Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 7 contains 25 Collectible Locations. This walkthrough will guide you to all collectibles in chronological order. Everything that’s needed for trophies, achievements and 100% completion is included: Treasures, Castellans, Merchant Requests, Recipes, Weapons, Weapon Parts, Chapter-Specific Trophies & Achievements.
All Collectibles except Treasures Progress carry over into New Game Plus. There is no Chapter Select or Free-Roam after the story, but you can get missing collectibles in New Game Plus. All Treasures must be found in a single playthrough to unlock their trophies. Some collectibles can’t be reached on the first visit, those must be collected during later chapters when you have the necessary key items.
Collectible Progress can be tracked in the Challenges Menu. Treasure Progress shows on the world map after buying the treasure map from the merchant. It’s highly recommended to collect everything at the first opportunity outlined here, areas gradually become inaccessible when advancing the story.
Chapter 7
Objective: Head for the Courtyard
Treasure Map: Castle
At the very start of the Castle, enter the first door on the right to find the merchant. Buy the Castle Treasure Map from him, this marks all treasures on the map and adds a progress counter in the bottom right of the map.
Side Note: The Merchant will start offering “Exclusive Upgrade Ticket” for 30 Spinels from now on. This is a good time to get S-Rank on all 3 Mercenaries maps. This unlocks the “Handcannon” weapon, afterward buy it for 1000 CP in the Bonus Menu > Extra Content Shop. Then return to the story and retrieve it from the typewriter storage. Use the Exclusive Upgrade Ticket on the Handcannon to give it infinite ammo. Now you have an infinite ammo magnum that makes the rest of the game extremely easy and can also be used in New Game+. If you don’t have 30 Spinels yet just keep doing the next Merchant Requests until you have enough and upgrade the Handcannon then.
Treasure: Vintage Compass
Same place, this is behind the merchant on the other side of the building. Circle around the building to find it outside, in a chest.
Weapon: Boot Knife
Dropped by the first enemy in Chapter 7, encountered in the Chapel. Don’t forget to loot it.
Treasure: Elegant Bangle
After destroying the counterweight on the cannon (story related), climb the ladder and this will be before the next door you go through.
Trophy: Overkill (Use a cannon to defeat a zealot)
After activating the cannon shoot an enemy with it. Any of the walking enemies count, except the other cannons. Also make sure you shoot the gate on the right to open a path forward.
Merchant Request: Destroy the Blue Medallions 3
Go through the gate you shot open with the cannon. Behind it you find the blue request letter on the wall. We must shoot 6 blue medallions for this. Locations will be listed individually below.
Blue Medallion 1
In the pavilion behind the cannon.
Blue Medallion 2
In the window of ruins across from the cannon, when you stand at cannon look north to see it.
Blue Medallion 3
Hanging at the wall just above the 2nd medallion, can also be shot from the cannon.
Blue Medallion 4
Next to the cannon drop down to the room where you destroyed the cannon’s counterweight. The medallion hangs on the ceiling here in this room.
Blue Medallion 5
From last location, climb the next ladder and look left and down.
Blue Medallion 6
Before going through the next door on the left. Also left of the treasure chest we opened earlier in this area.
Treasure: Elegant Perfume Bottle
After defeating the enemies in the Audience Chamber, boost Ashley up the wall on the left, then she opens the gate. Go through the gate and turn right to find the chest at the end of the path.
Treasure: Ruby
Now squeeze through the gap, then turn left and shoot down the silver container from the ceiling.
Key Item: Dungeon Key
Inside the dungeon, at the end of the path on the left. Use it on the door in the middle of the dungeon.
Objective: Look for Another Way Around
Trophy: Never Heard It Coming (Defeat a Garrador using only knives)
After picking up the Dungeon Key you will fall through the floor and encounter the first Garrador in the game (big guy with claws). Defeat him only using knives, never damaging him with anything else. The easiest way is to quickly run into the room with wooden walls before he breaks free. Hide behind the walls, when he enters the room sneak up from behind, when you get close you will see the /
prompt. Backstab him, then get behind the walls again and repeat until he is dead. Alternatively, you could also keep meleeing him head-on and just keep healing, but the stealth method is safer.
Treasure: Spinel
After opening the dungeon door and climbing up the ladder, you enter a storage room. This gem will be in front of you in plain sight.
Castellan 7
To the immediate right of the previous item, in the same storage room on top of a shelf.
Key Items: Golden Sword + Rusted Sword + Iron Sword
Inside the Treasury, on the wall. Pick up all swords from there.
Key Item: Bloodied Sword
In same room, there will be a gate and a string you can pull. Pull the string, shoot the 3 hanging icons displayed on the gate (Viper on right through gate, Stag on left where you pulled the string, Eagle on right through the gate). Then the gate will open and you can pick up the Bloodied Sword behind. Now to solve the puzzle insert the swords on the frames in the following order from LEFT to RIGHT: Iron Sword, Golden Sword, Bloodied Sword, Rusted Sword. This opens the next door.
Treasure: Gold Bangle
In the next corridor, in treasure chest.
Treasure: Golden Hourglass
Go through the next door. Before doing anything else, kick down the ladder on the right of the path, this allows you to climb back up. Now jump across the chandelier on the right, after this turn right and drop down the hole to land in front of this treasure chest.
Objective: Head for the Courtyard
Key Item: Halo Wheel
After dropping down in the Water Hall you will find it on a statue. Insert it on the right side to lower the stairs, then use it upstairs on the pedestal in the middle. Afterward simply continue on the linear path to finish the chapter.
That’s 100% of the collectibles in Chapter 7 of Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4).
Next Up: Chapter 8 Collectibles
For an overview of all other Chapters, refer to Resident Evil 4 Remake Collectibles Guide.
Matt says
In Chapter 7 after leaving the Water Hall there is a Blue Velvet before making your way into the Courtyard.