtain all treasures indicated on the village treasure map in a single playthrough. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Raider Obtain all treasures indicated on the castle treasure map in a single playthrough. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Burglar Obtain all treasures indicated on the island treasure map in a single playthrough. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Gun Fanatic Obtain all weapons. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Jack of All Trades Complete all requests from the Merchant. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Revolution Wind-up Destroy all Clockwork Castellans. |
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» Resident Evil 4 Remake All Collectible Locations | ||
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Promising Agent Complete the main story on Standard mode or higher. |
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Simply finish the game on Standard of higher difficulty. You will get this automatically while going for the other S+ rank trophies. | ||
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Mission Accomplished S+ Complete the main story on Standard mode with an S+ rank. |
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See S+ Rank Investigator. | ||
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Proficient Agent Complete the main story on Hardcore mode or higher. |
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See S+ Rank Investigator. | ||
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S+ Rank Investigator Complete the main story on Hardcore mode with an S+ rank. |
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To get Hardcore S+ you must finish a NEW GAME (New Game+ not allowed) in under 5 hours 30 minutes total playtime. Only the playtime determines your rank, it doesn’t matter how many enemies you defeat, how often you save or die. S+ ranks are not obtainable in New Game+ so you are going to have to start a completely new game from scratch. The absolute easiest way of getting S+ rank on hardcore is finishing the game on New Game+ Professional with an A-rank first since it will unlock the Chicago Sweeper bonus weapon. You want to play through the game normally in the Village section, while finishing all Merchant Requests to get 31 Spinels. Requests are mostly on your main path and will only lose you a few minutes. Then in the Castle (Chapter 7) you can buy the Exclusive Upgrade Ticket for 30 Spinels. Use it on the Chicago Sweeper which you can grab from the Storage at the Typewriter and it will unlock infinite ammo for it. After obtaining it, the game will become a lot easier and you should not have much trouble against the enemies. It is still recommended to buy 2 Rocket Launchers. One before Salazar and one before Saddler, simply to finish them off quickly, since those fights can drag on a long time otherwise. Important: If you get a Game Over it keeps adding to your time with each death. There is a workaround available: In Game Over Screen click Quit to Main Menu > Load Game > Load Last Autosave from Main Menu. This resets you to the time you had at the last autosave before dying. DON’T click “Continue” or “Load Game” in the Game Over Screen, this would not reset your time. In other words, you have to quit to the main menu each time you die. Pausing the game also pauses the timer if you want to take a break, but opening the inventory does not. If you need a reminder on Puzzle Solutions you can check them here to save time: Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions. My Times Hardcore S+ (finished in 4h 12min – had 1h 18min remaining, so if you are a bit slower than below times it’s fine): Chapter 1 – 0:00 |
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Peerless Agent Complete the main story on Professional mode. |
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Professional Mode is the hardest difficulty in the game. On this difficulty:
You will have to finish professional mode with an A-rank in order to unlock the Chicago Sweeper weapon and also without using any special weapons on a fresh savefile to unlock the Handcannon special weapon. It is highly recommended to do it in 2 runs instead of a single one for multiple reasons:
How to make Professional difficulty New Game without Bonus Weapons easier:
General Tips:
If you need a reminder on Puzzle Solutions you can check them here to save time: Resident Evil 4 Remake All Puzzle Solutions. |
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Sprinter Complete the main story within 8 hours. |
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The game can be finished a lot faster than 8 hours, so this Speedrun Trophy is very forgiving. During a New Game+ Speedrun you can finish the game in under 3 hours. You will get this automatically while going for the S+ rank trophies, which require you to beat the game much faster than 8 hours anyway. | ||
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Frugalist Complete the main story without using a recovery item. |
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Finish the game without healing (don’t use herbs / health sprays / consumables like fish or eggs). It is recommended to do it in New Game+ on Assisted Difficulty while having your health already maxed out and having an infinite weapon. You can use the Merchant to refresh your body armor in New Game+ as well to reduce the damage received. | ||
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Minimalist Complete the main story using only knives and handguns. (Excluding specific battles.) |
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Best done on a New Game+ Assisted difficulty playthrough. Upgrade your pistol to the maximum and do the same with the Primal Knife you can buy in the Extra Content Shop after destroying all 16 Castellans and you are good to go. The best pistol to fully upgrade is the Blacktail, it’s easy to handle and its exclusive upgrade gives a x1.5 damage multiplier which is enough to kill some enemies in 1 headshot. Also buy as many First Aid Sprays, Resources (S) and Gunpowder (from trading) as your inventory can hold. These can be used for constant healing and to craft pistol ammo.
You are not allowed to use anything but Pistols and Knives with a few exceptions:
You can check in Challenges under Minimalist challenge if you used anything else. The challenge counter has to stay at 0. You aren’t allowed to toss any flash grenades or explosive grenades or eggs either. It’s best to check this counter after each chapter and to save in a different slot after each chapter, in case something goes wrong you can reload the nearest save and replay from there. It’s best to combine this with another trophy, ideally for not talking to the merchant. To do this, keep a Save in Chapter 16 at the Merchant. After the story, buy the Primal Knife from Extra Content Shop, reload the Chapter 16 Save, fully upgrade the Knife/Pistol/craft as much ammo as you can hold and buy as many First Aid Sprays as possible. Then finish the last story part again and create a new “finished game” save. Load this save to start New Game+ on Assisted. Now that you have an unbreakable knife and lots of ammo/healing items you will never need to talk to the merchant and can run past all enemies. |
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Silent Stranger Complete the main story without talking to the Merchant once. |
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Best done in New Game +. With an upgraded inventory or an infinite weapon there will be no need talking the merchant. Simply finish the game without talking to him once. Can be combined with something else like Pistol/Knife only playthrough. | ||
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Amateur Shooter Complete a game at the shooting range. |
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See Real Deadeye just below. | ||
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Real Deadeye Earn an S rank in all games at the shooting range. |
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You will have to get the S rank on all 12 stages of the shooting range. You can find a total of 5 shooting ranges next to merchants throughout the game. They are in Chapter 3, Chapter 9, Chapter 11, Chapter 14, Chapter 15. Each shooting range adds 3 more challenges except the last one which doesn’t add new challenges and only lets you replay old ones. Missing one shooting range doesn’t matter, since the next one will have the previous challenges as well. Technically you can do all of them in a row at the final shooting range in Chapter 15 if you ignored them until then. Ranks are based on your score in the challenge. In general, you will want to avoid hitting sailors and do the bonus round objective. After finishing a challenge once, you will be able to see the requirement to unlock the Bonus Round of the challenge (displayed at the bottom of the shooting range selection screen). Do this bonus objective, then during the Bonus Round you can gain more than enough points to secure an S rank. Shooting the skulls for bonus points also helps but it’s not mandatory to hit all of them if you do the bonus objective. Based on your score you get a number of Reward Tokens. You can use these Reward Tokens in the vending machine at the shooting range to unlock Charms for your suitcase, they give little bonuses like running faster or getting a discount at the merchant. If you make a mistake during a challenge, you can pause the game and select “Quit Shooting” to retry immediately. |
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Trick Shot Shoot through and destroy 5 targets at the shooting range with a single shot. |
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Easily done in the final challenge of the shooting range in Chapter 14 (4-C), since you will have a long line of targets coming at you. Simply use the Sniper Rifle to shoot through all of them. |
DLC Guides:
Separate Ways DLC Trophy Guide & Roadmap
- 2023-04-07: The release of “Mercenaries Mode” has made it significantly easier to get the Handcannon. Before, the only way was to finish a New Game on Professional Difficulty without any extra content shop weapons. Now you can get this weapon from the start by getting S-Rank on all Mercenaries maps, which is a significantly easier and faster method. The Roadmap has been rearranged and rewritten for this update. Additionally, a time saver DLC “Weapon Exclusive Upgrade Ticket” was released which can be used to upgrade the Handcannon to Infinite Ammo at the first merchant in Chapter 2, thus making platinum much easier. The difficulty rating has been lowered from 7/10 to 6/10 and from 40 hours to 30-40 hours.
TM says
Wow, this was a lot harder and longer than I thought.
Thanks a lot for the guide.
DubT says
Which is the best handgun, in your opinion? I am trying to decide between Red9, Blacktail, & Punisher. Thanks.
kuwantum says
Blacktail is the best imo. Red9+stock just take up too much space so the small gains aren’t worth the problem of carrying it.
Slimmie205 says
Looks like a challenge ??
BigChungyWungyGuy says
I imagine the difficulty will drop drastically if Capcom ends up releasing Bonus Weapons and Unlocks as paid DLC like with RE2, RE3, Village.
DK says
Should they ever release a dlc like that, then yes, it would probably make it easier. But for now we can only speculate.
OTPYG says
“can’t earn S+ in New Game Plus”
PhantomFear94 says
I’m not a great gamer, but I’m quite excited for the challenge. I’ve 100%’d 2, 3, 7 and Village (incl. DLC) and I don’t want this to break my streak!
Andre' Arnett-Braun says
Hello, PowerPyx! Out of curiosity, what specifically warrants the estimated difficulty of Resident Evil 4’s trophies?
DK says
Professional Mode on New Game without using Special weapons is pretty challenging the first time.
Andre' Arnett-Braun says
Thank you, DK! I appreciate it!
FeatheryEmu22 says
Thank you for providing a sequence of recommended playthroughs! A game like this can be hard when it comes to prioritizing runs for efficiency. Much appreciated!
Andasea says
Glad it’s not an easy platinum. Will enjoy going for this one.
joker says
So Professional difficulty that increase the plat to 7/10 without professional run 3/10 ?
Rvin says
Is the Professional mode harder now than the original RE4?
DK says
Salvatore says
Does pausing the game stop time?
kuwantum says
Yes. You can see the timer in the challenges screen on the pause menu if you want to check how far in you are.
TM says
Oh btw can you use the pistol from the deluxe edition one the minimalist trophy?
It is a handgun, but it would be annoying if it did count as a special weapon or something.
KamilinhoPL says
This whole thing with ”does/doesn’t count as special weapon” is confusing. Infinite rocket launcher is stated as ”Does not count as a “Special Weapon” for challenges”, so what’s stopping us from using it in NG+ professional and getting the Hand Cannon? Getting the A rank on Professional using the typewriter and in NG+ buying the rpg? (might not have enough cash for it is the only problem I could see) Does NG+ voids Hand Cannon somehow?
DK says
It stops you from getting Hand Cannon because you are forced to play on NEW GAME in order to unlock it and Rocket Launcher is only available in NG+.
Marc says
If the Infinite Rocket Launcher does not count as a special weapon, why can’t you just play professional mode in new game + with infinite Rocket Launcher to get the Handcannon? All that’s required is to beat Professional mode
PowerPyx says
Handcannon requires beating Professional difficulty in NEW GAME from scratch. New Game+ voids it. Infinite Rocket Launcher is only available in NG+, not in New Game.
Arkonite says
What a work! GG DK
A day-1 guide very detailed, clear and complete. Awesome job. It will be a pleasure to run towards the plat with a precious companion like this guide ;)
Can’t wait!
DK says
You’re welcome.
Vaughn says
How does the PS4 version fair on the PS5? Are there any noticable issues or does it play and look decent on there if one is going for the automatic PS5 stack? I know some ps4 games running on the 5 have little to no difference.
DK says
I only played the PS4 version on PS5 so can’t say how well it runs on a PS4 itself. On PS5 the PS4 version was running pretty well, some textures took a bit longer to load compared to the PS5 version and the loading times were a bit longer, but other that than not much to complain.
Marley says
Hey, thanks for the amazing guide as always.
Can you confirm that ALL trophies autopop and not just some like in RE8.
Because then i will play the PS4 version first. (hopefully the PS4 version runs better on PS5)
ShadowRees says
Does pausing the game or using the attaché case also pause the timer during speed runs?
DK says
Pausing the game stops the counter, using the inventory does not.
xptgt says
Step 3: New Game Plus Professional A-Rank (Finish under 7:00 Hours), No Healing – what’s the point playing this step on Professional? Does Handcannon unlocking requires S note?
DK says
Doing this step will unlock both the Armor for Ashley, as well as the Chicago Sweeper, which will help you with the remaining runs a lot.
Mark says
So, basically, there’s no cheat way to play all difficulties with infinite rocket launcher, right?
PowerPyx says
You can play all difficulties in NG+ with Infinite Rocket Launcher.
You just can’t earn any S+ ranks in NG+ at all. S+ is only possible in New Game. Infinite Rocket Launcher is not available in New Game. So for S+ the Infinite Rocket Launcher is useless.
Jayson says
You say Professional is the hardest difficulty. What about Hardcore? Seems like you guys are implying that it’s not harder than Professional.
And I don’t like being betrayed.
DK says
A DK would never betray anyone…. Hardcore is a lot easier compared to Professional. Enemies are significantly more aggressive on Professional, you have no autosave on professional and have to actually time your parries. On all difficulties below Professional you can literally spamm L1 and you will parry everything that is possible to be parried.
Ruri says
There are two exclusive weapons that comes with the deluxe version of RE4Remake, Sentinel Nine and Skull Shaker. Do you know if those counts as special weapons that will void a run?
Also, thanks for the timely guide as usual!
Aprella says
Just picked up my copy today, cannot wait to play my favorite RE again! Will definitely be using your guide for the platinum trophy. But I’m allowing myself a “blind” run first
Nox says
How do you guys do stuff like that? Are you figuring this all out by yourselves, or does the publisher help? I don’t get it… a couple of days and everything solved including strategies and so on. Great work by the way, as always!
PowerPyx says
By searching every corner. In the 15 years I’ve been making guides I have never received help from a developer/publisher and never asked one for help.
Nox says
That is actually insane. Mad props to everyone who makes those guides, i somehow thought that publisher/devs work with you.. at least occasionally. You helped countless people over all those years, so let me just say thank you for everything.
zulqarmessi says
Powerpyx question
I just met the merchant for the first time, can I sell the stuff like hunters lodge key, pearl pendant, other jewellery stuff etc right away OR
should I keep them for any future quest or any other stuff
PowerPyx says
Hunter’s Lodge key is fine to sell, you never need it again. Treasures that can’t be combined with gemstones can be sold right away too.
Gems are best to keep for combining them with treasures later (only certain treasures allow you to inlay gems). Then you get bonuses and can sell them for more money, will be more profitable in the long run.
With other key items be careful and better don’t sell them until you reach Castle area. For example, Insignia Key and Hexagon Pieces and Wayshrine Key are important for Collectibles and should not be sold. Key Items don’t give much money.
As a rule of thumb: Keep Key Items if in doubt. Keep Gems to combine with treasures for more money. Sell treasures that don’t have gem slots. Sell ammo for weapons you never use.
mitch says
I feel like if I can finish the evil within Akuma difficulty I can finish professional difficulty..thoughts anyone ?
DragonMike says
The only different is no autosave. The Evil Within at least give you plenty of autosave to keep retrying. This one is manually save, and imagine you passed a difficult area just to be killed at the next one and have to restart from the last save because of no auto save.
PhantomFear94 says
Not done Akuma, but from watching someone live stream the entire Akuma run I’d be surprised if this was harder!
Jimmy says
Powerpyx what about the 2 deluxe weapons that can be downloaded from the PS Store? Do they count as special weapons and using them will void the hardest difficulty trophy?
PowerPyx says
I don’t have access to them because I don’t have the Deluxe version. Would need someone else to confirm this.
clauscj says
Hi Powerpyx / DK, is the Handcannon from beating Professional difficulty can be counted for the Minimalist (Knives/Pistols) trophy?
MikkDC says
Unfortunately the Handcannon cannot be used for this, as it is classed as a Magnum and not a handgun/pistol.
mitch says
PowerPyx can you select assisted on new game plus after completing your first run on standard? Or will assisted be locked until you finish a new game run on assisted.? Prob sounds silly bit want to check.
PowerPyx says
Yes. You can freely choose the difficulty for NG+, can pick any difficulty.
Anonymous says
Thank you for the trophy guide. I wasn’t expecting another 7/10 Platinum trophy for the next game after Resident Evil Village, hopefully it won’t be as annoying as that game’s Mercenaries mode. Also, considering I disliked the amount of playthroughs I had to complete for Resident Evil 2’s Platinum trophy, I’m not looking forward to 6 playthroughs of this game. However, this is looking like one of the best Resident Evil games of all time (maybe even the best), so obviously I’ll play it, even if I wish it had a Platinum trophy more like Resident Evil 7.
zulqarmessi says
Powerpyx there are two more velvet blues you missed on your collectibles video guide.
In Chapter 3 when you revisit village square, there is a cutscene of tall building collapsing, proceed towards bingo building (Town Hall).
Before we use the insignia key to get inside,
Go to the left side area there is a dry well with ladder, follow this path to get 2 velvet blues.
PowerPyx says
These don’t count as treasures/collectibles.
There are many random gems dropped by enemies or randomly from loot crates, which are completely random spawns and don’t count as treasures. The game set this up in a weird way where only some gems count and others do not.
This guide focuses on the ones that count as collectibles for trophy purposes (any that increase the challenge counter for treasures and have a treasure icon on the map and increase the counter in the bottom right of the world map).
Those extra gems aren’t needed for anything and can be skipped, and again are often random anyway.
Steven says
Which was the best pistol to use for the pistol and knife only run?
Jason says
I’m interested to know this too. Red9 maybe?
TM says
The redm9 is still the strongest, but it is not the fastest.
So it depends on you’re preference.
MikkDC says
The Red9 is the most powerful but also has the largest bullet spread unless you fit the stock. The Blacktail is probably the best all round one and the SG-09 has 5x crit hit chance if you use an exclusive upgrade ticket on it and the Punisher has the best bullet penetration
Sledge says
Definitely use the Red-9.
With the stock it’s even more accurate than the Blacktail and the extra space it takes up isn’t an issue on a pistol/knife only run.
Silver Ghost and the DLC pistol that give 5x crit multipliers are a trap, don’t use them. Fully upgraded Red-9 will one tap headshot basic enemies anyway.
PhantomFear94 says
Is there a reason you don’t do no heal during stages 1 and 2 (I’m guessing on Assisted your health goes back to Yellow automatically) or is it due to convenience with your infinite rocket launcher weaponry in stage 3?
PowerPyx says
It’s easier to combine it with infinite rocket launcher, which kills everything in one hit. Plus you will know the game by that point so won’t die as much.
Even on Assisted the No Healing would be pretty annoying on 1st playthrough. You’d die a lot more often, overall waste time because of extra deaths, and make it a lot more difficult for yourself. Combining no healing with pistol/knife only on 2nd run would be equally frustrating. When your health is in the red you die in 1-3 hits even on Assisted, which is no fun against bosses with pistol only. You could try it on 1st/2nd run as far as you can get, and if it gets too annoying just start healing instead of wasting time dying 20 times and then having to recollect all collectibles since last checkpoint each time.
Or just do it in an extra run in Assisted NG+ with infinite rocket launcher. It would definitely be easier that way if you don’t mind an extra playthrough.
Danh90 says
Unfortunately I missed the first Clockwork Castellan. Will it stack still if I get it at the start of my second playthrough?
PowerPyx says
Yes, you can grab it in NG+. If you have an old save you can even use that to grab it, the Castellans count across all saves.
Jacob says
Is it okay to sell the starting weapons? I’m asking in case that could somehow void the Gun Fanatic trophy.
PowerPyx says
Yes can sell them. You only need to have had them once at any point (you can check this in the tracker under Challenges > Gun Fanatic).
Diogo Arez says
I started the game on Hardcore straight away thinking it would prepare me for Professional, but in reality Hardcore might be legitimately one of the hardest game experiences I’ve had in a while, enemies are so relentless and quick, I honestly think Professional might make me go insane lmao
Thanks for the guide, BTW! Will be using it a ton!
TM says
Am playing on easy, although it’s not difficult it is still difficult to be on easy. I actually run out of ammo and stuff, which is not usually the case on easy runs.
Hardcore and professional will be very hard. At least for the village area.
PA says
Hello PowerPyx , just start the game on standard difficulty without a guide and im already at castle and cant go back to village to grab the treasures i missed. If I grab what I miss on a NG + the trophy will pop ? Thank you
PA says
Just saw that 100 % collectible guide that says treasures dont carry over NG + , thank you
PowerPyx says
Treasures must all be found in a single playthrough for trophy.
Andasea says
For the Gun fanatic trophy can I sell the guns back to the merchant once I buy them so I can upgrade the weapons I use or do I need all the guns in my storage for the trophy to pop. I have already sold some of the special guns that you buy with spindles and can’t buy them back.
PowerPyx says
Selling them is fine. Don’t need to own them all at the same time.
Macleod says
Amazing guide as always Snow!!
Best pistol to upgrade in the 1st run to use for the only pistol/knife run?
JL says
The S rank shooting range challenges are no joke. Been stuck on some challenges for more than an hour now. I feel like they expect you to use mouse to shoot with how ridiculous some of these SA rank requirements can get.
Neme says
What is the best pistol to upgrade for run pistol/knife? Thx
PowerPyx says
I’d say the Blacktail because it does high damage when fully upgraded while being more accurate than the Red9. It can kill some enemies in 1 headshot if you have the exclusive upgrade that gives x1.5 damage multiplier. In terms of damage output per bullet while also remaining accurate and easy to handle it’s probably the best, but also comes down to personal preference. Using the starting pistol wouldn’t be much harder as you’ll rush past 90% of enemies so it doesn’t matter super much.
Vinny says
I won’t even bother with Professional, but I think the shooting gallery trophy for all S ranks is just completely ridiculous. I managed A ranks easily enough but I’m guessing S ranks require perfection, hitting every target, and every skull token and maybe meeting the bonus conditions. I cannot imagine how long you’d have to practice at them to get good enough for that.
PowerPyx says
You don’t need to hit all skulls unless it’s specifically a requirement to trigger the bonus stage.
You just need to do the bonus objective to trigger the bonus stage, then hit a few of the bonus targets and you’re good for S Rank (and of course avoid hitting sailors). It’s all about doing the bonus objective.
Longjiaolong says
Hi powerpyx, would it be possible to get the cat ears by getting S+ in professional ng+ then later use that on a new save to get the handcannon? If so this might lower the difficulty rating
MikkDC says
You can only get S+ rank in a New Game. Max rank available in NG+ is S. However you CAN unlock the Chicago Sweeper, then upgrade it fully and use the exclusive upgrade ticket to give it infinite ammo and then use that on a Professional run to try and get the S+ rank to earn the Cat Ears. Then you should be able to use the Cat ears to give any non bonus weapon infinite ammo to try for the Handcannon.
zulqarmessi says
NG+ will NEVER award you S+ rank.
S+ rank is reserved for new game only.
Shabyoob says
I accidentally ate/discarded the lunker bass before getting the mission, or it is not spawning. Would it still be possible to complete this merchant request in ng+ and get the trophy? Or do you have to complete all merchant requests in one playthrough?
Atomizor says
Does anyone know if reloading auto-save and or checkpoints adds to the timer? Not specifically for if you get a game over screen but like if you make a mistake or a puzzle/section takes too long etc.
NeverwinterMoon says
Does shooting range void the “Minimalist” trophy (as you are forced to use some other weapons for some of the games)?
DumaTheDead says
Hey PowerPyx. I’m doing the handgun and knife run. How the heck do I get the wrench from inside the regenerador? I haven’t found anything on the internet that states how to complete this part within these parameters.
Thank you for your guide!!!
PowerPyx says
Just spray the upper body of the Regeneradors with bullets and hope to hit the weakspots.
The parasites / weak points are always in The Regenerador’s Upper Body area. Shoot all over its stomach, hope to get lucky that you hit the 2 parasites. You can also shoot it in the back while it’s on the floor. If you waste too much ammo reload last autosave and repeat until you find the correct Regenerador that has the wrench (it’s random which one holds the key). It took me 30 pistol bullets just randomly shooting it. Doesn’t matter which pistol you use, they all work for it.
Dix3n says
You can kill them with the Knife, just keep slashing them.
Lacek84 says
You can use the biosensor to check. Only shooting a weapon or throwing a nade or egg voids the challenge.
Alig200 says
If you fully upgraded the combat knife, and still happen to have it stored, it can also be a good way to take care of Regeneradors since you stab/slash so fast with it’s exclusive upgrade.
Of course, you’re liable to actually take damage that way compared to sitting back and shooting it.
ck says
In NG+ you can use aim with thermal (attached on LE5/M1093/else) and remember the location of weakspots then hit them with pistols.
Lacek84 says
On my minimalist run in chapter 13 I just checked my challenges and got shocked, my minimalist challenge counter was on 1. I’m pretty sure didn’t use anything than my primal knife + blacktail + melee (+ barrels)… This is so bullshit…
PowerPyx says
Best to check it after each chapter and keep a manual save after each chapter, always saving in a different slot.
Lacek84 says
Ok I figoured it out what caused this. Just throwing an egg to anywhere (not at an enemy) voids the challenge. And I did that egg thrower request in that run…
Dan says
Can you use magnum for the Minimalist trophy?
DK says
Magmum is not a pistol.
sebay says
Does merchant request carry over NG+?
And is merchant request is a treasure?
I lost one merchant request and my treasures tracker shows 38/39. Is it merchant request?
And should i start a new game?
Lip says
You just have to do the one you missing on NG+.
JL says
I just watched your video for the S Rank shooting range. How did you get S Rank on the final one (4C) despite not meeting the bonus objective of defeating all pirates? I thought that was a requirement for S rank?
PowerPyx says
You just need to reach the required score to get S-Rank. In the last challenge you have a lot of room for error and doing the bonus isn’t required to get enough points. In all other challenges you generally would want to do the bonus objective to reach enough points.
Iggy says
Professional + no heals is hard, Krauser knife fight will kill you in a few hits and the best part is there’s no save before it, so you have to redo insects section over and over again, infinite rocket launcher won’t help you with Krauser first fight.
PowerPyx says
There is a manual save immediately before Krauser in Chapter 11. Just before pressing the elevator button, there’s a little cave on the right you can crouch under that leads to a merchant & typewriter (after fighting through the insects and walking through a dark tunnel). So you have a manual save right before him
Iggy says
Just beat professional no healing run. It’s totaly doable, but honestly I’d prefer two separate runs for this, just my opinion. Anyway, thank you PowerPyx for your amaizing guide!
raithian25 says
Chiming in to lament over the Krauser fight on the Professional + no heals run. I managed to minimize damage throughout the run but still got to the Krauser fight in Chapter 11 with ~half health. Unfortunately, even half health left NO room for error. Spent a full hour on this guy, resetting with every hit, until I was able to do the fight without any damage.
I would recommend a small tweak to the guide that emphasizes taking NO damage until this fight. You can get through everything up to Chapter 11 and after Krauser without taking damage (resetting when you do), but demanding perfection on the Krauser fight is extremely tough.
PowerPyx says
I’ve added an extra mention of Krauser in particular in Step 3. On Assisted you would have the same problem though, Krauser being tough at low health is not an issue unique to Professional. Even on Assisted if you took damage early and are just above critical health you die in ~2 hits. So regardless of whether you do it on Assisted or Pro you would have to constantly reload saves if you take any damage early on until you get to Krauser or you’ll have a bad time.
angelbless says
Thank you fo another amazing guide. Just wondering, can you get the cat ears in a NG+ with the Rocket Launcher?.
PowerPyx says
I assume you meant Infinite Rocket Launcher, then no. Cat Ears require S+ Rank in Professional. NG+ voids all S+ ranks on all difficulties. You can only earn S+ in NEW GAME.
Mirar says
I‘ve a question regarding the preparation of the pistol/knife run: You recommend to reload the last merchant save file in Chapter 16 to get the primal knife, resources and first aid sprays. But how can I finish the Saddler fight with this equipment?
PowerPyx says
By shooting the eyes on his legs and stabbing him in the face when stunned. When replaying Chapter 16 you can still use any other weapons and put whatever you want in inventory. Then in NG+ put other weapons back into storage at typewriter.
xptgt says
Doesn’t Raider trophy require killing Verdugo who drops Monocular? Actually I didn’t kill Dr Salvador at the prologue and eventually achieved Bandit trophy.
PowerPyx says
No. The treasure dropped by Verdugo doesn’t count as a map treasure. You only need specifically the treasures marked on the map.
Ivan says
I am confused about step 3…
How I am supposed to start a New Game on Professional difficulty, knowing that this difficulty is unlocked only by beating the game on Hardcore?
Step 1 says play on Asissted, Step 2 is New Game Plus…
PowerPyx says
You unlock Professional after beating the game once on ANY difficulty (= after first playthrough on Assisted). You don’t need to beat it on Hardcore.
Dix3n says
How does the ps4 version run on ps5? Load times? FPS?
PowerPyx says
I didn’t notice a big difference to the PS5 version. It runs smoothly at 60fps and looks about the same as PS5, just has some texture pop-ins here and there.
Alig200 says
I assume, since it isn’t listed as an exception for Minimalist, that you also can’t throw any eggs?
Was hoping to redo all of the requests during my Minimalist/Frugalist run for the spinels, but looks like I wont be able to if the eggs count against it.
PowerPyx says
As mentioned in the Roadmap, you can’t throw anything (which includes eggs, grenades). Except for the things specifically mentioned like Harpoons during boss fight.
TM says
For the 2 playthrough, is it recommend to do all the requests? And do all treasures.
Then at chapter 16 save, then complete the game so the trophie for “dont talk to the merchent” pops.
Then reload the save, sell all the treasures and hand in all the requests. And then finish the game again,
And that should get you enough money for the rocket launcher?
PowerPyx says
Yes, if you collect all treasures on both runs you will have more than enough money after 2nd run. You can always sell an upgraded weapon for money too
NihiRagnarK says
I heard of a claim that obtaining Professional S+ would unlock Standard & Hardcore S+ trophies. This will be very helpful if true.
It will eliminate one playthrough and make the last Professional walkthrough much easier with the Cat Ears accessory awarded by beating Professional on S+.
DanK says
I’ve just completed my first run on standard, can I start the guide with step 1 on new game plus just to make that collectibles run? Or should I play it safe and play on assisted and start from scratch. Thanks!
PowerPyx says
Doing Step 1 in New Game+ on Assisted is fine when you already did a playthrough. Only difference is that if you found weapons from treasures in 1st run they will be replaced by Gold Bars, but counts towards trophies regardless.
ResidentSpaceHill says
Fun tips for Speed Runs – Shooting the bell from a rooftop during the opening Village fight will skip that sequence entirely.
PlatinumRenegade says
In the first Village fight you can shoot the bell in the tower in the distance to end the fight early. I’m not sure if this can be incorporated in to New Game Professional as it’s pretty far and may need a sniper rifle to actually be able to hit it
Matt says
There is a jack of all trades bug. In game when I go to files > requests it says I have 19 completed in one playthrough at the chapter 16 final merchant. However at the main menu when I go to bonuses > challenges the jack of all trades challenge says 18/19
TM says
Is the treasure trophy for the village area bugged? I can’t get it to pop.
Tried it 2 times now, and compared treasures with this guide.
It all checks out, but still the trophy won’t pop. Tried to sell the treasures to see if it would trigger it, but to no avail.
PowerPyx says
Does your challenge tracker show you have all of them?
You must find all in the same playthrough. It doesn’t count if you get some one first playthrough and some on second playthrough.
The trophy unlock is based on the challenge progress. If your challenge shows as complete but the trophy never popped it might have bugged but I haven’t heard any reports of this yet. If you die or reload saves you must recollect all treasures since the last checkpoint.
JMR says
If we do the knife/handgun + no merchant run on NG+, should we still collect most treasures and do some of the merchant quests (these can be done w/o talking to him I think but can’t turn them in)? I’m thinking of making a save in Ch. 16 and after getting the “no merchant” trophy reloading the save and turning in all the quests and selling the treasures to get enough money to buy infinite rocket launcher for future NG+ runs.
PowerPyx says
Yes, you should recollect as many treasures as possible on 2nd playthrough to get enough money for Infinite Rocket Launcher (this is explained in Roadmap Step 2).
Lepo says
Can I trade spinels on my first playthrough or should I keep them?
PowerPyx says
Yes, but keep some to afford the trade-exclusive weapons later. Punisher & Matilda cost 15 Spinels total (both combined).
It would also be good to keep 70 Spinels to buy the Exclusive Upgrade Tickets and use those to fully upgrade Primal Knife & a Pistol at the last merchant (but not mandatory since you can sell all your other gear to get lots of money and just buy the upgrades with ptas instead of Spinels).
SSMalcontent says
I think you should update this guide, because it’s missing one critical piece of info that changes the difficulty a bit: The Cat Ears!
The Cat Ears are unlocked when you get a S+ Rank in Professional, they give you infinite ammo and they don’t void the “special weapons” requirement for the Handcannon Unlock!
In contrast with the guide, this makes for an easier but more time consuming platinum route:
1 – NG on Standard: Completionist Run (All Treasures, Requests and Castellans)
2 – Reload the save and get the primal knife
3 – NG+ on Standard: Knife and Handgun only Run, using the primal knife (Can be used to get some extra money for the Infinite RL) without talking to the Merchant
Optional – If you can’t get through professional even with the Infinite RL, or if you still don’t have enough money to buy it, do an extra run with no healing on standard or assisted
4 – NG+ on Professional: No Healing Run with Infinite RL, aiming for an A Rank to unlock the Chicago Sweeper (If you already did no healing, then just focus on the A Rank)
5 – NG on Professional: Get the Chicago Sweeper and use the upgrade ticket to get infinite ammo on it, then focus on getting an S+ Rank (Unlocks the Cat Ears)
6 – NG on Professional: Use the Cat Ears and no bonus weapons, get the S+ Rank
Now you just be missing the miscellaneous trophies, and if you’re having a hard time getting the money for the Infinite RL run, or struggling with the No Heals on Professional, you can just break these up with one or two extra runs. But it should be much much easier than just doing a S+ Professional run without using ANY bonus weapons and items.
The original route proposed by the guide is more efficient, but harder to pull off
JL says
Because getting S+ Professional is easier? lol. Having the Chicago Sweeper infinite ammo doesn’t make Pro S+ free at all. It’s still very challenging due to the overly aggressive enemy AI. Also having the Chicken Hat from doing Hardcore S+ makes Chapter 1-6 a lot more manageable on Professional. Village is the hardest section in this game, particularly Chapter 1 village onslaught, Chapter 5 villa and Chapter 6 with the back to back enemy encounters like the Bella sisters and Benitez boss fight.
If you’re good enough sure, go for the Cat Ears first, but it is by no means easier than doing Hardcore S+ first to get that Chicken Hat.
NihiRagnarK says
Yea, I see multiple claims online stating that beating Pro on S+ will unlock trophy/achievement for S+ Standard and S+ Hardcode now. It is weird but that Hardcode S+ won’t stack while Professional S+ would, but I think it is true.
looking for the answer says
Can you also get chicken hat by getting S+ in professional?
or chicken hat is exclusive to only S+ hardcore?
Pierre says
I found a glitch. during my playthrough, I bought the killer 7 and didn’t realize it didn’t registered as a new wepon. now, I finished the game and it still counts as if I never had bought the killer 7, even if I sell to seller and buy again. someone has a solution for this glitch?
Random Internet Stranger Opinion says
For Minimalist, can we use two pistols? I’m planning to use a fully upgraded Blacktail for the main gun, and a base Punisher as the side gun just to deal with those pesky shielders.
Stephen says
Yes you can but it must say handgun.
PhantomFear94 says
Hasn’t happened to me, but seen several reports that the painting egg throw merchant request voids minimalist as it counts as a weapon use. Quite funny, but probably frustrating for those going for it.
Stephen says
It does indeed void the trophy hence Jack of all trades and minimalist can not be done in same play-through.
Sledge says
Wonder if it would be worth it to do one extra playthrough to make the Professional run significantly easier.
Do a Professional new game run and use the Infinite Ammo Rocketlauncher to cruise your way to S+ rank. That’ll unlock the Cat Ears for infinite ammo on all guns, which you can then use on your new game Professional no bonus weapons run to cruise through that too.
In fact, could do that run as your 4th run to unlock the Cat Ears for the Standard and Hardcore S+ runs too. And even though it’s a whole extra playthrough, it actually might ultimately wind up saving you time getting the Plat in the long run, since you likely won’t die and have to reload nearly as much in the S+ attempts.
PowerPyx says
Doesn’t work, you can’t earn S+ rank with Infinite Rocket Launcher.
Infinite Rocket Launcher is only available in NG+.
NG+ voids S+ Rank. You can only earn S+ in NEW GAME (where the infinite rocket launcher doesn’t exist).
Hence, the only way to get Cat Ears is to S+ Pro in NEW GAME.
Dale says
For the Minimalist run, don’t be like me and throw the egg at the painting. Throwing the egg counts as using a weapon other than pistol/knife. Hope this saves someone from an extra playthrough.
Josh says
Awesome guide, thank you so much.
At the final save point in chapter 16 and my gun fanatic displays 24/29. I’m assuming the 25th gun is the special rocket launcher during the final fight? Just double checking before I finish up.
PowerPyx says
Yes, the special rocket launcher you get during final boss.
Fooga says
A friend of mine beat professional on S+ first to make the standard/hardcore runs easier with the cat ears, and he got both of those achievements. Are you guys sure they don’t stack? Or maybe you just have to beat pro with S+ to trigger those unlocks.
Regardless, would’ve been nice to know and would’ve saved me a lot of time and heartache doing the fresh pro with no bonuses…
PowerPyx says
Beating Hardcore S+ doesn’t pop Standard S+.
We tested this on PS5 and PS4.
It could be that specifically only Pro S+ stacks those lower difficulty trophies? Would need further confirmation if this is the case. But would be weird if the devs set it up to only stack from Pro and not from Hardcore.
Trever says
On PS5 as of March 29 2023 current patch – I can confirm Pro S+ stacks and unlocks Hardcore and Standard S+ trophies. I got them both at the same time.
Lars says
Playing with aiming Assist will it avoid any trophies? On any difficulty?
PowerPyx says
Aim assist is fine and doesn’t void anything.
Lars says
Thanks, but can it Void getting S or S + rank if you go with aiming Assist?
PowerPyx says
Aim Assist doesn’t void S+ or anything. In fact, there is an accessory called Gas Mask (Bonus Menu) that enables aim assist on all difficulties.
Frederico says
i was thinking in selling the stuff, the money carries over to ng+?
PowerPyx says
Everything in your inventory carries over into NG+ (including all money, weapons, all items you hold, everything in storage).
Hagz says
I preordered from Amazon and was given a code for the Gold Attache Case. when i go to Customize Case at the typewriter it isn’t there, just one that increase handgun ammo drops. Is there a certain place to access this that I’m just not seeing?
raithian25 says
On the PSN menu, press Options on the RE4 card, and go to Manage Content. You’ll see your DLC there, including the deluxe edition stuff and your preorder stuff. The Gold Attache Case and Handgun Charm didn’t automatically download for me; I had to manually download them from the Manage Content menu
Danh90 says
Is the no merchant/knife and handgun only run still doable without the Blacktail exclusive upgrade? I overwritten my chapter 16 data before I had chance to purchase it.
PowerPyx says
Yes, you could even do it with an unupgraded starting pistol. Having the upgrades just makes it easier but it’s not mandatory. As long as you have unbreakable knife you can always deal damage with that. Just keep enough pistol ammo for bosses and run past all other enemies.
Toalha Nerd says
hello everyone, great guide, congratulations to the whole team. my question is, several people and even websites are saying that one of the requirements for rank S+ is to save the game only 15 times, is this true? did you ever finish the game on pro with more than 15 saves?
PowerPyx says
The 15-saves limit only applies to specifically obtaining S+ RANK ON PROFESSIONAL.
For Hardcore S+ and lower difficulties you can save as often as you want and still get S+ rank.
Also, if you don’t care about S+ on Professional (there’s no trophy for it), then you can save as often as you want. You have infinite saves on Professional. But if you save more than 15 times on Professional you can get S-RANK at best (voids S+ RANK for this playthrough). Again, not needed for any trophy to get S+ on Pro.
TidusTheGame says
I’m just sticking with doing a NG on Pro and getting an S+ with the Chicago Typewriter to unlock the cat ears first.
It’ll make the final NG Pro run feel more like a victory lap than a headache.
Ryan says
Sorry, Cat ears and Chicago sweeper is in the extra content shop? If capcom realese this dlc, the platinum difficulty drop??
PowerPyx says
If they’d make these items paid DLC and you could use Cat Ears from the start, then the platinum would become a joke. This would make it a 4/10 difficulty. Hardest part then would be shooting range S-Ranks. Since Cat Ears give infinite ammo and don’t void S+ it would make Professional New Game pretty easy and would save some playthroughs. But the Deluxe Treasure Map DLC already makes it easier since you have bonus treasures and more money for upgrades. Not sure if they’d want something as game-breaking as Cat Ears as paid DLC, time will tell.
Lars says
Does any costumes like Ashleys armor Void any trophies on any difficulty?
PowerPyx says
No. Wearing Costumes is fine and doesn’t void anything. You can also wear them on the playthroughs to unlock the Chicago Sweeper and Handcannon.
maxxdank says
Hi Powepyx, I am halfway through my NG+ Assisted Run and I skipped all merchant requests and more than half of the treasures. I am doing No Merchant run so can’t really check if I would have enough for the Infinite Rocket Launcher. Do you think I could still get enough treasures from Chapter 9 to the end to get 2Million ? And also is a 3rd playthrough using NG+ possible and I get the required money from that run ?
Thanks for all the work again
PowerPyx says
I had 1.6 Million after my first playthrough. You can get about 3 Million in 2 playthroughs, so you should be good if you collect everything after Chapter 9. You can trade all your Spinels for Velvet Blues, which can be traded infinitely. Each Velvet Blue costs 1 Spinel and sells for 2500 ptas (=2500 ptas per 1 Spinel). And you can sell your previously upgraded weapons, a fully upgraded pistol sells for about 250k and fully upgraded primal knife also in the range of 250k+. If you still hold other weapons in storage those can be sold as well, especially if you upgraded another weapon it will be worth a lot.
Also inlay gems into treasures in the most profitable way (combine high value gems like red beryl & yellow diamond with high value treasures that have many inlay slots). There are two Elegant Crowns in the game, each gives over 100k when combined with gems. So from selling your two upgraded weapons you have at least 500k+, from elegant crowns at least 200k+ (700k total), around 200k from ptas dropped by enemies and loot crates (900k total), and a couple hundred thousand from treasures, gems, trading spinels for velvet blues. If you have over 1 million ptas in Chapter 9 NG+ you should easily make it, just be thorough in remaining chapters.
Amir_psn says
Can you please tell me that if i make a manual save on chapter 11, can i get minimalist an frugalist by using manual save once again when i finished the game for one of these trophies,the game is so hard right now and i can’t go to get 2 of these trophies togheter.
PowerPyx says
Haven’t tested that scenario but if your challenge counter shows 0 after save reload it should pop the trophies in the end.
If your challenge counter is not at 0 after save reload it won’t work.
Shabyoob says
I can confirm that completing professional with a S+ ranking pops the S+ trophy for hardcore and standard. Just did it today. Really weird move by the devs…
PhantomFear94 says
In my opinion, combining Professional and No Healing is just not worth it, not even close. It’s so insanely frustrating, rocket launcher or not. The courtyard in Ch. 9 is a huge pain and Novistador on Ch. 10 hit so hard on professional and I think they infinitely spawn in the Ballroom, been stuck there for an hour currently. Tempted to just press on with health kits and do another run on assisted for no healing if I can’t get this part done soon.
PhantomFear94 says
I adore this website, and this roadmap is stellar as always. However, a personal recommendation – Don’t combine Professional ꝏ Rocket Launcher and No Healing (Frugalist trophy/achievement) as Per Step 3. Split them into two runs; one run with the ꝏ Rocket Launcher on Assisted or Standard never healing for “Frugalist”, then another run just focusing on Professional A-rank for the bonus unlocks for your S+ runs and “Peerless Agent”.
I can completely understand why it’s been recommended to do both together in this roadmap to optimise your already large number of playthroughs, and can it be done? Yes, I just did, through pure stubbornness. However, it just isn’t worth the headache for the average gamer, in my opinion.
Assisted or Standard is much easier to do without healing, as you take nowhere near as much damage, and for your A-rank run on professional WITH healing you could just sell your Blacktail for 300K (if fully upgraded) and by enough first aid kits and armor repairs that health is a non-factor your entire run and blitz through it very quickly.
Unless you’re extremely good at Resident Evil, no healing on Professional – rocket launcher or not – is quite the task. You can only take 5-6 full hits (I had about 90% of the maximum health) and you will find yourself regularly re-loading to re-do a part because you got hit just a single time. Body armor is permitted, but for some types of damage it’s useless in protecting you. The Rocket Launcher 1HK everything, but Novistadors are a colossal PITA on a no-heal pro run, and certain encounters (castle cannons section in Ch. 7; Krauser knife fight in Ch. 11; any Novistador area) blasting your way through won’t help a ton.
The main issue is that there are some encounters where damage is essentially unavoidable. The courtyard tower maze at the start of Ch. 9, the Ballroom in Ch. 10 and the hive area in Ch. 11 were very difficult to do without getting hit (especially the ballroom, I spent over an hour in this area alone as the Novistadors infinitely respawn). The Krauser fight in Ch. 11 isn’t that hard, but I’m convinced is virtually impossible to do without taking at least one hit unless you’re an elite Resident Evil player, as you get grabbed 90% of your attempts at least once and that causes damage. Ch. 15 is also very monotonous – you can backtrack to your starting typewriter, but there are so many enemies that a cheap hit led to several reloads, too.
I’m not a stellar gamer, but I have the 100% completion for 2, 3, 7 and Village – including DLC – and I still struggled in parts as much as anything base game in any of those completions (Village of Shadows was probably a touch harder). Splitting it adds a playthrough, but I’d argue the time you spend re-loading every time you get almost doubled my run time, so the difference is negligible. Wish I had listened to my own advise.
BodyChipper says
While tricky, the villa, the hedge maze, the ballroom, and the hive were the spots that gave me trouble, but they can be run flawlessly with “judicious” use of the Infinite RL. I carried the magnum with me as well to spite any would be Ashley kidnappers if I couldn’t use the RL in time.
In the villa I found it best to back myself into the corner with the single window, which I boarded up so enemies could only come from the opposite side only and keep them in front of me with no way to blindside me. Once the brute comes in and you take car of him, the ladder goes up, and enemies no longer try that lower floor window either, so you can safely cover the stairs and railing where they drop down from that spot.
I fired blindly around every corner in the maze and hive at every visible surface before venturing further just to be sure once I knew enemies were present.
The ballroom is tough and took me about 5 or 6 tries but I got through without a hit. Splash damage is your friend for the flying bugs, since it’s easier to hit a column, railing, or nearby wall than a flying enemy. Got a cheap shot by a bug in the underground cavern before Verdugo but I wasn’t reloading at that point.
The Krauser fight is no joke. I found it best to back myself into a corner giving him less chance to jump over me. You just have to be good at parrying and even though the game says “only perfect parries” could count, I spammed L1 during his combos and still managed to deflect. That took me probably a dozen tries to get through with a minimal loss in health, but it is doable.
Sledge says
As someone else said, with the new info that beating Professional S+ unlocks the trophies for Standard and Hardcore S+ the best way to do this is:
1. Assisted Collect Everything Run
2. Pistol/Knife Only, No Merchant Run
3. NG+ Professional Infinite Launcher Run for A Rank
4. NG Professional S+ Run
5. NG Professional No Bonus Weapons Run
And although Professional S+ is more difficult (mostly due to the 15 save limit), it ultimately will make the overall Platinum significantly easier because not only will it save a ton of time not having to do the Standard and Hardcore runs, the hardest run is the final one on NG Professional with no bonus weapons, even with the Chicken Hat. Having Cat Ears for that run makes it nearly as easy as the Infinite Launcher run.
Dix3n says
Don’t forget the no healing run!
BurritosLS says
I missed Castellan in chapter 10. Can I start passing the gun / knife, I will have to repair the knife at the merchant. Can I buy an infinite rocket launcher at the end of that walkthrough (I think there is enough money) and start step three already with it and pass without talking to the merchant?
AmonShi says
Is it allowed to use the DLC weapons for the final Prof run? I‘m asking this because the DLC handgun is slightly better at the beginning of the game.
weirdtho says
dont run professional + no heal run because if you have critical health on chapter 15 countdown door you cant get through the door because you running slow
PowerPyx says
It’s pointed out in the Roadmap that you should never let yourself drop to critical, and it’s for exactly those late game sections.
Sakisk says
Hello, great job. Please clarify about you timeline on hardcore play through for getting the S+ rating. Chapter 1 time: 0:00 ???? and Chapter 1 and 2 total time about 17 minutes? that’s insane
PowerPyx says
That’s the time at the start of the chapter (you start chapter 1 at 0:00, chapter 2 starts at 17 minutes).
matrixman92 says
I think combining no healing with the knife/pistol and not talking to the merchant tasks is pretty easy. A fully upgraded pistol and knife are pretty god like.
What I am struggling with is how are you supposed to have 2 Million monies after your 2nd playthrough. I think I may have messed up purchasing all weapons available at the end of my 1st playthrough. I am at the island on my 2nd playthrough and only have like 700k
PowerPyx says
You can always sell your upgraded weapons. Then you have enough money after 2nd run.
AM7 says
Hi Powerpyx, I have been following your guide carefully so far. I am at the beginning of Chapter 6 but I am very low on ammo and health. That said; I have a saved file before the start of the chapter at the merchant in Ch. 5.
My question is: If I sell any of the treasure with the gems would it void collecting them or would it still keep counting them? and the other question is: are treasures important for anything else in the game apart from selling them with gems to improve their quality and get more Pesetas?
PowerPyx says
You can sell all treasures and gems, this doesn’t void the collectible trophies.
Gems give more money if combined with treasures but they have no other use. If you are short on cash you can sell some gems immediately. If you have enough cash, keep gems until you can combine them with a treasure for more money.
Nitraat says
Can i combine the knife/pistol run, not talking to the merchant ánd collecting all the treasures in new game+?
BodyChipper says
Yes, but the castle will see you facing unnecessary enemies and using more ammo if you do this. I gathered all treasures in the village and island in my run, but left most of the backtracking treasures alone in the castle to save time. I managed to beat the 8 hour time limit on my handgun/knife only run as well and still had more than enough to get the Infinite RL.
BodyChipper says
Does anyone know: Can you buy the rocket launcher before leaving the Village area and bank it until you get to the Verdugo fight, and still be able to buy another from the Merchant at the end of Ch 12 to spite Salazar? I vaguely remember this strat from the original and it would save time and ammo fighting Verdugo, just make sure not to use the RL until after you leave the first room where he is scripted to flee. You cannot kill him outright in that room as far as I know.
PhantomFear94 says
Yes, but there is a caveat.
I bought the rocket launcher in the castle, and didn’t use it until Krauser in Ch. 14 (Island) as I always really struggle with that fight and I’m going to do the same on Pro, as the lead up to that fight is quite long to keep failing it. Meanwhile, you can kill Salazar with 2 golden eggs to the face in under 10 seconds, so I didn’t see the point of wasting a launcher there.
By that logic, I can’t see why the same wouldn’t apply to the village. However, the rocket launcher doesn’t appear in your shop until you’ve used the one you’ve already got, so unfortunately, you can’t keep banking and keep all 3 for the latter stages of the game.
Onto the fight you mention, you can skip it – entirely – on Professional. Trigger the fight, freeze him and melee (to buy you time to operate the crank) operate said crank, then SPRINT to the elevator, being sure to evade with circle. Get to the elevator, put your back to it and aim at the floor. Verdugo can’t hit you, and you can just wait out the elevator. He’ll despawn once it arrives, so you can even go back through and collect any treasure or drops.
Once I’ve finished my Pro run, I’m tempted to make a comment with a ton of area skips. There are 10-15 skips you can do on Pro NG. They made Hardcore S+ substantially easier.
PhantomFear94 says
Edited out by accident – you need a scoped rifle. Aim with the scoped rifle at the floor, back to elevator, and he won’t touch you. Same glitch works when waiting for the Level 3 key card in Ch. 13.
BodyChipper says
Yes! I found out about the gold egg start after posting this. It’s amazing that they built that in. If the Verdugo fight can be fudged then it would definitely be better to use a RL on Krauser and Saddler and then not use the initial village one at all, or just get an easy kill on the chief in chapter 6 to save other ammo and health until you can max the sweeper in ch 7.
TT says
To get handcannon can sell bonus weapon on professional run to unlock handcannon?
PhantomFear94 says
Think the roadmap states you’re allowed to sell your bonus weapons to get a free 50K since you can’t use them on the run. Check your challenges, and if the challenges for Professional without Bonus Weapons remains at 0, you should be good.
Best of luck!
GPAP360 says
I don’t really undertand it yet.
Can i start a NEW GAME on Professional and use the Chicago then upgrade to get infinite ammo and bet Professional to unlock to Handcannon? Or i can’t even use the Chicago?
PowerPyx says
You can’t use the Chicago Sweeper. No bonus weapons allowed.
Cian says
Great guide, but I have one question about handgun/knife only run. There’s a puzzle late in the game which requires you to kill a regenerator to retrieve a wrench in its body, you can’t attach the biosensor scope to the blacktail right? How do you get around this puzzle on this run?
PowerPyx says
Just shoot it in the upper body until you randomly hit the parasites. If you waste too many bullets reload save and repeat. Alternatively, you could just equip the scope to the rifle but not fire a bullet, then you know where the parasites are roughly and shoot that area with the pistol (do check that it didn’t increase your challenge counter for handgun/knife only).
miu says
I just used knife to slash randomly and kill the two bugs in regenerator. For the harder one (with spikes), the final one is in the head.
Jeff says
In a huge dilemma here. I’m trying my handgun and knife play through with the red 9 and I can’t seem to kill the one regenerator to get the wrench to make the level 3 key card. I can’t attach the scope to that weapon and I don’t have any in storage so I would have to interact with the merchant to get a handgun to use. I may have to purchase a handgun from him to attach the scope to kill the parasites. I keep equipping my assault rifle to see where the parasites are but the parasites won’t die with the red nine
Jeff says
Actually come to find out I don’t think you can attach a scope to any of the handguns. Only rifles and some automatic weapons
BodyChipper says
Just slash them with the knife. You can save right before that room, so it’s basically random chance which one has the wrench, though you can kill them fairly effectively with the knife. Just circle behind them and keep slashing. You can use the rifle and scope to figure out which it is, just don’t shoot them with the rifle and instead switch to and use the knife.
Moses says
Can you use chicago sweeper on new game professional to get the handcanon?
PowerPyx says
No. You aren’t allowed to use bonus weapons.
KM Zero says
Hey guys. So I just want to make sure this is correct. Im quite annoyed at the Castle section because I missed 2 treasures that you were supposed to get with Ashley but they never popped up on my map until I started as Leon again. When I start a new game will I need to collect every treasure in the Castle section again for the trophy or just the 2 I missed? Thanks
PowerPyx says
You need to collect all in the Castle again to get the trophy.
TM says
If anyone is still in doubt, i can also confirm that getting s+ rank in profesional unlocks the lower s+ ranks.
I did it like this.
1 playthrough
Play normally get all treasure.
Pistol and knife/ dont talk to merchant
Infinite rocket launcher/no healing. Absolutely needed to unlock armor for Ashly. I found this run to be the hardest.
Professional s+. Chicago run. Before you use the cicago, save and keep that save for next playthrough. This run is not that hard chicago makes most of this easy, however the limitied saves you have is frustrating.
Final step, load the save before chicago. Equip the cat ears, and just run to the game a final time….. God Luck
YoungRMN says
It’s better to do two separate runs for Professional rank A and No Healing, it’s still doable to get both in the same playthrough but it’s pretty difficult, in my opinion the parts where you can take damage are the first Krauser fight and the water hall, apart from these it’s advisable to reload every time you get hit. If you get to red health, at the start of a new chapter the health will set back to green.
My final time was around 4h30, but I spent almost 2 hours just reloading the last Krauser fight ’cause I got there with red health so had to do it no damage.
Sirk says
Your health doesn’t set back to green. currently at chapter 15 with 15% health left and it hasn’t given me any health at all. only been hit about 4-5 times.
PowerPyx says
The Roadmap has been updated with the changes introduced by Mercenaries Mode and Time-Saver DLCs. You can now get the Handcannon from the start by S-ranking the 3 Mercenaries Maps, thus negating the hardest step for platinum.
See Changelog at bottom of guide.
BodyChipper says
Glad I checked this guide out this morning before starting my Hardcore+ run to get the chicken hat to do the professional run, which is now moot if doing the mercenaries route. thanks for updating. One less run to worry about.
Bjk15 says
I made 3 maps with s rank and unlocked the weapon in the menu too. But the meter still says 28/29 guns. I loaded a saved game in Chapter 7 and bought the weapon there too, but it still didn’t work. Do I have to start a new game until chapter 7 you wrote?
PowerPyx says
Did you check your counter before buying Handcannon if it was already at 28? If yes, then for some reason the Handcannon bugged your counter. If no, you might be missing another weapon. Rebuy all weapons to see if that pops it.
And no playing until Chapter 7 is not relevant to this. This is only for people on their 1st run as it’s the earliest you can buy the Exclusive Upgrade Ticket to make it Infinite Ammo. You can pull the weapon from storage at any point.
Noah says
I had hand cannon glitch for me too. I actually had to equip the hand cannon before it registered and popped trophy.
DV2FOX says
For Bjk15’s comment, i had THE SAME ISSUE.
If you still have it load your FIRST RUN’s “Last merchant” save, SELL ALL YOUR STUFF (Except, if ya DLC bought it, the Upgrade ticket), go to BUY->RECOVER and start getting all the stuff back until the trophy pops.
If it doesn’t pops then ya might’ve really missed a weapon, praying that’s NOT the case
Stan says
I want to ask if you buy one dlc thicket for the magnum infinity ammo , will this thicket carry over for all runs for the handcanon if you use it once on him ?
GaloWar says
Yep, resident evil 4 platinum is pretty easy now with mercenaries mode.
Jeremy says
With the handcannon and infinite ammo is it realistic to combine a S+ run on professional with no healing to cut down my total playthroughs to 3? Finishing up my second playthrough now (knife and pistol only / no merchant ).
Cinderkin says
I have a similar problem as others. I unlocked the handcannon from Mercenaries, but the in-game counter for Gun Fanatic is still at 27/29. Looks like that trophy will still require the S+ on Professional.
Cinderkin says
Correction: Adding the Chicago Typewriter and the Handcannon (acquired from Mercenaries) into my attache case from the storage unlocked Gun Fanatic.
Adam says
Just out of curiosity with the pistol/knife run does melee kicking them or pressing R2 to stab them void the trophy?
M.S. says
Any Questions about the Addons from the PSN Store:
Trophy: Mission Accomplished S+ / Can i use here the Deluxe Weapons from the Store?
Trophy: S+ Rank Investigator / Can i use here the Deluxe Weapons from the Store?
Trophy: Minimalist / Can i use here the Deluxe Handgun from the Store?
Trophy: a playthrough on Professional Difficulty with final rating of at least A / Can i use here the Deluxe Weapons from the Store?
Tom says
RE: I made 3 maps with s rank and unlocked the weapon in the menu too. But the meter still says 28/29 guns.
This happened to me. After getting the hand cannon I had to go to the typewriter and put it in my case to register. I was done with all playthroughs so I didn’t have the need to use it. I can see that happening to others.
Nitraat says
Do i have to get the s rank with all the characters on mercenaries? Or only 1 character?
PowerPyx says
Only 1 character.
tharjr says
I can confirm that there is no need to buy the map with the merchant for Raider trophy. Just got it without buying the map.
tharjr says
I also got the Burglar trophy without buying the map with the merchant. Just don’t know about the Bandit trophy because I bought the map, but I think it would be fine too.
Ruffio says
Hey Powerpyx! I been looking though the comments, but there are so many! Can you tell me if you need a “no special weapons” run for any trophy, or is it just for getting the Handcanon? I already have that from Mercenaries, so am I good to use that for any of my runs, assuming it’s accessible?
Darthdracu says
Just wanna clarify something before I try it. So if I unlock the Chicago Sweeper and then pay $2.99 for the exclusive ticket. I can get infinite ammo right away in NG to make the Standard and Hardcore S+ runs a breeze?
Enya says
Well,I just completed the Mercenaries mode and got an S on all three maps,bought the Handcannon from the store and my achievement didn’t pop and my counter also still says 28/29.
And it seems like I’m not the only one having this problem…
Do I really still have to finish the game on professional without using the special weapons to unlock the Handcannon that way?? I was so happy when I heard I could skip this step!
Enya says
Nevermind! I loaded into a random savegame and put the Handcannon into my inventory,that solved the problem. Finally got that 100%.
Matt says
thanks for the guide.
I’ve got 2 playthroughs so far – 1st was a blind run, no guide or aiming at trophies, on standard playthrough. I got all the merchant requests anyway though.
I’ve done my second playthrough on assisted, going for the treasures trophies with the help of this guide, no healing and the knives/pistol only tophies. I’ve basically got the all weapons, ranked runs, capacity compliance, thrill rides (minecarts) and the silent stranger (no merchant) to do.
My plan is to go for a run to get the Professional A rank and Silent stranger on my next playthrough, with the help of the infinite launcher.
A couple of notes if it helps anyone:
Krauser with no healing and pistol/knives. I went into this on caution status, and so it can be done with far less than 70% health. I used max upgraded Matilda with stock. Make good use of blocks, move cautiously and reload the autosave if you lose health before the last section (you need to be able to move normally, not stagger). Last section, evade, unload, when the melee prompt comes up head for the ladder. Then subsequently stay up high.
Case charms: you keep the charms you get from the range in new game plus. One of them, Leon with the launcher, gives you a big discount on the infinite launcher (1.6 mil instead of 2 mil) so try and get that.
Nitraat says
So if Im understanding correctly: when i have obtained the handcannon, i can get this in chapter 2 new game (not new game +), from the storage, then using an exclusive upgrade ticket on it (3 dollar)for infinite ammo? This will make the s+ rank on hardcore pretty easy?
Jayson says
For Bandit, Raider and Burglar trophies can we keep Small Keys and use them in the next playthrough?
tharjr says
Can I use a fully upgraded weapon, that was upgraded in a previous run, in the S+ run?
Ahmed Talal says
In Chapter 16 keep a Manual Save at the merchant! After collecting the 16th Castellan (which is after last merchant) continue to finish the story > go to Main Menu > Bonuses > Extra Content Shop > buy Primal Knife … Why after the 16th castellan i continue to finish story ?? why i dont buy the primal knife in the same time and then reload the merchant save to upgrade the knife and then complete the story ?
tharjr says
You can do this. You don’t need to finish the game. I did this and then finished the game with the primal knife and the blacktail fully upgraded.
Chris Radford says
I’ve been following the guide and i’m on my second playthrough. I’m currently on chapter 5 and have 1.4 million money. Will i be able to get 2 million by the end of the playthrough to be able buy the infinite rocket launcher? I’ve already sold my weapons and gems from my first playthrough and since i can’t speak to the merchant this run i can’t sell anything.
tharjr says
I am doing the runs in a slight different way. I got the Handcannon in mercenaries mode, finished the 100% run and then jumped into the S+ Hardcore run to get the armor for Ashley and the chicken hat. Now I have these two bonus for all the others runs that I need to do. I also bought the the DLC Weapon Exclusive Upgrade Ticket x1 (A) to get the infinite ammo for the handcannon in the S+ Hardcore run.
masteratt says
Amazing guide, followed the steps and got the Platinum stress free. It could have got complicated but I can’t believe how well and quickly (guide was out when I had game day 1!) you got this optimal route set out (with mercenary handcanon tip update ASAP as well!).
I don’t know who you are, how many of you there are, how in the heck you dig into games so quickly and so optimally, but I’m glad you are out there. Thanks! ?
alex says
So I finished the game and i’m trying to get all collectibles. I have a save in each chapter so can I just go from save to save? I was confused bc I loaded chapter 3 to finish a merchant request but then loaded up chapter 4 and it wasn’t finished. So does it have to be complete across all saves or just at least one for that play through?
Ɓraden says
If I spend money on inventory upgrades and tune ups will I still have enough money to buy all the guns?
Mike says
You can do all of this in one run:
Frugalist, (If you’re decent without unlimited ammo)
and Jack of All Trades (Merchant Requests.)
1) Make a secondary save at the start of chapter 12 to preserve the minimalist run
2) Finish the Merchant Requests + the Frugalist
3) Load the Chapter 12 seperate save run
4) Finish the minimalist.
Matthew says
Will you be doing a “Separate ways” guide?
PowerPyx says
It’s in the works yes.
Mayna says
hey , jot got to chapter 7 , just bought the upgrade for infiite ammo for handcannon ( Run 1 ) but you also say to buy the blacktail recommanded .
i’m confused , do I need to buy the blacktail right away ? since now I got a way better handcannon ?
will my handcannon carry to RUN 2 ( new game plus ) and for the Pistol / knife run ?
Thanks love your posts
Sergio says
You can not use the handcannon for pistol knife run, because it’s a magnum and voids the trophy. Black tail you should max out after you beat the game. You beat the game, then load your final merchant save and sell everything in order to fully max out black tail, then beat the game again and you enter the next playthrough with max black tail. Also max out primal knife as well.
Sergio says
FYI everyone reading this in early 2024, I got the plat totally in VR in only 3 playthroughs, which makes the game much easier due to the ability aim so much better than flatscreen. I also purchased 1 upgrade ticket as DLC for the hand cannon.
Step 1: S rank 3 mercenary missions to get handcannon. This can not be done in VR.
Step 2: 1st Play through Assisted difficulty getting all treasures and misc trophies.
Step 3: Fresh New Game on professional getting an S+ ranking saving only 15 times using the hand-cannon the whole game. Maxing it out all the way asap and using my upgrade ticket asap on the hand cannon. Honestly not that hard in VR with the infinite hand cannon. Beat the game in a little under 5 hours. Hardest part was the village but if you spam the knife and melee, it’s not that bad to get 15 kills.
Step 4: assisted new game plus using only pistols and knives and the chicken hat I got from the last playthrough to not use any healing items and not talk to the merchant. Super easy.
Step 5: after completing the previous playthrough, load your last save and buy the infinite rocket launcher to get all weapons.
3 playthroughs and a loaded save at the end of the 3rd playthrough. Got the plat in 30 hours.
VoltFieber says
Some info on money per playthrough.
You can earn up to 3 Million with DLC Treasure Map and Golden Suitcase.